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Dadi Janki – 29.11.07

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2007
by abrahma kumar
Received via the BKWSU mailout:
Dadi Janki – 29.11.07 – On the phone to GCH, London
Let us all become equal to Baba and then continue to serve together

Dadi Gulzar has just offered special Bhog for Dadiji and Baba sent a special message of which I would like to give you the essence.

Dadi was seeing how Dadiji was taking light and vibrations of light with Baba and sharing them with all the souls of the world. Baba invoked Dadi Gulzar and Dadi Janki and sat them down with Dadi Kumarka and gave all of them a lot of love. Baba said: “The Trimurti is very good. All three of you are serving together.” Dadi Gulzar asked Dadiji: “What is your message for all the Madhuban niwasis?” Dadiji said: “My desire is that all of you should become equal to Baba. The whole world should be able to see whose children you are. Dadi Gulzar then asked Baba: “What service is Dadiji doing?” Dadiji said: “Even though I am in a womb I come each day at Amrit Vela. I don’t feel I am in a womb. I am with Baba. Sometimes Baba sends me alone on service, at other times I serve with Baba. It feels that souls are very hungry, thirsty and unhappy, so it’s important that they should be able to receive some peace and love. Dadi Gulzar asked Dadi: “What are the advanced party souls doing?” Baba said: "There is a committee of eight but I am not going to tell you their names. They are in different places but they meet together on a subtle level.” Baba also said that where Dadiji is going to take birth, the Father is a very unique personality. He is not a politician but an advisor to the government. His position is a high one. When the birth takes place many wonderful things will happen.” As we left the stage, Dadi Gulzar asked: “Did you feel how much love Baba gave you?”

Last night I told Dadi Gulzar: “I want to reach my karmateet stage here and now and yet still continue with service. I will be available for Baba’s service wherever it may be, whilst keeping my karmateet stage. That is your desire too, isn’t it? We should all come together and go with Baba together.

Om Shanti

PostPosted: 18 Jan 2008
by bansy
BapDada meeting Madhuban 18 Jan 2008

Dadiji has not taken birth yet.

PostPosted: 18 Jan 2008
by primal.logic
Dadi Gulzar asked Dadi: “What are the advanced party souls doing?” Baba said: "There is a committee of eight but I am not going to tell you their names. They are in different places but they meet together on a subtle level.”

O please! For how long do they expect us to continue buying into this hoohaa? Someone can traverse the known universe, is an angel of light, sits on a 'stage' with God, and is still so dumb or small minded as to keep a bunch of other angels names a secret - for what!? This is just plain stupifying.

And what the hell do these enlightened angelic beings need a committee for??? At this point I can only laugh hysterically.

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2008
by ex-l
bansy wrote:Dadiji has not taken birth yet.

I have not been following these events ... when did we expect her birth by previous predictions? This is quite important if we have a "live" failure of manipulation of events.

I understand your discontent primal.logic. The elements are all the same; another cliff-hanger, the answer just around the next corner, keep them hanging on for some more ... never give a direct answer. Its works every time.

And the sale pitch is;
    "gosh, by understanding this I, too ... or you, or you, or you ... could be one of them too!!! But, we all know that really only the special souls, the super-seniors could possibly be, so let's just worship them instead."
Yup, folks, they need someone to hold them down to the ground and get real answers out of them.

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2008
by bansy
I have not been following these events ... when did we expect her birth by previous predictions?

When Dadiji left her body, she was in "Avaykt form" for 12 days when there were almost daily Bhog messages for her. On the 12th day when she has to leave the Subtle Region, the Bhog message (see approx page 18 of this thread with the Bhog message posted by tinydot here : Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death that she will be born in a womb of a couple.

The above has also been spoken of in that following month's BapDada Avaykt Vani.

And now for over 2 months of somewhat quietness, yesterday someone (someone told me it was Nirwair Bhai) has asked BapDada, "where is Dadiji?" and BapDada replied that she had not taken birth yet. I was told this was spoken at the end of the meetings with a microphone when the Dadis and SS go on the stage, so everyone could hear this chitchats. I don't know anymore but was told it was a short chat.

It raises (the divine eyes) above eyebrows because of why Dadiji does not join the so-called "advance-party" like so many of those who have actually seemingly taken their last Brahmin birth even though the Confluence Age is not over, how she is said to still be continually doing Sakash service whilst when in the womb of a child somewhere that must have been born out of sex-lust. Maybe she was not in her 84th birth and so has karma still to finish, so ... how she can do what she doing in incomplete "Avyakt form" ... etc.

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2008
by ex-l
... and why was an 83th birth-er in charge of the Yagya when so much of the Murli is aimed at 84th birth-ers etc?

It is all so inconclusive and malleable ... but we should count the months to see how well she, and the story, cooks. I remember primal.logic note about Dadi Janki saying, "Dadi P will be here until the end ... time is close" etc.

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2008
by bansy
time is close

Another snippet I heard was that one of the wings praised was medical wing which had made a plan until 2020 which BapDada liked. So time is still close for another 12 years at least.

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2008
by ex-l
Something must be going down with the Medical Wing because it was mentioned in the Murli of 31 December 2007 which is in the download section. Is anyone going to pull the Godman up on his predictive powers, or does it not matter as long as business is good. What are the medicals doing apart from delaying Destruction?

a real maze ( and mess)

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2008
by alladin
Maybe all this stuff is just a test to see if we get distracted from our spiritual efforts, by listening to all this nonsense and wasting time thinking about it and the SS who are making it up. I personally never had any interest in "numbers", where one is gone, Subtle Regions, wombs, advance parties, etc ... it spoils my fun.

I have enough to deal with in life and all of this seems irrelevant and not helpful. However I appreciate the role of those who want to uncover lies and discover some truth and point out inconsistencies. So, thanks to those disentanglers who invest time on such tricky topics!

I am too lazy to look for the end of such a bungle! :wink:

Re: BKWSU Positive News

PostPosted: 16 May 2008
by tete
Selected Clips of Various talks of Dadi Prakashmani ji.

Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 16 May 2008
by diiogenes
What a terrific and entertaining thread! I came across it yesterday and have been thoroughly engrossed.

I also have something to add. In the late 80's one of the pieces of information I was given, ratified by several BK sources (and also several lokik mothers) was that the soul enters the womb at approximately three months. I originally asked this question of Lee James. He said 12 weeks, asked me my birth date, and proceeded to work backward 12 weeks to give me the approximate date I'd left my body.

I raised the same question independently with a number of longterm BKs. Those who knew gave the same answer. At the time I was working in place where a number of young mothers came to shop. I was friendly with several and asked at what stage they became aware of life, a living being inside them. Bingo! They all said around 12 weeks/3 months. It appears prior to that time the pregnancy is just gestating matter. I don't think I was told what the soul does for the three months between births.

I do remember my churning on this - offered here as a return entertainment - we do a bit of wandering in the Subtle Region, probably trying to get back to Soul World. Pulls occur on the soul - attachment to the old body/family/location (ghosty karma) and attraction as we identify the vibration of our mother or parents to be(re-birth karma). If we have a lot of unreconciled karma, we take that into our new birth (mental/physical susceptibility and manifestation), along with accumulated skills and characteristics, particularly evident from the previous birth (this always helped explain those Korean child pianist prodigies, for me :wink: :shock: ).

We also inherit the seeds/blueprint of traits of our parents and their vibration (biblical - sins of the fathers shall be visited on the children).

Regarding the postings in this thread - there's some pretty profound intelligences at work here. bansy, I liked your regression story. I was into astrology, channelling, voyance etc. before Gyan. I am a bit amazed the other BK would practice in that stuff while in Gyan. Pretty bold. I remember I asked then center-in-charge Michael Smith about my Pentecostal baptisim/speaking in tongues experiences this birth, in relation to The Cycle. He said Brahmins don't worry about those sorts of things, basically Bhakti practices (I begged to differ with him, but he obviously did not understand my ancient aramaic jibber jabber :? I think I may have cursed his firstborn).

ex-l, your sense of humour is growing on me! :lol:. I still think a blanket cynicism toward the BKs backfires on your aim, and I note, in the occasional unguarded moment, there are times you seem to have accord with certain elements of Gyan. The fact BKWSU has recognised the need for a structured, standardised approach to their duty of care is actually quite a feather in the cap. Don't forget to note these worthy milestones from your efforts.

Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 16 May 2008
by arjun
diogenes wrote: I originally asked this question of Lee James. He said 12 weeks, asked me my birth date, and proceeded to work backward 12 weeks to give me the approximate date I'd left my body.

Although it is generally believed by Hindus and hence the BKs that the soul enters into a womb 13 days after having left its previous body, but it cannot be considered as a rule because it is also believed by Hindus and BKs that in many cases (especially untimely deaths) a soul remains with its subtle body for a long time before entering a womb to take up a new body.

Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 17 May 2008
by diiogenes
Hi Arjun, it seems it's another valid question that elicits more than one answer. Funnily enough, I just finished watching a tv documentary called 'the womb'. The scientific claim is the foetus' earliest noticed movement is at 8 weeks. Any idea if ShivBaba has said anything definitive?

Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 18 May 2008
by arjun
diogenes wrote:Any idea if ShivBaba has said anything definitive?

I had posted a Murli point on this topic on the forum a few months ago. But it is difficult to trace it now. That Murli quote spoke about the soul entering into the womb after 3-4 months. If I am able to trace it, I will post it again.

Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 18 May 2008
by peterbindi
Find answer.

Extracts of ShivBaba's Murli (via Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) - as narrated to the PBKs

When the child enters the womb and a four to five months old foetus gets ready, then the soul enters into it. Then it starts its movements. Then the birth takes place after 9 months.

peterbindi :D .