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The Sixth Element - more BKWSU co-prosperity?

PostPosted: 15 Dec 2007
by ex-l
See, "How to re-market yourself and the BKWSU" or the Brian Bacon topic. Does anyone know BK Aruna Ladva ... TheSixthElement.Com? Would she be willing to come on forum and explain how this recent trend within a chosen few of the the BKWSU fits in with Gyan and the Maryadas? Honestly, can I ask, is it some kind of pay off for the successful middle management that wont make it into senior positions, to keep them onboard in the face of failed predictions of Destruction, Murli revision etc? Honestly, can someone explain to me how this works according to Shrimat?

And is this another BK turned commercial one person Neo-Raja Yoga Center? It appears to me that alll the usual signs of a BKWSU/OLA diffusion are on the go;

    testimony from Brian Bacon (not noted as a Senior faculty member of the BK University),
    connection to de corporate coach Carteret in Canada perhaps (?),
    hiding of the fact that the Bahrain Meditation Centre , "a self development centre providing training and seminars", is actually the Bahrain BKWSU Center,
    use of BK service history and publications for references,
    Leadership seminars,
    a touch of Mike George's Spiritual Intelligence,
    all dressed in white,
    lots of discrete Baba-esque graphics such as Bliss-style bindis, angels, suns, trees and Mount Abu ...
    "The power of detachment fostering and nurturing spiritual love"
... now available for corporate hire at your local, friendly multi-national corporation!

What is remarkable this time is ... an official business reference from Jayanti Kirpalani herself! Is "consultant and facilitator" the new short hand for "surrendered Sister" or "BK"?
Aruna is a highly skilled consultant and facilitator in helping people realize their potential and guiding them with great sensitivity. Her intuitive ability to help people recognize their talents is very useful for such a job. Aruna is a very lively and dynamic individual with great enthusiasm for life and its challenges."

Jayanti Kirpalani
European Director

What is the 6th element?
Sixth Element training and retreats introduces a new renaissance in the work place and reminds us all to begin an inner journey, one where we take time to find meaning and purpose in our lives, and honour the leader within.

Sixth Element offers a wide range of soft skills to inspire and nurture your spiritual intelligence. The training may be in-house, or within retreat settings at a selection of exclusive hand picked venues in some of the world’s most inspiring locations. Sixth Element retreats will transform your physical and mental wellbeing - the perfect combination of personal instruction, dance movement, hiking, massage, a healthy diet and nutritional advice in beautiful, comfortable, harmonious surroundings.

Oh, so it has nothing to do with Gyan then ... that is OK then. But surely ...
When we talk of the human being, we are not solely mass and fluid. We are energy, a force field, and a power house – light house!

Light house .. light house ... where have I heard of that before!?! Some Might house doubts about where that comes from. Is Baba getting his commission?

Aruna Ladva helps us to seek good qualities in ourself ...
Aruna wrote:I become aware of myself as the spirit, the life force that sits in the centre of the forehead.
From this seat of the soul, I begin to feel the different parts of my body and after comforting them with my thoughts I resume my attention to this being of light.
I am a beautiful being with many divine qualities.
Each quality I possess is filled with power and strength.
I am full. Everything I need is inside of me.
I value all my resources of time, energy, breath.
I respect myself.
I love myself.
I am light.
I am might.
I am peace.
I am power.
I am now home.

More analysis later as time allows.
About the Sixth Element

The Sixth Element is founded by Aruna Ladva. Aruna has spent the last 23 years as a student and teacher of meditation as well as focused on learning, living and teaching the art of personal development. During the 1980's and early 90's she gained a wealth of experience administrating, leading seminars and co-coordinating several international humanitarian projects whilst working as assistant to the European and Middle East Director of a large International Non-Governmental Organization (

In the mid-90’s she moved from London to Canada and turned her focus to Conflict Resolution, becoming a Certified Negotiator in Conflict Resolution with the Justice Institute, B.C., Canada.

In the late 90's and early 20's, Aruna worked as a freelance trainer in various countries. It was also in the beautiful city of Turkey that Aruna initiated the successful 'Mind, Body and Spirit' retreats which continue to be a success in other countries!

In the early part of the new millenium, Aruna moved her base to the Kingdom of Bahrain in the Middle East as Director of Bahrain Meditation Centre , (( a self development centre providing training and seminars. The Centre supports individuals in recognizing their own inherent qualities and abilities and bringing out their inner most potential. Working at all levels of the society the centre continues to inspire change and motivation in individuals and organizations.

She travelled extensively throughout the Gulf countries and also to Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey providing training and assisting in the establishment of other similar centres.

Aruna has now returned to Canada to make Vancouver her permanent base and continues to work freelance as a trainer and retreat leader.

She brings to her self development seminars several years of hands on experience from living and working in different climates, cultures and countries and with people from areas of business, arts and social services.

Aruna is a dynamic and extremely skilled trainer who uses humor and down-to-earth pragmatism with a profound understanding of the emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions of her subjects. She brings together the three key strands of the new millennia – management/leadership development, continuous learning and spiritual intelligence – in a unique blend of insight, wisdom and technique. Her positive vision of the future and her passion for life has motivated individuals all around the world.

Aruna advocates taking time out to retreat and re-charge. She believes when the needs of the body and mind are met that is when Spiritual Intelligence can begin to reveal its hidden potential. It was in a retreat setting over two decades ago that Aruna had some of her deepest realizations and was able to make some ground-breaking discoveries that changed her life forever.

Her ability to bring out the best in others and easily facilitate groups through otherwise challenging processes of change makes Aruna a refreshing and reassuring presence in the corporate classroom.

Aruna has a B.Sc. in natural health from Clayton College of Natural Health ( She promotes a natural and earthly lifestyle and hopes that by creating this awareness in others, we can collectively reduce some of the staggering figures for chronic diseases in our society and increase our well-being.

Aruna is available for one to one consultations and meditation classes and may be contacted at the following email address:


"Aruna Ladva has been a highly valued consultant and trainer in a casual capacity with our firm since 1995. In this time she has performed as project leader on several assignments in Asia, UK, Canada, Turkey and the Middle East with good results. Besides this Aruna has also assisted me with several leadership development projects with great success.

She is a very professional consultant with keen instincts and is a high caliber trainer with a great sensitivity to the needs of the participants."

Brian Bacon
Oxford Leadership Academy

PostPosted: 15 Dec 2007
by arjun
The sixth element website wrote:During the 1980's and early 90's she gained a wealth of experience administrating, leading seminars and co-coordinating several international humanitarian projects whilst working as assistant to the European and Middle East Director of a large International Non-Governmental Organization (

Does it mean she was a surrendered BK Sister before starting her own venture?

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2007
by ex-l
arjun wrote:Does it mean she was a surrendered BK Sister before starting her own venture?

From memory, and knowledge of the typical set up (although I do not know this individual specifically), the Kunya would have been the daughter of a mature BK Sister or BK family. She would have grown up in Gyan, been sent or joined the Yagya as a teenager/young woman for service or "training" (i.e. to work for free) in the Yagya. If the individual has promise, they might be sent out to take charge of a center; if not, they might become a cook or orderly in a big center. An unpaid servant of the leadership basically.

Why I think we should document and examine this case is, first and foremost, the collusion of very high BK leadership in the move over to corporate services, the discrete involvement and introduction of Gyan/Yoga/"Baba" into professional services, i.e. Jayanti Kirpalani and her circle of marketing advisors, e.g. Bacon, George etc ... but one such as Jayanti could surely not move without the permission of Janki? The same appears to be going on in other zones.

So, this leads me to ask;
    are we looking at the movement of the Kunyas and Kumaris in their charge from the only traditional role (e.g. surrendered sisters-in-charge of centers), into new 'secret services' roles (i.e. service into the "powerful" upper and middle class Western societies through the medium of commercial activity),
    are we looking at a novel manner of the BKWSU ensuring its financial position (e.g. have your surrendered Sister but have her out there making money to bring back in),
    or are we looking at a sort of 'acceptable' reward system to hold young Indian women that have been exposed to Western values and ambitions, keeping them from leaving Gyan and taking their money with them?
Of course, none of this is new. Many "cultic" movements have had members take the spiritual knowledge and then repackage it for the consumer market. Many "cultic" leaders have done so themselves. We must recognise that in the Western world, due to wealth but also increasing patterns of un- and under-employment "spirituality" has become a valuable consumer commodity to exploit, e.g. take your "ancient and traditional" mystical practise, slim it down, tart it up ... and then sell it for money.

I can see how, following the international "service successes" of Self Management Leadership corporate and personal coaching is "acceptable" to the leadership of the BKWSU. It is flattering to them and their position, it brings in money, it brings in the all important "VIPs" ... it would be seen as "royal" behaviour in a way that social service, social reform or labour would not be.

The traverse of values has been very subtle but distinct, hasn't it? What I really want to know is when BapDada gave the thumbs up for all this? It also signifies and exposes an utterly clear movement of new and old ideas (not from their God) inwards to the BKWSU. I would argue that his started as the Westernisation of BK service, e.g the 'padding' required to sell and make BK look good to Westerners. I suggest that it started from the educated Westerners sneaking their interesting quotes and ideas into service programmes.

In the old days, to discuss business around the center of bhavans was forbidden by the Maryadas. But how can this concerted movement have happened with considerable and consistent discussion, quite open and considerable training? And here we have the royal seal of approval.

To me, it makes a myth of the claim that "The Knowledge" is utterly "other wordly" and would equally suggest that this pattern of padding or adding to "The Knowledge" has been going on for a long time. This is just the latest and most extreme divergence and it is moving the center away from the core teachings.

Re: The Sixth Element - More BKWSU co-prosperity?

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2008
by enlightened
Here's an updated version of The Sixth Element Company run by Aruna Ladva

Enlightened :-?

Re: The Sixth Element - More BKWSU co-prosperity?

PostPosted: 20 Oct 2008
by ex-l
It really is selling Gyan, is not it? Plain and simple.

A little bit of Jayanti, a mock Janki classes, a sprinkle of Mike George, all tossed together and pepped up by Brian Bacon. What started off as vague, general, public service talks and advertorial articles for the center, like we used to give and try to get published, have been turned into little self-employed businesses. Oh, and my goodness, the notorious 'angel of shopping' has her own name domain just like BK Nikki de Carteret.

Looking at a few of the advertorials in Bahrain This Month (BTM) where she is advertising the Bahrain Medititation Center, aka the BKWSU, one called "Spirituality: Finding Meaning and purpose" reads, "Point of pure, benevolent all-knowing energy is the spiritual parent of all souls ... I remember my real nature is one of calmness, peace and power."

Does that sound familiar? So why does Janki Kripalani allow her to sell that and sell her self on it!?! I hear she is not the only "surrendered BK" in the middle east who is allowed to pocket money from BKWSU service seminars even though they are supported by the Yagya. It must be an arid land for the angels of light.

Elsewhere, we have " The 'words of Aruna Ladva':
Aruna Ladva wrote:May the angel light within you continue to shine and reveal the beauty within your heart. Another decade gone by and many more to come ... remember older means Golder ...

Instant, repackaged Senior sister-style "blessings" ... I mean, what does "older means Golder" mean outside of the BK world??? Actually older means loosing your hair and teeth and mind, and becoming a burden on others. Usually in that order. Which is why we struggle to build structures about us to support us in old age.

But you can lose your mind quicker if you give it over to the Brahma Kumaris.

Re: The Sixth Element - More BKWSU co-prosperity?

PostPosted: 20 Oct 2008
by paulkershaw
We're all idiots. We could do the same ourselves, revamp up the old stuff, make it look new and create enough money to live off forever in our own little harem of happy people.

"Born Again" would be my choice for the new ex-BK movement's name. I can see the power in it all.

Re: The Sixth Element - More BKWSU co-prosperity?

PostPosted: 31 Oct 2008
by enlightened
Hi everyone.

You may be interested to look at this webpage: Graduate Spotlight Aruna Ladva, Bachelor of Science in Natural Health.


Re: The Sixth Element - More BKWSU co-prosperity?

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2008
by driedexbk
I don't know about you guys, but I met that girl in Madhuban a few years ago and she was wearing a sari.

Look at the image of the closed eyes (Kazemaru from Japan) and Baba's Rock in Madhuban.

Re: The Sixth Element - More BKWSU co-prosperity?

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2008
by bansy
If the BKs had any real sense of unity and cooperation, they would simply have made one single website (Madhuban website), and all useful pages being clicked from there, rather than reinventing websites and domain names all over the place. Anyone want to hazard a guess how many Google and Yahoo groups BKs also have ? There is a meaning behind the word HOMEpage, I somehow feel many BKs' HOME is not Madhuban but their own little space in their part of the world. Though maybe they are right for themselves, as Madhuban is really NOT their home, as they will soon discover.

The trunk of the website is the main homepage (, and all other websites are the branches and leaves. Thus as usual, they may or may not take up this suggestion, as it is in their sanskars and inheritance to be the leaves rather than the trunk. Naming of their own websites, I would correlate to, as also equivalent to the renaming of Shiva.

Re: The Sixth Element - More BKWSU co-prosperity?

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2008
by ex-l
enlightened wrote:You may be interested to look at this webpage: Graduate Spotlight Aruna Ladva, Bachelor of Science in Natural Health

I checked on the US Government's Department of Education Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs and Clayton College is not listed as an accredited college or university.

Would it be too cruel to say, "a bogus degree for a bogus university's 'trusted' representative" ... center in charge material ...? Is she also an Oxford Leadership Academy "alumni"? Actually, the word that the Department of Education uses is "fake", so to say that would not be libelous. Added to which if that is Kazemaru on the Bahrain Brahma Kumari website ... it was reported earlier that she packed off and married ex-BK Brian Bacon.
Clayton College wrote:Clayton College is accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and the American Naturopathic Medical Accreditation Board. The International Iridology Practitioners Association accredits CCNH’s Iridology Certificate program. These private associations offer professional accreditation in the field of naturopathy and other areas of natural health.

As such, they are designed to meet the needs of non-traditional education and are not recognized by the United States Department of Education.
US Dept of Education wrote:Tip: Do not allow these agencies and institutions to mislead you; always do your homework on any institution you want to attend.

In some states, it can be illegal to use a degree from an institution that is not accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency.

But what caught eye was the heavy make up, manicured eyebrows, the designer hair cut, colour and style and the very body-conscious photograph which would be best described as gamine and "coquettish". Ever since some of the senior Sisters started shaving ... is this the new look of the Brahma Kumaris to come?

Glancing at the BKWSU's Bahrain site, is "Self-Esteem for Peak Performance" the new Self Management Leadership replacement? If so, it is a direct rip off Jack Canfield's work. One of the early coaching and human potential gurus that goes back at least 40 years (6 CDs ... $79.95).

Now, read this mishmash of half-truths, exaggerations and obfuscations ... anyone care to name what these "various international humanitarian projects" actually were? Oh ... Brahma Kumari service programmes. No mention as well that the "Bahrain Meditation Center" is actually ... a Brahma Kumari service center and "continuous learning" means ... Brahma Kumari morning and evening classes! Nor that the management leadership courses were actually ... a Brahma Kumari service programme with a bit of Brahma Kumar Mike George "spiritual intelligence" thrown in. And who is she an international ambassador for? Oh ... the Brahma Kumaris perhaps? So no mention of the temper tantrums with Dadi Janki and the mutterings about BapDada not being like he used to be?

Please, please, please correct me if I am wrong and I will apologize.
Clayton College wrote:Aruna Ladva ... began a conscious path of self-discovery at age 16, exhibiting even then an “old-soul” sense of peacefulness, understanding and appreciation. Nowadays the 30-something management consultant, training leader and international ambassador enjoys the cultural stimulation of interacting with clients throughout the U.K., U.S., Middle East and Canada ... helping to connect the three key strands of this millennium, our teaching programs seek to empower the realms of management/leadership development, continuous learning for all, and a heightened spiritual intelligence,” she adds.

In the 1980s to early 1990s Aruna volunteered with various international humanitarian projects and worked with regional outposts of India’s Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. Its worldwide outreach brings free meditation classes to more than 130 countries. BKWSU volunteers also fund a global hospital and research center that provides free or subsidized healthcare for those in need. The organization further advances the idea of “peace parks” to link meditation with a heightened environmental and humanitarian awareness.

Working with all levels of society to inspire and motivate the world’s radical acceptance of change as humanity’s daily reality, for the next several years Aruna served as director of Bahrain Meditation Center.

Nowadays, Aruna Ladva’s Sixth Element teachings amplify the philosophies of:

    Sustenance — seeking, with daily devotion, to develop spiritual self-knowledge; providing nourishment for a stable balance of mind, body and spirit energies.
    Meditation — the soul-consciousness of daily reflection to fortify one’s inner beliefs to overcome fearful negativity. Here, spiritual connection replaces blind faith with a deeper sense of trust and knowing.
    Practice — dedication to strengthen one’s character through universal truths and higher motivations in thought, word and deed.
    Service — unselfish sharing of one’s unique life experience and talents.

A Clayton College "Bachelor of Science in Natural Health" degree costs; $4,550. By comparison, a friend of mine went to a real university to gain a professional qualification and tuition costs along were $24,000 per year for a 5 year course. "The Bachelor of Science in Natural Health program gives students a broad introduction to traditional naturopathy and a range of other natural health modalities."

Now, to be honest, please do not get be wrong. I am hugely sympathetic to Aruna and her like ... did not her mother get into the religion? This folks is, in my and others opinion and personal experience, exactly what the Brahma Kumaris do to you, how they leave you scrapping around for some sense of value and worth in the real world and how they teach people to be. Surrender your life to the Brahma Kumaris so-called University ... and this is the reality ... or rather the unreality ... of it all. You end up with nothing except for the lucky few, mainly Sindhis, who are doing very nicely at the top of the pyramid.

"Clayton College" is a non-accredited, self-paced, online business. Like many of the notorious "degree mills", it names itself perhaps confusingly similar to an accredited university "Clayton College and State University" (now Clayton State University). Degrees issued by Clayton are not acceptable to employers or institutions and the use of degree titles granted by Clayton are restricted or illegal in some jurisdictions. "Tests" are done online or via email (so you could have the book sitting right next to you as you do them). The organization Quackwatch has criticized the school's curriculum as unscientific.

Clayton College claims accreditation by the American National Naturopathic Medical Accreditation Board and the American Association of Drugless Practitioners but these organisations are not recognized accreditation associations of higher learning according to the U.S. Department of Education and were identified as degree mills in a 2007 report by the Seattle Times.

The Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME), which is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as an accreditor does not list Clayton College or any of its programs as being accredited. Lloyd Clayton who also started the so-called Chadwick University in Birmingham, another diploma mill. Its address in a four-story building on Birmingham’s Southside was labeled instead as the location of Magnolia Corporate Services.

See the relative page on Quackwatch and enjoy.

Re: The Sixth Element - More BKWSU co-prosperity?

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2008
by ex-l
I wanted to state that in the "real world", you can do what the hell you like ... get away with it or pay as it happens.

    Just out of interest ... who paid for this dubious degree? If Aruna is surrendered ... was it the BKWSU?
We were all enculted, gave over our minds, money and lives, on the basis of a series of promises and vague "contracts" of which the Maryadas represented one and what we were told in the Murlis represented others. I now think we were defrauded, and newcomers to the BKWSU even more so, as the Murlis are ridiculously edited.

One of the key elements was the claim that The Knowledge was always free and we were forbidden to use it, or the connections within the BKWSU, to make money. Indeed, we were encouraged to give up our careers and education and surrender to the organization. There appears to me to be no separation between The Knowledge and Aruna's profession. Service is used for professional interests, knowledge is used in and for work for professional interests. Aruna I understand to be the child of a BK and having close access to Janki Kripalani.

Now I suspect that it was all a fraud and the religious appearance was always being used for the sake of money, that "deals" were being done in the background, that the money was not always "from followers following all the principles" as we were told.

As a relative comparison, I can also state that we have evidence that the Brahma Kumari World Spiritual Organization have in the past promoted their followers as having degrees when they did not. In one case as having a "psychology degree", which was a bit of a joke as psyche means soul ... knowledge of the soul. Here is an example of Clayton's degree award capacity. Normally a PhD take 5 years at least with no guarantee of passing, research to be published and peer reviewed.

I cannot find any examples of Clayton College publishing their students' work in order to judge it.
In 1998, an official of the Oregon Office of Degree Authorization concluded that Clayton's naturopathy graduates would not be eligible for licensure in Oregon. During the course of its investigation, the department acquired four diplomas issued to one "graduate" (Joyce M. Randrup) during a 14-month period. Randrup's "Doctor of Naturopathy" diploma was dated January 25, 1988, and her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. diplomas were all dated March 28, 1989.

In 2008, Alabama began implementing a new rule that private, degree granting, post-secondary educational institutions must be accredited by a recognized agency. As of October 1, this requirement applies to any such institution that applies for initial licensure or renewal. Clayton's license expires on December 1, 2008.

Re: The Sixth Element - More BKWSU co-prosperity?

PostPosted: 03 Nov 2008
by primal.logic
What always gets me is the cheek and skill with which the BKs market themselves. They have absolutely no conscience when it comes to selling themselves - if you know what I mean :-).

What comes to mind is the stuff about Dadi Janki being "the most stable mind in the world". The so called research that the BKs claimed to have proven this as fact has subsequently been proven to have never happened - yet BK management, and Dadi Janki - have let everyone believe it to be true. That makes them all, including Dadi Janki, to be liars.

It has also been established, after researching legal documents, that Dadi Janki was only 13 when she became a devotee of Dada Lehkraj, left and got married, to return at age 21 after abandoning her child and husband. She has been more than willing to let everyone think that she was born in 1916 so as to maintain the fallacy that she was one of the original souls and to impress everyone with how lucid she was for her age.

Well, she is 82 not 92 and that makes a huge difference. My granny was sharp as a tack until she died at 86 - and she was a meat eating, brandy drinking, never meditating kick arse old lady who was up a tree picking peaches the day before she died!! It all only goes to prove that Dadi Janki is a liar and a manipulator. So then what can we expect from the rest of them? Only more lies and manipulation.

Interestingly this information is making its way into the BK establishment. One would have to be in an acute state of denial not not see what is going on - well, denial is something that is necessary if one is to be a BK and I suspect we have all been there - but let's hope the dishonesty of which the BKs are guilty finally catches up with them. Maybe they can learn from the Christians - be sure your sins will find you out!

Re: The Sixth Element - More BKWSU co-prosperity?

PostPosted: 03 Nov 2008
by jann
If they can make BKs believe that dinosaurs lived 2500 years ago, they can make BKs belief anything ... even that all their lies documented here are lies.

Re: The Sixth Element - More BKWSU co-prosperity?

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2008
by ex-l
According to Lalita Panigrahi in 'British Social Policy and Female Infanticide in India'. New Delhi, (1972) infanticide was common in the Sind. It was the British, not the Indians, that tried to put an end to it in law.
primal.logic wrote:What always gets me is the cheek and skill with which the BKs market themselves. They have absolutely no conscience when it comes to selling themselves ... the BK management and Dadi Janki have let everyone believe it to be true. That makes them all, including Dadi Janki, to be liars ... a liar and a manipulator. So then what can we expect from the rest of them? Only more lies and manipulation.

From what I have read, I have to agree. Although we do not know the precise details, we know enough to know that Brahma Kumari followers and the general public have been systematically lied to and manipulated over a period of decades by the Brahma Kumari leadership; Janki, Jayanti, Nirwair, Shetty, Shah, Chander, Prakashmani, Mohini and all the rest of them. And if you were to ask me, "did they sit down, discuss it and agree with one another at some point?" My answer would be an emphatic, "yes". Has Janki rigorously enforced and colluded in a specific version of history, including her own? Yes.

This is their modus operandi. What the hell ... it is a good business for them. There is a sucker born every minute and your karma as a holy sucker is to be ripped off.

    The question I would really like to ask Janki is, "did she kill her own child to escape the marriage?"
It is only a question. I know nothing to suggest she did or did not. But it is common in India and easy to do; neglect, too little food or water, too much salt, suffocation. It need not be "consciously" done. We hear the "victim story" but you have a proven liar, within a system of liars, and we know their "victim stories" are exaggerated ... just as her "Mother Theresa" period was exaggerated. It does not make sense. Her family was in the Om Mandli, why did they marry her off? Of course life with sugar daddy, God Lekhraj Kirpalani at the Om Mandli would be much nicer and easier than being a wife in some other family. And so what is such a great about breaking your wedding bonds and running away?

The only thing we know for sure is that we do not know the truth. We do not know where the lies start and stop. Actually, that is incorrect ... we do know that the lies have not stopped. Aruna, as a surrendered Brahma Kumari Sister, or ex-surrendered Brahma Kumari Sister, is as much a child of Janki Kripalani as her own parents. These are the manifest ethics of the Brahma Kumaris in my opinion ... "as is the King, so in the Kingdom", they say.

What the rest of the Brahma Kumari followers have to wake up to, is that this is what is going on all the time. If they are not in on it ... (the business, the money, the health and retirement scheme, the property) ... they are fools.

Re: The Sixth Element - more BKWSU co-prosperity?

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2008
by primal.logic
Dadi Janki would have come running back because she believed Destruction was due in 1950 - she came back in 1944 during the "great Mahabharat War" as old Lehkraj believed at the time. Of course, it did not happen. Thing is, she denied the fact that Destruction did not happen as predicted then, or in 1976. She just swept the facts under the carpet and pretended like things had never happened. Then put her own spin on things to facilitate the recruitment of innocent new victims.

In short, there is a lot she has known about that she has denied or lied about. And to think we put so much trust in her?! No wonder it hurts so much when we leave the institution only to realise how much we were deceived, manipulated and betrayed. The one we believed was to be Narayan, whom we trusted with our lives and destiny, is just a scheming, lying manipulator.

Does that sound too strong? Well, 25 years of my life went down the toilet thanks to her and her minions. So, no. I am being polite.
The only thing we know for sure is that we do not know the truth.

I cannot agree more!