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PostPosted: 23 Jul 2007
by andrey
It is said that as are the stars in the sky, so we are the living stars on earth. As there is a world merged in each star we also have our own world here on earth. So maybe these non-living stars can be connected with us the living stars, with our conscioussness, attitude. Like there is the living earth and moon, and whatever happens to them happens to the non-living one. Something like the voodoo, that whatever happens to the small doll happens to the big doll.

It is said that in the Golden Age, there will be always a day. The earth will rotate this way, like nowadays on the poles there are 6 months day. So it will be day for 2500 years. One sun will be visible on the sky. Maybe at that time no one though about other stars. No one thought that this sun is also a star and dared to compare, that what happens on these other stars.

Maybe then we were not searching for aliens and life out there. Like there used to be one sun in the sky, there used to be one sun on the earth. Such rule was there. Nowadays in some, science-fiction movies, on some planets it is shown that there are two suns on the sky and it seems very strange.

PostPosted: 24 Jul 2007
by paulkershaw
Check the night sky on August 27th. We will have both the moon and Mars showing as bright moons (or suns). Not sure if this is only in the Southern Hemisphere or not though ... Must be a freak of nature all to do with Kaliyug I s'pose ...

In 'my' Golden Age I'd love to have some night and some day and I'd like some rain and some shine too. Its called BALANCE. But I do recognise that this 'Iron Aged world' that we supposedly live in does have many UNBALANCED people in it too, and who live in the night (shadow self) instead of the day (light self).

'Impurity' has far deeper (!) meanings than simply indulgence in sexual activity.

PostPosted: 24 Jul 2007
by arjun
paulkershaw wrote:Check the night sky on August 27th. We will have both the moon and Mars showing as bright moons (or suns).

Yesterday my Officer was going through a website and informed everyone about this event. I was thinking of informing the members of this forum. You have made my task easy. But he was telling that we have to view it after midnight and I generally sleep some time before midnight. So, I don't know if I will remember to wake up past midnight on 27th to witness this unique event. But I am sure the numerous newschannels will not make me forget the day and time. :lol:

PostPosted: 24 Jul 2007
by pilatus
Hello arjun and paulkershaw,

As someone with an interest in the universe, I feel we sometimes over-emphasize these astronomical conjunctions. It looks as though Mars will be bright in the sky through to the end of the year. With the monthly lunar cycle, it's relatively common for the moon to appear close to a bright planet (Venus, Mars, Jupiter or Saturn). What makes it interesting and wonderful is the variation in the Moon's phase so, e.g. the day I got married we had a crescent Moon close to Venus ...

Very best wishes

PostPosted: 24 Jul 2007
by bansy
I am no astronomist but what is fascinating is how due to the perfect distance of the moon rotating around that during a solar eclipse, standing on a spot on the earth, the size of the moon matches exactly that of the sun, so that we get a real total eclipse. If the moon was closer, we could not see the corona, and if the moon was further, then the sun will not be fully covered. Its perfect maths.

There is a small hilly range just outside my town which is very popular for local night gazers. Watching a night sky full of stars on a clear cool summers evening can be really beautiful. One can gaze for hours on end, without the need of a telescope. Very often, cars would just stop on when they come to a beauty spot ... for stars. Of course, its a nice place for romantic couples too. :P If anyone has not seen a night sky full of stars, it really is worth it. Natural beauty not just limited to earth but beyond.

PostPosted: 25 Jul 2007
by pilatus
Agree with you completely bansy. The wonder of the universe is amazing and inspiring. I am more of a casual stargazer but every time I do, it brings me closer to God. We had a fantastic view of the total eclipse of the Moon on 3 March this year and at the same time used our telescope to see the rings of Saturn.

Best wishes

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2007
by andrey
In the common path of spirituality it is said that the "Earth is living" and they believe that the non-living earth is living. Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit also says that the "Earth living", but it is just the opposite, that there is a living human being whose soul (mind, intellect) is like the earth, that it gives sustenance to all.

PostPosted: 14 Nov 2007
by bansy
Where is day and night is, or sun, earth or moon, depends on where you stand.

A Japanese satellite has recently just landed on the moon and has taken the first shots of an "Earthset", i.e the earth setting behind the moon at the end of the moonday.

See; Earth is seen setting behind the Moon