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Bro Neo and his inspirations

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2007
by bro neo
To unite. :) Where's ex-l? :) ...Trinity :) ...

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2007
by ex-l
What is happening? I think I might become Morpheus ...

EX-BKs Get Ready

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2007
by abrahma kumar
The late Curtis Mayfield did not sing:
Ex-BKs get ready
Our train stands at the platform,
We won't need any baggage
But just to remain united & get right-on board
With full faith, that is the kind
That leaves neither blind nor deaf
To the songs that nightingales sing.

And we don't need a ticket, no oh no
But we’ve got to stay wise in the ways
Of our very own DIY God.

We EX-BKs are getting ready
Our train stands at the platform,
But we don’t need to worry that it’s gonna leave
Before our fellow Ex’s arrive at the station
Because they too have heard the conch-shell
Call out to the long loved and lost one’s.

Is there any space to give a squeeze
To those God-men that dupe mankind
and push Ex-BKs into the sidings
Just to save their own hides?

And we don't need a ticket, no oh no
But we’ve got to stay wise to the ways
Of our very own DIY God.

Our train stands at the platform.
All we need is faith, of a kind
That don’t leave us blind nor deaf
To the songs that that nightingales sing.
We won't need a ticket, no oh no
But just to remain alive & wise to the ways
Of our very own DIY God

I am getting ready with my Ex-BKs
Yes I - I am ready yeah yeah yeah
With my Ex-BKs oh - oh
Yes, I am ready yeah to find me a DIY God

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2007
by jann
All here dear(s) !!!

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2007
by bro neo
YES :). All the doors which where once shut are now open. EX-BKs fill your bags with treasures so the real party can begin! :P

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2007
by jann
YES!!!! :roll:

Bro Neo and his inspirations

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2007
by bro neo
I am dressed in red, black and blue and people sometimes call me Toby.

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2007
by bkti-pit
Toby :?: ... Hum! ...


PostPosted: 15 Nov 2007
by bro neo
We need to start making some money. We have a lot of great talent here on this forum. We can record songs and write books and sell them via anonymous paypal via this website if BrahmaKumaris.Info is interested in making some serious dough. All artists should receive good, ongoing commissions for what we write.

PS: I have a book ready to be published (you're going love the name of it :) ). I just need to sort out the copyright. Any good lawyers out there? 8) I am also going to need someone to do the artwork.

PPS: We can also record and then sell audio programs like

After our programs sell like hot cakes I am sure they would also be interested in putting some of our classes on their website :wink: No doubt people will be buying their stuff if we add it to our links page and let them advertise their programs here. Of course this is up to the webmaster. Talk about fast service. 8) BrahmaKumaris.Info, I would appreciate a commission for bringing this idea to your attention if you decide to do business with them in the future.

I can hear the music from the The Apprentice playing in my ears ... money, money, money ... money :P. I can see the future ... Perhaps the end of our day jobs ... At last ... Heaven ... 8).

BrahmaKumaris.Info might be the New World Spiritual University.

Kind Regards,

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2007
by trinity
bro neo wrote:I am dressed in red, black and blue and people sometimes call me Toby.

I am dressed mostly in not much, one BK and normal people a call me DEAR!

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2007
by bro neo
:P. All the BKs will start buying our stuf LMAO :lol:. We can sell it for a really high price so most of them cannot afford it. Then they'll illegally copy our stuff so they can get it that way. Then we can sue their pants off! :lol:

I am the Donald Trump of the spiritual world 8). BKs ... fear me.

Money & all

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2007
by abrahma kumar
Best of luck Brother neo. Don't know if anyone else out there is at all serious about exploring these possibilities, however abek has at least a couple of lyrics and performance ideas running around his head. Surely there is enough knowledge in our collective consciousness to one day put together a sort of 'travelling roadshow'; the aim being to explore and provide entertainment with a seriously consciousness-raising edge. abek couldn't agree more, neo; the feeling is that this is worth pursuing if only in the basis of "nothing ventured nothing gained".

Maybe we can see these discussions as a way of possibly ensuring even greater independence for Once this legal stuff gets sorted out, maybe I can take the plunge and put a few lines up on ebay for auction and see what sort of interest it draws.

If what we do is blessed by Jah then, for sure, we will be blessed with 'riches' beyond our imagining. To paraphrase a question raised by one of our dear invaluable fellow posters: "What happens if money just got disappeared?" ... but we all know that music is here to stay.

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2007
by bro neo
Best of luck indeed. I am bro neo. I am an Ascended Master. Welcome to Heaven. All information is in code, the code is symbolism of humanity's collective mind on this planet. All of you can be Ascended Masters too. Join me in the light before time is up.

We should talk to Bono from U2. He is a real VIP. He seems like some one we can trust. We can put the message on a platinum plaque. We can teach him the real ancient Yoga of Bharat. He will like that. :D

Drama is a stupid interpretation of life, won't you say. If we look at life as a 3 dimensional movie with a script prewritten and cast prechosen life just sucks. That is, unless you happen to be the SS. Well the Platinum Age is coming and the Drama is about to end once and for all. EX-BKs are Players. We don't have scripts that we have to follow and obey like mindless, fat, veggie-gorging retards. We are the Champions of Truth and Light.

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by bansy
It is interesting you raised this since the quote "Its all a game" is often used here and there. In fact, speaking to another spiritual friend (non BK) we talked about how our roles are played or not, as chess players or as chess peices.

The reasoning resulted in that there are two acting roles, movie players and theatre players. Movie players have scripts written for them, theatre actors work in the present. We all know that movie players get more money, tempted by greed, but talent lies in the theatres, where true virtues come out.

Movies only came in the recent century or so, whereas theatre has been going on way before. I recall someone telling that even Brahma Baba had some dolls whom he used to make a puppet show about the Sita-Ram epic. Maybe Dadi Lechu still has them.

This is one point where I never could really understand why Murlis would mention about movies, especially talking or silent movies, unless you were a movie player rather than a theatre player. In a movie, the drama is fixed.

Who is arjun?

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by bro neo
Good old arjun must have gotten out of the wrong side of the bed this morning and wants to start some @#$* with me. As usual I am happy to oblige.

First, I would like to say arjun is a failure. He probably hangs around here pretending to know everything about everything cause the BKs won't let him go to morning class and threatens him with a stick every time he tries to join in with their parties.

These, of course, are just assumptions of mine. So, if Mr. A cares to give his story I can recall what I said and say something different. :) In fact, from the few post that I have read of his (I have only managed to read about 9 or 10, they just go on and on ...) I won't be surprised if he is actually a BK posing to be a PBK here in order to mess this site up.