Mukhri Mata funding

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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post25 Jun 2008

ex-l wrote:Who writes these newsletter for her? The style is always very similar.

Not sure.

I had been wondering who was writing Prakashmani's letters whilst we knew she did not have enough sense to do it herself. At the time I was told that it was Raju, the Murli editor.

The style being the same, my guess is that he does it for Janki as well.
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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post25 Jun 2008

bkti-pit wrote:I had been wondering who was writing Prakashmani's letters whilst we knew she did not have enough sense to do it herself. At the time I was told that it was Raju, the Murli editor.

You are correct. Raju Bhai accepted this fact in his own article published in the Gyanamrit magazine, which I had quoted on this forum also.
ex-l wrote:Just a quick note ... I see that in the latest Janki Kripalani newletter, the "Mukhri Mata" buildings have another name now ... Manmohini Complex!!! So they are already building memorials for themselves!!!

This is the beginning of a new trend perhaps and just as Dadi Prakashmani was responsible for many such trends. Dadi Janki is presiding over this new trend. In PBK terminology, she is laying a new foundation which would perhaps have broader consequences in the broad drama of 5,000 years.

We have to thank ShivBaba that they have not started renaming the existing complexes, just as the worldly governments do to please some sections of the society.
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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post25 Jun 2008

arjun wrote:We have to thank ShivBaba that they have not started renaming the existing complexes, just as the worldly governments do to please some sections of the society.

Never say 'never' ... its all so vain and its all so against Shrimat. This is what interests me. Why keep alive the memory of the dead if not only to exploit the sentiments of their followers.

But to do it for oneselves, rather than another worthy individual is additionally vain. May be I can get the cremation block or sewage system named after me!?!

    The Ex-l-ent Open latrine ...
I mean, they already named the Hospital after a non-BK big money Sindhi family, where will it end? Polticians and film stars ... other rich and famous buying their seats at the front of the crowds for Baba's season (the ones that are not reserved for the Ramsay's etc). Watch this space as the poor and worthy get pushed back another two rows to make way for more comfy chairs.

So what is this building going to be for anyway? A big video display of the main event just along the road? Personally, I think it is all about pulling the crowds into Abu to take their money off them.


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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post26 Jun 2008

ex-l wrote:So what is this building going to be for anyway?

It is not a single building but a whole complex adjacent to Shantivan. I think it will double its accommodation capacity.
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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post26 Jun 2008

I read above that there is a outdoor stadium, was it 5,000 seater. Any ideas what that is for?

I have to believe that it will be left unused most of the time.


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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post26 Jun 2008

What I heard was that it will have a 100,000 capacity. I don't know if this is true. I guess it is to accommodate increasing crowds to BapDada programs as well as other mega programs.

I wonder what happened to the prediction that towards the end there would be queues from Abu Road to Madhuban, now that Baba only comes to Shantivan (not so far from Abu Road)?
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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post26 Jun 2008

bkti-pit wrote:What I heard was that it will have a 100,000 capacity. I don't know if this is true. I guess it is to accommodate increasing crowds to BapDada programs as well as other mega programs.

First class pomp of Maya.

100 million homeless Indians are suffering on the streets in front of the BK Seniors eyes.

And they are constructing buildings and coliseums like in the last days of Roman Empire. The fall down of this empire
is very soon.


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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post26 Jun 2008

The complex is being built because the BKWSU was worried current capacity is not enough so that BKs had to sleep in tents.

The current Diamond Hall fits approx 18,000. The Shantivan complex currently accomodates 10,000. This extension Manmohini complex is to house an extra 5,000. That leaves approx 3,000 still outstanding. Some folks will still need to draw straws.
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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post27 Jun 2008

Original file attached below and, here. Highlights as per original document.
BK Nirwair of BKWSU Mount Abu wrote:31 May 2008

To our most beloved BapDada’s precious and cooperative children, who are world benefactors, the charitable souls who consider the needs of others before their own, the decoration of the Brahmin clan: our teachers in Bharat and abroad, divine Sisters and Brothers.

Please accept Godly love and remembrances from Dadi Jankiji, Dadi Gulzarji, other Dadis, Brother Rameshji, Brother Brij Mohanji and Madhuban niwasi Sisters and Brothers.

Today I am specially writing to update you on the progress of the huge construction work taking place at Manmohini Complex, near Shantivan. Every task in Baba’s unlimited Yagya is done for the comfort and care of the Brahmin family, and everything has and will continue to be accomplished with the collective cooperation of the divine family.

As you are well aware, Diamond Hall in Shantivan can seat at least 18,000, however at present we can only provide accommodation for 10,000 Brahmins (including sevadharis). During BapDada’s season when numbers exceed the available rooms, many of Baba’s children have to sleep in tents. This is why in the April 2006 Annual Service Meeting, in the presence of our loving Dadi Prakash Maniji, all the senior teachers and other main instruments from India participated in the foundation stone laying ceremony for a new construction at Manmohini Complex.

The teachers agreed on requesting centres and sub-centres to keep a separate box for voluntary contributions towards the construction. As a result of the generosity shown by Baba’s children, a good amount of work has been completed as you can see below. We have the determined thought to complete the project as early as possible so that suitable arrangements may be provided to Baba’s children when they come to meet BapDada. The finances required for the next 6 months are as much as was utilised over the past two years. At such a time, we are reminded of Baba’s Shrimat: “Our life becomes worth a diamond by using all that we have in a worthwhile way”.

We not only hope but have full faith that with the finger of cooperation of our global family – the selfless and big-hearted children of our Emperor Baba – this much needed complex will be made ready on time. As our revered Dadi Jankiji says “It is already done. It is not a big thing for the Brahmin family to achieve...

With this deep faith, it was formally decided at the Annual Service Meeting that, along with all of you, Baba and the Seniors will inaugurate this great complex on the day of Dashera, at 10.00am, on 9 October 2008.

We are sending you a brief description of the new complex, as obtained from our engineer Brother BK Brother Bharat, for your kind information:

– Total Area of Land = 30788 sq metres

– Area under construction = 11341 sq metres

– Area of roads, gardens etc = 19447 sq metres

– 7 blocks (buildings) will house rooms with 2-beds, 3-beds and 5-beds with a total of 5000 beds.

Each building will be equipped with a lift, stairway, facilities for drinking water and hot bathing water etc. Munnibehn and her department are making arrangements to furnish each building with fans, mattresses, cupboards, curtains etc. We will continue to update you on developments.

As all of you know, creating a home is always a big task but Baba our Compassionate Parent, has and always will fulfil the needs of His children. We express our gratitude to Baba and all of you for your loving good wishes and unending cooperation in so many ways.

With lots and lots of spiritual love and remembrances,

On Spiritual Service,

On behalf of the Dadis, Senior Brothers & Sisters
and Brothers of Madhuban,

B.K. Nirwair
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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post27 Jun 2008

That is one hell of a creepy letter. I can almost hear the hypnotist's voice as I read it ... "precious ... children ... world benefactors ... charitable souls who consider the needs of others before their own ... family ... Baba’s Shrimat ... worth a diamond ... selfless and big-hearted children of our Emperor Baba ... creating a home ... Compassionate Parent". Or is it Gollum rubbing his hands at the thought of gold ... "my precioussssss".

I also thought the Indian Government stopped the Brahmakumaris from having boxes in the centers never mind additional boxes. I take it the sub-text to "the finances required for the next 6 months are as much as was utilised over the past two years" means that they have not been receiving as many donations as they had expected?

Lifts ... !?! What? Is climbing the stairs too body-conscious for all the fat Sisters? Why all the expense is the world is going to end in 2 or 3 years?

I suppose it is a BK holiday timeshare scheme ... but with the caveat that your center-in-charge can terminate the contract for whatever reason they wish. Its weird though. Why all the expense for a few weeks or months of the year? Mind you, this is a new one but at least it is honest. ... "Every task in Baba’s unlimited Yagya is done for the comfort and care of the Brahmin family". Everything they are doing is in the interest of their comfort not the world's.

So they aim to have 18,000 beds to match the capacity of Diamond Hall. Are there they going to offer it as accommodation for the homeless during the off season or is it going to sit empty? They probably wont stop until they have 900,000 ... and then ...

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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post27 Jun 2008

Enlightened wrote:Could you please find the correct name of this new construction being built in Shantivan? Mukrimata sounds like such a strange name. doesn't sound very BK at all.

arjun also did reply to this as well. He said that Mukri Mata is the name of a place nearby. I found out it is the name of a temple near the location. The actual construction is named Manmohini Bhawan (in memorial of the life of Didi from the 1980's. She passed away in 1983).
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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post27 Jun 2008

The only reference to Mukri Mata I can find is a spirit believed to cause various diseases like plague, fever, cholera etc and is more common in the Gujerat amongst the Choudhury.

There is a scheduled tribe in Karnataka by the same name but I do not see the connection there. Difficult because of the various spellings. The Complex is probably going to be big enough for 'Google Earth' to photograph it and so someone can flag it up on there.
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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post28 Jun 2008

ex-l wrote:I also thought the Indian Government stopped the Brahmakumaris from having boxes in the centers never mind additional boxes. I take it the sub-text to "the finances required for the next 6 months are as much as was utilised over the past two years" means that they have not been receiving as many donations as they had expected?

Extracts of ShivBaba's Murli (via Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) - as narrated to the PBKs

VCD* No.558, Audio Cassette No.1044, dated 12.11.06, Haripur

Clarification of Murli dated 30.5.67

Ref. No.VCD*.,

... So BapDada is giving blessings for beginning the charity of service and congratulations. He is giving to the four arms. Fourth page of the Vani dated 16th November, 2006. Because no matter how many servers (sevadharis) have come, things cannot work without the residents of Abu. That is why the treasure box (bhandari) of your account of charity (punya) has opened. Whose treasure box of account of charity? The (treasure box of accounts of the) residents of Abu. ....Now it would be seen, how much do you accumulate? What? Collection box (bhandari). Government gets that bhandari closed, does it not? What? If there is a lot of income tax due from someone, then, what does the Government do? It seals all the accounts. So, that Government gets the bhandari closed, does it not? So BapDada is opening the bhandari of charity. Bhandari of whose charity?

Those who are the residents of Abu, the residents of Abu. Whether they are from ‘down’ or from ‘up’. He is opening their bhandari. It means that even if the Government causes that bhandari to close. At the end of the shooting of Dwaparyug (Copper Age) in 1998, the bhandari had been closed in the Advance (Party), was it not? All the accounts had been sealed, were they not? So was it only the outside Government that was involved in getting those accounts closed or was there the involvement of the basic Governement of the world of Brahmins also? So, that Government gets the bhandari closed. So, BapDada is opening the bhandari of charity so that the world is left awestruck that - how do they get the money to spend so much? If a marriage party consisting of 100-200 persons comes for 1 or 2 days, then one has to make so much effort and here it is not the matter of one or two days, it is not the matter of one or two months, it is not the matter of one or two years. A long time has passed. Almost 8-10 years have passed in the repeated postponements of the cases (mukadmey or law suits). No decision is forthcoming. That too in criminal cases.

So BapDada is opening your bhandari of charity. That Government causes it to close and the unlimited Government is opening the bhandari of charity. The residents of Abu have the intoxication, have they not? They are happy, aren’t they? They keep accumulating charity while sitting at home. The bhandari keeps getting opened. There is no need to wander anywhere outside. Which zones are being addressed? Rajasthan and Indore zones are being addressed – the ones who live behind the doors. They do not wander anywhere outside. Otherwise, those so-called sages and monks keep wandering outside for food, clothing and accomodation and these (ones, who live behind the doors) need not wander outside. So, the residents of Abu have the intoxication, don't they? They have the happiness, don't they? They continue to accumulate charity while sitting at home. When you do service altruistically with love, your bhandari of charity continues to get full. It continues to get full automatically. There is no need to put anything into. It is only a matter of doing service with love.


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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post11 Aug 2008

Have a look at the Manmohini complex:
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Re: Mukhri Mata funding

Post11 Aug 2008

Seems they have some basic kind of security on the server but here are some of the images.

Bloody hell ... talk about "relieving poverty ...". I wonder how much all those non-functional doo-dahs cost. I imagined some cheap, minimalist modern block. These are Victorian-style mansion flats. This is Mukhri Mata? Both blocks and more?




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