BKWSO lose legal action against BrahmaKumaris.Info

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Post16 Sep 2007

BKdimok wrote:Can someone tell me who is participating in this case from BKWSU side and who is in charge there?

BK Colonel Hansa Raval of San Antonio is calling herself the leading coordinator. She of the advertised Pentagon connections.

In theory, I suppose Big Mohini of NYC is in charge of the USA but we are not sure if anyone can rein in the Texas Lone Star.


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Post16 Sep 2007

mr green wrote:I am flabberghasted, really shocked at this depth of dishonesty and blind ignorance.

I am too.


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Post16 Sep 2007

john wrote:Fight them guns ablazing and try and go for some publicity over their antics!

Anyone skilled enough to prepare a concise "What the Brahma Kumaris Leadership Don't Want the United Nations to Know" to be used as a press release and sent to their VIPs?
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Post16 Sep 2007

At 2.30 pm on Sunday 16 September we receive a Fedex sent package of paper weighing almost 4 lbs (1.9 kg) from Howrey, LLP of Texas.

Ironically, the attorneys for the BKWSO have included imagery continuing to state the fallacious claim that the newly appointed BKWSU Global Head, "Dadi" Janki Kripalani is "The Most Stable Mind in the World".

Forum members will remember the official guidance recently sent our from the London International Headquarters was that "no scientist has ever made this claim" and for it not to be used in representative material referring to the BKWSU. We also note that this claim was recently used by Global Chief of PR BK Karuna Shetty in the organization's press release confirming Janki Kripalani's appointment as Global Head by the trustees of the World Renewal Trust.

The forum moderators of this website, and registrant named in this legal action, are seeking a consensus from forum members, and the BKWSU members widely, on how we should,
    a) deal with this attack on our freedom of speech within the BK Brahmin context, and
    b) how the BKWSU should internally deal with the matter and individuals responsible for it.
We have approximately 20 days to respond. Please continue to offer your opinions on this forum, by private message or by email to; info@brahmakumaris.info. Any submission received "off forum" will be accepted in complete confidentiality.

BrahmaKumaris.Info continues in its commitment to act as an independent voice within the Brahma Kumaris community offering a unique, non-exclusive discussion forum and open information resource for all of those whose lives have been affected by the Brahma Kumaris teachings, organization and the lifestyle it promotes.

We welcome this ... and other prospective legal proceedings ... as positive opportunity to document and examine the nature of organization and test the issues of ownership and control over universal spiritual teachings. We hope that members of the Brahma Kumari community also see this an opportunity to bring about required positive change and establish new principles of openness and accountability within the dealing of "The Godly Family".
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Post16 Sep 2007

Admin wrote:BrahmaKumaris.Info continues in its commitment to act as an independent voice within the Brahma Kumaris community offering a unique, non-exclusive discussion forum and open information resource for all of those whose lives have been affected by the Brahma Kumaris teachings, organization and the lifestyle it promotes.

I am very happy to know that Admin is committed to fighting these ignorant bullies, and to continuing this valuable service on BrahmaKumaris.Info. Admin has my full support.
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abrahma kumar

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We welcome this and all its progeny.

Post16 Sep 2007

Admin wrote:... We welcome this ... and other prospective legal proceedings ... as positive opportunity to document and examine the nature of organization and test the issues of ownership and control over universal spiritual teachings. We hope that members of the Brahma Kumari community also see this an opportunity to bring about required positive change and establish new principles of openness and accountability within the dealing of "The Godly Family".

Yes, we welcome this and all its progeny as a positive opportunity to document and examine the nature of organization and test the issues of ownership and control over universal spiritual teachings.

Marshall Mathers did not rap: will the real BKs please do stand-up, yeah stand on-up and be counted. Or tell us whose Godly University it is anyway?

What are the chances that this dispute could go down in history as the Mother of all Public Domain Howlers? Good luck to Howrey LLP. Meanwhile the real dispute unfolds within the BK____ (fill the blanks in as you choose folks).
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Re: We welcome this and all its progeny.

Post16 Sep 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:What are the chances that this dispute could go down in history as the Mother of all Public Domain Howlers?

As far as I read it, to continue on would be suicidal BUT they have started a legal process and so the only honorable way out would be fall on their own sword and concede the case. But, that is not the sort of advice attorneys give because they are paid and earn their free NOT on the basis of right and wrong, and the truth, BUT making and taking the best advantage for their clients.

My prediction would be ... and we all know the veracity of predictions within the Brahma Kumari community ... that the next thing the BKWSO and their attorneys will offer would be a licensing deal whereby they offer the administration of this domain name SOME rights based upon certain conditions. Or else drop the front and act personally on behalf of Hansa thereby reducing it to a personal fight between Hansa and the registrant of the domain name. Of course, this forum and site is about far more than one individual's input.

I think it would be a mistake for the moderators to accept such offer because, apart from allowing the BKWSO/U a channel to infer with the running of the site and forum, doing so would thereby also recognize that the BKWSO of San Antonio HAD any such rights in the first place.

I might be wrong but I don't think that it can prove that it can claims rights on word marks that have been used internationally and by other independent American corporations for decades. To do so, the BKWSO of San Antonio would have to produce papers supporting its position which have already been contradicted by Jayanti Kirpalani's secretary in the Internation office. If the BKWSO of San Antonio has NO RIGHTS, and is NOT acting under instruction of the rights owners ... does that not make the proceedings fraudulent?

In my opinion, professional fronts aside, the current "empire" appears to run like an underground organization, everything being done on verbal agreement, internal power struggles, grace and favor appointments and promotion for money, property, associated status or services rendered. Its all very ad hoc.
    Can any centerniwassis or ex-centerniwassis chip in here? How were they appointed their fiefdoms? and what were the terms and conditions?
Wikipedia wrote:Under the system of feudalism, a fiefdom, feud or fee often consisted of inheritable lands or revenue-producing property granted by a liege lord in return for a form of allegiance, originally to giving the means to fulfill military duties when called upon. Anything of value could be held in fief, such as an office, a right of exploitation or a revenue rather than the land it comes from.
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abrahma kumar

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Curiouser and curiouser are these fiefdoms

Post16 Sep 2007

In Wikipedia it is written that:
In feudal India, forms of fief included the jagir (land) and the mansab, but often the same was true for formally administrative/domanial (especially tax-collecting) 'estates' such as taluqa or thikana.

.. and if we follow the taluqa hyperlink we can read the following:
In Rajastan and Bengal, a taluqdar was next only to a Raja in extent of land control and social status; but in Punjab and U.P taluqdars were much more powerful and were directly under the provincial governor. Later Mughal era saw the rise of powerful taluqdars in Oudh, northern India who seldom paid any collected revenue to the central government and became virtual rulers of their districts. Similarly, in northern Punjab the taluqdars of Dhani, Gheb and Kot Fateh Khan were exteremely authoritative.

Eighteenth century Bengal witnessed the rise of great territorial Land Holders at the expense of smaller landholders who were reduced to the status of dependent taluqdars, because they were required to pay their revenue to government through the intermediary of the great land lords called rajas and maharajas, yet many old taluqdars paid revenues to government directly and were as powerful as the Rajas.

Can any centerniwassis or ex-centerniwassis chip in here? How were they appointed their fiefdoms? And what were the terms and conditions?
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Post16 Sep 2007

Its probably meat for another topic, but we could also ask if there were any bonus preferential treatments, as regarding the Maryadas and so on, or more strict requirements of one's probity.


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Post16 Sep 2007

One of my favourite tracks : Crowded House - Don't dream it's over
There is freedom within
There is freedom without

Try to catch the deluge in a paper cup
There's a battle ahead
Many battles are lost
But you'll never reach the end of the road
While you're traveling with me

Hey now, hey now
Don't dream it's over
Hey now, hey now
When the world comes in
They come, they come
To build a wall between us
We know they won't win

Now I am towing my car
There's a hole in the roof
My possessions are causing me suspicion but there's no proof
In the paper today
Tales of war and of waste
But you turn right over to the TV page


Now I am walking again
To the beat of a drum
And I am counting the steps to the door of your heart
Only shadows ahead
Barely clearing the roof
Get to know the feeling of liberation and relief


Hey now, hey now
Don't dream it's over
Hey now, hey now
When the world comes in
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Google search

Post18 Sep 2007

I tried googleing Brahma Kumaris, and brahmakumaris.info is no longer in the top 5 results.

Is it because the domain name is put on hold or "locked"?
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NAF vs court

Post18 Sep 2007

National Arbitration FORUM website wrote:Q: How is the FORUM different from a court?

A: Courts typically offer one form of dispute resolution: litigation. The FORUM, on the other hand, provides a wide range of dispute resolution services, from negotiation and expedited mediation to complex, multi-party arbitration. Our sessions are typically faster, simpler, and less expensive than court, and disputes are heard and decided by impartial legal experts as opposed to juries. Parties also enjoy greater flexibility in scheduling their hearings, and the FORUM’s proceedings are confidential.

Q: How is the FORUM similar to a court?

A: The FORUM is similar to a court in terms of its rules and fees. Our fee structure is designed to make our services no more expensive than those of the court system, and our specific rule sets provide disputing parties with a consistent framework within which to resolve their dispute. Under FORUM rules, parties are entitled to have an unbiased, neutral third-party hear their dispute, just as they would in court. Many of the FORUM’s neutrals are, in fact, retired judges.

One of the FORUM’s dispute resolution services, arbitration, is procedurally very similar to court. In a FORUM arbitration, two disputing parties bring their dispute before a legal expert, who renders a decision in favor of one of the parties based on the law and applicable rules. As in court, the parties may request relevant documents and information from the other party (known as discovery), and parties are entitled to the same range of legal remedies and awards that are available to them in court.

Arbitration decisions may be either binding, in which case the decision is final, legally enforceable, and has limited grounds for challenge; or they may be non-binding, in which case either party may reject the arbitrator’s decision and opt to litigate (or pursue some other form of ADR) to resolve the dispute.
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Post18 Sep 2007

NAF website wrote:Arbitration decisions may be either binding, in which case the decision is final, legally enforceable, and has limited grounds for challenge; or they may be non-binding, in which case either party may reject the arbitrator’s decision and opt to litigate (or pursue some other form of ADR) to resolve the dispute.

What is the legal position of NAF in US? Does it have any constitutional/statutory authority under US Federal laws?

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Post18 Sep 2007

arjun wrote:What is the legal position of NAF in US? Does it have any constitutional/statutory authority under US Federal laws?

No. It is only an agent for an international body that governs top level domain names. It is meant as a quick, easy and cheap way in which to decide domain name disputes.

For example, if the BKWSO of San Antonio lost, they could start court proceedings and the indications are that the BKWSU as whole is considering them as they have some lawyers amongst their followers and connections.

All of this raising the same question that I raised earlier ... "who or what ARE the Brahma Kumaris (BKs)?". Ultimately, and personally on my behalf, despite whatever we think or whatever personal interests we hold, we have to bow to the clear definitions given by BapDada. Beyond that it is just a fist fight.

Now, it is fairly obvious that the BKWSO of San Antonio DID NOT consult BapDada first. They do not even seem to have consulted their regional or International zone-in-charge. The interesting question is why is the BKWSU (International) not doing so immediately? I thought the last time he was asked he said something like, "there is nothing you can do, send them positive thoughts".

What interests me is that if the International BKWSU leadership is drawn into it and, for example, makes up retrospective claims, licenses, agreements, pretending that they gave Hansa permission and instructions etc ... then in a proceeding court case Alka Patel and the leadership can be called as witnesses to be establish their credibility and have their actions questioned.

If these matters go ahead unchallenged within the organization and the trademarks are given to her (they will not be given automatically), then it will mean that Hansa Raval's private company owns the trademarks for 'Brahma Kumaris', 'BKWSU' and 'Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University' and all other USA BKs will have to come to her to get permission to use them. She will have to grant them licenses to use them.
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Post18 Sep 2007

News update.

It would appear that the legal proceedings are going ahead and that further ones were intended to follow. There are a number of very high level discussions going on within the BKWSU and the leadership should not be blamed as it would appear it was not fully informed. Support varies.

Sadly, very well meant, independent and concerted efforts to mediate a solution between the various parties have to date failed compromising the goodwill involved.

We have registered two news stories, which are to the best of our knowledge and will be updated as matters proceed or are clarified; The News section facility allows for stories to email to friends and colleagues and we leave it to the consciences of forum readers and members whether these are issue worthy of wider discussion within the BK family.

Please continue to add to The Knowledge base that is being created here as, regardless of whatever action is taken, it is being recorded and will be of benefit to others at a later date.

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