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Go public

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2007
by trinity
It was said in the Murli to go into public and show posters??? Explain!!!

This is not a Murli thing but a made up thing by BKWSU knowing they are failing! To control the followers to recruit, they send them out to make effort in **** like this and give even more time for no cost.

What if you don't ... do you get sick or do not get into the Golden Age? Who is paying for the copies you have to make??? And the time you spent? ... and we know the pictures are not accurate ... you sell a lie! What kind of effort do you want to make?? Sell a lie??

Call it off BKWSU, you make a fool of yourself!!!

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2007
by trinity
Yeah ... let's go public!!! If you have any guts, let all the public, media and everyone know what is going one!! Send your email anonymous, but this sect is out of control!! Using all good folks like yourself ... It has to stop!!!

Want to be completely anonymous, send your thoughts to my pm and I'll send it for you. Help yourself and others to finally get this nonsense to a full stop!!

Did they make you belief that sex is worse then murder!!! And if you had sex you might as well jump off a five story building??? You are involved with a sect! These beliefs are not made up by GOD, but by a group of uneducated so called virgins that hate man.

Re: go in public

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2007
by john
Trinity wrote:It was said in the Murli to go into public and show posters?????
Explain!!!! This is not a Murli thing but a made up thing by BKWSU knowing they are failing! To control the followers to recruit, they send them out to make effort in **** like this and give even more time for no cost.

If it is in a Murli, then it is a direction from God as the BKs see it. Unless they inserted this portion themselves and altered the Murli it is valid, if you have any proof otherwise that will be fantastic, do you?

The strength of this forum has been of carefully thought out and documented evidence of any falseness within the BKSWU, wild baseless assertions are not going to help, but only give BKSWU ammunition to ridicule this forum.

discreet paranoid speculation

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2007
by sparkal
We must move with the times. What you refer to is the past, when it was a fledgling organisation looking to expand and find the long lost souls. I would perhaps agree that BKWSU is capable of falling behind the times, especially the middle men/ women (better get that correct, as you say, they can be a bit touchy about men sometimes, or not as the case may be).

The inner circle will be more on the ball with the time and what is going on I suspect. It may be that their over discreet and paranoid ways give rise to speculation in others who are out of the loop, including most who run centres.

PostPosted: 06 Dec 2007
by bro neo
I got you Trin 8) . Just tell me if ya want me to eat these BKs like a couple of raisins.