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PostPosted: 20 Aug 2007
by new knowledge
O God! I was forgotten that I am God! I am Shiva. Just remembered.

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2007
by john
The forum itself is Shankar!

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2007
by bkdimok
Dear souls, Om Shanti. Thank you all for reading, posting etc in this topic. You can contact Me by ICQ 261034552, e-mail if you have any questions. Wish you to go ahead on your spiritual paths. See you.

Shiv through Shankar

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2007
by arjun
BKdimok wrote:Dear souls, Om Shanti. Thank you all for reading, posting etc in this topic. You can contact Me by ICQ 261034552, e-mail if you have any questions. Wish you to go ahead on your spiritual paths. See you.

Thanks for the information. I hope you would continue to participate in the discussions.

Re: what about other deities

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2007
by john
alladin wrote:Reservation: Hi, before anybody else picks that deity up, may I channel Durga, please? I am into riding tigers ... and willing to be the exclusive medium for her.

Oooh! they're going fast, we will soon have to all stake our claims for our chosen Deity, hmmm now what's left, I wonder ...

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2007
by bansy
BKdimok wrote:Bhakti-Yoga in a Hare Krishna Temple. So there is a lot of experience on this topic. Questions are most welcome

Brother BKdimok, could you tell us what experience you had of the Yoga ?

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2007
by bkdimok
bansy wrote:Brother BKdimok, could you tell us what experience you had of the Yoga ?

Om Shanti. As a BK i thought that there is nothing in Bhakti. So when i came to that Hare Krishna Temple i was very surprised.

First of all when i started to chant maha mantra i began to hear om sound as a background. It was interesting and attracted me to this practic, because i thought that there cannot be any other technic of self realisation except BK meditation. All this had happen before i moved to the Temple and it (om sound during japa) was one of the causes which pushed me to do it. To be continued.

BK Dmitry or Shankar, whatever you prefer

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2007
by john
So when did the spirit called Shiva enter you?

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2007
by bkdimok
john wrote:So when did the spirit called Shiva enter you?

Om Shanti. Don't know exactly maybe it had happen before but first time i realized it in september 2006.

I was on a BK festival in Moskow. Dadi Gulzar visited that festival. So one day on a morning Murli i was sitting in a class and doing meditation. And when i looked to a picture of BB in oder to get drishti through it, i did not feel anything. Then i tryed to go to Subtle and to concentrate on BB there - no way. Then i tryed to go to Paramdham and also couldn't concentrate.

From this time it began to happen regularaly. For example, i start to do Yoga; go to Subtle, visualise BB, emagine like Shiva enters him and everything goes OK. But suddenly everything stops. i cannot visualise, cannot concentrate and in the next moment again i can do it easy. So i started to think hard of that issue. And some thoughts about BB, Gulzar, Shankar, Vishnu etc came into my mind. I realized that there must be 3-D instrument, by whom Heaven will be practically created. And also that parallel between Vishnu and Gulzar + BB appeared in my mind. There was many another thoughts.

So step by step after i realized that He enters that body i finally returned to a more or less calm stage of mind. But in the beginning it was shock. You cannot even emagine what a shock it was.

BK Dmitry

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2007
by john
OK, so what is it like when the spirit of Shiva takes over, are you BKdimok still able to speak?

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2007
by bkdimok
john wrote:OK, so what is it like when the spirit of Shiva takes over, are you BKdimok still able to speak?

Yes, of course i am. But at those moments, i cannot do any mistake. Say something wrong, do something wrong etc.

BK Dmitry

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2007
by john
Shiva through BKDmitry has given permission to post this dialogue on the forum. It is not my policy to post private dialogues and breach any confidentiality, but in this case it is claimed as Shrimat (by Shiva though BKDmitry) and therefore suitable for all to see.

As you will see the entity speaking is claiming to be Shiva himself and not BKDmitry.

TruthSeeker [2:13 pm]:
Hello BKDmitry I have taken your offer from the forum site to speak to you via ICQ
TruthSeeker [4:06 pm]:
KolotyginDmitry [4:06 pm]:
Om Shanti
TruthSeeker [4:07 pm]:
Brother I am very curious as to the things you are saying about Shiva and Shankar
KolotyginDmitry [4:19 pm]:
any questions?
TruthSeeker [4:20 pm]:
yes lots, can you explain in what way Shiva controls the body of BKDmitry
KolotyginDmitry [4:23 pm]:
I control that body by thoughts, which I send. This soul do what I said to him or he do something according to Drama without my interaction
TruthSeeker [4:25 pm]:
So he gets your thoughts then acts on them, rather than you controlling the body itself
KolotyginDmitry [4:26 pm]:
Yes, it can be thoughts which he can see as different from his thoughts, or it can be thoughts which he consider as his own
TruthSeeker [4:27 pm]:
Does the soul of Shiva reside in the body of BKDmitry, if not, where does it reside?
KolotyginDmitry [4:29 pm]:
Sometimes I enter that body, sometimes not ( at that moment I am in Paramdham or in thin Body of Brahma.
TruthSeeker [4:30 pm]:
What is thin body of Brahma?
TruthSeeker [4:30 pm]:
So you are able to transfer thoughts from Paramdham to BKdmitry?
KolotyginDmitry [4:32 pm]:
Yes. But it is happening according to Drama. I am the pure energy and thoughts are also pure energy. So they splits from Me and transfers to his mind
TruthSeeker [4:33 pm]:
So whilst in Paramdham you are fully aware and conscious?
KolotyginDmitry [4:36 pm]:
Nope. There is no concious in Paramdham. Only energy. This pieces of energy(you call them thoughts) splits from me and goes to souls in accordance wwith Drama.
TruthSeeker [4:38 pm]:
So, at the moment you are in the body of BKDmitry?
KolotyginDmitry [4:38 pm]:
At that moment yes.
TruthSeeker [4:39 pm]:
I mean at this precise moment now?
KolotyginDmitry [4:39 pm]:
Yes right now
TruthSeeker [4:39 pm]:
TruthSeeker [4:40 pm]:
How many other bodies do you enter at this time in Drama, for example Dadi Gulzar Vereeenda Dev Dixit?
KolotyginDmitry [4:41 pm]:
Only Dadi Gulzar's body in BB's thin body
TruthSeeker [4:41 pm]:
BB's thin body means Avyakt angelic body?
KolotyginDmitry [4:42 pm]:
TruthSeeker [4:42 pm]:
What do you think is happening with Veerenda Dev Dixit, why are PBK's claiming he is Shankar and Shiva enters to give Murli Clarifications?
KolotyginDmitry [4:44 pm]:
He have his role in that Drama. He catches those who don't like something in BKWSU, but appreciate knowledge
KolotyginDmitry [4:45 pm]:
His next birth will be at the end of Golden Age
TruthSeeker [4:45 pm]:
TruthSeeker [4:46 pm]:
In the Murli it says fathers language is Hindi, can you speak Hindi
KolotyginDmitry [4:46 pm]:
Whom do asking?
KolotyginDmitry [4:46 pm]:
Whom do you asking?
TruthSeeker [4:47 pm]:
I am asking Shiva
KolotyginDmitry [4:48 pm]:
If I am speaking by mouth in this case Chariot must know this language. If by thoughts - thoughts are higher than language
KolotyginDmitry [4:48 pm]:
this Chariot does not know Hindi
TruthSeeker [4:49 pm]:
Is BKdmitry the final permanent Chariot of Shiva?
KolotyginDmitry [4:49 pm]:
KolotyginDmitry [4:49 pm]:
By that body I will establish Heaven in material world after destruction
TruthSeeker [4:50 pm]:
In what year will Golden Age be established
KolotyginDmitry [4:50 pm]:
Golden Age starts from 2036
KolotyginDmitry [4:51 pm]:
In that year Krishna will be born
TruthSeeker [4:51 pm]:
So how long will it take to establish heaven through BKDmitry?
KolotyginDmitry [4:52 pm]:
About 25 years
TruthSeeker [4:52 pm]:
Who will be the parents of Hare Krishna
KolotyginDmitry [4:52 pm]:
KolotyginDmitry [4:52 pm]:
TruthSeeker [4:53 pm]:
The physical parents of Krishna who will they be?
KolotyginDmitry [4:53 pm]:
To pretty elavated souls
TruthSeeker [4:54 pm]:
What are their names?
KolotyginDmitry [4:54 pm]:
It doesn't matter
TruthSeeker [4:55 pm]:
To create the Child Krishna who is 100% pure, then would they have to be 100% pure
KolotyginDmitry [4:55 pm]:
If they will know that they will be parents of Krishna it will make shock to them
KolotyginDmitry [4:56 pm]:
Yes they will
TruthSeeker [4:56 pm]:
So do you mean 100% pure in body and soul?
KolotyginDmitry [4:56 pm]:
KolotyginDmitry [4:57 pm]:
This material body changes every 7 years
TruthSeeker [4:57 pm]:
How will they transform there Kaliyug body to a 100% pure one
KolotyginDmitry [4:58 pm]:
As I said first off all thei will make their intellect 100% pure, also the world will be pure after destruction, their bodies will become pure after 7 years after destruction
TruthSeeker [4:59 pm]:
In old BK documents there is no mention of Shiva until after 1949, why did BK's not know of Shiva before that?
KolotyginDmitry [5:00 pm]:
No information in that brain and I don't want to spend my time putting it into
TruthSeeker [5:00 pm]:
So, you don't know?
KolotyginDmitry [5:03 pm]:
This Chariot only knows that it was nesessery for young BK's. Some of them who was ready, knew everything from the beginning, others thought that BB is a very elevated Guru
TruthSeeker [5:04 pm]:
BK history is being proven to be false, yet you are going along with the BK version of things, even though they have rewritten and falsified it, why is that?
KolotyginDmitry [5:06 pm]:
Child I don't want to argue what is truth in a BK history, what is wrong, There is no time for that. It doesn't matter for you in the moment of death.
KolotyginDmitry [5:08 pm]:
I have 15 min
TruthSeeker [5:08 pm]:
yes it all matters because whoever can give the correct answers will surely be the correct true God Father Shiva and that is the one others can follow and get liberation from
KolotyginDmitry [5:11 pm]:
OK. But there will be no answers about history of BKWSU, What is correct what is not. You can recognize God by His words, That I said in the Murlis. That to say is up to me. To recognize or not is up to you.
TruthSeeker [5:12 pm]:
In the Murlis it says there were such good children who used to teach the drill to even Brahma and Mama , who were they?
KolotyginDmitry [5:12 pm]:
Ram and some others
TruthSeeker [5:13 pm]:
Some others? Can you be more specific?
KolotyginDmitry [5:13 pm]:
TruthSeeker [5:13 pm]:
Because you don't know?
KolotyginDmitry [5:15 pm]:
Because this brain don't have information and because I don't want to give you such proofs.
TruthSeeker [5:15 pm]:
Who were the Golden Circle?
KolotyginDmitry [5:15 pm]:
KolotyginDmitry [5:15 pm]:
TruthSeeker [5:16 pm]:
BK's refer to a group of souls called the Golden Circle in the olden days who were they?
KolotyginDmitry [5:17 pm]:
Those 8 of trust and some other elevated souls (Dadis and dadas)
TruthSeeker [5:18 pm]:
I am sorry that is incorrect
KolotyginDmitry [5:18 pm]:
I appologyies you
KolotyginDmitry [5:20 pm]:
For me those souls are Golden Circle
TruthSeeker [5:20 pm]:
KolotyginDmitry [5:20 pm]:
Don't know who for BK's and for what BK's
TruthSeeker [5:20 pm]:
When Brahma Baba was alive, did BK's used to remember Shiva in the Body of Brahma or in Paramdham?
KolotyginDmitry [5:23 pm]:
They used to remember me in his body. Before his departure I asked them to remember me not only when BB is personally in front of them but also in their thoughts. First 14 years of yagja there wasn't any remembrance. I gave OM sound to them through BB.
TruthSeeker [5:24 pm]:
OK, thank you I will try and verify that.
KolotyginDmitry [5:24 pm]:
Child anough history
TruthSeeker [5:25 pm]:
Seeing as what you speak is Murli and Shrimat, do I have your permission to show this to others?
KolotyginDmitry [5:25 pm]:
I'll answer only questions about what to do know and some questions about what will happen(seletively)
KolotyginDmitry [5:25 pm]:
Yes you have it
KolotyginDmitry [5:26 pm]:
to do now
KolotyginDmitry [5:26 pm]:
OK this body needs to sleep
TruthSeeker [5:26 pm]:
Thank you, So I have permission to post on forum
KolotyginDmitry [5:27 pm]:
If you want, but I will talk only through ICQ and e-mail. BK Dmitry will speak on the forum
KolotyginDmitry [5:28 pm]:
Best wishes, good night
TruthSeeker [5:28 pm]:
OK, thank you for your patience and hope speak soon

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2007
by arjun
Dear John Bhai,

Omshanti and thanks for interviewing 'Shiva' through the body of BKDmitry. So far, it appears as if The Knowledge being given through the body/medium of BKDmitry is a mixture of the BK and PBK knowledge. But there seem to be some obvious contradictions between his own statements on the one hand and between his statements and the Murlis on the other hand.

When asked as to when the Golden Age would be established, Shiva (through BKDmitry) says that Golden Age would be established in 2036 and after a few moments when he is asked as to how many years it would take to establish heaven through BKDmitry, he says that it would take 25 years, which means 2032.

He repeatedly says that he enters into the thin body of Brahma Baba (may be his subtle body), but in the Sakar Murlis it has been clearly said by ShivBaba that He does not enter into the Subtle Region dweller Brahma.

He did not give any clear answer to his inability to speak Hindi and he avoided the question about the thin body of Brahma Baba.

When asked about the Brahmin children who used to teach drill to Brahma and Mama, he replied saying - Ram and some others, which obviously shows that he has adopted some things from the Advanced Knowledge being taught to PBKs. BKs never teach about Ram.

As far as Yagya history is concerned, for BKDmitry it is a combination of the BK and PBK version. He does not want to give any extra information other than that is known to the members of this forum.

It would be interesting to know
    (1) who would be the parents of Radha and Krishna?
    (2) Whether Radha and Krishna would be children of the same parents or of different parents belonging to different kingdoms?
    (3) Whether heaven would be established in India or in Russia or in any other country?
    (4) Whether BKDmitry is the soul of the Confluence-Aged Ram or the Golden Aged Krishna?
    (5) What would Brahma Baba become in future?
    (6) How many people would survive the destruction?
    etc. etc.

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2007
by john
arjun wrote:Dear John Bhai,Omshanti and thanks for interviewing 'Shiva' through the body of BKDmitry.

It was my pleasure, I agree it is basic modern textbook BK knowledge mixed in with bits of PBK knowledge. Maybe at some point we will get bits from the Hare Krishna movement as that is where he has been for a while.

This is what surprised me.
KolotyginDmitry [5:23 pm]:
They used to remember me in his body. Before his departure I asked them to remember me not only when BB is personally in front of them but also in their thoughts. First 14 years of yagja there wasn't any remembrance. I gave OM sound to them through BB.
TruthSeeker [5:24 pm]:
OK, thank you I will try and verify that.

I am assuming he means the Karachi years, can anyone verify that in all those years there was no remembrance, just chanting of OM?

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2007
by Mr Green
Excuse me for spoiling the party, but is not all this a bit in bad taste?

Shouldn't we be encouraging the poor guy to seek medical help? Mental illness is not a nice thing, and this guy is well down the line.