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A Senior Sister visits the center.

PostPosted: 19 Dec 2007
by ex-l
I have an unanswered question, I wonder if anyone can help me clarify what goes on.

A Senior Sister's visit to a local center is one of the highlights of the year. Extra-efforts are made, cleaning and expenses. It is used for pulling in local VIPs, a service programme, failing or ex-BKs are called back. It is part of the "reward structure" of the BKWSU and it appears to be part of the senior's "plate spinning" efforts to keep the whole thing rolling along ang expanding. I saw it used when small centers were failing or had personality problems going on. They usually backed the center-in-charge.

With the senior becoming more and more like a corporate elite with a high flying schedule, with, at times we noted, first class air travel and luxury cars laid on, what I wanted to ask was about the background to these visit, especially the financial side. We have heard, and seen, in India of center-in-charges encouraging lower caste BKs to give expensive donations, e.g. gold and cash.
    How are these visits arranged?
    Who pays?
    What sort of negotiation, deals, money is involved?
Any centerwassis or ex-centerwassis care to comment?

PostPosted: 19 Dec 2007
by bansy
It is better to have a visitor than a stranger to your home. However, both are welcomed.

Spending and occasion should be minimum, otherwise the humble guest would be embarrassed. However, to be miserly is also unwelcoming. Honesty is very visible.

A story from somewhere which goes along the lines of : "Please come into my home, all I have is water to offer. But it is the only water I have to drink now. But please step into my home. The next time I try to get orange juice. "

a source of stress

PostPosted: 20 Dec 2007
by alladin
Sure those types of visits, involve a lot of expenditure in terms of money and work (preparation). But like any advertising campaign for a company, they hopefully bear fruits. "XXX number of souls attended Dadi's program". That's the short term visible result. Mid-term could be how many souls who registered and got in contact with the centers actually took the course. Longer term is how many attended some seminar or retreat, became cooperative, eventually became BKs, went to Madhubhan etc..

In the preparation and during the visit, there is usually a lot of stress being experienced as the local center cannot fail or loose face in any way. Big test for everyone, especially because interacting in a scenario that is coloured with expectation of "results and success", creates heaps of tension between souls and everyone would like to be seen and get some merit, and possibly not get the blame in case of failure!! Most of the time sisters-in-charge are not that happy or loving towards the visitor, because the event is a mixture of bonus, publicity as well as hard work, risk of reprimands and a nuisance. sisters-in-charge try to impress SS but I have also often witnessed nasty comments about them going on behind their shoulders and the lack of genuine, heartfelt, unpretentious "family" love or care, even for the needs the traveling person may have.

The ideal would be a trustee consciousness without ego or expectation "let's Baba do it", and I am sure that when that is the consciousness by which things are done. There can be lightness, fun and success will "follow like a shadow".

As you said, ex-l, since the visit turns out to be also a sort of "audit", usually it is true that SS tend to back up whoever is in charge, maybe a little ear pull, but nothing more than that. Over the years, as SS schedule is very tight, they don't have much time to meet students, and they become monopoly of the "in charges" throughout their stay. It is not so easy for students to arrange a few minutes meeting with the senior in question. If the person requires translation and this is done by the sister in charge, (usually they want to control that domain, no neutral translator will be encouraged to play that role), any open sharing will be pointless and, in fact, out of question. Any complaints or remark about the way the centers is run, or embarrassing personal questions and issues, will be swallowed and "merged" until the next chance to "talk to Dadi". Such is life!!! :roll:

About the financial aspects; we need more comments here! I have seen all sorts of possible combinations and trends.

PostPosted: 20 Dec 2007
by sparkal
The centres are always clean anyway, I don't know what all the fuss is about on these occasions, as if it has to be even cleaner than clean. Is this Bhakti? or fear? Fear of failing in the eyes of a worship worthy being?

These events can lift everyone, and they can also cause mayhem. Or should that be, simply bring things to a head which have been simmering away anyway.

Desire pushes things farther away. It is during these visits that we can witness some rather strange karma going on. Those who try to play the roles of others can get found out also.

PostPosted: 08 Jan 2008
by ex-l
For folks not up to speed on a Senior Sister visit, here is a nice little video that gives you a good feel of a Janki visit to a center.
    ... including the odd bit of touching feet and a salute of roses.

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2008
by paulkershaw
One good thing about a visiting SS - the food really becomes good! The Bhandara Mataji's pull out all the stops to prepare something extra special. :P