What is so wonderful about the Murli?

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Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli?

Post26 Jun 2008

Best thing to do is get away from many of the BKs who are like parrots. Use common sense which I know many people here on this board have.

My question is how can you listen to a soul? You cannot. The soul can only listen or be listened to in a body.

I think a lot of BK information is a illusion which according to their Murl's we should not be to interested in.

What is the purpose of feeling empty or nothingness?
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Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli?

Post26 Jun 2008

global wrote:You are getting second grade translated information and for those who speak Hindi it is impossible to know that the words you are reading have not been changed or altered to suit the BKs. We are talking about a long time since Dadi Lekrahj has left. Who even knows if the words coming out of his mouth were even written down correctly.

We know that we are receiving BOTH. The Murlis ARE being altered and changed to suit the Brahma Kumari Leadership AND The Knowledge is not properly recorded. There have been erasures, re-writes, revision. The result is an imaginary Lekhraj Kirpalani that never existed that is being re-marketed as a saint. And let us remember the extent of it. Lekhraj Kirpalani as God. A God Father that does not know how many children/humans there are. A God that issues false predictions of Destruction and keeps its follower running around like headless chickens.

it is amongst the strangest of rituals ... Morning Class ... a complete ritualistic charade dependent on the hypnotic effect of the meditation and mental conditioning. That is to say, we believe in it and have emotional intellectual responses to it as "God's words" ONLY because we have been CONDITIONED to do so.

Any rational person would sit there, be bored to death and wonder what the hell all this bigoted, supremacist, repetitive drivel was doing coming out of "God's" mouth ... and that is without knowing the contradictions and failures which the devotees (again) re-label as "God's tests".

There is an entirely mental structure that takes weeks or months to build (in Westerners anyway) required to lull the individual into responding in such a conditioned way. To confuse the comfortable, sometimes uplifting experience of getting up early and being with a group of good people ... with the actual experience of the Murli.

And at the heart of this conditioning is the whole issue of the so-called Supreme Soul ... which appears to be the Brahmakumaris toning down the "God claim". A get out clause in effect to cover them if it all fails again. Its neither the Supreme of all Souls nor is it god. Lekhraj Kripalani might have been a very accomplish man and been under some spiritualistic influence, he might have open, or had opened it crown chakra or higher self ... but that is about it. And it is pretty much only of significance to the Sindhi sect he came out of in the 1930s.

Its all be blown entirely out of context due to the investment of a small group of individual's ambition, greed, lust for power and turned into another typical business-religion ... New lanterns for old. "Give us your soul ... your life ... your bank balance ... everything".



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Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli?

Post26 Jun 2008


Nice to see a thinker like yourself here. You made me laugh because so many of your comments where true. I remember in the local center this huge picture of Dadi Lekrahj with a red glow coming from his behind it was very cult like. Felt very strange with that picture in the room.

Is anyone going to say that he did more than "Mother Theresa"? No, he is not God or was God.
ex-l wrote:Its all be blown entirely out of context due to the investment of a small group of individual's ambition, greed, lust for power and turned into another typical business-religion ... New lanterns for old. "Give us your soul ... your life ... your bank balance ... everything.

So, very true. Of course, with the Murlis we can come to the understanding as we agree they have been altered and changed. The saddest part about this is there are some people who come to Raja Yoga to learn more about spirituality and Heaven, and what many will find is the opposite and Hell-like creatures. I believe there is some uniqueness of this all but the problem is who do you believe in that organization? Or do I really want to believe any of it?

Oh, yes, it is OK to manipulate and exploit people but to kiss your wife is bad? Many BKs are really nuts.

Waking up in the morning is a good thing but not practical for most people because of their necessity to function at their job properly. Can you imagine an airline pilot not getting enough sleep? Most of the major disasters of our centuries has been caused by the operator of the ship, vessel etc not having enough sleep.

Back to the topic. I am so glad this administrator designed this site. Hopefully many will come to realize this and maybe save themselves by coming to realize they are not Godly but Dadi Lekhraj worshipers and that the Murlis have been changed.



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Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli?

Post15 Jul 2008

Murli is magic, because

    *If one point of Murli can give happiness to someone, a bundle of Murlis can mean nothing to another
    *If you (at least some) read the same Murli any number of times, you will feel at least some new thing every time.
    *If one loves Murli with highest devotion, another (few ex-Bks) hates it.
    *Some Ex-Bks consider Murli as RUBBISH, but never throw it into garbage. They preserve it with highest interest in their DATABASE!
    *Some say Murli are words of Lekhraj Kirpalani (Dada Lekhraj). So, anyhow, credit goes to Shiva and DL. The two GREAT SOULS!
    *BKs, PBKs, Ex-Bks all need Murlis! Even though NONE understands it fully.
    *PBKs and Ex-Bks hate or consider BKs less intellectual than them. But they steal Murlis from BKs. [Even the Avyakt Murli]. How great Murli is and how lucky BKs are! So, all love (need) Murli knowingly or without knowing! Oh Baba, when your Murli is so great, how great you may be?

    *So, Murli is also an open secret.
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Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli?

Post15 Jul 2008

mbbhat wrote:*BKs, PBKs, Ex-BKs all need Murlis! Even though NONE understands it fully.

If you think that none of the BKs, PBKs or ex-BKs have understood Murlis fully, then you should agree that the narrator of the Murlis should come Himself in practical and explain the 'un-understandable' portions of Murlis. But since 1969, BapDada through Gulzar Dadiji has not clarified even a single Sakar Murli or extracts thereof. So, who will clarify the Murlis?
PBKs and Ex-BKs hate or consider BKs less intellectual than them. But they steal Murlis from BKs. [Even the Avyakt Murli]. How great Murli is and how lucky BKs are!

So, now you are showing your true feelings for the PBKs and ex-BKs. That was the reason I was telling you that it is not necessary to address everyone as souls just for namesake. If you truly visualize every human being as a soul, as a child of the Supreme Soul, you would not consider them to be thieves of Murlis or unworthy of reading Murlis. OK, even if we steal Murlis, even if we give a wrong interpretation of Murlis, do you think we can prove the Truth God Father as false? Is your faith on God so weak that if someone steals some of the Murlis your knowledge or God will become false?

I think we should have a broad mind and allow everyone access to the Godly versions. The wealth of knowledge increases by distributing it to others.

By the way if PBKs and ex-BKs hate BKs, they would not have provided such a huge treasure of information including Murlis and Avyakt Vanis on this forum. And many of the English Murlis and Avyakt Vanis available on this forum have not been stolen but provided voluntarily by some broadminded BKs who want the entire world to benefit from them and not just the BKs.



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Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli?

Post15 Jul 2008

Dear Arjun soul,

I have kept open views. It is true that nobody has understood Murli fully (100%). I am here not to argue with you. But your way of responding is fully OK for me. I am not against disclosing Murli. Because, Drama is already fixed and perfect. I am OK with everything (or I should try to be OK with everything). If possible, take it easy.


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Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli?

Post15 Jul 2008

BKs, PBKs, Ex-BKs all need Murlis! Even though NONE understands it fully.

Oh, I understand the Murlis. I just don't understand the BKs, PBKs and ex-BKs Hee Hee :D
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Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli?

Post15 Jul 2008

Oh Bansy, if you don't understand the PB/BkExBks its because you don''t understand yourself. And you don't understand the Father too. Nor the mother. so how could we understand the Murli too? Its clear to so many apparently. Oh well back to bible class for us I s'pose.
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Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli?

Post15 Jul 2008

mbbhat wrote:I have kept open views. ...I am not against disclosing Murli. ... If possible, take it easy.

Dear Brother,
I request you to stick to one viewpoint. You write something here and write something else in some other section of this forum about making the Murlis available to the public. Here is what you wrote there:
mbbhat wrote:It is correct to keep them without reach of public. The reasons are
1) Initially, one is served just one roti. After eating it, there is need of giving the second.
2) In Murli also Baba says-
Initially give knowledge of two fathers to new comers;
Just say, Consider yourself as soul and remember Father.
Give knowledge to my devotees and devotees of deities.
Do not give knowledge of drama until the person recognizes the introduction of ShivaBaba.
Never directly say- God has incarnated. People will laugh.
Without completing the seven day course, one should not be permitted to sit in Murli class.
Knowledge is precious. Do not waste it.
Knowledge will sit only in pure mind.
So, I think it is against Shrimat if anyone who discloses Murli to public. But I am satisfied by Drama in every event. So, even though many people in this forum are commenting against BKs that they are not observing Shrimat, do these people wish to follow Shrimat? If not, then why do they need Murli? Just see how Maya catches everybody everywhere! Baba says, Maya is also almighty.

Dear Souls, the Murli says, just hear from me. But here votes are taken (84%)!

I definitely respect the research work being done here. What I think is, these scientists do a lot of research and Destruction happens. Science serves deities in heaven (Of course, this is BK belief). Similarly these researches may prove beneficial to BKs at the end. Let us wait and see in the drama.

You are asking us to take it easy, but of late you have been calling PBKs and ex-BKs as people who hate BKs and as theives who steal Murlis. In the above quote you say that Maya has caught us and that Murlis should be kept out of our reach.

Anyways, you are free to have your opinion. You can continue to block Murlis or support those who are holding back Murlis. ShivBaba will help us in getting Murlis in the same way as Pandavas got a helping hand from Krishna during times of crisis.

With regards,



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Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli?

Post16 Jul 2008

arjun wrote:[I request you to stick to one viewpoint.

Dear Arjun Soul,

Without having The Knowledge of body, knowledge of soul is incomplete. We become aware of real purity(heaven) after becoming fully impure. So we should know the contrast fully.

Sometimes, Baba desribes just heaven; sometimes just hell. Baba takes us frequently from heaven to hell and viceversa in Murlis and then says, forget hell and remember heaven. Hell and heaven are two opposite points! Body and souls are two totally different things.

Anyhow, Thanks for your right comments and suggestions.
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Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli?

Post16 Jul 2008

mbbhat wrote:So we should know the contrast fully ... Anyhow, thanks for your right comments and suggestions.

Since you have made so many souls on this forum happy by your posts, you can hold both points of view. :D



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Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli?

Post16 Jul 2008

arjun wrote:If you think that none of the BKs, PBKs or ex-BKs have understood Murlis fully, then you should agree that the narrator of the Murlis should come Himself in practical ...

Dear Arjun soul,

That is not necessary. Baba has said, the more you remember, your intellect will get widen (open).

*Baba has also said, "If you read a Murli 6 or 8 times a day, you will overtake braahmanis (in purusharthah)". This is a clear indication that one can get essence of Murli by reading it many times. This also indirectly says that there is no need of any help from outside or anybody else.

*By the way, I have not read a single Murli 8 times a day so far in my life. Have you met anyone who have done this?

*But I have read 4 to 8 different Murlis in a day for three months.
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Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli?

Post16 Jul 2008

Is there Life after the Murli? Apparently not. People morph into a robotic condition as we see proof here-in.


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Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli?

Post16 Jul 2008

By the way, I have not read a single Murli 8 times a day so far in my life. Have you met anyone who have done this?

I have. But is the question meaning "8 times a day FOR every single day ?" Then, No.

Anyway, reading it 8 times doesn't mean understanding it 8 times better
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Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli?

Post17 Jul 2008

mbbhat wrote:That is not necessary. Baba has said, the more you remember, your intellect will get widen (open).

*Baba has also said, "If you read a Murli 6 or 8 times a day, you will overtake braahmanis (in purusharthah)". This is a clear indication that one can get essence of Murli by reading it many times. This also indirectly says that there is no need of any help from outside or anybody else.

Dear Brother,
Omshanti. If you feel that there is no necessity for ShivBaba to be in practical, if you feel that you don't require any help to understand the Murli then I think it is of no use to discuss on this topic any further.

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