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Has BKWSU been covertly taken over by terrorists?

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by bro neo
terrorist noun

A person who tries to frighten people or governments into doing what he/she wants by using or threatening violence
Example: The naive minds of people searching for enlightenment were hijacked by terrorists (the ss); (also adjective) terrorist activities.


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PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by abrahma kumar
terrorist (noun); A radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities.

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by arjun

I think it is a far too stretched imagination to fit BKWSU into the above meaning of 'terrorist' in literal sense.

Although a few BKs have used violence to silence dissenting voices, but most of them are peace-loving.


Re: The BKWSU has been covertly taken over by terrorist

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by bro neo

"Destruction" is widely used by BKs to mean the end of this world as we know it - a holocaustic vision.

What the BK teachings really say is that there will be transformation of the world into an earthly paradise, which will along the way require the destruction of most of what is here now. In their vison the planet itself is not actually destroyed, but all current civilisation is, there is widespread suffering including th death of 6 Billion humans and calamities including a Nuclear war between Russia and America.

The BKs have been expecting this destruction to happen imminently ("any day now") for over 40 years!

See also, Gyan and Kalpa

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by bro neo

From BrahmaKumaris.Info

The dictates (words or version [ mat ]) of God, in contrast with " manmat " (the dictates of the self), or "parmat" (the dictates of others).

BKs are advised by the Murlis to avoid both manmat and parmat and to listen only to srimat, the dicates of God.

Shiv Baba’s teachings, particularly his disciplinary advice to Raja Yogis.
Supreme directions given by Shiva Baba

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by bro neo

Seva is Hindi for service. For BKs service comes into three categories: self service (ie self transformation through Gyan, Yoga, and dharna), physical service of others (which in practice means proselytizing the BK beliefs, or extending the BK sphere of influence), and "subtle" service of others (meaning to send out good wishes and spiritual vibrations to other souls through Yoga).

One of the four main BK subjects, ie Yoga, Gyan, seva, and dharna.

Service means service of the self as well as service of other souls. First is the self, because only those who have created their stage can remove many other souls from their difficult situations. Just as you and Baba are combined, the body and the soul are combined, and your future Vishnu form is combined, in the same way let the service of the self and the service of all others be combined. Do not separate them, or you will make greater effort for less success.

Avyakt Murli 16/3/92

At the moment the task of transformation is still going on through words, but now let it be through your attitude that the attitude of others change. Let it be through your thoughts that the thoughts of others change. You haven't even started this research yet - it is through this subtle service that you will automatically go beyond all weaknesses.

Avyakt Murli 18/1/86

Despite Murli passages like those just quoted, when BKs talk of "service" they are generally (almost always) referring to physical service.

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by abrahma kumar
I agree with you arjun ... I suppose that it also depends on how terrifying one's terroristic acts are perceived and experienced to be. Were i a freedom-fighter I would not want the unwelcome occupiers to overlook my finger on the trigger of the Uzi in my right hand, just because they bear an olive branch in their left.

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by bro neo
I would be more direct in what I am actually implying (because no body seems to get it yet), but the truth hurts and we sometimes don't let our selves see it because we don't want to live up to the facts of what we have really done in the past.

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by arjun
bro neo wrote:I would be more direct in what I am actually implying (because no body seems to get it yet), but the truth hurts and we sometimes don't let our selves see it because we don't want to live up to the facts of what we have really done in the past.

Dear Brother,

Hello. First your quotation of the meaning of 'terrorist' from the dictionary and then the quotations from Avyakt Vanis suggests that you mean to apply the metaphorical meaning of 'terrorist' on BKWSU. But even if my guess is true, continuance of the present thread with the same topic would not be in the interests of the proclaimed aims and objectives of this forum and therefore I request you to reconsider changing the topic suitably so that BKs visiting this forum do not feel offended. Although all members may not agree with your viewpoint, any BK reading this topic (and not the contents) for the first time will think as if all members of this forum consider BKWSU to be a terrorist organization.

A topic like this will also weaken the case of this site in case BKWSU opts to pursue the case further in higher courts.


PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by Mr Green
I have to agree with Arjun here Neo

Concentrate on real issues rather than try to create them

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by Mr Green

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by bro neo
I respect every ones individual opinion and you can all think what ever you all want. Ban me from this site and delete everything I say for all I care. I disagree with what you say and I stand bye it.

I will continue to see the truth as I see it for as long as I am here and your disapproval of my opinion just shows who you are and where you stand. I am not here to make friends, I am here to be me and to empower other to be themselves.

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by arjun
bro neo,

You could think of naming this thread as 'Is BKWSU double-non-violent?'


PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by bro neo

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by abrahma kumar
arjun wrote:You could think of naming this thread as 'Is BKWSU double-non-violent?'

Yes arjun, any BK would understand that oblox. But I wonder about the scope of the: 'Is BKWSU double-non-violent?' thread.

Would we be sharing from our own experiences of "how faithful the BKWSU's actions have been/are to its professed stance on:
    1. Peace/Peacefulness in all its forms
    2. Acts of loving physical love between consenting adults?