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Dashera, burning of evil

PostPosted: 13 Oct 2007
by alladin
Saddening, but what Neo suggested may be right.

I don't know if the Yagya has gradually derailed and moved into that direction or if the seed of corruption was always there (disguise, re-writing, chasing after VIP support, etc). According to the stories we used to hear from the SS, the organisation was really based on a "simple life, high thinking" principle and, as ex-l pointed out, the Benevolent Lord of the Poor ... the guide behind service. So, maybe an era is over. Like it or not, that era of purity in intentions and simplicity in lifestyle.

And what about that tough but magical " beggary part," we heard described enthusiastically - high times!! - by SS (or at least by some of them. Possibly not so much the big shots but the Yoginis, if you recall :wink: !!) when all facilities and even food were missing, but God intervention miraculously helped when needed. Is it an invention, or just past? Those qualities and vibes and magic attracted ME, in first place, I must say.

Here I have the chance to reveal my Sadhu nature. I don't cut my dreadlocks and I support the cutting of the heads of Ravan, materialistic vicious world, Babylon, the vampire. BTW, 21 Oct is Dashera. So, let me wish to all a happy and complete environment - friendly burning of the devils !!

PostPosted: 13 Oct 2007
by ex-l
What about that tough but magical " beggary part," we heard described enthusiastically - high times!! - by SS

What we have established is they do fictionalize and exaggerate stories to their benefit.

Why did they not just go and get jobs rather than hanging around and waiting for handouts? There is a big difference between real poverty, e.g landless peasants during a famine or the displaced victims of capitalism expansion ... and the chosen voluntary poverty of an elite who refuse to work for their own money.

We are missing a few important elements to the story, e.g. the mysterious large donation that bailed them out when Lekhraj Kirpalani's money ran out, allegedly circa 1950 which Destruction was meant to come ... 'the angels are in the details', as they say. (That is a joke, the saying goes "the devil is in the details" and it may be so). We ought account for the dowries the families of gave.

Looking at the "golden books" they sent out to Kings and VIPs, they wasted a lot of money stupidly and so I would not be too sympathetic to them. The poverty was self induced.

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2007
by moksha
Thanks everyone for this discussion. I find so much bad news and criticism to address in the organization which I belong. I just ask about how to become madhubasnnivasi.

So now I become more determined for overcoming any situation and become real Madhubannivasi. I will leave everything, go to Abu and become that or die.

Om Shanti.

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2007
by ex-l
moksha wrote:I find so much bad news and criticism to address in the organization which I belong.

Sorry for that. Good luck on your adventure. Let us know how you get on!

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2007
by moksha
Thank you Dear Brother ex-l. I will try to do that.

Re: Why are there no Surrendered foreigners in Madhuban?

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2008
by yogi108
I liked the final post by Moksha for a simple question like the above.. well there is benefit in everything isnt it?

My take on the situation of Madhuban ...

    1. Slavery - If you let yourself be
    2. Money Abuse - Again if you get influenced and give away all your money
    3.Child abuse - Very isolated and cannot generalise
    4.Brother Nirvair - He should have been in Bollywood (I actually told him once ... if some one had seen his younger day pictures, he actually looked like a Hindi movie actor. He replied, "If I went to Bollywood then I would not be in Godlywood, or something very filmy like that").
    5. Brother Ramesh - Stay Away
    6. Sister Sheilu - I think she is like this Corporation school head mistress, especially with a stick in her hand
    7. Other senior Sisters - They get to see colourful clowns from foreign lands during Baba's season
    8.Brothers - Some of them are ace-conmen, some of them - As Lustful as the guys whom you would meet on a saturday nite in your local bar

Re: Why are there no Surrendered foreigners in Madhuban?

PostPosted: 01 Mar 2008
by arjun
yogi108 wrote:6. Sister Sheilu - I think she is like this Corporation school head mistress, especially with a stick in her hand

Yesterday, I happened to watch a BK cultural programme being aired live on Aastha Channel in the night (around 10 PM). Some singers were singing Bhakti tunes. One important feature of the background of the dias was the pictures of two second generation senior BKs (i.e. next to Dadis).

I could not recognize one of them, but the other one was Sister Sheilu from Madhuban. There was no other picture on the dias as visible on the TV (no ShivBaba, no Brahma Baba, no Mama and no Dadis). It was just those two Sisters.

So, when are we going to reveal the Father? May be He was sent to the backside of the stage to wait for His turn :roll:


Re: Why are there no Surrendered foreigners in Madhuban?

PostPosted: 01 Mar 2008
by sparkal
If it is not broken, don't try to fix it. First we must establish that it is not broken, before not trying trying to fix it. Though some here may be calling, "fix, its a fix".

Some may have lessons to learn, eyes to open. The true test of being detached is to live in the world out there, not break your principles, and accept all others of all nationality.

Re: Why are there no Surrendered foreigners in Madhuban?

PostPosted: 02 Mar 2008
by moksha
Anyway, I will do it and become that. To renew the old traditional of raj-yogis, as it was the time of Brahma.