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Magic carpets and curtains

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2007
by sparkal
:) Hello and welcome to another edition of MAGIC CARPETS and CURTAINS, the programme where you can write and tell us about your experiences with house proud Sisters, or Brothers who want to be house proud Sisters.

Today we will be looking at how to keep working class Brothers off your light coloured carpet, and also how to stop them using your curtain rail as a chin up bar. The key here is to adopt the awareness that ALL Brothers are working class, you get them working for you like slaves and scivy's.

To do this, first of all adopt that consciousness of the soon to be married woman who will move into HER new home and get to furnish it in the process. And this is the most important part of running a centre of course, yes, getting to choose which carpets and curtains etc. and also creating lots of confusion and even arguments in the process, the more the merrier, thats what I say.

You will of course need some Brothers to fund your little shopping spree, but don't worry, God will provide them when you need them. Sisters who bring in money can leave Brothers out of the loop all together and just do it.

You can use your husband, Baba, as an excuse somehow or other. Which Baba you are married to is your choice, in fact, I don't want to enter complex issues here and now, I mean, they are both the same are they not? :roll: (?).

So, quickly move on :arrow: when a tricky question arises, you are women so you will have the natural gift. None of the Brothers match up to your husband, they are just little boys playing games, so treat them with dis respect to teach them that you are indeed a true "Stepford" type. :|

Whether you keep the Brothers around after the items are bought is of course optional. They can be good to use as furniture, though tend to soil the light coloured carpet, and there is also the churning that they can leave lustful vibrations in the carpet where they were sat. This can be dealt with however, with a once round with the spiritual hover so don't worry too much. If only they were as pure as Sisters we would be flying around on our magic carpets by now, still, the next best thing is to create your own fairy land.

If you choose to go for the more austere sparse look, you will chase Brothers out, which can cause a bit of a dilemma however as on one hand we want to keep the light carpet clean, and on the other, we want people to admire our choice of carpet and curtains. So think carefully before hand which you prefer though Brothers are a- plenty so you can always use what you have and then simply go out into the world and get some more. Try to avoid the working class ones as they are less rigid and don't wear polite masks so well and are likely to call a spade a spade, which is against Shrimat.

The trick is to go for house hold items which don't have a reflective surface or you may see your SELF in them :shock:, so stick with the matt finnish, or there is a new doorMAT style out. Mirrors should be placed at the hight of the Brothers so most Sisters cannot see them SELVES reflected back :shock: . And finally, take a cutting of your wonderful magic carpet and glue it over any mirror you CAN see your SELF in, it will remind you of the more important things in life.

And so there we have it, the spiritual family is just superficial furniture and your true aim and object is deciding how to spend and on what to spend it on for your full size dolls house. Next week we will be looking at how to justify buying new house hold goods, key rings, dish towels, and the best ways to pass it off as world service, so, see you then, good bye. :)

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2007
by Mr Green
Sparkal as always ... I like your style ... you're hired!

hippy clean

PostPosted: 30 Nov 2007
by sparkal
:) Hello, today we will look at cleaning light coloured carpets and dealing with hippy students at the same time.

First, get a bucket of soapy water, then grab your hippy by the skinny ankles and the back of the belt. You will find that you don't have to plug it in as its head will probably already be spinning. Use the mop of hair to shampoo the carpet evenly and, if you have not already strictly authoritised the facial hair away, this can be used to get into the corners of the carpet and skirting.

Your carpet, AND hippy, should then feel purified though, give it a good dunking in cold water just to remove any dirt and stains before wringing out and hanging to dry.

Bye for now :).

Second student signed up ...

PostPosted: 30 Nov 2007
by tete

I await with great anticipation next week's class and what great wisdom is to come out of the oven.

Om Shanti :wink:.