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Re: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

PostPosted: 21 Feb 2009
by tete
Dearest John Morgan,
Enough of this tomfoolery, its back to the drawing board for me, I've got to start again. Perhaps this time I'll do a little better. Getting so banned that BKs worldwide are warned to avoid me may be a good start, as would the BKs telling anyone who even thinks of giving me a Murli that Baba likes Madhuban and does not want to move to the UK. As Bugs Bunny would say ... that's all folks!

Don't be sad and don't leave, I have never been a BK, but I have learned many things that have helped me from ex-BKs, BKs and PBKs. I so miss Gy and am thankful, even blessed, when I get an e-mail from him saying hello. I also miss Errol, Atma, and many others too. In my humble opinion, I think it would be good to have some of the 'Oldies', the 'Elder Ones' that bring so much history and can tell all the little stories that have so much meaning.

I remember writing a pm to Gyaniwasi (Gy for short) and asking of people, and rooms as no one else seemed to know what I was on about. He wrote back and asked if he could post the reply realizing the question had a deeper value. I can remember when some in xBKchat complained about me being allowed in the BKs only section and being able to write in the private room (only valid ex-BKs were allowed there) but at the time I did not know I was spilling the beans. I did not know who was who and was not aware of the 'status' thing and if it is any comfort I have been banned from xBKchat (once), from here (twice) and maybe a third time will be the charm.

How truly sad that the BK's org would take the time to keep 'GOD'S' word from you, and the arrogance in thinking that GOD would want 'JOHN MORGAN' not to have it! Gee, I say you must have made some impression on God, if he takes the trouble to note you by name, country and zip code. In the early days, the Bible was kept from the masses to keep them illiterate and it is my opinion that keeping the Murlis 'SECRET' is serving the same purpose. It saddens me to hear that they would take the time to hurt you in such a manner and then here, someone thinking they were doing 'service' too hurt you, albeit not meaning to, but thinking they offered an alternative for your needs.

In life, John Morgan, one has to chose one's teachers and often those at the same level often clash, rather than offering acknowledgment of their efforts. In my culture one has great respect for the 'Elders', those that hold the memories and wisdom. I knew that from a very young age and still respect that. There are some things, I suspect you know, others have hinted but have not said. The story has many things, yet to weave ...

I agree with Joel on the benefit that your contributions have brought and can bring. Besides, this site has many Murli in the other sections (the pot of GOLD), but you could get the daily Murli at the Red Light site when available and discuss them there at length and find fellowship if you still have some spiritual need to follow the path in some aspect, there is nothing wrong with that. We all have to do what is right for us ... I visit the Red Light site from time to time.

So, take the friendship/fellowship 'Oh Old One' and do stay! The Old Ones offer a sort of comfort and continuity in the life cycle and in the forum too.


P.S. I am not a Buddhist.

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

PostPosted: 21 Feb 2009
by john morgan
Crickey Tete,

You make me feel so owwwld. Whether you write a pm or something here it always warms the cockles of my tired owwwld heart ;).

When you are told that you are special, the truth is all around.

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

PostPosted: 21 Feb 2009
by tete
John Morgan,

OK, we will call you the 'Owl One' so as to imply wisdom and insight but not age.

Barred Owl=Banned ex-BKs

Say you are a hoot!
