Brian Bacon, Oxford Leadership & BKs charging for Raja Yoga

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Post26 Feb 2007

I include this in the discussion. It is a typical quote from the BKWSU media manipulation team. Personally, I thought "incognito service" was the highest and the wisest and the BKWSU really ought to be advised not to pursue the media. Because it only highlights their nonense.

I want to offer some analysis. In the article at the bottom it states that, For example, "after meeting Dadi Janki and the Brahma Kumaris, Brian Bacon, strategic advisor to some of the world's largest multinationals, began to offer his highly regarded leadership training gratis at the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University". It looks like the usual ploy of the BKWSU using 'BKs pretending not to be members' to sell itself to other non-BK members. This is underlinedby the BK quote above side as "International management consultants licensing the programme".

Typical for the BKWSU, it is written in a form the suggest that Brian was external to the BKWSU rather than part of it for a long time before. That he, like non-BK executives just "met" all of a sudden Janki and then decided to donate his work. Rather than the contrived equation that exists.
BKWSU wrote:International management consultants originally developed SML to assist those leading others through turbulent times.

The programe has been licensed to the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University to facilitate individuals to develop their internal leadership skills through understanding of their purpose, vision and values. It provides the framework to discover these and to then fully support them

Now, "licensing" is not the same as "giving". In licensing, the ownership remains with the licensor, e.g. Bacon. Putting aside the Dadi worshipping element of the PR below, just starting to think about, or tune into, the myre of contradictions to Gyan, self-interest, the use of the BKWSU association for his own personal business interest, e.g. using the big numbers gained through the BKWSU service plans to advertise the value Oxford Leadership Academy on his website makes me start to feel sick and tired of it all.
Oxford Leadership Academy wrote:"Since 1994 over 100,000 executives from 56 countries have been through the SML program".

Now, do we really believe that the Oxford Leadership Academy taught 100,000 of executives and that they are all executives? Or are these BKWSU courses included? Has the Oxford Leadership Academy made a takeover bid for the BKWSU? This link might work, here. They have removed references to BK Raja Yoga meditation being used during their course from the website. Does anyone know if he still teaches it at his courses? Over to you Brian ...
BKWSU wrote:Dadi Janki - Mysterious powers of the mind

Dadi Janki, Co-administrative Head of Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University is the Spiritual Guide to many leading Business Strategists and Consultants in the West, like Brian Bacon, Tex Gunning, Joseph Jaworski, Charles Handy, Peter Senege, David Cooper Rider, Rita Cleary and others.

"It's God's task to purify the impure, to transform the world" Dadi Janki tells us. "But he cannot do it alone. He says, I've got to get it done through you. You've created hell in the world, and so you have to be the instruments to create heaven.

Then you can be the masters of heaven". This message is Dadi Janki's mandate for leaders. And while this diminutive woman draped in a white sari might appear to be from an era long past, she is a guiding force to a bright future. "Those with a positive vision of the future," she writes, "give us an image of a world... where the highest human potential is fully realized. But we can get to that stage only when there are leaders to take us there."

And she is determined to create those leaders. Through Call of the Times dialogues, she invites key figures in government, business, and the nonprofit sector from all five continents to engage in the deepest level of dialogue and reflection about the current human situation.

After these dialogues, she has been known to select someone to continue to work directly with her - meditating and engaging in discussion - to insure that person viscerally grasps our world crisis and is compelled to take action in new and profound ways. For example, after meeting Dadi Janki and the Brahma Kumaris, Brian Bacon, strategic advisor to some of the world's largest multinationals, began to offer his highly regarded leadership training gratis at the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University.

And Joseph Jaworski, founder of Generon Consulting, credits Dadi Janki with the inspiration for his Global Leadership Initiative, designed to tackle the biggest challenges facing humanity. "Her leadership is not based on any formal position that she holds," says Tex Gunning, President of Unilever Bestfoods Asia.

"Her power comes purely from her spiritual credibility. As a leader, the more I've searched for role models, the more I've come to realise that this is the most profound power. If my boss asks me to make a meeting, I look at my agenda first. But if Dadi Janki, with whom I have no formal relationship, tells me to be in London, I just get on the plane!" As she makes profoundly clear to those who come in contact with her, there is no choice but to respond to the call to change the world: As God says, "This is what you have to do. And we must say, Yes we will!."

Dadi Janki will be in Sri Lanka from July 7 to 9. She will speak on the Mysterious Powers of the Mind at a Public Programme at Bishop's College Auditorium on July 7 at 5.30 p.m. and at the BMICH Room 'C' to invited guests, on Awakening the Genius within at 5.30 p.m. on July 8. These programmes are organised by Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centre, Dehiwela.
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abrahma kumar

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Post27 Feb 2007

Ex-I, I share your sentiments. I wonder what regular BKWSU student's think of all this.

As of today I will not be giving another penny of my hard-earned income to them. I know that they won't care much as there are many others too willing to make their fortune. Again I want to quote a portion of the lyrics from a song by of my favourite artists.
Bob Marley wrote:Most people think that Great God will come from the sky,
Take away everything and make everybody feel high,
But if you know what life is worth,
You would look for yours on earth
And now you see the light
Stand up for your rights.
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Post02 Mar 2007

This is interesting ... another piece of the jigsaw puzzle. Of course, who knows what is true when you are dealing with these people. The BKWSU PR guy also says that they do not accept donations, and they do not accept any donations from outsiders, but we know that is not true. See the article about the BeeGees guy and his wife making donations. It says, "everything we get is directly applied in seva", including the First Class air tickets.
    • So what exactly is "seva" these days?
ImageThis piece also goes on to say how it was another BK called Marc Fourcade, left, that actually "conceptualized" the Self Management Leadership course and gives an example of how workers are forced to have compulsory Raja Yoga lessons by their employers Godrej, one of India's largest engineering and consumer products company, under Brian Beacon's [sister in charge] influence. Here they tell you how they repackaged BK Raja Yoga for businessmen etc.

So, I take it this Francisco Giménez Plano they work with is another BK and that they are all in business together with this? Here they are in action, click link. I cannot say for sure if this is a business or a seva, naturally. But, Baba will be bubbling that Brian is bringing such a big bouquet (of souls). Hold on, if the course was influenced by or based on the BKs, how could they then license it back to the BKs? Surely it, or part of the intellectual property at least, would belong to Baba in the first place already. I am confused. Is it the OLA that is licensing it from the BKWSU? ... a1_int.htm
From where do you raise funds?

Brahma Kumari Institution is an NGO affiliated to the UN, which does not take any donation. We are a family. Every year there is some programme at the UN organised by the Brahma Kumaris. The general theme is “World As A Family”. The people, who come here to seek complete purity, peace and prosperity, are the ones who run the organisation. We have 6 lakh students worldwide. Even if all of them donate at least one rupee every day, our daily income comes to Rs. 6 lakhs. We do not accept any donations from outsiders. We say that you first follow our principles then you can give what you want. All we expect from them is co-operation.

Our policy is “tan, man, dhan”. A person who can physically work, will give us something, a person who is intelligent will work with his mind and give us his moral support and blessings. A person who is rich will give us money. Recently, we were given space by the BMC in Mumbai. We made 11 Peace Parks. The biggest co-operation we received was from Sohrabji. The first tree was planted at the Peace Park by Sohrabji. We needed bricks. The Construction and Gardening Departments of Godrej swung into action. Cement was provided by L & T. One of our followers from Bharuch gave us 5,000 tiles. So co-operation is always welcome, but not money. We are not using anything for our personal purpose. Everything we get is directly applied in seva.

What exactly is this organisation doing in Godrej? How did you get acquainted with this Company?

I knew that there were some courses conducted by Mr. Brian Beacon, [sister in charge] Management Consultant from Australia and his partner, Mr. Marc Fourcade from France, both followers of Brahma Kumaris. Influenced by the Brahma Kumaris, Fourcade conceptualised the Self Management and Leadership (SML) programme. We were also aware of another programme conducted at our Centre in London called Living Life Stress-Free.

Brahma Kumaris soon realised that the style in which knowledge was imparted did not fit into the present scenario of professional companies. We had to target different groups in a different way. We had to teach in the executive language to the management guy. It is like old wine in a new bottle. At that time E.J. Kalwachia had visited our headquarters at Mount Abu and was quite impressed with the courses we had.

He was aware of the case of Nagarjuna Fertilizers, whose Chairman, Mr. Raju, managed to turn the loss-making Company round by the SML programme. Raju brought the Brahma Kumari culture to Nagarjuna Fertilizers. He made a meditation center within the Company premises and made it compulsory for all workers to first meditate and then operate the machine. Sisters would come from Mt. Abu to give these SML lectures.

After I graduated, I came in close touch with E.J. Kalwachia. Initially, we were restricted to management. Then we thought, why not for the shop-floor? We trained our Sisters at our Ghatkopar Centre as also the headquarters at Mt. Abu where they were trained to deliver lectures on SML. A new course was framed for workers, entitled Tanav Mukt Jeevan and Vyasan Mukt Jeevan in Hindi. We gradually started by having an exhibition for 3-4 days at the Pragati Kendra.

Then there was an exhibition on meditation. Gradually we started delivering general lectures. Finally, we had a combined 7-day course in batch form.

As far as Personnel and the Administration Departments are concerned, the first batch was taken to Mt. Abu at the RajYoga Retreat for a 3-day course. It is important to note that we use 85 per cent solar energy and only 15 per cent electricity. We also wanted the workers to avail of our facilities at Mt. Abu. But Kalwachia said that we had not yet spoken to the union. The Managing Committee of the Union met us at the Centre. They started questioning us like journalists because they had heard that we take donations, we target only those corporates which are very rich, etc. A lot of notions were cleared. Nalini Didi answered their queries to their satisfaction. She convinced them that if they came with their families they would be benefited. We do not charge a pie.
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Summary report – July 2007 Global Executive Retreat

Post28 Jul 2007

Received via the BKWSU:
    Global Executive Retreat – a unique blend of spiritual and corporate wisdom.
"A rare opportunity to hit the pause button ... observe and reflect on your life's impact ... experience meditation and take time out ... Amidst a peer group of senior executives, this residential weekend retreat offers a unique opportunity to unwind, discover the spiritual undercurrents influencing your choices and determine what’s most important in your life ..."

Approximately 35 participants from 18 countries - a select group of influential and senior executives within the business world – attended the second Global Executive Retreat at the Global Retreat Centre, Oxford, from 13 – 16 July, 2007. Hosted by Dadi Janki, Brian Bacon and Sister Jayanti, the retreat provided participants with an opportunity to take time out, learn how to meditate and deepen spiritual understanding as a basis of effective leadership.

Plenary sessions conducted by Brother Brian, provided insights and reflective exercises into the role of spirituality and meditation in personal and professional life. Sessions entitled "Learning to read the signs – being the Detached Observer and "The Harmonic Triangle – Connecting, Giving and Receiving" allowed participants to deeply reflect upon their personal journey. This paved the way for Dadi Janki to inject the spiritual understanding needed to unblock one’s energies, develop good character and move forward in life. Sessions with Dadi included 'A Still Mind' and 'Connecting with the Divine'.

Sister Jayanti offered the clarity and crucial bridge from spiritual understanding to practice in sessions entitled "Understanding the inner conversations" and "Harmony in relationships". Interwoven throughout the retreat, participants had the opportunity to process, dialogue and experience meditation in small groups led by an experienced BK 'meditation guide'.

Significant highlights of the retreat were the 'Global Café' session, an evening of informal conversation where participants were invited to share in (rotating) small groups over hot chocolate and cream; and a special dinner and cabaret style entertainment which generated lots of fun and a sense of belonging to a wider family.

The humility and honesty of participants during the feedback sessions created a deeply moving and appreciative atmosphere leaving everyone with a renewed sense of purpose, refreshed and inspired. Some of the statements ...

"Coming here 15 years after I went to Mt Abu – I am conscious that I have a new direction and path to follow. This has given me ideas of what that path should be ... in partnership with the Divine. I am associated with a great number of networks and we can realise that we all want the same thing and come together to make a big difference" – Napier Collyns – Co-founder and Managing Director, Global Business Network

“The description of the harmonic triangle has brought me to a major realisation about my relationship with God. It brought me to a major realisation that I was doing deals with God ... serious commerce. I was making deals with God that I'll be a good person so long as you give me what I want. Even goodness with God can be a deal.

By asking myself the question: Who am I? I have realised what kind of relationship and connectivity I deserve as a soul. That’s my commitment to myself ... to be the soul. What you are talking about as a responsibility is actually a commitment, not a responsibility but a commitment to who am I and what is my purpose. My purpose is to bring out potential in people and to make a commitment to myself, being a soul in the process. I realised what was missing because, I did not think that my soul deserved that? Now through this experience, I have connected again with the soul, myself." Emilia Mosseri, Founder and Partner, Leading Edge Technologies (L.E.T), Dubai, UAE:

"Whilst being here, parts of my own spiritual practice have been highlighted. What I take from the Brahma Kumaris is a sense of intention and commitment and a sense of humour. For me the, sense of humour is the most important ... it is the sign of an ability to hold something deeply and lightly…at the same time. The Brahma Kumaris hold a big mind and big intention. What is exciting to me about the BKs is the global reach that you have. There is a kind of flexibility that you have in engaging communities around you in many different ways. You have an incredible potential in your organisation, intention and humour in how to actually to be a real key part in helping this world make the transition it needs to make. Thanks for your generosity – and making it good fun to be here." Michael Chender, President, Coemergence; Chairman, Shambala Institute for Authentic Leadership, Nova Scotia, Canada

"I come from Venezuela and I ask myself, how much time will our managers keep wanting to see us growing and growing. The key now is harmony and stability not growth. This world needs leaders, not more managers, those who are willing to focus on developing potential ...

We depend on internal equilibrium and external stability. Meditation has been very valuable towards that internal equilibrium and to access the highest consciousness. Then nature evolves from there ... harmony is naturally created. This is the gift that you as a wonderful organisation and the people bring ... We can do this." Adolfo Jarran – President, Creating C.A, Venezuela
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Re: Summary report – July 2007 Global Executive Retreat

Post28 Jul 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:Received via the BKWSU: Global Executive Retreat – a unique blend of spiritual and corporate wisdom.

Interesting ... my first reaction is that they kept that nice and quiet! Another "mutually beneficial" co-production between OLA and the BKWSU. Was it invitation only?

So, we highlight the continued rise of personality cult of the Trimurti Spiritual Entrepreneurs and raise an eyebrow at ... "This paved the way for Dadi Janki to inject the spiritual understanding needed to unblock one's energies" and "Connecting with the Divine". Its not really "The Divine", is it? Its God Father Shiva ...
Interwoven throughout the retreat, participants had the opportunity to process, dialogue and experience meditation in small groups led by an experienced BK 'meditation guide'.

This is what the whole gig was about just this ... the rest was just a shop window. Call me an entrepreneur ... I wonder what the cost per bum on seat was and who paid what? This is Brian annual freebie for his contacts and the BKs business contacts, right?
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Summary report – July 2007 Global Executive Retreat

Post28 Jul 2007

Maybe Sister Jayanti, when she comes on board, can tell us if it was invitation only; and whether it was Bro. Bacon's annual freebie for his, and the BKs, business contacts.
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Post28 Jul 2007

Hi, this is dedicated to all the karma yogis, troops that working behind the curtains, make those kind of programs possible. So, yes, thanks to the BKs for their generosity, and especially to the praise-less, fame-less low rank volunteers.
Jefferson Airplane - Volunteers

Look what's happening out in the streets
Got a revolution Got to revolution
Hey I am dancing down the streets
Got a revolution Got to revolution
Ain't it amazing all the people I meet
Got a revolution Got to revolution
One generation got old
One generation got soul
This generation got no destination to hold
Pick up the cry
Hey now it's time for you and me
Got a revolution Got to revolution
Come on now we're marching to the sea
Got a revolution Got to revolution
Who will take it from you
We will and who are we
We are volunteers of America
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Post30 Jul 2007

a unique blend of spiritual and corporate wisdom.

Spirit? Corporate?

Yeah right ... someone get me a bucket :roll:.
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Post01 Aug 2007

Sparkal wrote:Even if the money goes to the Yagya, it is against BK principal to take money from souls who do not understand why and who they are giving it to. I cant imagine these souls have any awareness of what it is about.

In the Book 'Is this Justice' on Page No.viii Mama, alias Om Radhe wrote:

"For acquiring Brahm Gyan and attaining self-realization one has not to desert his home, nor has he to change his garb, nor has he to spend anything. With Brahm Gyan one will be ever-happy."

With regards,
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Donations accepted

Post31 Aug 2007

Donations accepted ... see bottom.
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Post01 Sep 2007

Ahhh, sigh ... Kazamaru :lol:.
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Post05 Sep 2007

I missed this ... BK Brian Bacon meets the British Prime Minister's wife Cherie Blair to "Make Poverty History" at a Rights and Humanity event.

I hope I have not posted this before. Should I take this whole "make poverty history" thing to be a reverse Satanic statement which says, "we" will go down in history as having created lots of poverty. Let's make history by creating poverty. Either it is my sick mind, or they tell the truth in the most repulsive and blatant ways through the media.

Poverty is man made, so is wealth among all people and the benefits it will bring. Is "Brian Bacon Brand" (I thought Bacon was his Sir name) teaching this sort of thing? A world which benefits all and not just a few? Is it time to ask these questions? I don't know, that is why I ask.

It is just that, I thought the whole game was about compassion or something. As I say, probably my sick trouble making mind at it again, don't worry. 'Health wealth and happiness' or something if I remember correct. (I am trying to stop using the word "RIGHT" to mean correct or accurate. The word will not exist in future, as with corporates.
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Post06 Sep 2007

Aaagggghhh No! Kuaia Garden Island now ! - is nothing sacred anymore? We were just planning our holidays there for next year and now I read this ...

Well, I am just going to have to go there sooner, strip naked and get Ka-Huna'd by a temple Shaman and not be stopped by this other suspect activity being promoted now. Leave those beautiful Hawaiian people alone I say, their culture is ancient and is a healing system all by itself. Stop interfering!

It must be the exotic landscape and real estate availability attracting them, i.e "donations welcome". Yeah, sure ...

"Om Shanti" doesn't even have the same feel or sound like 'Aloha Makaola e Nui" at all ...

Jeeeezzzzz ...
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Stop interfering indeed!

Post10 Sep 2007

paulkershaw wrote:"Om Shanti" doesn't even have the same feel or sound like 'Aloha Makaola e Nui" at all ...

Yes Paul, BZ's woz there. 'Aloha Makaola e Nui"

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Post11 Sep 2007

Don't worry, guys , I am here in Kauai. I saw their stuff up on some boards but I believe that Hawaiians are pretty much strong in their belief in being who they are ... they are more concerned about the super ferry coming here than this man that had a vision of perfect 8 women in 1937 (as they wrote it) ...


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