Mukhri Mata funding

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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post11 Aug 2008

Do we know the final budget? What is the old building at the top?



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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post15 Aug 2008

More pictures of how the BKWSU spends the charitable donations it receives to "alleviate poverty".

I suppose in the first they are doing so by employing grateful low caste women as manual laborers (and by the look of it children, or at least boys). And in the second, by providing future work for someone to water those bowling green-like lawns they have laid as back gardens to their new buildings in a desert hilltop area.

Nice work if you can get it.


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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post16 Aug 2008

Looks like a ...
Bob Marley wrote: Concrete Jungle

No sun will shine in my day today
The hich yellow moon won't come out to play
I said darkness has covered my light
And the stage my day into night
Where is the love to be found
Won't someone tell me
Cause life must be somewhere to be found
Instead of concrete jungle
Where the living is harder

Concrete jungle
Man you got to do your best
No chains around my feet
But I am not free
I know I am bound here in captivity
yeh-I've never known the happiness

I've never known what sweet caress is
Still-I'll be always laughing like a clown
Won't somebody help me 'cause
I've got to pick myself from off the ground
In this ya concrete jungle
I said what do you got for me now
Concrete jungle ah won't you let me be now
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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post16 Aug 2008

ex-l wrote:And in the second, by providing future work for someone to water those bowling green-like lawns they have laid as back gardens to their new buildings in a desert hilltop area.

But you cannot play golf or football there :D.
alladin wrote:Looks like a ... Concrete Jungle by Bob Marley

That is the reason why ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) says that there would not be any man-made palaces in the Golden Age. Only the green lawns, trees, flowers, fruits and water bodies to enjoy. :D


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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post28 Aug 2008

To the Jewels of Light of BapDada’s eyes, My dear divine BK Sisters and Brothers of Bharat and around the globe,

Please accept oceans of love and hearty Godly greetings for the forthcoming extraordinary festivals of the Confluence Age: Raksha Bandan and Shri Krishna Janamashtami from Respected Dadi Jankiji, Dadi Gulzarji, Dadi Ratan Mohiniji, senior Sisters and Brothers and the rest of Madhuban family.

These two festivals fill us with so much happiness as we are bound in the thread of God’s love by our divine Sisters; Raksha Bandhan motivates us to bring about required changes in our vision and outlook and forge a stronger bond of bondage-free relationships based on the eternal spiritual connection between self and Supreme Being. This is the need of the hour. As people become aware and live naturally in soul-consciousness and purity, this world transforms beyond imagination into the new world drama stage where deities will live and dance with the Deity par excellence, Shri Krishna. The world needs to once again experience the selfless, pure loving vibrations as depicted in the age-old Krishna Leela stories.

In the latest message via Dadi Gulzarji (below), beloved BapDada motivates us to deepen our spiritual endeavour, as this is the only key to create a powerful and blissful stage.

We take this opportunity to share the latest news of sweet home, Madhuban/Gyan Sarovar/Shantivan. We have had a successful series of conferences, seminars and meditation camps over the past 3 months, the latest being a ‘Mind-Body-Medicine Conference’ hosted by the Medical Wing. About 600 doctors of DM, MD and MS calibre took great benefit from early morning meditation, classes on RajYoga and spirituality, and wisdom shared by Dadi Jankiji, Dadi Gulzarji, Dadi Ratan Mohiniji and other senior Sisters and Brothers. The feedback forms paint a beautiful result of God’s work being appreciated and respected by eminent medical scientists.

Shantivan is presently busy with Yoga bhattis for different groups of Teachers and BK Sisters and Brothers. We are also preparing for the dedication ceremony of ‘Prakash Sthamb (Tower of Light), memorial for Dadi Prakash Maniji, on 25 August 2008, which marks the first anniversary of our beloved Dadiji’s ascension to the Subtle Region. The monument seems to be the most befitting tribute to our Dadiji. All of you are heartily invited to attend the ceremony (in person or subtle form) and fill your intellects with Dadiji’s love and power, just as Dadiji used to envelop all of us in her embrace ...

This letter also brings you the latest news and images of one of our Yagya’s most prestigious projects (Manmohini Complex). The photographs speak louder than words about the progress.

Images of Manmohini Complex - To view the file(s) please click on following url(s).

1. building1.jpg -

2. building2.jpg -

3. building3.jpg -

4. building4.jpg -

5. building5.jpg -

6. building6.jpg -

7. park.jpg -

8. worker.jpg -

9. prakash_stambh.jpg -

We are determined to inaugurate the entire complex on Dasshera, 9 October 2008 (day of victory over the symbolic demon, Ravan), as in Bharat this is considered a very auspicious day for the inauguration of any new building or complex. Even though the other 364 days of the year are just as auspicious for us Brahmins, it is seen that when a deadline is put on a project we are more inspired and committed to complete our duty on time and offer it for Baba’s unlimited service.

I am happy to share that Baba’s children will be able to use at least 4000 beds by the beginning of BapDada’s season, while the remaining 1000 beds will be dedicated in service by 31 December 2008. The Teachers and other bhatti participants are overjoyed and intoxicated on touring Baba’s new vast complex. It is a matter of pride to see the generosity of the entire Brahmin family in supporting this project. It would have been very challenging to complete the work on time if it wasn’t for the pure and loving good wishes and contributions of our Sisters and Brothers. We continue to thank Avyakt BapDada in multi-million fold for Their guidance, as well as express gratitude from the heart to our Brahmin Sisters and Brothers for caring so much for our sweet home, Madhuban/Shantivan. The blessings of many, many souls are coming to you in abundance.

We look forward to meeting you before or during BapDada’s season according to your convenience. It is the fortune of Brahmins to come experience the divine family’s powerful company on the land of blessings.

Wishing all of you happy greetings for Raksha Bandhan and Janamashtami!

Your Spiritual Brother,
B.K. Nirwair

Extract of BapDada’s Message of 3 August 2008 via Dadi Gulzarji:
Today, many very good companions of Father Brahma, the adhar Kumars have come. Together with them, many teachers who are Your guru-bhai (ones who are next to the guru) have also come. I have brought love and remembrance of both groups. BapDada smiled and merging all the children in His eyes said: Seeing the children the Father is very pleased and has a lot of love because these are the special beloved children who are remembered as a handful out of multimillions.

BapDada remembers each child and sings their praise in His heart: Wah, My companion children of every Kalpa who have recognised the Father in the ordinary form and say “Mera Baba” and have claimed a right to the inheritance. My Adhar Kumar children are the ones who challenge the great souls and sannyasis: Look at the wonder of God’s power. What you say is impossible we say that that is very easy. Together with them My long-lost and now-found Shiv Shakti army is no less. In their heart they have the deep love that they have to give everyone the message: Our Beloved Baba has come. The Guru-bhai daughters who carry out this task of charity are the ones who are loved by BapDada from His heart and have claimed a right to the kingdom too.

Today, BapDada is giving all the children of this land and abroad a special signal: According to the closeness of time now check one thing: Are all the powers, all treasures and physical facilities being used in a worthwhile way or are they being wasted? You must remember that to use them in a worthwhile way is to become an embodiment of success, and the time to use in a worthwhile way, that is, to accumulate throughout the whole cycle is only now at the Confluence Age. The seed of using everything in a worthwhile in this one birth will be instrumental to give you fruit for many births.

In any case you know that by using everything in a worthwhile way over a long period of time, in the future too, you claim a right to the kingdom for the full time, that is, for a long period. By using your breath in a worthwhile way you remain constantly healthy, and there is no name or trace of sorrow. Use everything in a worthwhile way like this and you will experience yourself to be an embodiment of success in every task. In any case, success is your birthright, but if not now, then never. Only using everything in a worthwhile way will make you double-light and into a carefree emperor. Therefore, always check: Are the spiritual treasures and the treasures of time, thoughts, breath, knowledge, powers and virtues being used in a worthwhile way? The physical treasures of body, mind, wealth and possessions are not being wasted are they?

All the children say that they have unlimited love for BapDada, and so to follow Father Brahma means to use everything in a worthwhile way and to achieve success, and to use it for an elevated cause. Just as Father Brahma, on the basis of imperishable faith and intoxication, became the knower of his fixed destiny, used everything in a worthwhile way and achieved success. In the same way, you have to win over the attitude of the limited “I” and “mine” and become number one, the same as the Father. Just as darkness is automatically dispelled with light, you don’t need to make any effort. And because you don’t need to make any effort to remove the darkness, your time and effort are automatically saved. So too, by using everything in a worthwhile way, in this way, you automatically have success.

Om Shanti

Brahma Kumaris World Headquarters
Pandav Bhawan, Mt. Abu-307501, Rajasthan, India
Phone: 02974-238261, 238615
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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post28 Aug 2008

Are these structures anti-seismic?
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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post28 Aug 2008

alladin wrote:Are these structures anti-seismic?

Probably not anti-seismic (earthquakes) ... but they all have lifeboats fitted so that when the Great Floods come to wash away the dead bodies during Destruction, all the BK servants living there can row up to Madhuban and safety. ;)

Either that, or may be the back garden is a helicopter landing pad???

Its funny how we get to see pictures of their new palaces ... along with the begging letter for more money ... but not what they actually did for the victims of the Tsunami etc.


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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post29 Aug 2008

Oh boy,
what a circus!!
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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post30 Aug 2008

Omshanti. Did anyone notice the difference between the use of the word BapDada in Nirwair Bhai's letter and the Bhog message?
Trance message dated 3.8.08 wrote:BapDada smiled and merging all the children in His eyes said:
Nirwair Bhai wrote:We continue to thank Avyakt BapDada in multi-million fold for Their guidance

While Gulzar Dadiji, like all her previous trance messages and other BK literature continues to use the word "BapDada" in a singular sense by using the word 'His', BK Nirwair Bhai is trying to change the BK terminology by using BapDada in a plural sense by using the word 'Their'. Is it not a deliberate attempt to project Avyakt BapDada as a combination of two personalities while the BKs have been using this term in a singular sense since last few decades? May be it is an initiative to counter the PBK propaganda that it is only the soul of Brahma Baba (Dada Lekhraj) who enters Gulzar Dadiji and not Shiv+Brahma.

I wanted to post this in a thread on 'BapDada' (probably started by Sister bansy in the past) but couldn't find it on the forum.

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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post19 Oct 2008

From a concerned 'BK Anne Onymous'. It is, of course, the start of the Madhuban 'timeshare' holiday season and news is coming back from the holy palaces of Mount Abu.

Bearing in mind that, e.g. the BKWSU (UK) was established "to alleviate poverty", Gyan Sarovar has changed. Around the pool and on the restaurants terrace it is now full of tables with umbrellas and new utensils for tea service. It is becoming like a holiday village, with flowers everywhere. I am reminded of Nirwair's words, "everything is being done for the comfort of Baba's children (i.e. BKs)". One-third of India's population (roughly equivalent to the entire population of the United States) lives below the poverty line and India is home to one-third of the world's poor people.

    Ah, but that is their karma ...
Foreigners are being allowed to choose to stay in the new buildings of Mukrimata. The internal decoration are very European in style, very elegant. Remember, we are talking about air-conditioning, refrigerators, elevators etc.

And ... they have put a huge "Baba's Box" (money collection box) at the front door. The box is as almost as high as a human being ... its a wonder that it does not have a robotic arm sticking out asking for more ... or perhaps pick-pocketing BKs are they go by. Western BKs were seen completing to put new banknotes, fresh from bank, into the box.

Where does it go? How many bank account does the BKWSU have? How many different financial vehicles ... and all that CASH CASH ... what is it being used for and is it all accounted for? Does all this expense actually increase one's spirituality ... laser shows, breakfast tables, pot plants?

    Is all this emphasis on CASH CASH not a little irresponsible?
The usual complaints around Abu are being heard about the increased trucking, the noise and pollution being cause by the BKs being sited up there. The government are putting in new, higher power electric cables and pylons across the landscape. There is still talk of water shortages. Here are a couple of video that discuss poverty. One mentions debt slavery in Rajasthan and a group of 200 recently released after 20 year slavery in stone quarry in Rajasthan. If there is any granite used in Abu, ask questions whether it has been sourced ethically. In fact, ask about ethical everything.

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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post19 Oct 2008

ex-l wrote:Foreigners are being allowed to choose to stay in the new buildings of Mukrimata. The internal decoration are very European in style, very elegant. Remember, we are talking about air-conditioning, refrigerators, elevators etc.

And ... they have put a huge "Baba's Box" (money collection box) at the front door.

This is definitely not in conformity with the oft quoted proverb in BK literature and circles 'kam kharcha bala nasheen' (less expenditure, more fame).
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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post21 Oct 2008

Omshanti. In the latest Avyakt Vani dated 20.10.08 Avyakt BapDada has spoken to the BKs from the department of construction of Manmohini Complex. He said:
"...Abhi toh had ka vairagya honay do, fir dekho aapkey paas kitnee aatmaen duaen leney, sukh shaanti leney ke liye aati hain. Toh aap sukhdata unhon ko shareer ke aaraam ka sukhh bhi dengey na, toh yah toh badhtaa rahega aur aap badhaatey rahengey..."

"....Now let people develop some detachment in a limited sense. Then see how many souls come to you to obtain good wishes, happiness, peace. So, you bestowers of happiness will give them physical comfort as well, will you not? So, this will go on increasing and you will continue to make it grow."

BapDada has indirectly questioned the rationale behind providing physical comfort to the Brahmin family and the souls which come to see good wishes, happiness and peace. BapDada is just observing how his children have begun to focus on providing physical comfort instead of giving imperishable peace and happiness.

On Godly Service,


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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post21 Oct 2008

Providing comfort is a natural part of any animal species and I would include human beings in this too. Physical comfort helps the spiritual side and vice versa.

The question is related who gets to live where, and when; from VIPs, to double foreigners, to the good-hearted, simple, effort making student. There are different sized rooms with different amenities but how much different can 3 square feet be for each soul?

I am tempted :oops: to use terms that are in recent Confluence Age financial usage; who are the Wall Street BKs and who are the Main Street BKs :D.
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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post21 Oct 2008

bansy wrote:Providing comfort is a natural part of any animal species and I would include human beings in this too. Physical comfort helps the spiritual side and vice versa.

Does a private room, a soft bed, elevators and air conditioning help the soul conscious forget the poverty just outsides their doors in order that their Yoga improves? As you point out, so is favoritism, nepotism and the corruption of wealth human nature.

I would say the truth is much more simple. Its an investment. The businessmen of the yugya know, that the more you put in, the more you get back ... and where there is Money (wealthy middle classes), there is money. Only to capture them, you have to give them the comforts of life they are used to.

They must be awash with money and not know what to spend it on, otherwise why not suffice with a Gandhian Ashram where all are equal?

    Gandhi is good enough for all their Four Start Corporate Consultants and leader manager selfs to quote ... why cannot they walk their talk accordingly? How much long do we have to fool ourselves to what is going on?
The interesting thing is to wait and see what becomes of it. My bet would be on retirement homes for sevadharis ... but perhaps event hat is too much wishful thinking. And there are another 100,000,000 middle class Indians to tap into yet. Just wait until they start hiring them out for wedding parties!!!
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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post16 Nov 2008

Omshanti. As per the November, 2008 issue of the Purity magazine published by the BKWSU, four residential buildings of Manmohini Complex at Brahma Kumaris Shantivan have been inaugurated. The magazine carries on its front page a photograph of the newly inaugurated building complex and a photograph of Dadis and senior BKs lighting candles to inaugurate the complex.

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