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Final Exam

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2007
by bro neo
You have one choice to make in your life. Do you serve man or do you serve God. I first heard of this when I started studying Plato many years ago. From the time I heard this to now I have pondered its meaning with different interpretations to its meaning based from time to time as per my lens of awareness and understanding of philosophy and truth.

The SS has crossed the line and The Powers That Be are not happy with them. What the SS are doing is enslaving helpless, innocent, and illiterate poor people so that they can feed their big bellies, eat off plates of silver and gold and be worshipped. It's time to enlighten and empower all of humanity in the name of justice, freedom and equality. To say that some people are born better then others, to put others down and discriminate people because of race, religion, gender or the way they look and to say that this is just karma is wrong.

The SS tell the world they are the Angels of God so that the less fortunate or challenged people in the world will worship them. Their is justice in the world. There is life after death and it is run by the powers of love and light. Those who are in denial in life, and harm the innocent and take advantage of others will have to pay with their souls when the final judgment comes. What is judgment day and daramraj? It is the blazing fire of merciless truth that we all must face when we die. And no one, no one can escape their final hour before they must draw their last breath and die.

It is time for those of us who are on the path of love and light to show the truth to the world who the liars, deceivers and enslavers of the innocent are and to make them pay for being the slimly little, uneducated, arrogant, self righteous, people that they are. It is time for those of us who are free to choose which side are we on.

You reading this have free will to think and decide for yourself. Do you want to stay in the darkness of denial, believe what others say and go through life as a slave to power mongers or will you stand up for yourself and what is real and true. Are you willing to fight for what is right? Are you willing to endure the tests and torment that those who lie, cheat, and steal put us through so they can feel safe is this one short life and the helpless have to suffer?

I made my decision years before I even knew the BKs existed. I will not be discriminated for how I was born and the fault that is not mine. I choose to stand up for myself and for what I believe is true rather then endure the lies and bullying of the selfish, self seeking and scared stupid arrogant people who only think about themselves and not for the sake of others.

I want you, you who are reading this now to make your choice. Do you stand for truth and love and light, or do you serve man just so you can have this one short miraculous and precious life that you now have go to waste and feel the safety that the lies of denial the people want us to believe? If you have chosen, and are ready to be on the side of light, then tomorrow we will stand together for the sake of humanity and the freedom of the world.

Bro neo shares a light

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2007
by abrahma kumar
Thanks for sharing bro neo.

Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights!
If you have chosen, and are ready to be on the side of light, then tomorrow we will stand together for the sake of humanity and the freedom of the world.


PostPosted: 03 Dec 2007
by bro neo

another of bro neo's inspirations ...?

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2007
by abrahma kumar
Neo bro neo bro, oh wherefore art thou taking us, bro neo? Somewhere over a rainbow? ... or to some where, way beyond the cuckoos nest. 8)
Have fun Brother.

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2007
by bro neo
I have been under harassment and am not happy with those who are trying to set me up. I have already been promoted. The terrorist better back to #*@! off. I will send the orders from the light for us tomorrow night, and if they try to stop me ... The message will be here.

We should talk to Bono from U2

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2007
by abrahma kumar
bro neo wrote:We should talk to Bono from U2. he is a real VIP. he seems like some one we can trust. We can put the message on a platinum plaque.We can teach him the real ancient Yoga of Bharat, he will like that

What's the hook, bro neo? How are we gonna get the attention of those guys U2?

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2007
by trinity

PostPosted: 04 Dec 2007
by bro neo
I warned them. This time they really, really screwed up. We got everything on video. I am under surveillance by the government in the country I am in and they just keep trying to either kill me or shut me up.

Well everything was seen today.


PostPosted: 04 Dec 2007
by tete
Bro Neo,

Are you serious! As I noticed a new member today and the member posted as affiliation: Government! :shock:. Oh wow, now you have me intrigued. Is this due to your political affiliation or your prior religious one, or your post position of past religion? Let me know if I need to start typing a letter to Amnesty International should you suddenly stop posting.


PostPosted: 04 Dec 2007
by bro neo
:) Thanks tete, considering I should have been dead a few hours ago, your kind words are cheering me up, but the only way I can answer your question is if your really, really cute and come see me at my hotel next time I am in your country. By the way, don't tell me what country you're in until everything is safe, I still need to stay alive, :wink:.

So that's the score. All or nothing. In or out. If you're in, the order is you need to become enlightened asap and we have to open a university where we will get funds, students, be professors, create heaven on earth, stop Destruction and ... Well more later, I need a drink. What a bloody day. 8) If I stop posting it just means they finally killed me.

:lol: 8). Don't worry, I not an easy target they don't know who they're messing with and who is actually getting my reports. Anyways I have to stick to orders, (it comes with the) ... Thing is, every attempt they make, everything is under secret intelligence and more agencies get involved. It's getting really messy now. The truth will soon be revealed to the world.

We want you alive and well...

PostPosted: 04 Dec 2007
by tete
Bro Neo,

Dear you're better than a centrum silver for a pick me up! I am too old Dear but you're a breath of fresh air, or is that just "fresh". :wink:


Bro neo shares a light

PostPosted: 04 Dec 2007
by abrahma kumar
Neo, has Lekhraj gone Platinum yet?

PostPosted: 04 Dec 2007
by bro neo
tete wrote:I am too old Dear but you're a breath of fresh air, or is that just "fresh". :wink:

AM's don't look at your age, we look at your eyes 8).
abrahma Kumar wrote:Neo, has Lekhraj gone Platinum yet?

Dude, I don't know about him. I cannot see everything. It's not like God just talks to me and I can see all time and space. The future hasn't been created yet, only predetermined realities can be seen or experienced but trust me its not as fun as it sounds.

Anyways it's just about sticking to the pat. More powers are gained as awareness heightens and the suffering of a flickering consciousness, emotions change to a constant passion and sometimes it's too much to control.

I have had family members killed already with nothing I could do about it, but I will get my revenge. They know who they are and they know they are not safe where they are, cause we're gona get them. My understanding of that whole past is that a lot of it is just hype to get people's money and devotion. One thing is for sure about BB though, he is still alive ... but so is his opposite.

Very few pass the final exam, those who do, can have whatever they want. bansy gets the Purple Heart.

Congratulations :wink:

PostPosted: 06 Dec 2007
by bansy
Ha Ha. Thanks.

Usually one needs to get killed or wounded to get one of these purple hearts in the US. Then again, with the number of dying wounded here, each member deserves several purple hearts.

PostPosted: 06 Dec 2007
by freedom
We are dying to our past ... so we all get a fresh, healthy, glowing, vibrating heart Today !!!