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Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 05 Aug 2008
by arjun
Omshanti. The latest edition of the Purity magazine published by BKWSU contains the picture of the memorial built in the honour of Dadi Prakashmani at Shantivan Complex, Taleti, Abu Road. It has been named 'Prakash stambh' (tower of light).

The front page of the magazine also contains a photograph of Dadi Prakashmani meeting with Smt. Pratibha Patil a few hours before her being nominated by the Congress party as its Presidential nominee and her subsequent election as the first woman President of India.

On Godly Service,

Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 05 Aug 2008
by tom
arjun wrote:... memorial built in the honour of Dadi Prakashmani at Shantivan Complex, Taleti, Abu Road. It has been named 'Prakash stambh' (tower of light).

How nice. Now the BK bhagats have one tower more besides "Tower of Peace" to make a round around it to show their respect. Sooner or later there will be a third tower, which will be called most probably "Tower of Love".

Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 05 Aug 2008
by Mr Green
Such subtle phallic symbols. You can kiss my Tower of Love any day.

Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 05 Aug 2008
by hope1
It seems to 8 pillared octagonal structure ... I saw it in early stages last year, although I've got no idea what it looks like complete.

Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2008
by ex-l
Strictly speaking ... shouldn't it have been a 'Yoni of Love' rather than a pillar? is not this another example of the male domination of India culture and the BKWSU?

Its stuff like this that really disappoints me about the Brahma Kumaris. When push comes to shove and they have an opportunity to make a statement ... they crap out, half-ass it and portray all sort of cultural hang-ups in something that generally looks exceptionally mediocre.

Fine ... they can squeeze their donors and spend their money on whatever they want (even if it is against Shrimat or unenlightened) but why not make a statement when they do. They attempt to portray themselves a feminists and celibates, but when given the chance, they go about erecting phalluses as quickly as they can. How many true saints' graves are unmarked, or marked by only the most humble natural object?

I have been thinking a lot about "these people" and wondering what they have really done in their lives? For me the real heroes are Sisters like Dr Vinay Lakshmi who beat the system and bent it to do something practical, fixing cleft palates, feeding kids. For me, as charming and as wily as they may be, these self-elect supreme souls like Janki and Prakashmani have really just lived off others whilst investing in the making of the myth of the Brahma Kumaris. Prakashmani was as much involved in the cover-ups and dishonest historical revision as the rest of them.

Fine, she provided entertainment for the pilgrims as a surrogate granny and salved a load of self-made problems others had done to themselves going along with their path ... but, and I am asking honestly, what did she actually do?

I have never heard her, or any of them, admit that for 20 years they thought Lekhraj Kirpalani was God and did nothing but live off his money waiting for everyone else to be murdered by nuclear weapons and them to go to heaven ...

Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2008
by bansy
I cannot recall if this has come up but what reaction is there from the AIVV (expecially ShivBaba (Virendra Dev Dixit)) regarding DadiP's demise and subsequent rebirth as a boy ? There was some karma between them.

Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2008
by arjun
Sister bansy wrote:I cannot recall if this has come up but what reaction is there from the AIVV (expecially ShivBaba (Veerendra Dev Dixit)) regarding DadiP's demise and subsequent rebirth as a boy ? There was some karma between them.

I think it has been clarified by ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) that Dadi Prakashmani has not taken rebirth and is serving through subtle body.

Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2008
by new knowledge
Dear arjun Bhai, when I was doing Advance Course, the PBK Sister told me that Dadi Prakashmani has entered into the body of Premkanta. Is this the teachings of Advanced Knowledge or manmat (personal opinion) of that PBK Sister?

Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2008
by ex-l
From the website
"Opponents of Delhi namely Ashok Pahuja, Ravish Saxena and Premkanta continued to support and oppose Baba Virendra Dev Dikşit at different times."

Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 07 Aug 2008
by bansy
1) If any BKs on this forum were to notice that today's Murli 07 August 2008 was actually the Sakar Murli spken on 25th June 1965 when the body of Mateshwari was kept in the History Hall ("Mama"). In today's Murli it says that "what happens when someone's gone, then we don't have to do anything for that person. And that everything of ours (i.e. BKs) is incognito." I cannot recall the exact words but I am sure some effort making BK here can post the Murli points or correct the above.

What it means is that even though Mama had left the body, there was no need for anyone to feel sorrow, if her part and your part in The Cycle is understood.

Bearing this in mind, how are they making a tower for Dadi P? Did Mama get a tower? Even Dadi Manmohini gets a complex. And Dadi Janki has already got a foundation well ahead.

It is possible that when Sakar Baba (Lekhraj Kirpalani) was present, all the Bhakti practices were watched over, but it now seems to be just ritual.

2) If any BK was to read yesterday's Murli of 06 August 2008, it says that, "Children you can ask for a Murli and read it at home. You will continue to receive Murlis. Wherever you are you definitely have to study the Murli". I think these are the words but I am sure some effort making BK here can post the Murli points or correct the above.

pyramid tour

PostPosted: 07 Aug 2008
by alladin
Maybe the BKs are creating the "memorial" for all the future monuments and icons that will be built in the next Kalpa! They are competing with Luxor!

Curiosity: has anybody approached this topic with SS, innocently asking them what's going on with this trend of making mausoleums, sepulchers, cenotaphs, whatever? They probably would crush the poor person with drishti, was he daring to ask!!I

In hindsight, I and we made so many allowances for a lot of nonsense going on, i.e. the circus going on on the stage in Madhuban, and swallowed it like a bitter pill that made no sense. If I still had attachment to that place, hearing these news would make my eyes and heart fill with tears. What a shame!

Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 07 Aug 2008
by bkti-pit
Here are the two Murli quotes from yesterday's Murli (August 6th):
The Father who makes you like a diamond has now come, and so you should make full effort. You have to have full Yoga with the Father who makes you into a diamond. You understand that you are being made into the masters of Paradise by Shiv Baba. Everything depends on study. Everyone should have the thought of studying. Even while doing work at home, consider yourself to be a student of God, the Father. Your study is very easy. It is necessary to come and listen even for a moment. Such very good points continue to emerge so that someone can be struck by an arrow at any time. Therefore, no matter what happens, you definitely have to listen to the Murli. If you cannot listen to the Murli, you should study this knowledge in whatever way you can. Arrangements can be made. First you should spend a week understanding these things very wel1. After that, you have to study in order to understand the new points.
Baba explains: Children, you can ask for a Murli and read it at home. You will continue to receive Murlis. Wherever you are, you definitely have to study the Murli. Study and teach others. You can do service even while living abroad. You have to give the Father's introduction. It is only at the end that your influence will spread. They will understand that ancient Bharat used to be heaven.

I'll be back with quotes from this morning's Murli ...

Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 08 Aug 2008
by bkti-pit
07/08/08 Morning Murli Madhuban Om Shanti BapDada

(These elevated versions were spoken on the 25th June 1965 when the body of Mateshwari was being kept in the History Hall. BapDada was filling the children with power.)

Om Shanti. You sweet children have been given an order to continue to remember the unlimited Father. Listen to this knowledge and Yoga from all the children with a name and form who are engaged in the Father's service. They will also tell you: Remember the Father because you receive an inheritance from Him. This too is what Mama said. Children also say: Remember Shiv Baba. You children are sitting here in remembrance of Shiv Baba. You don't have to worry about anything because you are receiving your inheritance from the unlimited Father. When anyone sheds his or her body and goes away we would say that that was destined, that it also happened in the previous cycle. You have to move along with the drama so that there are no worries.

Today Mama has gone and tomorrow someone else would go, but the Father definitely has to speak the Murli. Baba continues to tell you children new points and explain their meaning. He tells everyone: Children, remember the Father. Don't become trapped in anyone's name or form. This knowledge is for all children. As you progress further, you will see many wonderful things. At this time, there are things of sorrow. However, we are not worried about that sorrow. Look, this Baba (Sakar Baba) doesn't have any worries because he knows that he has to remember Baba alone and claim his inheritance from Baba. Baba has explained that no inheritance is received from the creation. The creation is to receive their inheritance from the Creator. Therefore, all the creation (sons and daughters) have to remember the one Creator, no matter what happens.

When any such obstacle comes, there is no question of doubt about it because you only have to remember one Shiv Baba. It is in this that there is benefit for you children. If someone goes away having done good service, it should be understood that whoever goes away has to go and play his part somewhere else. All of this happens for one benefit or another because the Father is the Benefactor and this Confluence Age is also beneficial for Brahmins. Maintain spiritual intoxication by knowing there is benefit in everything because we are the children of God. We are claiming our inheritance from God. If they go away while claiming their inheritance they must definitely have another part to play. They have to carry out a greater task. It is our great fortune that we have the part to become the Father's helpers as we did in the previous cycle. Even while being a helper an ordinary person can die. We understand that all of this happens according to the drama.

So what if someone has gone? We don't have to do anything for that person. Everything of ours is incognito. In fact, those who never shed tears have a good stage. Never think: Mama has left her body and so what will happen now? If you shed tears, you fail. The Father who is giving all of us an inheritance is sitting here. He is immortal and so there is no need to shed any tears for Him. We ourselves are making effort to shed our body in happiness. Mama had to go somewhere else for a particular task and that too was in the drama. There is benefit according to their stage for those who leave their body. They will take birth in a very good home and give them happiness. Even little children make everyone happy. Everyone praises such children. So, everything of the children depends on the drama and the Father.

Always consider that whatever happens, second by second, is also fixed in the drama and always remain happy and cheerful. We people must never become trapped in anyone's name or form. We know that this is a body and that it has to go at some point. Each one's part is fixed. If we cry, would that person's part be changed by our crying? This is why you children have to remain absolutely bodiless, peaceful and cheerful. If you want to claim the unshakeable immovable kingdom, you have to become like this. When any incident takes place, it would be said to be the destiny of the drama. There is nothing to regret in that. The same thing also happened in the previous cycle. Incidents will take place. Earthquakes take place as you move along. It isn’t that anyone of you is not going to die; no. Anyone can die.

Any incident can take place. This is why Baba explains: Children, always stay in remembrance of the Father and maintain your spiritual intoxication Whatever part each one has received, he plays that part. What do we have to do with that? Our knowledge is such that even if your mother dies you have to eat halva, which means you have to give the jewels of knowledge. For instance, Baba says: This Baba might also go away. Nevertheless, you children have already received The Knowledge that you have to claim your inheritance from Shiv Baba, not from this one.
... ...
The Liberator and Remover of Sorrow and Bestower of Happiness is only the One. You have to remember Him alone. No matter what happens there can be no question of sorrow here. We know that our Mama is remembered as the number one serviceable child. She has been portrayed with a sitar in her hands. Truly, Jagadamba, that is, Mateshwari used to explain very well. She also used to say: Remember Shiv Baba. Don't remember me. Manmanabhav, madhyajibhav.
... ...
No matter what the circumstances are, if any of you has doubts as to what happened or why it happened, you are only bringing loss to yourselves. You children should not experience sorrow in any situation. Even if you are ill, or if there is something else, that is the suffering of karma. Some ask Baba: Baba, what is this? Baba would reply: That is the suffering of your karma. If something in the drama is not to be told to you in advance, how can I tell you that? This Baba also watches everything as a detached observer.

So, you children also have to watch everything as detached observers and stay in remembrance of the Father with spiritual intoxication: I am a child of God. We are God's grandsons and granddaughters. We are claiming our inheritance from God. We know that Mama left her body while claiming her inheritance from God. Each one of us has to remember the Father and the inheritance. Everything depends on effort. You children can also realise that to the extent you study, you can claim a high status and become elevated princes.
... ...
Therefore, you children have to study. No matter what happens, you definitely have to study. It is not that if someone's mother or Father dies, he stops studying; no. So, you too have to study every day. You mustn't miss the study for even one day. You definitely also have to do service under all circumstances. Just keep Baba alone in your intellect at every moment. He alone is teaching you and you have to claim your inheritance from Him alone.
... ...
Simply stay in this pleasure and intoxication and tell everyone this knowledge in the same way because you children who have become firm Brahmins don't have any worries. There is nothing to make you wilt or worry about in this. You need to have a good stage.
... ...
Those who are sensible are called those with a wise intellect. So you have to maintain that intoxication. There is no question of sorrow etc. We now know that the drama is being enacted. You would say: Wah! Mama left! That actor went to perform another act. There is no need to be confused, to cry or experience sorrow. She has gone to do elevated service. Day by day you become elevated. Even if some shed their body, they will go and do elevated service. This is why you children should not feel any sorrow. Not just Mama, everyone will go. We too have to go to Baba.

Our connection is with Baba. Everyone is only concerned with Baba. Mama was also concerned with Baba. She took that knowledge from Him, did service and has now gone to play another part for some other service. We observe all of this as detached observers. You shouldn't feel: Mama has gone. So-and-so has gone. This one has gone. The soul has gone to do service. All the bodies are going to turn to dust anyway. Therefore, you children should not worry about anything.

Yes, it is true that that student of Baba's was very good. It is remembered that she used to explain very well. If any type of doubt arises, then everything is over; your status will be destroyed. This is why Baba continues to explain to you children: Children, don't worry about anything. Continue to put into practice the directions you receive. Don't think: What happened? Those who forget the Father and The Knowledge will worry. All of you children are master knowledge-full. Whatever part each one has, what can we do about that? Achcha.

All of you sat in remembrance during the night and you earned a good income. Baba comes here and sees the children. He is pleased that a garden is being created. You are now Brahmins and then the garden of deities will be created. Here, all of you are effort-makers. You are trying to become good flowers. There will be a show of thorns transformed into flowers. You have to sit here while being very stable. Look how Baba is making you so strong. You have received Baba's order: Simply remember Me alone. If someone cries, Baba would say: Those who cry lose out. Baba is seeing whether someone is a wilted flower. No. All of you are mahavirs. Such obstacles will come. This is the drama and this is destiny. Achcha.

Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 08 Aug 2008
by ex-l
Funnily enough ... no one can find Murlis that go on at length about how we should be worshiping the senior, erect lingums in their memory, naming foundations after and publishing billboard sized photos, can they?

Increasing Brahma Kumarism is becoming a separate path and entity from the original path of which there is still evidence.

Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 08 Aug 2008
by Mr Green
Wah Dadi left!! WAH WAH

See I can follow Shrimat