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The Tree (World Religions)

PostPosted: 05 Aug 2007
by ex-l
Everything in "The Knowledge" is so neatly numbered and, in theory, symmetrical.

Why is the "The Tree", in reality, so asymmetrical? That is to say, why do not the branches all balance each other well? It makes for a simplicist and pretty picture, but does it make sense?

If we look at the numbers of followers of the major religions, why such great difference, i.e. preponderance of Christians? Surely, so late in the Kalpa and with such a large family to serve, the Christ soul must be making his or her influence somewhere? The BKs used to think that the last Pope was the Christ soul. He died and notably did not attended a BK Raja Yoga center.

Major Religions of the World Ranked by Number of Adherents from

(Sizes shown are approximate estimates, and are here mainly for the purpose of ordering the groups, not providing a definitive number. This list is sociological/statistical in perspective. Note, it does not separate Hinduism from Sanyasi-ism) ... I have never even heard of "Juche" or "Tenrikyo" before. I wonder what the real figures are for the BKWSU and how they calculate who is in and who is out?
    Christianity: 2.1 billion
    Islam: 1.3 billion
    Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 billion
    Hinduism: 900 million
    Chinese traditional religion: 394 million
    Buddhism: 376 million
    Primal-indigenous: 300 million
    African Traditional & Diasporic: 100 million
    Sikhism: 23 million
    Juche: 19 million
    Spiritism: 15 million
    Judaism: 14 million
    Baha'i: 7 million
    Jainism: 4.2 million
    Shinto: 4 million
    Cao Dai: 4 million
    Zoroastrianism: 2.6 million
    Tenrikyo: 2 million
    Neo-Paganism: 1 million
    Unitarian-Universalism: 800 thousand
    Rastafarianism: 600 thousand
    Scientology: 500 thousand

PostPosted: 05 Aug 2007
by andrey
One of the reasons that other religions grow and Hindu religuion remains less is that where does other religions come from. Souls belonging to the deity religion (Hindu) get converted, their number become less and number of other religions grow.

It is also believed that the more we are the better (procreate). Baba (Virendra Dev Dixit) says that it is better to have one child as a lion then 10 children like owls. It is also that each religion has its own moment of glory. Now in the past 100 years it is Christianity that has spread its influence in the world and ruled with its speciality of pomp and show.

PostPosted: 05 Aug 2007
by ex-l
andrey wrote:Souls belonging to the deity religion (Hindu) get converted, their number become less and number of other religions grow.

We have pretty good figures of the spread of Hindus to other parts of the world. To Africa it was basically zero until the British started shipping them out and then the 20th Century kicked in. Ditto, to Europe.
Now in the past 100 years it is Christianity that has spread its influence in the world and ruled with its speciality of pomp and show.

What about all the basic charity it did? It was Christian priests that worked to stopped sati and the ritual child sex abuse I mention in the movie topic regarding "Maya".

Can you honestly say that the simple monasteries and missionary outposts had more "pomp and show" than the huge temples, the Jagatnaths, the noise, bright colors and smells of Hinduism, and the huge melas? There is nothing to measure those in Christianity, even until this day.

How do you qualify "pomp and show"?

PostPosted: 05 Aug 2007
by andrey
It is the souls that get converted and start belonging to the other religion, then they receive birth in the other religion.

Pomp and show is in the way of life that people get astonished with the external. Big buildings, advertising, fancy dresses, cocktails.

PostPosted: 05 Aug 2007
by ex-l
I am sorry andrey ... like John, I am trying to go into details and get to the very heart of all this. Resolve, not just accept the anomalies. I know the "The Knowledge" well enough. My point with Christianity was that the missionaries and monasteries hardly dealt in pomp and show. I am tired of the broad, generalised, sweeping ... and inaccruate ... statements that are used. Plus the math does not add up.

There are 25 million Christians in India just below 3% of the total population. Here is an useful introduction;
Kerala Christians have a longer history and a higher ancestry than that of Christians of many of the European countries. Many Keralites became Christians even before St. Peter reached Rome in 68 A.D.

PostPosted: 07 Aug 2007
by andrey
If in the beginning there is only one religion then where other religions come from. Souls from that religion get converted.

I mean not dishonour Christianity or such. I thought no one believes in it anymore. No one is really believer, because there is not the clarity in what to believe.

There is the need for some unifying religion now at this point of history, and this cannot be Christianity or Islam, because not all are ready to accept Christ. Mohammad, Buddha, but all religions know and remember Adam and heaven.
ex-l wrote:I know the "The knowlegde"

You canont know this knowledge. Because it is new knowledge. It is not written in the Murlis.

PostPosted: 07 Aug 2007
by john
andrey wrote:I mean not dishonour Christianity or such. I thought no one believes in it anymore. No one is really believer, because there is not the clarity in what to believe.

Now that comment really takes the biscuit :lol:. andrey in the Sky with Diamonds.
andrey wrote:You canont know this knowledge. Because it is new knowledge. It is not written in the Murlis.

It is not exactly new knowledge more tallying the Murlis, Yagya and life of Virendra Dev Dixit with the scriptures as opposed to BKs who proclaim all scriptures are false.

PostPosted: 07 Aug 2007
by ex-l
andrey wrote:You cannot know this knowledge. Because it is new knowledge. It is not written in the Murlis.

I am not talking about Virendra Dev Dixit's "knowledge", I am talking about your responses. You tend to rehash the basic stuff from the Sakar Murlis. Repetitively. When I try to go into the depths my experience is, kind of like the BKs, you do not understand or ignore the question, or there is no answer to it. Instead the club of basic knowledge comes out to hit me on the head.

Look above, we have a trunk of The Tree with 900 million (Hinduism)

We have a branch of The Tree with 2,100 million (Christianity)
    The Christian population of India is estimated at 25 million
    The Islamic population of India is estimated at 174 million
    The Buddhist population of India is estimated at 8 million etc
Not all of them will be converted Adi Devatas, according to the theory some will be new souls.

The population at the end of the Copper Age was meant to be 300 million, so in 2,500 years, it has only expanded 3 times. You have a single branch that is more than twice as big as the trunk and where did all the Jews go? I am sure that 900 million figure also includes the Sanyasins.

Obviously, The Tree is an attractive concept but is it real and according to "real" knowledge. We read in Vishwa Ratan's book of how Nirwair saw one at some other religious organsation (I think it was in Bombay) and then they painted one. We discovered the false history of the creation of The Cycle ... now I am question the accuracy of The Tree.

inter rail

PostPosted: 12 Aug 2007
by alladin
Please excuse my ignorance, but interfaith stuff doesn't attract me much, so I am uninformed. Under which guise does the BKWSO participate to inter-religious conferences, if they claim not to be a religion??

PostPosted: 12 Aug 2007
by andrey
dear br. ex-l,

If we would make it a religious fight djihad, then there is no need. There is nothing wrong in the Hindu religion. It is an old religion. They have the knowlegde of The Cycle, rebirth, something from the knowldge has also remained in the practical life. Newer religions Islam , Buddhism Christianity, have come later.

We have in mind the souls. The souls belong to some religions. In the beginning there is only one deity religion. There are no other souls. Then some get converted, some new come. Some branch can grow even bigger - there is no contradiction. Sometimes a Father can establish a company and a child can expand it even more then the original. Why has exactly Christianity grown so much, it is because they have even invaded others in the name of spreading religion with a sward in the hand, or created missions, where in the name of charity it has spread its influence and due to the advertising nature Christ has become the most famous person. There are not so many activites in the name of the religion in other religions as there are in Christianity.

It also remains the matter of the soul, when the soul gets influence it can join the religion in lifetime, but also get rebirth in the new religion. So old souls, who belong to the deity religions get converted this way and there are very few new deity souls coming. New souls from the deity religion keep coming till the end. And there are very many souls of other religions coming.

It is said in the Murli that i rejuvenate the old deity religion /Hindu religion/. no one is asked to convert to Hindu religion. People just recognise that they belonged to it and get back. It is different. One is to get back to where you belonged and other is to go forward in a new religion.

Other think is that Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit has said that foreign (to deity religion) religions, and their followers are very firm in their religion and they never get converted to any other religion (so we should also be so firm in the deity religion), they don't even like to listen to any scripture of other religion, which means that they will probably be taking rebirth only in the same religion whilst there are such souls also that get converted many times in many religions, whichever religion comes they get converted in the new religion. These are also souls that initially belong to the deity religion, so this is also one more reason why souls of the deity religion remain less and other religions grow.

If The Knowledge in the BK/PBK resembles Hindu knowledge and they have borrowed conceptions from other religions then these are old conceptions. Did Christ invent the message of love, or Mohammad that God is one. They just preach and some souls recognize them and belong to them the same happens here. So it can seem like it is old Hindu knowledge, because it is said i rejuvenate this religion, but it has some freshness, some contemporary sound, it resonates a lot about this time, it makes a lot of sense now that no religion has such power nowadays and the debate we debate and the activities etc is the proof. Of course there are many, many points which cannot be found anywhere else.

It is also that in the Hindu religion it is not clear the founder, like Christ for Christianity, Mohhamad for Muslim religion. Now it becomes clear who it is, that it is ShivBaba. And the religious Father through whom it is done is said Father of fathers, because it is even older, senior than Christ Mohhamad. They have themselves proclaimed themselves as children of god and not god himself. They accept Adam as their ancestor. The difference is that now God comes himself and it is only the Gita scripture which reflects this - that god comes himself and speaks. Other religions and other religious scriptures speak of him indirectly, or speak about the religious fathers.

300 millions are all the deities that come till the end of kaliyuga. At the beginning of Copper Age they are much less. Maybe it was something like something like 12 or 20 millions /someone knowing the corr3et figure may like to correct/ Because there is no adultery in Golden and silver ages then increase in population is very slow. I believe these matter were already discussed well in another place specifically about the population.

Nomatter how The Knowledge used to originate, spread, or change. This is something separate to find out how, but now, after time has passed, things have changed The Knowledge we have available now, when we look at it and examine it makes a lot of sense and i see no error in it, that can be only coming from God..

There is no surprise the condition of the BK family if someone can hide inside for years and then come out as his real self and totally anti element. Why were you not questioning then. It is only now that there is some power because truth has started to reveal little by little.

PS. I must admit that i cannot fully grasp the point that you try to make, so if it is something else, please state.

PostPosted: 12 Aug 2007
by ex-l
andrey wrote:PS. I must admit that I cannot fully grasp the point that you try to make, so if it is something else, please state.

So you thought you would just hit me on the head with a load of BK Gyan I already know instead?
    • In 500 BC, the World population is calculated to be circa 100 million. BapDada says 300 million.
    • At year 1 AD, the World population is calculated to be 170 million - 300 million
    •In fact, its only about 1100 AD when the lower estimates for world religion are thought to reach 300 Million mark.
In Hinduism, it is thought that images have power. And they are right. The image of The Tree is very attractive and flattering to BK followers. The singular, broad strong trunk ... and then the little branches. It is equally balance between left and right hand side. Life is presented as ordered and balanced. Reality is not.

When you look at the real numbers, you see that The Tree is malformed leaning heavily over to the left hand side. The Sikh and Sanyasis branches which are shown as full-sized balancing Islam and Christianity are only 23 million or less (0.3%) against 1 and 2 Billion (50%). Judaism, which Baba called Islam, is only 0.2% and yet it is shown to balancing Buddhism which is 6%, 30 times larger.

Then you have loads of other religions which do not fit in The Tree, like Zoroastrianism, Shint or African Indigenous, but which date back to at least in theory the start of the Copper Age. So how do we explain these anomalies?

Really, what I am point out is that minds were and are still manipulated by false images. If you question the BKWSU against facts, you are given the take it or leave it response. I would argue that they depend on our ignorance of history. I might sit down and attempt to draw an accurate Tree unless a better artist than I can take the figures above and draw one.

I am dying for some more mathematical soul to offer us a calculation of the increase in world population according the the BKWSU theory of souls being reincarnated because I am equally sure it is not going to work out but am very willing to be proven wrong. There we already have a serious anomaly.

"Baba says", 300 million at end of Copper Age ... scientists calculate 100 Million and 300 million in 1100 AD. So where did all the souls go in between? Were they not having large families?

PostPosted: 12 Aug 2007
by arjun
"Baba says", 300 million at end of Copper Age ... scientists calculate 100 Million and 300 million in 1100 AD. So where did all the souls go in between? Were they not having large families?

Brother ex-l,

I have heard about the population at the end of Silver Age to be around 10 crores (i.e. 100 millions), but I have not heard about the population being 300 millions at the end of the Copper Age, do you have any proof of the same?


PostPosted: 12 Aug 2007
by ex-l
arjun wrote:I have not heard about the population being 300 millions at the end of the Copper Age, do you have any proof of the same?

Not at hand. Is 300 Million the total number of souls born to "deity" religion, even those born to "Hindu" through Copper and Iron Age?

Just out of interest, I see theearly Trees have the ages marked with Vaisha Raj and Shudra Raj etc as well.

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by arjun
ex-l wrote:Not at hand. Is 300 Million the total number of souls born to "deity" religion, even those born to "Hindu" through Copper and Iron Age?

Here is where we PBKs differ from the BKs. The BKs believe the population of deities to be around 33 crores (330 millions) at the end of Silver Age (i.e. after 2500 years), whereas PBKs believe that the population at the end of the Silver Age would be around 10 crores which would increase to 33 crores by the end of the Iron Age. Since the Deity religion is renamed as Hinduism in the Copper Age, so the 23 crores souls belonging to the Deity religion which descend in the Copper and Iron Ages are virtually Hindus. Since ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) has included Jainism also within the deity religion, the above mentioned 33/23 crore deities should include the Jains also.


PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by ex-l
arjun wrote:The BKs believe the population of deities to be around 33 crores (330 millions) at the end of Silver Age (i.e. after 2500 years), whereas PBKs believe that the population at the end of the Silver Age would be around 10 crores which would increase to 33 crores by the end of the Iron Age.

That was the figure I was looking for; 330 million. Looking at the figures given above, 900 million which equates to pretty much the Indian population minus minority religions, what was explain the 570 million extra?

How many Indians are considered to be Shankaracharya followers ... how big is it and how does that religion expand if all its followers are renunciates, e.g. no family, no procreation?

Sikhs are listed as 23 million, a Parsees etc much smaller number. You get my point about The Tree looking very imbalanced.