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Practice of writing Letters to BapDada

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2008
by yogi108
Again another practice followed quite religiously by many practicing BKs ...
    1. Does anyone know what happens to these letters in Madhuban?
    2. I have seen in front of my own eyes (A Sister in charge was handed a letter by a student which she had written to BapDada. She promptly opened and read the letter once the student left and all this was happening in front of a few other students).
    3. Does BapDada really need letters from the soul ... in Many Murli's he says that even whist you are writing the letter BapDada knows what you are writing. And lo in the next morning Murli you get an answer to your question !!! What a way to prove that, yes it is God speaking.
I just want some of your thoughts and insights to this particular aspect from Yagya's perspectives


PostPosted: 11 Jan 2008
by andrey
3. This is said only later in the Avyakt Vanis. In the old Sakar Murlis it is said that we should definitely write a letter at least once a week and if we don't write the Father understands we are sick or we have died. It is for the corporeal Father to know, but there should definitely be someone to read them. It is also said that we should definitely write down our potamail and give it. It is not the same as when we just think about it.

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2008
by arjun
yogi108 wrote:3. Does BapDada really need letters from the soul... in Many Murli's he says that even whist you are writing the letter BapDada knows what you are writing. And lo in the next moring Murli yo get an answer to your question !!! what a way to prove that Yes it is God speaking

“Father says that for me only you are there. I have attachment also towards you. If you do not write letter then I get emotional. Nice children do not send letters. Maya completely destroys nice children. Certainly they have body consciousness. Father says write about your well-being. Baba asks children, ‘O Children, does Maya trouble you?’ ” (Revised Sakar Murli dated 21.6.05, page 2 published by BKs and narrated by Father Shiv through Brahma Baba)

"Brahma is also a child of ShivBaba. Prajapita - He is also Father, this (Brahma) is also Father. Tears of love roll down the eyes of many children even if they just utter ShivBaba. They have never seen (Baba). They write, 'Baba, when will we come and meet you? Baba, please liberate us from bondages.' " (Revised Sakar Murli dated 21.07.05, page 4 published by BKs and narrated by Father Shiv through Brahma Baba)

“If we perform any action and cannot understand it, then one must obtain Shrimat for that. One should ask very often through letters. Now, there is a Prime Minister. You can understand how many posts (letters) he must be receiving. But he does not read (all of) them alone. He has many secretaries under him. They see all the post (letters). They will pass the ones, which are very important. Then they are put up on the table of the Prime Minister. Here also it is like that. The main letters are responded to immediately. For the rest of the letters Baba’s love and remembrance is conveyed. It is not possible to give response to each and every one separately. It is very difficult. Children feel so happy – Oho ! Today I have received a letter from the unlimited Father. ShivBaba gives a response through Brahma. Children feel very happy. The ones, who feel more joyful than everyone else are the baandhelis (those Sisters and mothers, who are in bondages). Oho ! We are in bondages; The unlimited Father is writing a letter to me in such a manner. They keep it on their eyes. Even in the period of ignorance (i.e. when we were not in the path of knowledge), when those wives, on receiving letters from their husbands, whom they consider to be their Gods, they kiss those letters. Even among you, many children bristle with joy (horripilate) immediately upon seing BapDada’s letter. They start shedding tears of joy. They (i.e. the bandhelis) kiss it, they keep it on their eyes. They read it with a lot of love. Are Bandhelis any lesser?” (Revised Sakar Murli dated 20.10.05, page 3 published by BKs, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba, translated by a PBK)

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2008
by bansy
I heard from BKs recently is that the only thing you need to write in a letter or an email are the letters "OK" and that is it. i.e. everything is fine at your end, no explanations needed.

Anyone also hear of this, is this confirmed ?

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2008
by arjun
I heard from BKs recently is that the only thing you need to write in a letter or an email are the letters "OK" and that is it. i.e. everything is fine at your end, no explanations needed. Anyone also hear of this, is this confirmed ?

Yes, this has been said many a times in the Avyakt Vanis only to dissuade children from writing long letters of complaints. Another reason could be that there is no corporeal Chariot of Shiv available for BKs after 1969 and Avyakt BapDada does not reply to anybody's letters except for delivering the Avyakt Vanis and general instructions few times a year during a particular season.

Re: Practice of writing Letters to BapDada

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2008
by ex-l
yogi108 wrote:1. Does anyone know what happens to these letters in Madhuban?

Going back 20 years or so they used to be read by senior Brothers, I believe Nirwair had the joy of doing so. In later years they used to be laid out in front of BapDada en masses.

I have no idea what happens now, the practise is encouraged as a ritual, or rite of passage in the maturing of BKs. Do the senior's bother? Don't think so.

We also documented confidential letters being circulated back to center-in-charges about which their were written or who were involved with the writers, so individuals ought be cautious about engaging in doing so.

What happens now? How many are received? I hope at least they cut the stamps off and give them to charity ... clarification is required.

between you and me

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2008
by alladin
E-mail system, now is common. Not so romantic, but convenient.

Again about confidentiality: I would strongly recommend never to think that something you write or say to a BK or "Baba" can remain a secret.

To keep that in mind means being realistic, knowing whom you are dealing with and avoiding later complications, sorrow, retaliations, embarrassment ...Write and speak only bearing in mind the possible consequences. If you are strong and do not give a damn, then do it. But then, why doing it? Couldn't we just leave it all between our hearts and Baba's?

Should we discuss somewhere else about the pressure to "confess", "inform the Seniors", "take advise"? Do BKs end up feeling compelled to do that, with the promise of a burden being lightened, and later finding some bitter surprise?


PostPosted: 16 Jan 2008
by earl
In BK Centres letters from students used to be placed under a cushion in Baba's room. The centre-in-charge would read them and get some idea of any problems or needs of students. The letters were thrown in the dustbin not posted to Madhuban to save postage costs.

In the PBKs there is a similar situation. Secretaries read the letters and will answer in Baba's name much of the time as most letters are very similar. Anything important or unusual is passed to Baba directly for clarification.

I used to live in one Pandav Bhavan with lots of Brothers sharing a room. One Brother used to keep a diary and put it out open on his bed every day as he left for work. In big letters would be comments about the other Brothers. He would come home and put it away till the next day. After a while i realised this was his way of communicating. He wanted others to read it because he was too shy to speak for himself.

Re: Letters

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2008
by ex-l
earl wrote:In the PBKs there is a similar situation. Secretaries read the letters and will answer in Baba's name much of the time as most letters are very similar.

Is this the case when Arjun asks questions that are reported on this forum? Sometimes it appears to me if the answers are very short and miss the mark.

Communication with Baba Dixit

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2008
by earl
Could Arjun answer this himself?

The unique thing about PBKs is that Baba Dixit has discussion sessions (Question and answer sessions on all kinds of topics), so most questions have already been asked and answers recorded.

When the secretaries write answers, they already have all these answers to refer to and quote from.

However, yes, these answers often seem like quotes from the Murli, not the tailor made revelations and prophesy we may be looking for. You need to specify "for Baba's eyes only".

Baba Dixit likes technology. He uses mobile phones a lot. You can ring him up and talk to him yourself (news flash - telephone interview with VD Dixit?). Ask Arjun for his phone number. However you need a Hindi speaker to talk with him directly. Perhaps he could also be invited to become a member of the forum? He could write in Devanagari script as it is a valuable new feature of the site. He's not a hermit, but he get around a lot always on the move touring India.

The secrecy that seems to surround Baba Dixit comes from the fact that there have been death threats against him, and there is an organised anti-PBK party consisting of the rich and powerful BKs organisation. Life is cheap in India and the government is very corrupt. If you're poor because you value spirituality over making money, then it is hard to protect yourself from attack. Luckily Shiva protects his own Chariot.

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2008
by arjun
earl wrote:In the PBKs there is a similar situation. Secretaries read the letters and will answer in Baba's name much of the time as most letters are very similar. Anything important or unusual is passed to Baba directly for clarification.

Omshanti. As far as I know the nimit PBK Sisters do not reply to emails (addressed to Baba) themselves. They obtain replies from Baba and type it on His behalf because He is generally continuously on tour. Now a days, instead of signing off as 'Baba' they write 'on behalf of Baba' with some logo and AIVV written beside it, but they definitely obtain answers from Baba before sending a reply. When they reply themselves they generally sign as 'a1shivshaktipandavsena'. But every email/letter which is received from Baba/nimit Sisters is given a specific reference number.
When the secretaries write answers, they already have all these answers to refer to and quote from. However, yes, these answers often seem like quotes from the Murli, not the tailor made revelations and prophesy we may be looking for. You need to specify "for Baba's eyes only".

I don't think they send replies to questions based on the answers to similar questions asked in discussion CDs but obtain the answers afresh. Proof for this can be seen on this forum itself. Brother new knowledge had asked some questions and the replies were received from Baba after many weeks. If the Sisters were authorised to answer on their own or on the basis of Discussion CDs they would have done it much earlier. But they waited until they could obtain answers from Baba and only then did they send the answers.

Of course, in many questions related to Advanced Knowledge it is necessary to give Murli quotes for which the nimit Sisters may be doing research and quoting the exact lines on being given the general description of the Murli point by Baba.
Baba Dixit likes technology. He uses mobile phones a lot. You can ring him up and talk to him yourself (news flash - telephone interview with VD Dixit?). Ask Arjun for his phone number. However you need a Hindi speaker to talk with him directly. Perhaps he could also be invited to become a member of the forum? He could write in Devanagari script as it is a valuable new feature of the site. He's not a hermit, but he get around a lot always on the move touring India.

Baba does use mobile phones a lot, but like me, most PBKs may not have his number. If anyone wants to talk to Him they can send a request to the nimit Sister with your number so that Baba can ring you up whenever it is convenient for him. I get to speak to him very rarely (probably once in many months, that too in case of urgency) because most of my communication with him is through emails.

But I don't think he would become a member of this forum because of lack of knowledge of English or Hindi typing or other reasons.


Meet with Baba directly

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2008
by earl
The ideal is to meet with Baba directly either face to face or on telephone as communicating through intermediaries can lead to simplification of answers or confusion as to nature of the questions, i.e. the game of chinese whispers.

Of course, true Yoga connection communication is not limited by time, language or space. But that stage is very hard to achieve.
arjun wrote:Omshanti. I wish to intimate that if you wish to get replies to your questions from ShivBaba through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit, he has intimated that those who wish to get answers to various questions should intimate their name, address and phone number (if any). His direction was received in response to my email to him conveying the questions raised by jiri on this forum.

Since this is a public forum, it cannot be expected from everyone to give these details publicly. Hence, if you trust me, you can give your name, address and phone number (if any) to me through email or pm which I will convey to Baba and produce the anwers here. Alternatively, you can write to him directly with these details and questions to his emailid, i.e.

Meanwhile, I and other PBKs will try to answer your questions to the extent possible.