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PostPosted: 23 Aug 2007
by bkdimok
Dear souls, Om Shanti. I studied a little what you are doing here?

To my regret, i realized that the most active part of the forum members (ex-BK mainly) do nothing but just critising. Their criticism has no aim except criticism. Maybe at the beginning they wanted to find truth, change something to a better state, but now all they are doing is spreding their tamos through this forum.

Of course there will be some benefit even through this criticism but it will be more profitable if they will sugest something positive. I can point a lot of bad things which are happening with a person, with this forum, with this world etc but I won't do it if i have no solution to that problem or maybe some thoughts towards solution.

So I hope conversation will become more constructive and there will be more positive thinking towards practical solutions.

With regards, BK Dmitry

PostPosted: 23 Aug 2007
by yudhishtira
Mmmm. Well, doesn't apply to all threads but I think that the statement below from the front page
It is impartial and non-doctrinal. Intended to be honest, informed and accurate, the site and its contributors take a detailed look at this international organization, its leaders and the effects of the lifestyle promoted by its leaders.

is a little ambitious; considering most come here after having some negative experiences of BK life. Maybe we need to reconsider it to be something like;
    "a place to vent your angst at the injustices you consider you experienced during BK life and point out all the negative press about the BKWSU"
to be more accurate under Federal Trade Commission guidelines ...

bkdimok; to be honest, I do not think you help yourself when you do not talk with your own opinions but spout Gyan at people. We all know Gyan. That's why we are here. But I think you have overlooked the many occasions when souls are genuinly discussing their spiritual beliefs. Certainly there are some here whose mission in life is purely to look at the negative aspects of the BKs, but they are not in the minority, and it is unfair of you to lump everyone into one basket. You have to read a little further and understand people's experiences.

I do agree that it would be good to focus more on practical suggestions. I did in fact notice a thread started on this subject recently, and another for new BKs. Why do not you give us some positive suggestions and lead by example?

Re: Critic

PostPosted: 23 Aug 2007
by ex-l
BKdimok wrote:To my regret, I realized that the most active part of the forum members (ex-BK mainly) do nothing but just critising. Their criticism has no aim except criticism.

Then you are blind and well as deluded, dimok (or am I talking to Shiva, here?) ... the picture is too big for your conditioned BK mind to grasp. I mean that kindly.

If you cant see the rest, or the benefit, or the negativity to be resolved; then I cant be bothered to explain to you. I thought that a couple of days ago you were Shiva come down to sort the BKWSU out?

Let's start with protecting newcomers and riends and family of BKs, making the organization's history accurate, revealing the true knowledge, stopping all the abuses of power and building in some independent system of accountability and handling disputes. I'd say those were fairly positive aims.

PostPosted: 23 Aug 2007
by bkdimok
yudhishtira wrote:1. is a little ambitious; considering most come here after having some negative experiences of BK life.
2. bkdimok; to be honest, I do not think you help yourself when you do not talk with your own opinions but spout Gyan at people. You have to read a little further and understand people's experiences.
3. I do agree that it would be good to focus more on practical suggestions. I did in fact notice a thread started on this subject recently, and another for new BKs. Why do not you give us some positive suggestions and lead by example?

Dear soul, Om Shanti.
    1. I don't consider most come here after some negative experiences of BK life.
    2. I tell only those things which i feel and think.
    3. What topic?
ex-l wrote:Let's start with protecting newcomers and friends and family of BKs, making the organization's history accurate, revealing the true knowledge, stopping all the abuses of power and building in some independent system of accountability and handling disputes. I'd say those were fairly positive aims.

Om Shanti. OK, very good aims. So we had started. But also we should figure out how we can practically achieve this aims. I mean in details. What kind of organization it should be, administration and financial questions (this questions are the most discussed), what philosophy should it teach, PR, new people, children, families. If there must be something else your suggestions are welcome.

I have to repeat, because it is important.
BKdimok wrote:Of course there will be some benefit even through this criticism but it will be more profitable if they will sugest something positive. I can point a lot of bad things which are happening with a person, with this forum, with this world etc but I won't do it if I have no solution to that problem or maybe some thoughts towards solution.

With regards BK Dmitry

PostPosted: 23 Aug 2007
by john

I suggest you take you time to read over the forum threads, a LOT has been discussed and researched since your last posts in 2006.

I feel there will be issues you as a young BK, may not be able to relate to, i.e. History re-writes, Murli re-writes, but give it time and things should become clearer. Documents are appearing, which are showing a different story to what the BKSWU is using as it's modern PR and to what it teaches students of today.
Of course there will be some benefit even through this criticism but it will be more profitable if they will sugest something positive.

Please read the threads concerningIn the BK section of the forum.

PostPosted: 23 Aug 2007
by ex-l
I am sorry dimok ... we are already on the case. See the "official correspondence" and "open letter" topics.

Me, personally, I am more than happy just to keep ensuring the rest of the world sees past their intricate and expensive smokescreens.

PostPosted: 23 Aug 2007
by bkdimok
ex-l wrote:I am more than happy just to keep ensuring the rest of the world sees past their intricate and expensive smokescreens.

Om Shanti. It's OK, but I am here not for that. If you don't mind please help me to create full picture of "How it should be". I mean in details and from beggining to the end.
ex-l wrote:I am sorry dimok ... we are already on the case. See the "official correspondence" and "open letter" topics.

We won't change anything through official sourses. Only from inside. But to change something into something we should have a clear picture of what we want to create.
John wrote:I feel there will be issues you as a young BK, may not be able to relate to i.e. History re-writes, Murli re-writes, but give it time and things should become clearer.
Documents are appearing, which are showing a different story to what the BKSWU is using as it's modern PR and to what it teaches students of today.

For me it does not matter what it was. Except bad experiences in order not to repeat them. I don't want to send energy of my thoughts to the past where I cannot change anything. All i want is to create good organization on the bassis of applying good past experiences and refusing bad ones.

With regards, BK Dmitry aka Shankar

PostPosted: 23 Aug 2007
by john
BKdimok wrote:For me it does not matter what it was. Except bad experiences in order not to repeat them. I don't want to send energy of my thoughts to the past where I cannot change anything. All I want is to create good organization on the bassis of applying good past experiences and refusing bad ones.

Like I said, it is hard for young BKs to understand.

Let me give you a clue. If you are fed false or misleading information, i.e. Murli re-writes, how will you ever understand ShivaBaba's true intention? Without understanding that, 'the foundation', all other knowledge you may accrue from BKs will be understood in the wrong way.

By the way, if I ever speak to non-BKs about this, they find it so very obvious that the 'Scriptures' (Murlis) should not be tampered with. A lot BKs seem to lose all commonsense and reasoning power.

PostPosted: 23 Aug 2007
by ex-l

following what John has said, have you seen and read the original documents and posters from the 30s and 40s ... "no mention of Shiva until after 1949", "Prajapati God Brahma", "Destruction in approx 1950" ... Adi Dev and Vishwa Ratan biographies proven to be falsifications ...

There is something about the BK conditioning that make it very hard for BKs to think outside their box, even to imagine that there might be something wrong or dishonest about the Yagya. It appears to be to be the complete atrophy of discriminatory thought. Discrimination as a "divine power".
BKdimok wrote:"How it should be".
    • All Murlis and "Divine Decrees", in a public archive ... in their original unedited form. Let all individuals themselves decide what, where and then they choose to study them. Not some self-elected elite with a proven history of historical re-writing and revision (You might say, "not following Shrimat").

    • An independent, external ombudsman system to examine and address any issues and complaints arising from the behavior of the BKWSU and leading BKs.

    • A complete and accurate history.
That really is enough to be starting with ... seriously, read the correspondence topic. It is all there. Until we know the truth, we cannot make informed decisions about where to go next. I would suggest putting those responsible for doing this stuff in quarantine and removing all false information.

PostPosted: 23 Aug 2007
by bansy

In Gyan, everythings belongs to God. So does each forum member. And thus so this forum.

So this forum is an instrument of God used to highlight the activities of other instruments of God. That is all this forum is.

PostPosted: 23 Aug 2007
by bkdimok
OK. Then first of all I'll find out what is wrong in BKWSU personally. But after that i want you to help me to remove all this and create the best spiritual organization at all Kalpa. Will you?


PostPosted: 23 Aug 2007
by bansy
:?: Oh, I forgot you are now in the role of Shankar. That was a quick flip.

Are you begging us again to help you transform the world ?

Have you gotten permission from ShivBaba over in the PBK forum or Supreme Father over in the Vishnu Party side. Why do you want to remove things which you have created ? You're perfect, so everything is perfect? It's okay, I forgive you for all your mistakes, and may ... err ... err ... Bob have mercy on your soul.

No, you don't need to answer, since you have all the answers, and I personally do not need to know. Thanks.

PostPosted: 23 Aug 2007
by john
BKdimok wrote:OK. Then first of all I'll find out what is wrong in BKWSU personally. But after that I want you to help me to remove all this and create the best spiritual organization at all Kalpa. Will you?

If anything you should be following us, as you are quite clueless of the overall picture.

Some how I don't think you will have any problems taking any research/insights from this forum and presenting it as your own findings/knowledge. In what year did you become a BK?

PostPosted: 23 Aug 2007
by bkdimok
john wrote:Some how I don't think you will have any problems taking any research/insights from this forum and presenting it as your own findings/knowledge.

Dear soul. As i see first of all i have to become authorised person inside BKWSU and only then you maybe will start to listen what I am talking about. OK, no problem. I don't need to research this forum and present anything. I need to change this organization. All i want from you is direct answer: will you help me to change it or you want only discussions? This is yes or no question, if you want change something practically you can answer yes, otherwise - no. Very simple.
bansy wrote:Are you begging us again to help you transform the world ?

I never beg anyone for anything (except God). I am just asking one simple question you are here to discuss or to change this situation? OK. See you when I'll be more authorised person from material point of view (money, status etc).
john wrote:In what year did you become a BK?

I can answer your question/questions through ICQ or e-mail. See you. With regards BK Dmitry aka Shankar.

PostPosted: 23 Aug 2007
by john
BKdimok wrote:All I want from you is direct answers; will you help me to change it or do you want only discussions? This is yes or no question, if you want change something practically you can answer "yes"; otherwise, "no". Very simple.

I have not seen one suggestion from you that would make me think you can change anything therefore, sorry, at this moment in time I can not join you.