Media censorship

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Media censorship

Post29 Feb 2008

Is Oprah Winfrey a cult protector???

See, Raja Yoga Meditation by Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University topic.

My reply to mitradc was removed twice ... i just recommended anyone who is thinking of joining the BKWSU should do some research first. Most information to be found on this website and bkwsuwatch.

Try some replies please and see what happens.

Love Jan
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Re: Article links

Post29 Feb 2008

Ha! Its bad enough with the BKWSU themselves having things taken off the internet without public forums doing it for them.

What did you say? You will need to take a screenshot the next time and post that! Softly, softly, catchee, monkey ...

In my experience, the BKs are real crybabies when it comes to media manipulation. They have no qualms whatsoever about doing a "poor me" routine to have stuff removed. They have been sweet talking newspapers etc in India for decades, warring over the wikipedia, a load of very reasonable stuff was pulled off the Newstatesmans' website.

Only God knows what they say about us but it will come back around in its own time.
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Media censorship/Reversed ...

Post01 Mar 2008

S.F. judge dissolves his Wikileaks injunction
A federal judge in San Francisco who had ordered the shutdown of a whistle-blowers' Web site where private bank documents were posted changed his mind Friday, conceding his original ruling might not have been constitutional.

Judge Backtracks: WikiLeaks Resumes U.S. Operations
"When this genie gets out of the bottle, it's out for all purposes," U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White said after a more than 3-hour-long hearing here. Earlier, White said he had "an obligation to get it right" and that "I took an oath to uphold the Constitution."

From: ...
Earlier this week, attorneys representing the Electronic Frontier Foundation, American Civil Liberties Union and other groups filed motions in the case arguing that the White's orders violated several Constitutional protections and legal principles. Specifically, they argued the restrictions amounted to prior restraint, which under the Constitution, can only be imposed in limited situations. After more than three hours of oral argument in a San Francisco federal courtroom today, White conceded.

Below is what prompted the legal scuffle:
The site is offline today, following a series of orders from a US District Court in San Francisco. WikiLeaks had posted numerous documents “allegedly reveal secret Julius Baer trust structures used for asset hiding, money laundering and tax evasion.” (WikiLeaks press release, Feb. 18, 2008.))

Mean while the Wikileaks continued to operate via a mirror sight (with their IP of unabated and pressing on with FREE SPEECH. :biggrin: Have we heard of other IPs pushing Free Speech else where. :P Wikileaks proved one thing and that was that the internet cannot be stopped when it is acting as a LIBERATION OPERATION OF FREE SPEECH. We love the Electronic Frontier Foundation! :D

FYI: Yooo hooo, "BK Colonel Hansa Raval" threatening to ban Mr. Chin from the internet ...

MEMO: The Genie is out of the bottle including your COOK BOOK! :shock:
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Re: Media censorship

Post27 Jul 2010


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Re: Media censorship

Post28 Jul 2010

Send them an email and tell them!


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Re: Media censorship

Post22 Jul 2011

Media censorship a rule rather than an exception. Not only censorship but media bias and propoganda. Keep all the mushrooms in the dark (censorship) and feed them BS (Propoganda).

It has always been the way. It was realised long ago by clever people that media is a not just a mind shaping tool but a world changing tool where reality is not based on 'facts' or 'truth' but on PERCEPTION. Perception is truth and the use of double speak.

A classic one at the moment is the situation in Libya. Dropping bombs with war planes is to protect 'freedom fighter' (this is the BS propoganda) and is not war but is a 'kinetic military action'. Which is double speak for it is war and death but we don't want you to perceive this as you might not be happy with it. Secondly it is a peace keeping campaign. Notice how the word peace is used here in relation to activities of war. War is peace - peace is war. To make peace we make war on people. Total double speak.

The other stuff is about what they do not tell you about Libya. All the good things Gadaffi has done for his people and his efforts to unite Africa under a real gold currency. He is a threat to Western corporate interests and ambitions which is why he has to go. Censorship is an art form the media has perfected. With experts teachers in propoganda and the maniplulation of human perception - the BKs had a rich body of strategies to dip into for their oppressive purposes too.

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