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PostPosted: 10 Jun 2007
by joel
in the night wrote:SO, what about that party.. missed it?? :P How about we meet in Abu Road and then go on from there ... will we be needing body guards?? ... I don't think so!! :wink:.

There are a lot of other places in the world. How do you come to there? I thought may be Amsterdam, Warsaw, Prague or Budapest, following friends and connections into remote countryside villages where food is great and people live and cook with love. I, personally, will be needing a large retinue of female bodyguards.

How about these Slave Leias??

PostPosted: 10 Jun 2007
by in the night
hi hi ...

Well, just an idea. I have my own fantasy to go back to Abu and throw a good party. I feel some kind of love for Rajasthan. Some day ... Anyways, Budapest is awesome! And those slave Leias so sweet indeed.

Now seriously, i think we could plan to all meet in the future. And I guess it's my duty to persist on the idea, specialy since it's my honeymoon time in the forum :).

PostPosted: 08 Jul 2007
by bro neo
proy and howiemac have got a new site up. That could be the spot for the 1st annual ex-BK online retreat. Then again Amsterdam should be lovely this time of year. Abu Rd won’t be very popular with ex-BKs :wink:.

PostPosted: 08 Jul 2007
by Mr Green
Let me know the venue with enough notice and I will go.

Abu is too much hassle for a party, I agree Europe would be better.

PostPosted: 09 Jul 2007
by zhuk
bro neo wrote:proy and howiemac have got a new site up. That could be the spot for the 1st annual ex-BK online retreat. Then again Amsterdam should be lovely this time of year. Abu Rd won’t be very popular with ex-BKs :wink:.

Ahh ...! Always wanted to go to Amsterdam ... the Rijksmuseum & its treasure trove of van Goghs has been calling me since childhood. Alas, it is destined to forever remain a dream :roll:.


PostPosted: 10 Jul 2007
by bro neo
I agree mr green. Unfortunately, I lack the funds for traveling at the moment. Luckily I have been inspired lately to work on my inner world and have been blessed (as a result of patience and persistence) with new insights and realizations. I believe that when our inner worlds are sorted, our dreams manifest regularly.

Going too Amsterdam was a childhood dream of mine too zhuk. :)

PostPosted: 10 Jul 2007
by tinydot
Retreat in Europe is expensive. However, I don't mind.

Perhaps, we can have it somewhere in Asia, like Thailand, where quality and budget are a plus so more ex-bks can go.

think about Greece!

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007
by alladin
Greece is not too expensive. There are many non-touristy islands there also. Plenty of charter flights and low costs companies from most European countries. What about people who have to travel from other continents, though?

PostPosted: 30 Jul 2007
by zhuk
I am not ever likely to be able to leave this continent ... so far from anywhere, so damn expensive lol.

I'll have to be with you all in spirit :).

Canary islands

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2007
by alladin
Hey, time has gone by ... so far it was not in Drama.

I was thinking of the Canary Islands, since the weather is pleasant there all year round and there are many cheap flights going. Forget about Heidi, BK defamation and things which happened there in the past!! That's not our problem.

Especially IF the Forum is forced to go on holiday, it'd be a treat (and a strategy :wink:), diverting our energy on a fulfilling tribal meeting in flesh and bone, to rest the eyes tired from the PC and have some fun. Since ancient times, all warriors used to grant themselves some rest!!

Doesn't every thing start with a thought?
So, best wishes to all. :D

PostPosted: 15 Oct 2007
by in the night
I have always prefered it live. Let's turn the virtual into a party. I have checked in the web and there are whole houses for rent in the islands. I say we make a plan ... I love to organise events ... minimum an order of 8 :D.

Re: Canary islands

PostPosted: 15 Oct 2007
by ex-l
alladin wrote:Forget about Heidi, BK defamation and things

Ah! I say ask her, I am sure she is deeply changed post-BK.

PostPosted: 15 Oct 2007
by freedom
Hey, IN THE NIGHT, who are your 8's? how about 108? I'd love to meet everybody (or every soul :? ) ...

PostPosted: 15 Oct 2007
by in the night
Well, the eight special souls who make the world go-round are defenitely going to be able to handle more caipiriñas than the rest. I you come in the 108, then than means you'll be knocked out before closing.

Anyways, I'll be happy if everyone would show up ... time is running fast.

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2007
by ex-l
What with the recent revelation of Navi Modi to add to the Vishnu Party et al ... I am thinking more and more that we ought to arrange a Pan-BK Party in India and invite all the different splintered groups to attend ... bury the axe, knock heads and have a party regardless.

To quote BKDimOK, we have more in common that we do not. Daytimes we could have serious dharma wars over BK history, philosophy and invite guest to come and speak about related esoteric subject ... and once the early risers go to bed, the rest of we heretics can stay up and enlighten our spirits in what ever way our consciences chose.

This could become annual ... like a school reunion ... and we could chose exciting location of spiritual significance.

Forget that Honeymoon resort!