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PostPosted: 21 Sep 2006
by aimée
Hoops! Yes. Thanks!

Yes, she is Vaishna Vi Devi, even if everyone knows who she is, we are not supposed to mention names, I suppose because then we diverge from the pure knowledge, meaning we become person conscious instead of role conscious. And she has become a celebrity before hand, against her wish.

royal beginings

PostPosted: 22 Sep 2006
by sparkal
To put it crudely. Were a secret society to hand over power to the BKs, the BKs may decide who will be kings queens, princes and princesses etc.

Radha and Krisna may be born to one of these appointed royalty, which would answer your question. Krisna has not been born yet. The BKs know who and when I would imagine, it is the masses who don't. This may be best for security, hence, no questions.

PostPosted: 22 Sep 2006
by john
Sparkal wrote:The BKs know who and when I would imagine, it is the masses who do not. This may be best for security, hence, no questions.

I don't for one second believe they have a clue about Krishna's birth ... Is it in the Avyakt Vani? In the Sakar Murlis? ... No ... unless of course it's in a hidden Murli.

PostPosted: 24 Sep 2006
by arjun
Mitra wrote:As per my limited knowledge, I can say that the parents of Krishna and Radha are NOT world emperors. Because the drama of Golden Age is starting from 'K' and 'R'. But their parents will be giving birth to them through Yoga power [it is not been known how it is possible till now]. After their marriage, only they become world emperor and emperess. Separate kingdom means from two seperate places.

Dear Mitra Bhai,
Omshanti. You agree that the parents of Radha and Krishna would give birth to them through the power of Yoga. And Baba says in the Murlis that it is only through the power of Yoga that you can achieve the kingdom of the world. Baba also says that the one who gains victory over sex-lust becomes victorious over the world. You also say that it is not yet known how it is possible till now. The world of Brahmins (BKs) at present is without any spiritual mother and Father. So, who and how will that Rajyog be taught with which we can either become victorious over the world or give birth to children like Radha and Krishna? Since giving birth through the power of Yoga is considered to be next to impossible by most of the people of the world, it is but natural that the souls who give birth to Radha and Krishna through the power of Yoga at the end of the Confluence Age would have attained a higher stage than them here in the Confluence Age. So how can we say that they would not be World Emperor and World Empress?
With regards,

PostPosted: 25 Sep 2006
by bkdimok
arjun wrote: Since giving birth through the power of Yoga is considered to be next to impossible by most of the people of the world, it is but natural that the souls who give birth to Radha and Krishna through the power of Yoga at the end of the Confluence Age would have attained a higher stage than them here in the Confluence Age. So how can we say that they would not be World Emperor and World Empress?

Dear Bhai! It is said in the Murli that the first World Emperor and World Empress will be Lakshmi and Narayan (Radha and Krishna before marriege). Also it is said that the role of their parents is not very important in the Drama.

PostPosted: 25 Sep 2006
by arjun
BKDimOK wrote:Dear Bhai! It is said in the Murli that the first World Emperor and World Empress will be Lakshmi and Narayan (Radha and Krishna before marriege). Also it is said that the role of their parents is not very important in the Drama.

Omshanti. How can the Radha and Krishna, who grow up to become Lakshmi and Narayan in the Golden Age be called WORLD Empress and WORLD Emperor respectively when 99.9 percent of the world would have returned to the Soul World and when most of the world except the Indian subcontinent would have submerged under water?
How can Radha and Krishna be called World Princess and World Prince unless their parents are World Emperor and World Empress?
With regards,

PostPosted: 26 Sep 2006
by bkdimok
arjun wrote:Omshanti. How can the Radha and Krishna, who grow up to become Lakshmi and Narayan in the Golden Age be called WORLD Empress and WORLD Emperor respectively when 99.9 percent of the world would have returned to the Soul World and when most of the world except the Indian subcontinent would have submerged under water?

Om Shanti Bhai. OK, there will be 900,000 souls in the world in the beginning of Golden Age, and one continent also, which contains territory of India. So this will be the WORLD. And this WORLD will have its own Empress and Emperor.

Before marriage Radhe-princess, Krishna-prince. After marriage they became Empress and Emperor, Lakshmi and Narayan respectively.

There is nothing in the Murli about their parents are Empress and Emperor. Our thoughts are our thoughts. All I know is that Shiva said that their (R's n K's) parents have no big role in the Drama. My thought is that Empress and Emperor do have a big role.


procreation in Golden Age.

PostPosted: 29 Sep 2006
by shivsena
arjun wrote:6. The BKs say all physical sex is impure, so how will the world be populated in the Golden Age?
Satyug me sresth indriyon ki pyar se mukh ke pyar se bache janm lete hai , isiliye devtaon ko sresthachari kahajata hai . (Deities are called righteous because the children are born through the love of highest organs, through oral love in Golden Age .)

Dear PBK Brothers.

I have not at all understood this concept of procreation in Satyug by oral means, nor through Yoga power as it has been taught in BKs. What i need to know is, first of all, if there is no Supreme Soul Shiva in Golden Age and Silver Age, then whom do we receive the power to procreate from? This is because the soul starts loosing its power of Yoga right from first day of Golden Age, once the Confluence Age ends and Supreme Soul Shiva goes to Paramdham. Also if all throughout the 2500 years of Golden Age and Silver Age we have to procreate through Yoga power, and not through physical contact, then who teaches us procreation through sex organs once Copper Age begins? We come into body-consciousness only through sexual contact or do we become body-conscious first and then indulge in sex to procreate?

Now since we have not used the sex-organs for 2500 years in Golden Age and Silver Age, the question remains as to who teaches us that organs have to unite to procreate? And also, if we have to procreate through Yoga power for 2500 years, then why were the organs given to us by mother nature in the first place. This is my dillemma.

Can any BK or PBK throw some light on this complex issue.


Re: procreation in Golden Age.

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2006
by ex-l
shivsena wrote:Now since we have not used the sex-organs for 2500 years in Golden Age and Silver Age, the question remains as to who teaches us that organs have to unite to procreate? And also, if we have to procreate through Yoga power for 2500 years, then why were the organs given to us by mother nature in the first place. This is my dillemma.

Can any BK or PBK throw some light on this complex issue.

Thank you shivsena for your exactions questing. Excuse me butting in as a so-called "ex-BK" but these are questions that should have clear answers by now. I am not putting the onus on Virendra Dev Dixit, really they sould have been address in BB's day.

I was once told by a BK teacher that the deities did not even have sex organs. That those organs only came later.

An interesting proposal from a biological point of view, is there a chance that the deities could have been hermaphrodites capable of asexual reproduction and that ony need triggering off by a strong love or affection for another individual? We should have an alternative evolutionary theory.

It is all far-fetched theory *BUT* if the BKs are going to put out such stuff they really ought to have a proper answer. I am not saying that I agree with a hermaphrodite theory. Another theory expounded on this forum was that the deities' bodies were far from the flesh and bone that we know now and more like subtle auras or spiritual projections. If I were to place a bet on either theory, I would go for the later one. Likewise, body conscious came first and then sex later. But it must have been almost immediately later if procreation was to start for further generations.

The films and images the BKs make of Golden Aged life are ridiculous and misleading. Sub-kindergarten level. (If they are not, then thanks ... I will stick to hell!)

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2006
by john
I have read somewhere on some website explaining how the sperm acts like a catalyst to divide the egg. If there was a way(Yoga power) to divide the egg without the need for a sperm, then non sexual procreation could take place. I am no expert, but this is the gist of what was being explained.

As for teaching sexual procreation that could be the method introduced by souls descending at the Copper Age and diety souls also coming under that influence. As to why we have organs to reproduce with, then that is because we will need them in the copper and iron age and really they cannot just spring from nowhere. When the power of the souls diminishes then the physical method of procreation will be needed. Plus also the organs are used to urinate and are needed in that sense.

Disclaimer - Just my limited understanding i.e. I cannot actually back any of this up with any biological evidence or proper understanding.

As to the point of Shiva not being around to give Yoga power in the Golden and Silver Age, then if the diety souls have accumulated that power already then Shiva wont be needed.

Re: procreation in Golden Age.

PostPosted: 03 Oct 2006
by shivsena
ex-l wrote:I was once told by a BK teacher that the deities did not even have sex organs. That those organs only came later.

This is the first time i have heard such a thing; whatever the BK teachers told us has to be taken with a pinch of salt; i think things have to be understood only by logic and common sense with support of Murli points.
ex-l wrote: An interesting proposal from a biological point of view, is there a chance that the deities could have been hermaphrodites capable of asexual reproduction and that ony need triggering off by a strong love or affection for another individual? We should have an alternative evolutionary theory.

Anything which is a theory cannot be the truth; truth has to be simple for all to understand; also anything complex cannot be the truth; truth simplifies matters and not complicates them.
ex-l wrote:Likewise, body conscious came first and then sex later. But it must have been almost immediately later if procreation was to start for further generations.

It is only through sex-organs that human beings identify their bodies; if body-conscious came first and then sex, then how come they identified their bodies as male and female in the first place???

This is what my logic says.


PostPosted: 03 Oct 2006
by pbktrinityshiva
ex-l wrote:I was once told by a BK teacher that the deities did not even have sex organs. That those organs only came later.

I remember ShivBaba (Virendra Dev Dixit) explaining that the dieites will have the reproductive organs but it will be like they do not exist to them, like they arnt even there. Because all the power will be in the higher organs.

So when the fall comes into body-consciousness its actually just a lowering of that energy and the lower organs come into use.

As for reproduction through oral love, Baba has said there is an organ in the mouth of dieties by which this exchange will take place. As far as i understand dieties although their souls are in a light powerful stage their bodies are still physically present.

PostPosted: 03 Oct 2006
by shivsena
pbktrinityshiva wrote:I remember ShivBaba (Veerendra Dev Dixit) explaining that the dieites will have the reproductive organs but it will be like they do not exist to them, like they arnt even there. Because all the power will be in the higher organs.

Dear Brother trinity.

Yes; i agree with you that they will have sex-organs but will not know that they exist since they have all the power in higher organs ; now take this a step further and think if they are soul-conscious and their sex-organs are uniting for procreation only (not for pleasure), then again the sex-organs do not exist for them as they are not aware of the union; i am thinking of this possibility because of its simplicity.

If the union of sex organs is considered as taboo by the BKs and most of the PBKs, then why is the 'shivling' ( which represents the union of the male and female organs) worshipped and revered in India and the 'phallus' is worshipped all over the world.

This is what i have not understood. Can anyone please shed some light on this?


Re: procreation in Golden Age.

PostPosted: 03 Oct 2006
by ex-l
shivsena wrote:
ex-l wrote:I was once told by a BK teacher that the deities did not even have sex organs. That those organs only came later.

This is the first time I have heard such a thing; whatever the BK teachers told us has to be taken with a pinch of salt; I think things have to be understood only by logic and common sense with support of Murli points.

This is something we have discussed before here. I agree on the salt. I think this particular BK teacher was slightly mad but typical of the old ladies. Actually, their logic went further to the point where the deities did not have excretory glands between their legs. Their theory was that the Golden Aged deities were so perfect, food, so perfect, diet so perfect; there was no waste to produce at the other end. I guess it could be true, skin is an excretory gland. Perhaps it could have dealt with the body waste.

And have you seen the BKWSU videos on the internet where baby Krishna just pops out off space and onto the grass fully formed and dressed already? There you have the institutional point of view. Not my own. Personally, I lean towards the mystical point of view, that the world and bodies would have been etheric in nature. Basically existence almost without matter. Otherwise, how can you cope with the need of biological and breakdown waste systems; cell death, fermentation, gas, decay, bugs, worms, droppings etc.
ex-l wrote: An interesting proposal from a biological point of view, is there a chance that the deities could have been hermaphrodites capable of asexual reproduction and that ony need triggering off by a strong love or affection for another individual? We should have an alternative evolutionary theory ... Likewise, body conscious came first and then sex later. But it must have been almost immediately later if procreation was to start for further generations.

I state "theory" out of politeness so as not to push a point of view. The basic knowledge was taught to simple, uneducated girls and old ladies. It is not so metaphoric, more just kindergarten fairy tales and very Hindu-centric - which heaven will not be.
shivsena wrote:It is only through sex-organs that human beings identify their bodies; if body-conscious came first and then sex, then how come they identified their bodies as male and female in the first place?

Doesn't the list of vices go; ego ... lust ... anger ... hatred ... greed? Actually, I cannot remember the order of the last three and of the female vices right now, but I am sure that ego was first and then lust came second. I'd like to be reminded of the 5 male and 5 female vices int he right order.

In my opinion, there would have to have been an awareness of separation and differentiation first and then the seeking of oneness again by a physical expression afterwards. When that failed to find the fullness and oneness again, the searching for God would start. If there was no separation due to a concept of a limited self, ego, there would have been no draw toward union of opposites. As the battery of soul consciousness runs down it reaches a level where it become trapped in the experience and identification of the body. I do not believe that a soul-conscious deity having sex caused a rupture that brought it down into body-consciousness, although I do see that an aspiring Brahmin doing the same might cause such a rupture that brings them back down.

An "organ of love" in the mouth ... do you mean like a mouth organ? In the Golden Age we have Oral Impregnation; in the Iron Age we have Oral Contraception. We know that some birds or animals do a similar thing even now and so it could be possible ... Does that mean the baby still gestates in a mother's women and the mother produces an afterbirth? How oes the seed get from the mouth to the womb? I think I remember BB/Lekhraj Kirpalani talk about "swan's tears" as swans were believed to swop genes via tears until biologist discovered specialist ducts. But do we know if this is real, metaphoric, or if if was the old man Brahma just trying to keep the closeted young girls from thinking about sex and relationships by telling fairy stories?!?

BUT ... I think you are right here to think deeply about the Silver to Copper Aged confluence if what we are attempting is its reverse. It must have been a very interesting time. Do you buy into the Dinosaurs existing and transmuting 2,500 years ago too?

PostPosted: 03 Oct 2006
by arjun
Shivsena wrote:What I need to know is, first of all, if there is no Supreme Soul Shiva in Golden Age and Silver Age, then whom do we receive the power to procreate from? This is because the soul starts loosing its power of Yoga right from first day of Golden Age, once the Confluence Age ends and Supreme Soul Shiva goes to Paramdham.

Dear Brother,
Omshanti. We all know that the time to receive or store power is this Confluence Age and not the Golden or Silver Ages. We also know that the soul consciousness starts decreasing, albeit slowly from the first birth itself in the Golden Age & Silver Age. That is the reason why Baba has told in the Advanced Knowledge narrated to PBKs that the method of reproduction also changes slowly from the Confluence Age to the Silver Age.

As per the Advanced Knowledge the reproduction in the Confluence-Aged heaven takes place through vibrations. There is no need even for the deity pair to be physically together. Then in the initial births of the Golden Age the reproduction takes place through the contact of vision or exchange of glances. And then in the latter births of Golden Age & Silver Age the reproduction takes place through the oral love. Well, I cannot produce the scientific basis for the above theory, but what ex-l and TrinityShiva have written above lends some support for the above theory. Now, Baba will not sit with the scientists in the laboratories to prove the above theory. It is up to us children to prove the validity of the above theory using examples from the nature. And proving the above forms of reproduction or actually reproducing divine children through the above methods of reproduction requires a highest level of soul consciousness, which I don't think we have acquired so far.

Today one of my colleagues who is a disciple of a worldly guru narrated to me his experiences of remaining without any food during the nine day Navratri festival at Rishikesh, a holy city located on the banks of river Ganga at the foothills of Himalaya mountains. He and nearly 200 other disciples of that guru lived only on the pure water of river Ganga obtained directly from the river and not from any municipal tap or mineral water plant. When I asked him how he could achieve that feat, he said he is used to observing fast once a week since many years. Recently my Father told me of a TV report about a spinster in India who has been living without food since last 29 years!

Similarly, one can discuss or practically implement the methods of reproduction listed by Baba only when we try to climb the stairs of this world cycle backwards, i.e. achieving the stage of Copper Age, then Silver Age, then Golden Age and then the Confluence-Aged heaven. If we start investigating the highest method of reproduction without achieving even the stage of Iron Aged devotees, then we won't be able to reach the truth. I feel that as and when some of the souls amongst us starts reaching climbing the stairs backwards, i.e. from Iron Age to CA to Silver Age to Golden Age to ACA, the proofs for the methods of reproduction of those ages would start surfacing automatically.

With regards,