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PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by Mr Green
Sometimes it is nice to say ... "I told you so" :lol:.
Sister Jayanati's email wrote: Our organisation is constantly changing in response to changing needs and times. I would be happy to meet you, or a group, to explain more about our perspectives and current approaches, and in the hope of improving mutual understanding.
bansy wrote:Can a reply be made to Sister Jayanti about what perspectives and current approaches are?

If they are written and communicated, can they not be communicated to the BKs and other souls using this forum? If this forum is not to be used, are they going to be communicated on an official BK website so that all BKs are made aware of these perspectives and approaches?

This is a question that all BKs should be asking their centre tomorrow morning - what is the perspective and current approach of the BKWSU. If you do not know, then you are being kept in the dark, after all this is your BK family.

Bansy my dear, these are very likely not her own words but a result of a collaboration of people who formulate official carefully worded responses ...

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by bansy
Mr green, I was editing my post and cleared it by accident. Thanks for saving it !
likely not her own words but a result of a collaboration of people who formulate official carefully worded responses

All the more reason for the BK management to open up to the entire BK family, who have or do not have access to internet or even to a centre so easily.

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by Mr Green
ex-l wrote:If I draw out one other thing, I notice the emphasis of the word "mutual" in both emails but I cant for the life of me see what the benefit is for anyone on this forum. Is she saying that her terms are that we have to kiss ass over tiffin if we want the Murlis and the true history of the organization? Hell, we are not even getting an invitation to the Palladian Mansion.

Dude, please don't even give it any more thinking, just cast your mind back to when you were a server ... Jayanti and her little gang of mice still believe that even talking to the likes of us is beneficial for us. They are the keepers of truth and Godly wisdom. They 100% believe this just as we once did too (Bhakti marg) ... they probably see contacting the site along the lines of 'offering us the olive branch!'

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by ex-l
mr green wrote:They probably see contacting the site along the lines of 'offering us the olive branch!'

You don't think we should hold out for a little peasant's cottage on the estate then?

I think we should focus, folks. What do we want to ask? Yude and others, what are the points that active BKs would want to raise?

Personally, I think this forum SHOULD be the anonymous forum that any BK knows they can come on, report abuse or raise issues that they want to, without fear of having private letters circulated between the SS and center-in-charges or being frozen out.

I argue that we cannot trust the BKWSU to enable its own such system. So instead of bitching, we should offer something positive by way of service to the community.

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by Mr Green
ex-l wrote:I argue that we cannot trust the BKWSU to enable its own such system. So instead of bitching, we should offer something positive by way of service to the community.

Yes, take the reins of responsibilty.

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2007
by bkti-pit
Wow! It's exciting to see the reaction this is creating.

It's fair play not to publish the internal emails that were sent by mistake. This keeps our record clean. Do we need to know anyway? Jayanti's email looks just like another example of their nicely package polite lies.

The reality is that they are probably concerned about the defamation of the Godly task. All they have to do is be straightforward in addressing the issues. If they were behaving in a Godly manner according to Shrimat, that is with pure feelings, love, respect, humility and honesty, it would be smooth sailing.

I don't think we need to present them with a list of requests. If they want to address the issues, it is very easy to find out what they are by looking at this forum. I am sure they know them already. They could take one issue, just one, and address it honestly. It is pretty simple. Then we could have a little trust in them.

As a BK I am tired of the hypocrisy. Many thanks for providing this space!
ex-l wrote:I argue that we cannot trust the BKWSU to enable its own such system. So instead of bitching, we should offer something positive by way of service to the community.
I agree.

PostPosted: 14 Aug 2007
by arjun
ex-l wrote:Speaking personally, where an individual has put themself up for and plays the 'name game', taking advantage of pulbic position; then that individual has to accept the flipside of that coin as well. There is Jayanti, the Public Face of the BKWSU and there is Jayanti, the Private Individual. Jayanti, the Private Individual is perfectly welcome to join and post in anonymity, as they read in anonymity. I am sure she will gain a lot from this forum.

Unlike other BKs, Sister Jayanti has definite access to the senior Dadis and even Brahma Baba's soul (in his subtle body) through the trance messengers.

If she or Dadis cannot decide on her joining this forum as an official or private individual, they can always seek the opinion of Brahma Baba through a trance messenger just as they do on most important issues of Yagya or Godly service. This would be beneficial for all of us.


PostPosted: 14 Aug 2007
by yudhishtira
Personally, I think this forum SHOULD be the anonymous forum that any BK knows they can come on, report abuse or raise issues that they want to, without fear of having private letters circulated between the SS and center-in-charges or being frozen out. I argue that we cannot trust the BKWSU to enable its own such system. So instead of bitching, we should offer something positive by way of service to the community.

Yes exl-l, we need to respond to this email. The following are my suggestions for points for the response;

We appreciate that finally we have had an official response and would be interested in communicating; but the following points need to be understood.

    1. Although we can understand it may be awkward to communicate with people who wish to remain anonymous, the BKWSU needs to understand it is partly responsible for creating this situation because many of these souls tried to have their views heard within the organisation and were judged and rejected because their questions fall outside of things openly discussed within the BKs. For this reason, the forum has been created to enable souls to share their experiences openly by remaining anonymous. The BKWSU needs to acknowledge that its own "closed door and closed mind" policies have led to this situation. Many who are on the fringes of the organisation still, would not want to go through the backlash that revealing their membership of this forum would provoke.

    2. The forum represents a huge spectrum of views. From those in splinter groups, to those who now have no faith in God, to BKs who are still in the system but dislike the unloving way that their Brothers and Sisters are being treated and the corruption that they see in the system. Many posting here have deep spirituality but are reacting to the materialistic direction that they see the organisation now heading. Therefore it is unreasonable to ask a few souls to represent the views of so many. You need to understand that there is no overall corporate direction for the forum; no particular policies it has that one or 2 people could share with you. It is a place where many can come and share their experiences. You may not like what they share but you must see that many people have experienced pain through "the system" and that they are trying to deal with that. "Letting off steam" through sharing their feelings, whatever they are, is a way for them to heal the pain that many felt having thought they had found their true family and then seeing that family going in a direction which is not spiritual.

    3. Therefore the only way to deal with your unwillingness to post directly on the forum, and yet keep lines of communication open, would be an open exchange of questions and answers via email. The questions would be compiled from individuals on the forum submitting them and your answers posted on the forum. Understand that open communication with love and understanding is the only way that progress can be made. Nothing will be achieved by negative attitudes and actions towards this site. Baba would not behave like that.
The following are a list of questions that people on this forum would like either your personal response or the official response of the BKWSU on ... (mine)

    - At the beginning of the Yagya in London, souls were told never to get into debt, not even to go into Madhuban. Why now are many souls being persuaded to take out mortgages to support the huge costs of building Diamond House and supporting GCH and Worthing centres? Is this service? They are then left with a debt for the rest of their lives and yet no guarantee that they will be supported.

    - When Baba advocates love, acceptance and understanding to all souls, why is the response of the Seniors to those who leave Gyan for whatever reason so often fearful, judgmental and critical? And why are certain souls who they consider as a threat treated to being cut off by the Yagya and false rumours spread about them?

    - Why do we now see Gyan used as a way of making money, e.g. businesses like "Relax Kids", the Janki foundation and SML? It runs contrary to openness of knowledge availability that as at its very core?

    - Why is it very openly seen that those who have money and position are cultivated, whilst longstanding Indian mothers are not allowed to attend a public programme that they have worked hard in the background to support because of the "look" of having them attend in their saris?
Specific examples can be provided for all of the above if necessary.

PostPosted: 14 Aug 2007
by bkti-pit
Thanks for this Yudishtira! Formulated like this it has my 100% support.

By the way, what is meant by "Reforming BK"?

PostPosted: 14 Aug 2007
by yudhishtira
I know that there was an official definition of this but I cant remember it! I see it that, I am a BK in terms of following Shrimat and my fundamental beliefs in Soul, God, Drama but I am not actively involved in the BK organisation system which I no longer trust or have faith in. They would say that this is not possible, and that you cannot be a BK unless you are within the system. I would say the system is poisoned in its current state, and much as I love the souls in it, I cannot support it.

ps; i've just noted that ex-l said this on the other thread;
do not think we should ask for too much in the first occasion; the Murlis, some of the history, a few resolutions. I think we should give more folks time to contribute to the report and let it brew for a little while. Give then a chance to get their house in order but show them that we are serious and are not going to be easily pushed around.

I agree with that; in which case, I might not ask the questions I put as they are obviously close to the bone. It would be good even if we get a couple of clear answers.

PostPosted: 14 Aug 2007
by ex-l
arjun wrote:If she or Dadis cannot decide on her joining this forum as an official or private individual, they can always seek the opinion of Brahma Baba through a trance messenger just as they do on most important issues of Yagya or Godly service. This would be beneficial for all of us.

I like it. Take it to the top and ask the questions straight. I'd welcome the old man's opinion; a thumbs up or thumbs down for the forum. What is she doing asking juniors for advice when she could be asking God?

"Dear God, some of your children want copies of the original unedited Murlis and to know the accurate history of the Yagya ... can I give them and tell it? Should we clear up the past?" Signed, Jayanti.

What is the problem in that?

I mean this question, "What is she doing asking juniors for advice when she could be asking God?" seriously. What is the reason or ploy? Empowering? Setting up buck passing if it all goes wrong? Can a SS's Shrimat be limited?
yudhishtira wrote:whilst longstanding Indian mothers are not allowed to attend a public programme that they have worked hard in the background to support because of the "look" of having them attend in their saris?

Perhaps it is because their complexions are not "wheatish" enough. Any other Indian would understand what I am saying here.

PostPosted: 14 Aug 2007
by john
BKTi-Pit wrote:By the way, what is meant by "Reforming BK"?

Not wishing to take any credit for it, but I believe it was my suggestion, at least on this forum.

To me it is about trying to get it right and in a way starting over again, but from a basis of an absolute whole understanding of the Yagya, Murli, Shrimat rather than the little slice BKSWU want to give out. Stripping away the crap, if you will.

My personal belief is that there will only be complete success as a Brahmin when the whole package is known and understood and BKSWU have made a grave mistake 'stealing and hiding our gems of knowledge'. Of course, others will have their own interpretation, but my feeling is towards leading a more personal path, rather than a BK clone coming off the production line.

PostPosted: 14 Aug 2007
by sparkal
The whole idea of sending energy beyond is a question I would like to table. It seems to me that the energy is needed here and not beyond. Where is it going? That's a whole load of power. Are we seeing any constructive results from doing so? And why is there a picture of "Brahma Baba" in every centre? Is it related in any way to the previous point? I don't necessarily mean to cast suspicion by that.

Another question is, offering food. Is it a form of begging? Are we asking God to become a beggar? It is against God's nature. Inviting God into OUR world? Thanking God for giving us the world? Is it more subtly akin to animal behaviour even? Is there an agenda when we offer anything to our Father? Would that be having an honest heart?


PostPosted: 14 Aug 2007
by ex-l
yudhishtira wrote:- At the beginning of the Yagya in London, souls were told never to get into debt, not even to go into Madhuban. Why now are many souls being persuaded to take out mortgages to support the huge costs of building Diamond House and supporting GCH and Worthing centres? Is this service? They are then left with a debt for the rest of their lives and yet no guarantee that they will be supported.

Well, obviously, the BK leadership BKWSU will be bailed out by death or Destruction respectively ... The BKs seem to very quiet about Worthing, Diamond House was a £6 million extension.

Can you tell us what you mean about many souls being persuaded into taking out mortgages to support Diamond House?

I can see how a large debt is also a very good way of binding people in ... although I know of individuals that have finally given up on Gyan and yet STILL been saddled with the mortgage on the center.

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2007
by Mr Green
I was left with a huge debt and can say categorically that even if the SS (Dadi Janki in my case and I still have all the emails to prove it) agree you have been screwed and should be compensated ... those holding the purse strings (the trustees) will not give you a penny from the Godly Yagya ...

In my case, they pulled the person who had committed the financial abuse over the coals and made him give me a minimal token amount out of his own pocket instead of honouring the compensatory payment Dadi JANKI herself instructed I should be given ... she was over-ruled by a trustee who then took it apon himself to circulate rumours that I was on drugs and maybe untrustworthy ... I had been a surrendered member for 10 years!!!