Financial abuse and tax fraud within BKWSU

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Post28 Feb 2007

Abrahma Kumar wrote:Hi ex-l and primal.logic, great launch of a discussion into an area that needs to be aired. Feeling is that all aspects of both posts serve only to move things forward. Whether it be on the basis that we begin to understand the ramifications of the posts we make; become more appreciative of the information we find and learn how to best use that information (leaving it alone included) or our efforts may simply provide impetus for suitably qualified individuals/groups to take a wider interest in the BKWSU.

I must say that I have no direct knowledge of either how the law works in this area nor specific incidents or allegations. I can only make a moral judgement but, morally, I personally do think the BKWSU has acted typically dishonestly in the filing and exploitation of the charity registration. How that works out legally, I have no idea.

Where individuals have specific, detailed information, then they should document and expose it and avoid making broad allegations that might only bring themselves and the Forum into disrespute or difficulties. Having said that, I can see and I do know second hand of immense "grey areas" in the structure and accounting of the BKWSU internationally that they will now be forced to resolve - as I am sure they have individuals pouring over this forum looking for such allegations.

My reservations about the BKWSU and its leaders are not legal, they are spiritual. And in the spiritual war, fought on Kurukshetra, it comes down to each and every one of us to take a stand, not go off running to some other Daddy expecting them to sort it out. You might say, I have less faith in legal process and "laws of the land" than I do consciousness and karma ... but, if there are crimes being committed, it is to the conscience of those that have knowledge and witness of them to do what their conscience tells them and not be afraid for superstitious reasons. And that is the best that any lowly blue charioteer can tell his superiors.

If the leaders of the BKWSU turn out to be exercising false spiritual authority then falling to such worldly limitation will be a good reminder of their humanity, protect others from abuse and, ultimately, be good for the personal development of both the accusor and the accused. I do think that the leadership have enjoyed guru-like unaccountability for their actions for too long and that the general rank and file of their army, who are aware of such things, are bound by fear and confusion not the love of them.

And that is pretty strong fighting talk, really.
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Re: BK criminal liability re: tax fraud

Post28 Feb 2007

Even a cursory look at their beliefs flies in the face of this claim. They are not Hindus, they teach a conflicting philosophy to Hinduism (notably in their interpretation of God) and they believe all religions are impure and theirs is the only true religion. The only religion they promote is their own. They use Hindu festivals as a front in order to fish for new members. But that is the limit of their involvement with traditional religion.

Which of all religions does NOT believe they are the true religion? If anything BKs are accepting of other religions, OK they believe they are the top notch one but still they accept other religions. They say all religions are impure now including themselves, tell me which religion is now a pure one as of this day today?

So you are saying there is only one finite definition of Hinduism? They claim as per the 5,000 Cycle that Hinduism and the Diety religion are one and the same. What per chance do the Hindus worship?

I don't know anything about their tax situation, but these accusations are scraping the barrel.
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Post28 Feb 2007

I don't know anything about their tax situation, but these accusations are scraping the barrel.

Hi John, am not sure on the leaning of the scraping the barrel part of the post. Does it imply that any examination of the BKWSU tax situation is a desperate measure doomed to reveal little of substance? Apologies in advance for asking for assistance in what many may see as a rather mundane area. Om Shanti
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Re: BK criminal liability re: tax fraud

Post28 Feb 2007

Here is a more simple explanation of the new laws over fraud as a crime; link. Interestingly, "failing to disclose information" is ground for fraud if it was carried out "dishonestly". Perhaps one could argue that one was defrauded £100s or £1,000s Pounds on the basis that the BKWSU led one to believe the 'End of the World' was coming in 1986 to 1997 or 2000 whereas at the same time they had hidden their god's failed preduction of Destruction in 1976. (PBKs excuse me on this one).
John wrote:So you are saying there is only one finite definition of Hinduism?

Nothing is Hinduism and everything is Hinduism depending on the time of the day or the phase of the Moon* ... this is the problem. Hinduism is the perfect religion for a channelled spook to hide behind because it has no single Holy Book, no single Authority and is broadly pluralistic.

But I think what the BKs think of themselves and where the line is divided, is over what is the "Path of Bhakti" and what is the "Path of Gyan"? Hinduism is the "Path of Ignorance" from which no benefit can be achieved. BK-ism is the "Path of Knowledge" from which Mukti and Jeevan Mukti is achieved. Hinduism is Copper Aged, the deities are not Hindu etc ... as you know fine.

Hinduism is the Path of Bhakti. BK-ism is the Path of Gyan. Chalk and Cheese. Black and White. No grey according to the BKWSU
    • Can you tell me with a straight face and produce evidence that BKWSU has "promoted Hinduism, other world religions and alleviated poverty, John?
    • If I asked you, "where should I go to study Hinduism?" Would you send me to the BKs or some Vedanta School?
    • Can you show me any references from Classic Hindu canon that support the BK's claims?
The BKs, and Shiva/BapDada via the Murlis, constantly define a radical black and white difference between themselves and "Hindu Bhagats". How many times have you heard that BKs do not study scriptures, do not go to temples, do not worship Gurus, do not perform sanyas etc. ? Those are surely the defining elements that make Hinduism much more than being brown or from India.

... and, recently, on the Wikipedia, the BKWSU IT team representatives have been arguing vociferously with Pro-Hindu supporters that the BKWSU is not Hindu and removing any Hindu connotations.

The BKWSU wants it, and has always had it, both ways. Morally I disagree with you strongly. The BKWSU is being laughably misleading here. But I agree with you to the length that legally one would need more specific claims, e.g. detailed financial misdoings. In my opinion, an English Court of Law is unlikely to be the place to decide who is and who is not a Hindu nor over fraud on that basis. The alleviating poverty bit is easier though.
    • Can you answer that?
But I might be wrong. All they have to do is keep the Murlis hidden and they will get away with it, which puts you in a difficult position.

* Phase of the Moon ... n.b. symbolic, token and obscure Gyani reference.
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Post28 Feb 2007

Abrahma Kumar wrote:Hi John, am not sure on the leaning of the scraping the barrel part of the post. Does it imply that any examination of the BKWSU tax situation is a desperate measure doomed to reveal little of substance? Apologies in advance for asking for assistance in what many may see as a rather mundane area. Om Shanti

No, I meant the examples given did not seem very strong to me.

If BKs are being fraudulent or tax evasive then it is a matter for the authorities and my comments were not directed at that.
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More potential financial abuse.

Post29 Apr 2007


I was just checking out the News Section and saw this ... hell, I cannot believe it. Another BK, another country, another family of victims. Its getting to me ... it has been 70 years of this and the Brahma-kumaris do nothing except for encourage it. From, here.
Pooja Patel Says:
April 29th, 2007 at 2:56 am

This is definitely true. My mother is willing to leave all three of us children and my Father in order to surrender herself to the BKs.

She wants money out of my dad to donate to the BKs. The BKs don’t even want to take care of her. I do not know what to do anymore. These people are brainwashing her to such an extent it’s crazy!

I wish there was something I could do about this. If anyone is willing to help e-mail me at
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Post29 Apr 2007

I was just checking out the News Section and saw this ... hell, I cannot believe it. Another BK, another country, another family of victims. Its getting to me ... it has been 70 years of this and the Brahma-Kumaris do nothing except for encourage it.

Actually ShivBaba does not ask any BK (especially those with dependant children) to leave his/her family. Here is a Revised Sakar Murli published by BKs this month:

"Yah purana shareeer hai, iska bhaan toh buddhi say todnaa hai. Rahnaa bhi apney grihasth vyavhaar may hai. Yah koi sanyaas math nahee hai. Apney gharbaar ko bhi sambhaalnaa hai. Vah toh chod kar jaatey hain. Baap bachhon say chudaatey nahee hain. Baap kahtey hain tum apney bachhon ko Yaad dilaao ki ShivBaba ko Yaad karo. Samjhaatey raho toh unko bhi ShivBaba say pyaar ho jaaye. ShivBaba kitnaa meetha aur pyara hai. Sabko yahaan bithaa devey toh bachhon ko kaun sambhaalega."

"This is an old body. Its consciousness has to be renounced through the intellect. One has to live in the household only. This is not a monastry (sanyas math). One must look after one's household also. They (i.e. the sanyasis/monks) renounce and go. The Father does not cause the children to renounce (their household). The Father says – You remind your children to remember ShivBaba. Keep explaining so that they also develop love for ShivBaba. ShivBaba is so sweet and lovely. If everyone is made to sit here, then who would look after the children?" (Revised Sakar Murli dated 4.4.07, pg.1 published by the BKs in Hindi and narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; translated by a PBK)

If you could kindly convey this information to the concerned souls, it could save a family from disintegrating or from developing misunderstandings about ShivBaba's teachings.

Married female BKs should try to engage in service while living in the household as long as they have dependant children. If the children are not dependant, i.e. if they have got married, then they can join Godly service full time only if their husbands permit. And this can generally be possible only if the husband is also following the path of knowledge.

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Post01 May 2007

arjun wrote:Married female BKs should try to engage in service while living in the household as long as they have dependant children.

And it is worth saying that "engaging in service" can mean as simple as being an utterly virtuous example of love, peace and Godliness.

It does not mean stuff Gyan down other people's throats who do not want it or trying to take money off them.
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Post01 May 2007

ex-l wrote:And it is worth saying that "engaging in service" can mean as simple as being an utterly virtuous example of love, peace and Godliness.

Yes, this is very much true. Apart from that, if their families allow, they can use their free time to give Godly messages to other mothers living near their homes or they could go to the nearby center during their free time to attend classes or to accompany the BK Sisters on service during their free time. Baba has said in the Murlis and Avyakt Vanis that the BK/PBK mothers should act as shields for the unmarried surrendered/non-surrendered BK Sisters who venture out for Godly service to shield them from vicious vision, words or actions.

And if the BK/PBK mothers take care of all the needs of their families, I do not see any reason why their family (whether BK or non-BK) would disallow them to use their free time for Godly service. If their lokik relationships are harmonious, they would be allowed to do Godly service even when the family is at home.

As regards BK/PBK mothers doing Godly service through wealth, they can do it by saving money from their pocket money or by avoiding expensive clothing, eating and living habits. Wealth is not the only means by which God would get revealed in this world. Our actions and words are more important. God is not hungry of our money. When He says that it is better to die than to beg, then why should we beg, borrow or fight for money from our family members to donate to the Yagya? If we do not have money we can do Godly service through our thoughts, our words and actions. All senior BKs give the example of Om Radhe Mama (and it is also mentioned in Murlis/AVs) that she did not bring any money with her when she surrendered her life for Godly service. Then where is the necessity for BK mothers in bondages to extract money from unwilling family members to donate for the Yagya?

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Sue them!!

Post01 May 2007

It is comforting to read posts that prove how there are BKs and ex-BKs, and PBKs well informed about what the original rules are, what Baba says in the Murli, thereby demonstrating how the organization has gone astray and "teachers" gone mad or act out of personal interest. In fact, "defaming the Father".

What the hell is going on? Are things getting worse, has it always been like this but we used to turn a blind eye? In fact, I have often witnessed similar behaviours in many centers, even 20 yrs ago or so, but somehow it feels as if things are getting out of control. Or is it that the ruthless "Terminator" BK machine has become big and powerful enough for them not to keep their mid-rank bulldogs on a leash?

The USA sounds like the right country for starting suing and visible law cases against this sect. So stories recently reported seem to be accurate in Drama. Maybe the time has come. Do they think they will get away with everything until the Apocalypse?

So ... it feel so good being out of it!
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Post02 May 2007

"Undue influence" in legal terms, is not it? Where one person takes advantage of a position of power over another person where free will to bargain is not possible.

The thing to do is aim at the individual center-in-charge personally NOT the organization. Because they are not an organization at all. Each center-in-charge is acting of their own accord. The leaders probably have it this way so that they can avoid actions. Make ever center-in-charge directly responsible. No shirking off to the SS for Baba's Shrimat and toli.

And go for the money NOT because you want money (do not let them accuse you of that) but to bring them down to earth and start valuing their follower's lives. Even if you do not want the money, get as much as you can and give it to a real charity if you want. See who quick individuals will want to be a center-in-charge if they think they personally might be sued.
"...some unfair and improper conduct, some coercion from outside, some overreaching, some form of cheating and generally, though not always, some personal advantage gained."

It is, basically, a priest/parishoner relationship. The BKWSU are practising a religion without having any qualifications or license to do so and I am sure in some country they will get caught up for this.

In such cases it is called "Presumed Undue Influence" and a complainant only has to show, in the first instance, that there was a relationship of trust and confidence between the complainant and the wrongdoer of such a nature that it is fair to presume that the wrongdoer abused that relationship in procuring the complainant to enter the impugned transaction.

Once a confidential relationship has been proved, the burden then shifts to the wrongdoer to prove that the complainant entered into the impugned transaction freely, for example by showing that the complainant had independent advice. The law is more in favor of the victim.

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