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Original Virtues of the Soul: Self Respect

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2007
by bansy
In light of the recent legal action of the BKWSU to this forum, time willing, I will produce some points from Murlis that are from the compilation books "The Original Virtues of the Soul" (1999) and "The Spiritual Powers of the Soul" (first edition, October 1998).

These points bear what is happening. I wil be focusing on a POWER per thread, or on a VIRTUE. If others have points relating to the VIRTUE or POWER from the same book, or other articles, books, BK quotes, BK notes, etc they have, feel free to add and/or discuss. It is also important to reference the date and source so that any BK can look them up.

I will start with SELF RESPECT, as this was what Dadiji reminded everyone whilst in Avyakt form during her 12 days in the Subtle Region.
Original Virtues of the Soul, page 200, under section "Self Respect" wrote:If someone comes under an influence, then that soul who is under the influence becomes desperate. A soul who becomes a master never becomes desperate about anything. That soul is strong with self-respect. AV 29.12.89

Who is the BKWSU is become desperate to close this forum?
Who is in the seated in the stage of self-respect ? Who is the master?
Original Virtues of the Soul, page 201, under section "Self Respect" wrote:This time, that is, the Confluence Age, is called the benefical age. This is the beneficial age and you souls are the benefactor souls. So do you constantly remember your self-respect of being a benefactor soul ? The special duty at the Confluence Age is to bring about benefit. First there has to be benefit for the self, and together with that, benefit for others. So, do you experience in yourself the power to bring benefit ?

You do not get affected by the influence of atmosphere do you ? The atmosphere in the world is of causing harm and loss, whereas your atmosphere is of bring benefit. So, is the atmosphere of harm and loss more powerful or the atmosphere of bringing benefit more powerful ? So the atmosphere of others cannot influence you. That is weak whereas youa re powerful. The powerful ones attain victory over those who are weak, the weak ones do not attain victory over those who are powerful. No matter how impure the atmosphere is, you are the companions of the Almightly Authority Father. Where there is God, there is victory.
(AV 2.12.93, group 6)

Are the BKWSU influenced by the atmosphere of this forum ?
If the BKWSU closes this forum, will they bring benefit ?
If this forum is impure, should it matter so if you realise you are a companion of the Almighty Authority Father ?

Real Self Respect

PostPosted: 17 Nov 2007
by bro neo
This is going to be good. 8) Have you ever experienced that when you are really loving your self and taking care of your own needs other people also seem to love and respect you? I do.

To understand real self respect goes to first defining who the real self is. IMHO, the real self is who we are in the present moment. It seems to be the result of our past experiences, and perhaps also past lives. It is also reasonable to say at this point in time that we are the cosmic pinnacle of evolution here on this planet.

After the age of 21 (most) humans have everything we need to be independent and also interdependent. Consciously acknowledging this right and responsibility is a message worthy of spreading through out the world.

From a practical perspective real self respect implies prioritizing our needs and wants based on who we are.

I am my body, mind, and heart as well as all the roles I have to play on the world stage. Shouldn't I take care and nurture my self first so that I can function at an optimal level within society?

Personal health, wealth, and mental stability are all main priorities that need to be self regulated and managed, wouldn't you say? :)

PostPosted: 30 Dec 2007
by andrey
Dear Brothers,

there is this picture of the virtues: ... irtues.jpg

is anyone able to read what is written:

tolerance and patience ... (there is something written under the person in the train ... endurance ...)

confidence ... (the two balls that hit the bowls - one is ... public ... and other is ...).

Fine Print on Divine Virtues

PostPosted: 01 Jan 2008
by earl
From "Illustrations on Raja Yoga" p60-61.
Tolerance and Patience too are sterling qualities. They give to man's mind the strength of steel. Like the seat-cushions or the buffer springs they work as shock-absorbers in life. One can withstand great hardships and bumps.

In the Tolerance & Patience section it says: "Endurance - the shock-absorbers of life."
Self-Confidence is, undeniably, a very important quality that one needs so as to attain success in any great task. It is this that enables man to consider a mountain as a mole hill whereas one who lacks in this quality looks upon a mole hill as a mountain.

In the Confidence section of the accompanying picture it says: "Public C(rowds)? / Situations"

In the Contentment section it says: "Contentment. A Contented man is richer and happier than the wealthiest man in the world"

In Humility section it says: "Words of Wisdom. A King wearing crown of gold rules over his kingdom. A saint is a king in his own right, But his kingdom knows not the barrier of territory or time, he rules over hearts of men for he has humility"