BKspeak ... "Giving" or "Taking Benefit

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BKspeak ... "Giving" or "Taking Benefit

Post18 Jul 2007

In BK Brahminspeak, we taking about "Taking Benefit". We say things like, "... the millions that have taken benefit from the BKWSU", or "the BKWSU has given benefit to many"

This has come to have a special meaning to BK Brahmins, a shorthand, doublespeak outsiders do not understand or a concept in itself.
    • So what does this actually mean?
    • Can such "BK Benefit" be measured emperically or is it purely notional self-congratulatory, self-rewarding, self-confirmation?
To the rest of the world, I think "benefit" is measured in tangible ways; food, money, provision of services or utilities. Given the deeply mixed and contradictory experiences of BK within the system, ex-BKs, PBKs etc ... what is this thing called "benefit" that the BKWSU is so sure it is delivering?
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giving sorrow to benefit others

Post18 Jul 2007

Personally speaking, I would first of all regard as tangible results the untangible, yet real feeling of happiness or discomfort I felt during or after my association with and practise of Raja Yoga.

Many BK angels, especially those in the role of teachers, dispense sorrow to students, other BKs or agyani souls, abuse them, treat them as doormats, play mind games with them, use them bossy them around, but absolve themselves thinking arrogantly that "it's for their benefit".
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Post19 Jul 2007

Or on another level, who's going to be 'taking the benefit'? For example, if a center-in-charge is trying to convince some new student to "take benefit" - would it not in the long term benefit said same center-in-charge by creating for themselves someone to do things for them, i.e cash in the bhandara, DIY odd jobs, transport, freebies etc etc, in return for same student taking benefit? ... Or are both taking benefit?

I see the word 'benefit' as coming from the word 'Benefactor' ... but wonder about the actual benevolence of someone 'taking benefit' ...
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Post19 Jul 2007

I honestly find the choice of language as being slightly condescending and a little creepy.

Its is one of those things that is repeated ad nuseum within the BKWSU so that the BKs can convince themselves that they are actually doing something.

"Have you "taken benefit" today, little child?" as matron leans over you with a spoonful of cod liver oil ... or cod spirituality.

"Yes, you have, haven't you!"

"Yes, matron ... I have taken benefit" ... what does it mean!?!

I think from the BK point of view, they believe that someone, anyone coming to hear them speak and take The Course has "taken benefit" ... and will use it to earn their fortune for the next 5,000 years ... or part thereof. Its a little bit pressumptious, no?

Not the same way the rest of the world would understand it.
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Post19 Jul 2007

ex-l wrote:In BK Brahminspeak, we taking about "Taking Benefit". We say things like, "... the millions that have taken benefit from the BKWSU", or "the BKWSU has given benefit to many"

This has come to have a special meaning to BK Brahmins, a shorthand, doublespeak outsiders do not understand or a concept in itself.
• So what does this actually mean?
• Can such "BK Benefit" be measured emperically or is it purely notional self-congratulatory, self-rewarding, self-confirmation?

Omshanti. I think the word 'benefit' that you are quoting is a translation of the word 'kalyaan' that appears in the Sakar Murlis and Avyakt Vanis published by the BKs. The translation of 'kalyaan' could be both 'benefit' and 'upliftment'.

In BK/PBK terms, the benefit is not measurable in the form of immediate/gross benefits that you have mentioned. But the benefit refers to 'mukti/gati', i.e. salvation/ liberation for many souls (whereby they live in the Soul World for a longer period) and 'jeevanmukti/sadgati'.

That is true salvation/beatitude/salvation while being alive for some souls (whereby they enjoy peace and prosperity/happiness while living in this world in heaven/Confluence Age).

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Post19 Jul 2007

Thank you, where would we be without the compass of your exactitude, Arjun?

I agree with the alokik meaning. Could you give an example of how it is used in Hindi sentance, lokik life?

In English-English it would be considered a "neologism", a new word or a words with new meaning.

Although its meaning is clear within BK circles ... all part of that lexicon newly convereted BKs take months to grasp ... I would say it is used dishonestly towards the outside world to give a different impression. The use of words, the creation of an inner language, it all part of the cult-likeness of the BKWSU.
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Post20 Jul 2007

This term is an aspect of BKs reenforcing their own fragile egos.

So and so has taken so much benefit from Dadi's drishti.

A bigger bunch of self congratulators I have never met.
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Taking Benefit

Post19 Aug 2007

Mr Green wrote:This term is an aspect of BKs reenforcing their own fragile egos. So and so has taken so much benefit from Dadi's drishti. A bigger bunch of self congratulators I have never met.

I recently read on the Forum, the term "indulging" in reference to sexual activity. This is the "top of the list" if not only sin the BKs are concentrating on, when they preach about refraining from detrimental practises.

Have we ever realized how many "vicious" and unhealthy attitudes are common in the BKWSU and how we may have absorbed them to some degree by exposing ourselves-indulging- to them? Take for instance what John wrote:
delusions of grandeur - a delusion (common in paranoia) that you are much greater and more powerful and influential than you really are. Does BKSWU trigger off more psychotic fantasist's than most other religions?

This is very dangerous and scary stuff, not really a good influence or the psyche of any human. Considering also that for BKs it is compulsory to expose themselves to certain methods and concepts, everyday, by hearing them in the Murli and the interpretations sisters-in-charge provide of it, and hanging around a community of psychotic people. Hear no evil and no nonsense, I would suggest! It is contagious!

I feel like saying, "thank God and destiny that I came across a community of people that opened my eyes. "I wish that anybody who dismisses the Forum by labelling it as "anti-party" activity, etc ... could also get a glimpse of reality and save him/herself from further damage (and start to "take benefit"! :wink: ).

De-programming the mind and recovering from the effect of such maddening conditioning, is quite a job. Not like healing a cut on the skin!
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Post19 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:I honestly find the choice of language as being slightly condescending and a little creepy. Its is one of those things that is repeated ad nuseum within the BKWSU so that the BKs can convince themselves that they are actually doing something.

The most condescending thing I find is when somebody says 'Baba Says', when really they just want their own ideas to be listened to and taken on board.

As for repeating things ad nauseum, with no real understanding, the one and only thing I learnt from reading about David Icke is his idea of "repeaters". Basically, people who just repeat what others have said with no understanding until it becomes a fixed idea.
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Post21 Aug 2007

Yah ... yah ... yah ...

"taking benefit" ... or "uplifting somebody" (kalyaan). However we view it or may justify the BKs' roles as good, we can never erase the fact that the founding members of the BKWSU are bunch of cheaters. I mean, they could have just presented to the world everything, from divine visions, to realizations, to revised philosophy, to knowledge. Well, that is MORE UPLIFTING to me, and for sure I can take much more benefit from its teachings and history knowing all the facts that SHOULD HAVE COME from the founding members. Seniors read Murlis 365 days a year, give classes at least 2 times a week, for decades, and yet not even have related the real history BKWSU even once in my 15 years of class attendance.

I have nothing against the juniors who are sincerely spiritual. This institution continued on a deceptive, dishonest and impure strategic teachings. The end justifies the means. Is that one of the BKWSU pure teachings?
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Post21 Aug 2007

Hi, Tinydot! :D welcome back!
Tinydot wrote:The end justifies the means. Is that one of the BKWSU pure teachings?

Rhetorical answer to a rhetorical question; not pure and not new! But may be because most people are used to that model, and lying, deceiving and power games are the norm in society, deep down such rules are tolerated. Until some healthy indignation, idealism and ethical principles knock hard at the door of our hearts or some bell rings loud enough to awaken us.

Well, the end justifies the means is in Machiavelli's "Prince", is not it? And is not the BK's one a university aiming to teach how to become that? The cheating is that what they are preparing students for, what they pass down through example and theory, practically is a replica of Kaliyug, with relevant characteristic, systems and required skills accordingly. Regardless of what they preach and claim or the façade they adopt. They have not lifted off the anchor from hell's moorings yet. They feel very comfortable there with the facilities offered by the "devil's marina" such as power trips, manipulation and castes, etc...No sailing off, no Golden Age in sight yet, except for some beautifully coloured posters and CD covers! :cry: Like what you see on travel agencies's walls. So we have to make our own travel arrangements, if we want to get anywhere new.

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