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PostPosted: 06 Sep 2007
by sparkal
No one to discuss deep knowledge with for a long time. Only those who have experienced this will know. No spiritual family. Coveniently removed from the scene.

Rejected by the spiritual family. Rejected by the outside world, rejected by the self even. Go on then, tell us about it. I am sure there are a variety of flowers in the garden of rejection.

PostPosted: 06 Sep 2007
by Mr Green
You're no reject in my eyes.

PostPosted: 07 Sep 2007
by bro neo
IMO, rejection is about as painful as being killed alive, constantly. I believe humans associate approval and acceptance with our very survival. Back in the tribal days, to be rejected by the tribe meant a likely death. I think still in some parts of Africa if someone is openly rejected by the tribe, in a ritual ceremony, they actually physically die.

Approval from others can be hard to get, approval from ones self can be a lot harder. For me it has been about just keep doing the right thing and the right thing will happen. Eventually ...

PostPosted: 07 Sep 2007
by ex-l
bro neo wrote:IMO, rejection is about as painful as being killed alive, constantly. I believe humans associate approval and acceptance with our very survival. Back in the tribal days, to be rejected by the tribe meant a likely death.

I think the current BKWSU policy of banishment is equivalent to this tribal or caste rejection you talk about.

In BK terms, it equates to "death for eternity" for challenging the authority of the self-elect leadership. They have replaced one panchayat with another of their own making.

rejection answer

PostPosted: 08 Sep 2007
by sparkal
Perhaps there is only one type of rejection, that being the rejection of the true original self and therefore, every other form of rejection stems from this. It may be that we all reject others in some way or other. This forum rejects aspects of BKWSU and certain individuals within, or, their policies. It may also be a symptom of divide and rule of any sort.

Rejecting souls for going to deep, usually in words, on the highest path :shock: needs to be looked at surely. Or is it the highest religion? Perhaps it is what souls make it, those who call the shots in particular. Any "agenda" will surely reject by nature. Could it be that certain BKWSU individuals may feel more rejected than some here even at this time?

If you have a religion, you may reject all others who are not of your religion. It is time therefore to end religion as we know it. The BKWSU teachings are designed to do this, even if some may not care to admit it, or practise it.

So, sometimes there may be rejection, and others there may be natural progress, beyond the old religious traits, to a new "way of life". The true intentions of the teachings ultimately. Pioneering can be a lonely business, sometimes the only solution lies within, forperiods of time at least.

Re: rejection answer

PostPosted: 09 Sep 2007
by joel
sparkal wrote:Perhaps there is only one type of rejection, that being the rejection of the true original self ...

I am concerned about rejection of deeper parts of oneself that one mistakenly considers separate from one's true self, due to absolutist and dogmatic (not Godmatic!) philosophies, shame, misplace puritanism, etc. There is no better way to kill oneself than to determine that one's deepest hurts, desires, feelings are "impure" and that they should be somehow expunged. Most of us do not succeed in killing the self: we usually stop at some level of maiming.

PostPosted: 10 Sep 2007
by pilatus
I agree with what most of you have written, especially
joel wrote:I am concerned about rejection of deeper parts of oneself that one mistakenly considers separate from one's true self

Most of my developmental issues have been centred on the small self/me/ego (sub)consciously rejecting the path which God/the universe seems to want my higher Self to follow; and the pointers to that path which are frequently given by my nearest and dearest.

The upside is that it's all learning. The downside is that I most often end up hurting myself because the ego is attacking my angelic self as though it were my auto-immune system rejecting a transplanted organ ...