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PostPosted: 27 Apr 2008
by andrey
It may sound like your grandmother, but I think the ideas in the BK are very good, but are misunderstood or implemented in a wrong way. Detachment is one.

I think detachment means more clarity in vision and is possible even whilst in the mundane world. It does not mean one has to leave the world, the relatives and friends physically. It does not mean that if someone is talking to you - you don’t listen or are not in touch with his or your own feelings, or you don’t care, but you will see things more clearly and without prejudice that come from attachment. So one will tend to make less mistakes due to attachment to someone in vision or actions, or words etc.

I think the nature of human being desires to be attached to something. The difference is that if one is attached to many things altogether his mind and heart is put in a cyclone and his intellect becomes dull and unable to decide. For example if someone enters a shop where all the goods are fine he loses there the whole day, liking to buy everything.

If there is such a think in which everything is contained then we will like to have only this. Then if we have something else which is not so full we miss this thing.

We have a new family the BK family. With them we have more things in common, more to share, we speak the same language and share same interests. But there are golden chains also and only if we attach to only one we can become free. So detachment from one thing means attachment to another and vice-versa.

It is also a matter of detachment from bodily pleasures and it is because we are even unable to enjoy. The soul does not have power and soon gets exhausted and the temporary pleasure gives sorrow.

We always like to attach to someone, for what we look is happiness from this one, but in a matter of fact all are also givers of sorrow, sadly it is the world today like this that everyone is mischievous. Today they say, “I love you, I love you” and tomorrow they change. Detachment is also connected to the consciousness that this world is to finish. These are not thoughts of sorrow. It is real. If we fool ourselves no one can fool us better.

And what if the BK knowledge is indeed true? How much time do we lose discussing whilst we have to inform people?

And detachment doesn’t mean to run away, but to manage things better from a higher point of view.

It means to be loving in an unconditional way and not to be cold. It means to have an equal vision to all irrespective whatever they may have done to you or others in the past, or irrespective the ideas or practices they share. Detachment from the various layers there are around the personality.

It is detachment from the body and to see the soul that no matter someone may be your relative with the body, close to the body now he may have been you enemy for many lives in the past and no matter one may be far away with the body, they can be close to you with the mind and with their nature. And there are no borders of faith, language, country, skin, culture.

It is to be detached from even the role we play now, the name and to get to know our many lives.

Re: Detachment

PostPosted: 28 Apr 2008
by peterbindi
Dear andrey.

i like what you say about detachment, i also like the story of the lotus flower from the BK. :).

Most of us were attracted by the BK world and the truth that we felt, and this makes us so attached to that world. But what about that also in the BK world that they sit on top of each other and try to rule over your own precious self, then how can there be real detachment? Is this not very bad?

Is it not so that the real detachment comes from Baba and not from all the thousands and thousands of BKs' personal matters of vision ... when this is an aspect of the golden chains. i don't like this and it does not make life easy to be under the control of an impure being.

i think this is one of the reasons that there are ex-bks.


sinking the lotus

PostPosted: 28 Apr 2008
by alladin
Hi Andrey, thanks for your thoughts about detachment. Is it somehow related to having an "unlimited intellect"? The example of the lotus flower ... difficult to float when
thousands and thousands of BKs' sit on top of each other and try to rule over your own precious self, then how can there be real detachment? ... i don't like this and it does not make life easy to be under the control of an impure being. I think this is one of the reasons that there are ex-BKs.

Yes, some find it difficult and leave. Some, like me, find it pointless to stay.

Some endure, either because they think marthyrdom will lead them to perfection and Heaven - expiation philosophy - some don't know where else to go and what to do with their lives, since they cannot fit in society. That's called desperation and depression.

Many abuse recruits and lower ranks, so they can at least get some satisfaction. And this is retaliation and military philosophy. I don't see any trace of spirituality in these.

Re: Detachment

PostPosted: 28 Apr 2008
by bansy
Detachment will occur when God is no longer attached to his children.

Re: Detachment

PostPosted: 29 Apr 2008
by andrey
Detachment will occur when God is no longer attached to his children.

Is God ever even attached to anyone or anything?

Re: Detachment

PostPosted: 29 Apr 2008
by pilatus
Hello andrey/bansy/alladin/peterbindi,

Thanks for your thoughts and ideas on detachment. I've always found BK teaching and practice on detachment challenging but fundamentally distorted. There are numerous places on the forum where the (im)balance between detachment and love is discussed. However, I'd never really thought about the (strong and yet quite subtle) point which bansy raised and which andrey may not have understood?
andrey wrote:Detachment will occur when God is no longer attached to his children.
bansy wrote:Is God ever even attached to anyone or anything?

The way I read this is that the BK god is attached to his children/followers and this may be further evidence that he is therefore not God ...

I certainly recall teaching along the lines that Baba is a jealous god and there is lot of teaching and effort which is about strengthening our commitment and golden chains to him. This is not unique to Baba - the Old Testament God is also quite jealous and keen to strengthen the connection to Him. It does leave bansy's interesting question hanging in the air ...

Re: Detachment

PostPosted: 29 Apr 2008
by bansy
Is God ever even attached to anyone or anything?

Without the children, there is no god. But we are told that god loves us unconditonally, whatever the vices or virtues we possess. God needs the children when the children need god. He is the Lord of the Poor, the weak and the poor (whether in virtues, powers, financial, health, etc) seek god since only they will truly listen and so He will truly guide them. But when you turn your back on him, and repent later, it is not a matter of him pulling your ear and saying "I told you so", but a matter of him explaining once again "I had not made you the way you are and had been as I had wished and intended for, but as per drama you are the best as to what you are, and I did my best too, now come home anyway".

God has seen the sorrow and is seeing the sorrow everywhere, if he was not attached, then where does he also explain such emotions and perceptions as existing ?

Just to repeat, god loves unconditionally and probably possesses the same vices as each and everyone of the children, as He is able to explain the vices themselves. A person who does not know something cannot explain it. I can see a rose but I cannot really be a rose or know what it is like to be one. Or how can I understand lust if I never experienced lust. However, god has this ability to "suppress", or rather, harness such vices by overcoming them with the powers of virtues and blessingsm, as to be all empowered, and to be Embodiments and Oceans of virtues, mercy, etc , to be able to be above it all. After all, if He cannot do it, who else ? Whilst the children have been subjected to degradation over time, so He teaches us how to harness such vices. Yet He still has sorrow for us because we have to go through it all.

Does anyone have sorrow when they see another soul leaving the body, having difficulties in life, healthy problems, etc ? Or are they so detached that it no longer concerns them. Then why does the sorrows of this earth concern God ? Why does He need to come down to this earth if He was detached from it all ? Why would He not simply play his role in the drama, but He has said He is bound by it too. To bind = to attach.

Aside : The teaching of detachment is predominant in Buddhist teachings where there is no consideration of an entity or being such as God. A drop of water is attracted to the pool is attracted to the stream is attracted to the river and is attracted to the ocean. So the ocean is no more than a drop of water and the drop of water is no more than an ocean. In this example, there is no need for the drop of water to look for the ocean or for the ocean to look for the drop of water. It is a natural state of the water cycle. However, in the human soul cycle (i.e. wheel of drama), God DOES come for his children only during the Confluence Age. Would this constitute attachment both ways for God and children ?

This is one of the challenges which the "BK God" (it is in quotes due to what is to follow) has with the Chariot in which He (supposedly) comes in. Is He attached to the Chariot ? He comes in an impure body ? Or not ? Why does He need to come ? Why can the soul of Christ, and not God alone, be able to take up half the world in Christianity, whereas the Supreme Soul is limited to Bharat and the resulting Hinduism only spreads to a small area of the world ? In addition, the Supreme Soul speaks Hindi, but it is only the 4th largest (Mandarin Chinese 13.69%, Spanish 5.05%, English 4.84%, Hindi 2.82%, Portuguese 2.77%, Bengali 2.68%, Russian 2.27%, Japanese 1.99%, Standard German 1.49%, Wu Chinese 1.21% (2004 est. i.e is BK Gyan truly THE world religion or just another religion in another 28 years time ?

I sort of strayed at the end (again :oops: ) as I have to go away or a short while. Some things to ponder over. The issue of "detachment" is, in my view, is often not discussed deeply in the BKs, it is as if there is something scary about it. Maybe because attachment is the only thing that it thrives on. Everyone is attached to the home, even Paramdham, right ?

Re: Detachment

PostPosted: 29 Apr 2008
by Mr Green
I am detached from detachment

Re: Detachment

PostPosted: 30 Apr 2008
by bkti-pit
mr green wrote:I am detached from detachment

Should we call this unlimited detachment?

Thanks Bansy for your thoughts!