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Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 23 Feb 2008
by vivaespana

Breaking news, hot off the radio BK!! I thought it might be something interesting to investigate.

Apparently, BapDada sent message to say that Dadi Prakashmani's soul just took birth as baby boy in a good family.

If anyone has any more information about this, can you please post on the forum.


Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 25 Feb 2008
by paulkershaw
Hmmmm, that's karma, eh? And we all know that boys will be boys ...

Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 26 Feb 2008
by aimée
I went to class not that long ago, in the Avyakt Vani recited it was said that Dadi Prakashmani did not take birth in a body, her part was in the Subtle Region. In the comment of the Senior Sister afterwards, she said that Dadi Prakashmani took birth in a body ... :roll:.

Make sure your information comes from a source that is 100% sure ... it is also good to remember that not all the Bhog messages etc are authentic.

Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 26 Feb 2008
by vivaespana
Dear Aimee

Thanks for your input. You mention that we must make sure our source is 100% secure. So which information is the secure one in what you have written? That she did take birth or did not take birth? The information that I got is from someone who heard it in a class at a major centre which is why I was asking if anyone has any further information as my information is from a third party. I don't know if it is true or not but there may be an element of truth in it.


Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 27 Feb 2008
by aimée
I was myself in this class where the Sister read the Avyakt Vani, and I heard both what she read and her comment.

Who do you want to believe, BaapDada's words or the Senior Sister's words?

Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 27 Feb 2008
by warrior
Avyakt BapDada 18th/02/08

Towards the very end of this Murli/Vani after the group meetings in brackets says:

(Munniben asked BapDada: Baba, has Dadi taken birth? BapDada said: Yes, she has.)

In my opinion Krishna’s souls is confusing everyone here, because he himself is confused. He replied: Yes, she has in the same way he himself has 'taken birth'. But obviously he has not nor she has. :)

Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2008
by primal.logic
Dadi Prakashmani died demented and delirious. That in itself tells me that all this rubbish about rebirth is just that - rubbish. How is it possible for Dadi P to be fully enlightened and senile? It is not.

It reminds me of all the years in which the BKs were certain that Mama had reincarnated in the Nepalese Royal Family. This was due to the fact that one of the princesses of the family was born shortly after Mama died and because the princess was 'worshiped' for her purity by the family. It was only a couple of years ago that one of the princes got upset and killed the entire family, including the princess, with a machine gun. That brought a sudden end to BK 'certainty' that she was Mama - unless Mama took an 86th birth.

Come on guys, work it out - it is all bullsh**!

Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2008
by aimée
According to Baba, Krishna's soul is totally in remembrance when he speaks the Vani, so I doubt he can say anything that does not tally the Murli, the clarifications and truth. Dadi Prakashmani in her body probably did not have all her head, but she is now totally aware of what she is doing, and is playing a part in the Advance Party.

Maybe what was said in the Avyakt Vani is to take in an "unlimited" (behadh). She took birth, but it is a subtle birth. As Krishna's soul is now playing a part in the Advance Party with a subtle body.

I do remember their stories, about those souls who left their body who would take birth in a special place, those who are going to be the first deities of the Golden Age ... how could it be possible now in such a degraded Kaliyugi world, to have anything belonging to the Golden Age, mixed with the Iron Age?

Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2008
by ex-l
Has Virendra Dev Dixit Baba said any specific about her and such souls, e.g. clarified how and which Advance Party they are in and why.

In Prakashmani's case, was she not pretty anti-PBK and all part of the corruption? No one has mentioned if she had her Dharamraj experience or not ... they are claiming Gulzar is "karmateet" now ... zzzzz!

It strikes me not one BK has a "yogi death" yet.

Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2008
by aimée
She is in the "inspiriting" party, with the BK who have left their body. When they become subtle, they realise who Baba (Virendra Dev Dixit) is, they don't have any more the limitations of the body, they get the big picture.

Baba has clarified the recent Avyakt Vanis and Bhog messages about Dadi Prakshmani. There is a lot of discreet hints in the Bhog message and Avyakt Vani about the role she has now.

I am not sure about being karmateet, but the accounts with the body are obviously cleared when this body is left. It does not mean that all the accounts are settled.

Of course no one can have a yogi death. We are all in our tamopradhan stage. Whatever they would like to believe, Dadis are human beings, and they follow the same rule as the others ...

Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2008
by arjun
ex-l wrote:Has Veerendra Dev Dixit Baba said any specific about her and such souls, e.g. clarified how and which Advance Party they are in and why. In Prakashmani's case, was she not pretty anti-PBK and all part of the corruption? No one has mentioned if she had her Dharamraj experience or not ... they are claiming Gulzar is "karmateet" now ... zzzzz! It strikes me not one BK has a "yogi death" yet.

As Sister Aimee has said, ShivBaba through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit has clarified about Dadi Prakashmani's birth. The VCD* contains clarification on the Avyakt Vani dated 06.09.07, which was narrated especially after the demise of Dadiji. I will try to post the VCD* in the PBK section day after tomorrow (after the last part of the VCD* is posted tomorrow).


Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2008
by vivaespana
aimée wrote: Make sure your information comes from a source that is 100% sure ... it is also good to remember that not all the Bhog messages etc are authentic.
aimée wrote:I was myself in this class where the Sister read the Avyakt Vani, and I heard both what she read and her comment. Who do you want to believe, BaapDada's words or the Senior Sister's words?


How do you know that the Bhog messages are authentic? Can you prove it is a source that is 100% sure? Can you give evidence that your information and everything that you have explained in your mail is authentic? I feel quite offended that you were trying to make out that my message was not authentic and your information is authentic.

Quite frankly, I have no idea what you are talking about in some of your messages. I just get the feeling that you're just trying to preach the BK knowledge just like every other BK. Your messages won't make much sense to the wider world watching this website who have no idea what the Brahma Kumaris are all about!!


Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 29 Feb 2008
by ex-l
Offtopic: Is there any possibility that Virendra Dev Dixit, and even the alleged soul of Krishna/Lekhraj Kirpalani, is playing "good politics" between the two organisations, e.g. saying or not saying stuff so as to not upset the apple cart too much?

I don't accept that Lekhraj Kirpalani was in 100% God consciousness at all times, nor even under 100% possession. Logically, he was not even from a BK point of view because he was not perfect. So there have to be degrees of purity in his words. It was often very clear in the Sakars when he was chipping in with something.

I don't think that Virendra Dev Dixit or the PBKs can say this because it would only increase the tensions between them and the BKs. I think that Virendra Dev Dixit and the PBKs have to say things to appeal to the BK programming in individuals. That he has invested more efforts that anyone else to make sense of scrambled egg that is the Murli and Bhog messages.

If the "truth" strayed too far, then they would lose their customer base ... like the Vishnu Party. We need some fixed deadlines after which we can surely say, "Well, that was all bollocks then, wasn't it? Then move on". But I suspect that like Nostradamus, Edgar Casey et al, it will continue to dribble on and be re-interpreted for ages. Could it all do some good? Yes, if they started putting their super white saris and guddhis aside and did more genuine charity work.

Many of the Bhog messages are hugely unreliable to the point of farce sometimes ... but I heard that they changed the system now to put a stop to it. So what is the advanced understanding of Dadi Pee taking the role as a "son", what is the significance of the sex?

are we supposed to believe or care?

PostPosted: 29 Feb 2008
by alladin
I strongly feel that the whole Bhog message biz is a throwing off tact, a strategy. What purposes does this practise serve? Just innocently making the bhagats happy, or something more dangerous than that?

Time gets wasted and it creates waste thoughts about facts that are not verifiable. Of course, a proper BKs must remain under the spell and not doubt or criticize. Otherwise he'd be labeled as a trouble maker and one with a doubtful intellect (!).This mediumship harassment, diverts the students attention from Gyan, how the Yagya operates and keeps them under the traditional yoke of the priest caste who knows all and knows more than you (like oracles, clairvoyants or sorcerers).

I'd like to ask all BKs and ex ones: in which way did you ever get benefit from hearing these Bhog messages (apart from some form of entertainment or intoxication)? I always stayed away from science fiction movies and books because to me they are really boring, maybe that's why I never appreciated trance messages. I never found them relevant to my spiritual progress. They are a bad surrogate of psychedelic drugs and a risky form of manipulation of people's minds.

Nigerian or Cameroonese "mamans", which are the equivalent of pimps, adopt voodoo practises for inducing girls to prostitute themselves - and give them money - under the threat of witchcraft against them and their families. Can sects or greedy and power-hungry people ever be decent or have any scruples?

Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 29 Feb 2008
by ex-l
I agree that the trance messages had the same appeal, and reliability, as clairvoyant readings in the lokik world. But I would love to know how they go about training their mediums, where and when it happens. It was something kept very secret. Or did it just "happen" to them? They on the guddhi one day and all of a sudden were possessed?

Trance messages were a sort of entertainment from the tedium of day in, day out Sakar Murli grind. A sort of 'Daily Mail' tabloid newspaper delivered from the angels. And, of course, the showmanship was good; the loose wet hair, the special saris, the ritual and twitching as they popped out of their body. Thursdays became special days ... if for no other reason that you assured of being fed breakfast that day. The politics were sometimes amusing ... who got to give it this week.

In my time, even the local centers used to do it in a kind of mock ritual where you can pretty much be assured that it was all made up by the junior Sister. May be a "touching" or two but more likely just her take on center politics. I understand that got stopped.