BKWSO lose legal action against BrahmaKumaris.Info

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abrahma kumar

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Libel, slander, defamation and settlement offers ...

Post03 Dec 2007

Is the BKWSO in dispute with BrahmaKumaris.info because of its name or because of OUR efforts?
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heym man, come ovah here!

Post03 Dec 2007

When I read Proy's post relating the phone call he had with infamous Katherine and how Jayanti asked if he "has a problem", I got the creeps . "Hey , man do you have a problem?" sounds like pushers' language and vibrations. Not at all spiritual. Do you get the same picture, or do I watch too many gangster movies?
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Post06 Dec 2007


Many members have been suggesting about contacting the BKs to intimate them about the BKWSU action of closing this site.

Recently a PBK friend of mine suggested that we could give Godly message to BKs through http://www.orkut.com . One needs to enter the site through a gmail account. Once you enter the site, there is an icon named 'communities'. When you click on it and open that page and type 'brahmakumaris' in the search engine, you will get to see more than 180 profiles of BKs and the comments of other BKs/non-BKs on their profiles. Each profile is like a slow discussion board with discussions on wide ranging issues related to BKs. In one such profile a non-BK has asked why BKs do not drink water at others' homes? I am not aware if the weblink to any such profile can be posted here or not? Or whether the views expressed by any Orkut member can be posted on this forum or not? Admin. or other Member can guide us.

If anyone has time, they can contact these BKs who are from various corners of the world and invite them to this forum.

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abrahma kumar

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1 of the reasons why I appreciate Brahmakumaris.info

Post06 Dec 2007

1 of the reasons why I appreciate Brahmakumaris.info is because EVERYTHING is on public view with no need for one to become a member or to join. All one needs is access to a pc with a web browser and the contents of the site are freely available.

Yes, I can guess that the orkut site is of a different sort than this forum, but so too is the Brahma Kumaris World Spirituality University different from any other University one might 'attend' - or should that be 'join'? And now we can clearly see what is going on in that Godly organisation, cant we...

Does anyone know if there is a 'view only' way of exploring the contents of the site that arjun has brought to our attention? I am sure that it must be benefiting many, many people.

Anyway, abek did visit the site and rather interestingly read about it having
a priority government reporting tool that allows select authorities to flag orkut content and receive our (orkut's) highest priority review and action. It also allows for requests of preservation of data pending a court order.

Wasn't it the BKWSO that commenced legal action against BrahmaKumaris.Info during which some interesting things were revealed concerning the matter of "membership"?

Thanks arjun and good luck to orkut and all who join it.
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Post06 Dec 2007

Shouldn't we just drop this 'case' chapter and put it in the past and focus in our present lives now? The reasons why they did it, they have to live with it, not us ... we are here to have fun, to exchange our feelings openly and honestly, to help each other when appropriate and all the good stuff ... How much of your negative experiences from your past you want to carry on your shoulders and in your heart ?

Let it go, be light now !!! :D
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Post06 Dec 2007

freedom wrote:shouldn't we just drop this 'case' chapter and put it in the past and focus in our present lives now?

It is worth keeping an eye on what they are up to with the trademarks.

It strikes me that it can only be more preparatory work for commercialising and attacking freedom of speech. It will effect the PBKs the most ... if they are ever to expand into the USA ... and wherever else the BKs expand they "corporate" interests. USA trademarks will assist in other countries.

Owning trademarks gives one a big legal stick with which to beat others with.
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abrahma kumar

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1 of the reasons why I appreciate Brahmakumaris.info

Post06 Dec 2007

Hi freedom brownie :wink: Actually, my post was a comment on the scenario in which someone has to firstly become a 'member of something' in order to possibly get some idea about what the 'something' is all about.

Yes i did link it back to the DND, but only as a brief reflection on the whole concept of 'membership' in its broadest implications. Thanks for your feedback and regards too to ex-l.
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Post06 Dec 2007

To forget and forgive is not always the best option. Some times it is cowardess, denial, laziness, and fear in disguise.

Revenge is a natural instinct that protects and preserves the survival of a species from extinction by counter attacking predictors or others who wish to steal, kill or cause harm.

They want to start something, we're gona finish them.
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abrahma kumar

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Somebody started something ...

Post06 Dec 2007

I really do apologise for this, but somebody started something and perhaps they themselves have no earthly idea where and when it is going to end.
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Post07 Dec 2007

abk wrote:1 of the reasons why I appreciate Brahmakumaris.info is because EVERYTHING is on public view with no need for one to become a member or to join. All one needs is access to a pc with a web browser and the contents of the site are freely available.

I agree. Even BKs have a discussion forum on a site named http://www.RajYoga.in (formerly known as http://www.peopleofspirit.com). It was an open site like this one, which could be seen, read by anyone and anyone could post on it without becoming a Member. But when PBKs started writing on that forum, they changed its format to make it viewable only by members. And when some PBKs tried to become members, they could not do so.

I wonder whether the posts made by PBKs have been retained or deleted!!!

It is good that at least the BK Aussie forum is viewable by anyone in the world :). But I guess there is/was a subsection in that forum which can be viewed only by the BK members of that forum. Only God knows whether they secretly discuss the BKInfo issues in that Sub Section.

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abrahma kumar

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Another reason why I appreciate Brahmakumaris.info

Post07 Dec 2007

Another reason why I appreciate Brahmakumaris.info? Oh, there are no thought leaders on this site. 8) Arjun Bhai, you do unearth some gems. Unfortunately the link to the greeting from Thought Leader BK Jayanti is broken, ahhhhhhhhhhhh. However the links to greetings of Thought Leader BK Mohini & Thought Leader BK Didi Nirmala do work. I wonder whether students of the BKWSU aka the BKWSO know that their Seniors publicise themselves to the world as Thought Leaders?

If anyone out there is curious about this Thought Leading mularky why not think for yourself :cry:, you might be amazed at what you find out in a book or on the www :evil:. Have fun leading your own thoughts :wink: .

Before I go, a short word to our dear Bro neo. Bro neo I did express my own thought that the BKWSU has not been covertly taken over by terrorists. However I do see that amongst it's upper echelons there are Thought Leaders. Has anyone out there heard of Samina Malik? Writing some thoughts down on paper can get one into serious trouble - even if those thoughts are called poetry. As-salam alaikum, Sister.

You can think whatever you want to bro neo, it's fine by abe.

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Post07 Dec 2007

abk wrote:Arjun Bhai, you do unearth some gems. Unfortunately the link to the greeting from Thought Leader BK Jayanti is broken, ahhhhhhhhhhhh. However the links to greetings of Thought Leader BK Mohini & Thought Leader BK Didi Nirmala do work. Maybe this is a new topic but I winder whether students of the BKWSU aka the BKWSO know that their Seniors publicise themselves to the world as Thought Leaders?

I haven't unearthed it just now :lol: ; it has been in the air since many years :wink:.

And like this site, the page on 'thought-leaders' :P has also been there since many years
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Post08 Dec 2007


While discussing the issue of copyright on the word 'Brahmakumaris', I remember writing somewhere that it is mentioned several times in the Avyakt Vanis that the real Godly service will be said to be done only when the world says 'My Baba and not BKs' Baba has come'.

Approximately the same feelings have been expressed by Avyakt BapDada in the latest Avyakt Vani dated 30.11.07 in the last paragraph of the first page which continues into the second page.

Since it is a pdf file I will have to wait till I take a printout to type out the relevant paragraph. But the most important line is:

"They should not say, "There is some power" or "This is good", but they should experience my Baba. This is said to be the practical fruit of service."

But how can the above be possible if BKWS Corporation tries to trademark words like Brahmakumaris?????

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Post08 Dec 2007


While speaking to the Religious wing, Social Service wing, and transport wing in the latest Avyakt Vani dated 30.11.07 Avyakt BapDada has said:

"Ultimately those of all the wings together should say: All of us belong to the one Father and we are one. We are one on this world stage, we follow one direction, and we belong to One. This sound should spread. Religious people should also say: We are one and we belong to One."

How can the above be true if on wing of BKWSO files trademark and copyright applications for many things related to Brahmakumaris???? Obviously they are telling the world through their actions that they are different from the world and they never want to unite with the world.

If everyone in the BKWSO is following the directions of ONE, then where was the need for an individual surrendered BK from abroad to file copyright and trademark applications instead of the BKWSO filing it from India or as an organization??? If all BKs were following the directions of One, was the case to close this site filed on the directions of ONE ShivBaba??? If ShivBaba had given the go-ahead to the BKWSO, Texas, US to file the complaint against us, would he have spoken the above words??? Never. It is obvious that the complaint filed for the closure of this site was not under the directions of ONE BapDada.

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Post08 Dec 2007

Not sure where to fit this but Germany moves to ban Scientology


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