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Dadi Janki a pundit?

PostPosted: 05 Mar 2007
by alladin
Interesting topic, this one about DJ!

When I read posters using terms such as guru-hood and the increasing tendency for Dadi to play the role of pundit, I realize that this is one of the things that made me feel embarassed and uncomfortable and gradually made it difficult for me to pass on The Knowledge to others, to introduce them to the BKWSU.

For the sake of integrity, I chose to sort of give up the teacher's role. How can I ever tell some one that "Here there are no gurus, these ladies are just our elder more experienced Sisters which we respect but are NOT encouraged to worship. RajYog is very different from Bhakti marg, we are not followers or devotees of any human. We teach you how to empower yourselves by creating a direct link with the Supreme Soul, Creator, Father of all human souls ..."? Blah blah, it's not true. It's like selling a defective product. Moreover, rank teachers, contrary to BK VIP "consultants", don't get paid, they actually spend their time, $ and energy.

So what should I cheat people for, if they want to tell lies, let them, I don't want to get more students into trouble and confusion! Maybe I stopped "creating my fortune" but at least I am not accumulating bad karma or created the sanskar of lying!!

Re: Dadi Janki a pundit?

PostPosted: 06 Mar 2007
by ex-l
alladin wrote:"Here there are no gurus, these ladies are just our elder more experienced Sisters which we respect but are NOT encouraged to worship. RajYog is very different from Bhakti marg, we are not followers or devotees of any human. We teach you how to empower yourselves by creating a direct link with the Supreme Soul, Creator, Father of all human souls ..."? Blah blah, it's not true.

You know, this is what we were taught to teach and say about the BKWSU and the Dadis etc. But, you know, when you actually go and meeting some ordinary Baba's or Gurus they can be as deatched about it all and say exactly the same things too.

The image of the power hungry, media seeking, guddhi grabbing guru is something that power hungry, media seeking, guddhi grabbing BKs seem keen to promote. It may not be true.

PostPosted: 06 Mar 2007
by driedexbk
alladin wrote:When I read posters using terms such as guru-hood and the increasing tendency for Dadi to play the role of pundit, I realize that this is one of the things that made me feel embarassed and uncomfortable and gradually made it difficult for me to pass on The Knowledge to others, to introduce them to the BKWSU. For the sake of integrity, I chose to sort of give up the teacher's role.

Alladin: I do not understand ... are you still a BK? If you are, why do you continue to be imprisoned within the bottle? Rub it off and allow the true self to appear. Then you may grant three wishes to the world: freedom of spirit, revelation of fundamental truth, and accuracy of integrity.

where am I standing?

PostPosted: 06 Mar 2007
by alladin
Thanks for the blessing, Dried! Maybe I finally found out my role!

I advised the Admin of the Forum to label me still as a BK because so far I haven't reached the point of denying the truth of knoweledge taught me by the BKWSU. I benefited from it, although disregarding their system a lot. I feel that leaders are the ones who are betraying original principles. I wouldn't mind actually being listed under the friends of BKs, which in BK language translates into "cooperative soul". Participating to the Forum is already helping me in clarifying many doubts , including where I am standing, it's an ongoing process.

It feels as if the package "God, Seniors, Knowledge" we bought in the beginning, has split, and this is a bit confusing. Knowledge gets twisted and revised. Seniors, I lost trust in them. God and original teachings are still OK with me, Later, I don't know yet!

DJ's Book Reviews

PostPosted: 06 Mar 2007
by proy
Well, not everybody likes her books anyway, see Amazon
ex Brahma Kumar wrote:Reviewer:Ex BK (UK) - See all my reviews
Dadi Janki is in fact a horrible women whom I've known well for a number of years. She enjoys hero worship and believes everyone deserves to die a horrid death as a result of their ignorance unless they are a part of her organisation that are enlightened. This book is just a cynical recruitment drive to get more members for her cult in which you will be stripped of all your worldy possesions(money). Please avoid and heed the warnings of someone who's life was ruined by these people.
a reader wrote:Another Doomsday Cult Book!
Reviewer: A reader
This is another book from the doomsday cult that call themselves the Brahma Kumaris. Readers should be aware that the other reviews are from members of this Brahma Kumaris, a doomsday cult that believes that the world is coming to an end. Since the 1930's they have insisted that the world is coming to an end. They were extremely embrassed when nothing happened during Y2K. Whenever disasters such as volcanic eruptions, floods, earthquakes, wars, disease, umemployment, serial murders, etc. hit the news media they are the first to claim that these are signs from God that the world will end soon. They believe this world is only 5,000 years old but cannot explain why the dinosaurs and pyramids are more than 5,000 years old, not to mention the age of all those meteor craters and canyons throughout the world.

Actually, the Brahma Kumaris is in denial and constantly contradict themselves. For instance, they are not allowed to go to the movies, watch television, attend rock concerts, sit near the opposite sex, read novels, eat in restaurants, eat eggs or any meat, etc. etc. However, the majority of them secretly indulge in these "vices" and eventually leave their organization because they are not happy with these vices that God told them them must give up in order to go to heaven ("Golden Age"). Their drop out rate is far greater than the enrollment rate. What does this tell you about any organization?

Every morning they attend classes to listen to the words of God. Every morning the words of God tells them that they are degraded and impure souls and that the world is coming to an end so why continue with education, exercise, buy a home, play sports, loose weight, invest money, or get promoted at work?. They continue to invest in retirement plans and the stock market but they believe the world is coming to an end. Now you know why many of them have such low self-esteem to believe that the more money they give to their organization, the higher their "position" in heaven will be or as they say "the greater your fortune will be". Don't they mean the greater their fortune (bank account) will be? Anyway if the members do not give their money to the organization, they believe they will become servants in heaven ("Golden Age"). Aren't we all equal in heaven?

Wealthy people are called V.I.P.'s by God and are given the special treatment while minorities and poor people are given menial tasks. By their standards this means that Bill Gates is the highest VIP according to God. For some reason the wealthy can indulge in numerous vices and still go to heaven ("Golden Age") as long as they give "donations to God". But the poor must eliminate all vices and still end up servants in the Golden Age. However, people of virtues will not be able to go to the Golden Age, this includes Jesus, Buddha, Mother Teresa, Princess Diana, Martin Luther King, John Kennedy, etc. Only the Brahma Kumaris will go to the Golden Age because they this is what God told them.

Anyone visiting a Brahma Kumaris center should not be fooled by the free classes. This is just a way to lure the curious into their web. Although this is a "religion" from India, residents of India know nothing of them. The Brahma Kumaris will bombard you with mail and phone calls should you decide to no longer accept their invitations or give donations. Readers beware! The other book reviews are from the members of this New Age cult.

PostPosted: 06 Mar 2007
by Mr Green
Nice reviews :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

PostPosted: 13 Mar 2007
by ex-l
Here is a Janki Classic Post, from some published book or another. I don't have to give references;
Janki spoke not wrote:The training from the very beginning has been to never to impose one idea's or thoughts on other. Whoever has an idea is welcome to put it forward, then the opinions and ideas of others are offered in relation to that. Usually when there are meetings everyone has opinions to offer from their own perspective.

We Dadis do not have the habit of speaking constantly and offering opinions from our personal perspective.

So, it wasn't her idea to break Shrimat at the beginning with the pictures at Lekhraj Kirpalani at the begining of Western service ... and it wasn't BapDada telling her she spoke too much just this year as someone reported ... and who else do they have on the Guddhi!?! You have to laugh.

Its the private conversations and meetings that are not reported or translated, but just gossiped about, that I am more interested in ...


PostPosted: 13 Mar 2007
by alladin
First brainwash them and use some kind of psychic power. Then flood them with words to make them more confused. At that point, even a lie will seem like truth an even if thinking, speaking and doing don't match, they will not notice, they will still be enchanted and buy a defective product. A rip off. These are techniques currently utilized by any mediocre salesman who wants just to make a living. Shamelessly.

PostPosted: 14 Mar 2007
by zhuk
And far less likely to question anything (however illogical) when you've put such a massively huge emotional investment in the Organisation. Just how likely are you to say to yourself "I admit it I was completely taken in out of a desperate need to 'belong somewhere' and I realised i was being used?" :?: Or do you make sure you keep those logical faculties well clamped down forever?

Even less so if you are sufficiently taken in (hmm there's that 'honeymoon' period again!) that you start to believe your are having heretical thoughts which fuel your fear of having "lost grace" and "Baba's favour" and consequently are the fallen of the fallen (aka The Evil Shudra lol). What a crushing loss of future glory, happiness, everything you have been working so hard towards, that would be, if you do happen to believe this.

Kind of the opposite to a non-clinging, simple acceptance of all that IS zen-type mindset; which I am realising more & more is my natural gut-instinct. Why do people NEED all the "answers" and look to cults such as this one? (Hell, any 'religion' will do). I guess its a deep human drive for certainty in a world which is inherently changeable & unstable.

Always measuring yourself before the model of perfection ... and inevitably coming up short, every time; all the while striving to mould your mind to a nonsensical dogma, and all to build up your afterlife Golden Age numberwise position (yes, you MUST be one of the chosen few, surely? After all this constant traffic-control-striving??).

And the pain you must constantly repress to do this in the BKs, lest your sanskars be irrevocably muddied. I couldn't think of a worse way to exist, honestly :(

Science Research Institute University of Texas? (Dadi Janki)

PostPosted: 02 May 2007
by captporridge
According to this site: Companion of God and the official BK site in Korea;
In 1978 Scientists at the Medical and Science Research Institute at the University of Texas, USA examined the brain wave pattern of BK Dadi Janki, Joint Chief of Brahma Kumaris. She was described as the "most stable mind in the world" as her mental state remained completely undisturbed whilst undergoing tests at the Institute

I just googled the name of the institute and the only google result was the Korean BK reference: BK Korea official website

I just did a quick search, and I need to do more, but my initial impression is that there is no reference to that institute other than on BK sites. I'll email University of Texas myself and ask tonight, but in the meantime, has anyone else looked into this ridiculous claim?

PostPosted: 02 May 2007
by di
I've worked with meditators on an EEG machine and the results are conclusive: the more you meditate, the flatter your mind becomes until, eventually and especially if used to excess or in combination with decognition, all thought ceases.

So she is a flat lined EEG, i.e. brain dead (Gosh, am I getting cynical or what?).

Re: Science Research Institute University of Texas?

PostPosted: 02 May 2007
by ex-l
CaptPorridge wrote:the "most stable mind in the world"

And the great thing is she can still lie, manipluate, extract cash from businessmen, hurt people's feelings, make historical revisions and instill fear whilst STILL remaining "the most stable mind in the world" ... ;-). Its a true miracle ( ... she is a "ji" but she is not a guru). A quick cultural and historical note;

This was the first sort of "scientific proof" or external validation scientific or otherwise, of BK Raja Yoga in the West and it was milked to high heaven and back. Constantly. Endlessly. Ad infinitum. It became their PR mantra and, as you point out, ... is still is being milked. Before the BKWSU had the UN connection, this was the one thing that they could and did boast about. It remains a cornerstone of service.

Can we send Dadi Janki back for a second opinion now? Do they do Olympic medals in mental stablity? It was a competition of one, and she won ... wonderful. Things like this, like the majority of their external service programmes, mostly serve to feed and encourage the already committed rather than work as outreach.

In a sense, what is proves is that one can do any sort of mental trick and still be lacking in morals or ethics and run an 800,000 strong organization with no 'Duty of Care' program. Is one persion enough to boast about out of 800,000? Apparently she is gradually losing her mind/memory now. She is 90 after all. They do not mention that. Lke with the memory training systems, the advert should read, "Most stable mind in the World but cannot remember the name one of your oldest followers?"

My science is not enough to comment on what it means.

PostPosted: 02 May 2007
by sweetsajani
Hahahahahaaha that's too funny ... i bet she paid University of Texas like 500,000 dollars to build up their medical school or some **** to put up such a claim so she can try to become like the next Jesus or Krishna ... PLEASE ... this just motivates me to go into cardiology and neurology just so I can test her one day and prove the claim wrong ... and, of course, the 500,000 dollars are from the losers who are following these BKs.

PostPosted: 02 May 2007
by captporridge
Had a fun hour!

I only found a few references to that institution on the Net, and each one repeated the Dadi claim. So, if that institute ever existed, it seems all it did was announce Dadi had the most stable mind in the world, and then they closed down.

And, of course, scientists don't make claims like that. Well, they could if they tested everyone in the world, but I wasn't tested ... did anyone else take part?

I spoke to a few people at the University of Texas ... I kept getting transfered because no one really seemed sure who could help me out but when I explained the claim made, they all just said, "WTF?"

Anyway, I was finally put in contact with a researcher at the University of Texas Archives, so if anyone can confirm or deny that claim and the very existance of that institute, it is them.

Their answer might take a week though, but I already have a pretty good idea what it'll be.

Now, I must take screenshots of the claim on BK sites, lest they erase them!

PostPosted: 02 May 2007
by sweetsajani
Wow. Ridiculous do not you think? ... its like these BKs really want to become like GOD!!! It's crazY!!!