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Re: What was that? ( ... Meeting in Madhuban with BapDada)

PostPosted: 11 Apr 2008
by yogi108
First let me try to answer the who speaks in the Bhog message.. obviously its Sister mohini..

I once had a chance to chat with DJ in an airport and asked her how is it that the Bhog message is so clear and for eg words spoken by BapDada, or Jagdish etc are like flowing from either her or any other Bhog messenger..

Her answer was that it flows because its real!!!.. I did not have any other questions...

To answer what actually happens in Madhuban....

I remember one of my visits with my two kids and wife to meet BapDada.. and was always worried about what if my junior who was like 3.5 years starts to scream and run around and things like that how will i be able to listen the Murli experience god etc....

Well the little kid was playing and singing songs etc.. and just when BapDada entered DG.. he went to sleep.... even while i had to go and receive the one second drishti on stage....

I actually did not feel anything during the Murli except that this feeling of BapDada saying I know you and You can become like me.. thats about it.... even though i was expecting the huge wave of power to hit me and stuff like that it didnt happen... Apparently my wife got a smile from BapDada when she went on stage.. and she continues to thrive on that single smile...

But after the meeting we were walking around it suddenly hit me as if this guy or spirit or who ever it was was somebody i have known from a long-long time ago... really fitting into the long lost now found children stuff....

And I was missing the energy....

I do not really worry too much into whether its Brahma Baba or Shiva or anything else.. but then it did give me an opportunity to experience something that has never happened before and probably will never...


Re: What was that? ( ... Meeting in Madhuban with BapDada)

PostPosted: 11 Apr 2008
by celticgyan
Yes, the 69000 dollar question that I would love to know the answer to!! We all would. That it is God-like to us there is no doubt. However, we would appear like Gods to stone-age man (though we would flash more technology at them I do admit). As for end of the world, 5000 year cycles and dire warnings, he is pulling your chain! Don't let that stop us listening though since we may learn a lot. I do think that it has as much to do with the "Chariot" as the intelligence though. Although Gulzar Dadi is very "pure" in her thinking, what does that mean in a Scientific sense? We are biological beings and to have impure thoughts are as natural as going to the toilet. Any intelligence would know that. If there is one thing that the BKs have taught us and that is to become leaders and not followers. We must question all the time - yes, even this knowledge.However, this intelligence looks like a benevolant teacher of some sort. I believe the other stuff is Gulzars mind chipping in here and there. I would be more convinced if they told us something we don't know in Scientific terms. eg a cure for cancer or a type of cancer, some unknown physics etc etc That would be the clincher for me, a God would have to know these things!
I have children and when they ask questions I like it a lot. Better than them just sitting and accepting everything that is thrown at them.
I would love to believe that when I die I will live again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering part of me will continue. But much as I want to believe that, and despite the ancient and worldwide cultural traditions that assert an afterlife, I know of nothing to suggest that it is more than wishful thinking. The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides. [Carl Sagan, 1996 in his article In the Valley of the Shadow Parade Magazine Also, Billions and Billions p. 215]