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PostPosted: 22 Jun 2007
by Mr Green
Look, the way I see it, any exposure the BKs get that shows people their true side is a good thing. I know for sure if I'd known what they were really about at the beginning, I wouldn't have wasted a large part of my life.

Who cares if they have a bias? All of us have one. Even John :lol: What are we ... the moral bias police all of a sudden?

Come on, exposure can only be a good thing. If it really is God, then more heir souls will be awakened. If it is not god, then more potential victims can be pre-warned.

PostPosted: 22 Jun 2007
by jann
Yes, mr Green.

That is how i feel also. The more exposure; the more people and media become interested in the whole story.


If any reporter wants to have a hot item ... here it is, come and take it.

PostPosted: 22 Jun 2007
by bansy
pbktrinityshiva wrote:I have watched a particular "cult" documentary from the 80's which actually includes interviews with somone from the Brahma Kumaris. Gods Of The New Age - Hinduism - Origin Of New Age Cults (1984). You may view it above.

Thanks for this link.

I think everyone should look at it, even though it is 1 hour 46 minutes. I just finished it. Very interesting.

Could it be saved into a file instead of watching online ?

PostPosted: 22 Jun 2007
by ex-l
bansy wrote:Welcome to the forum, heshe. For newcomers, it is worth going into the poll forum (Polls) and casting a vote in the various poll.

It gives a general consensus of all the rabble here.

There are Rabbis here already? Holy Moses, the Forum has entered its Copper Age already!!!
    ... oh, sorry Bansy, you meant R-A-B-B-L-E ... I see now.
"Forums-Shmorums, Hymee ... let's go burn some bush". Has anyone else realised that circumcision is a memorial of what the Senior Sisters did to all the BK Brothers, only they could not do ALL of what the Senior Sisters did because they still needed to come forth and multiply.

(I've skipped the serious documentary idea and am aiming for a BK situation comedy; "Carry on Up the Kalpa" or was it "Life of Brian Bacon").

PostPosted: 22 Jun 2007
by jann
Good stuff, made in 1984.

It seem that the world is already hypnotised, How come this is still going on!?!

Hummmm ... of course, recruits still fall for it!

PostPosted: 23 Jun 2007
by john
pbktrinityshiva wrote:Gods Of The New Age - Hinduism - Origin Of New Age Cults (1984).[/list]You may view it online, link above. I would assume this new documentary will follow the same lead to some extent. They are pretty plain in their intentions to steer people back to Christianity.

Probabaly one of the most biased, despicable pieces of Christian propaganda crap I've ever seen. Some points are cause for concern, but come on.
Hindus believe there is no sin, that's why the gurus and their disciples can justify murder, violence, robbery, bribery and crooked business transactions all done in the name of heavenly deception

Is that not pure racism?

It doesn't just attack New Age religions, but the whole of Hinduism itself, so how many people is that disrespecting?

One should always look behind why and by whom these type of 'fakumentaries' are made.

PostPosted: 23 Jun 2007
by ex-l
Hindus believe there is no sin, that's why the gurus and their disciples can justify murder, violence, robbery, bribery and crooked business transactions all done in the name of heavenly deception

I have not watched it yet but ... WTF!?! Who said this?

Ummm, what happened to bit about Christian genocides and torture of the Jews, the original North Americans, the Australian aborigines, the pagans and wiccas in Europe, the South America natives, the slavery of African (have I missed anyone out here?) ... each other (as in alternative Christian sects such as the Cathars), the deals between the Vatican and the Nazis, the animal stock of the world ... not to say the Destruction of the very planetary environment we live on ... that's OK!?!

I suppose the great things about Christianity is that it allows you to do anything you want ... BECAUSE AS LONG AS YOU ARE SAVED JESUS WILL FORGIVE YOU AND WASH AWAY YOUR KARMA FOR NOTHING!!!

Ha! "Are you saved? ... Halleluia! OK, stick the other boot in as well".

It is worth saying that during the period of the Empire, the British used Christian Missionaries to act as spies and seed social discord, as in early psychological warfare. In India, Africa, China and the rest of the Far East. Indeed, at one point the Chinese authorities even told the British that, having ruined China state and economy through illegal opium dealing and bridery, they could keep their invading army in China but they had to remove the missionaries because they were causing too much social unrest.

PostPosted: 23 Jun 2007
by john
ex-l wrote:I have not watched it yet but ... WTF!?! Who said this?

I cannot read the screen properly but something like Caryl Matryliclane, the Blond haired lady from England. It's probably in the first third of the film.

PostPosted: 23 Jun 2007
by john
mr green wrote:Who cares if they have a bias? All of us have one. Even John :lol: What are we ... the moral bias police all of a sudden?

Mr Green

If you have a story to tell, then go for it. I hope you know I am not at all against people speaking out.

In fact, take a camera to film any part you take in it. Then if they mess with you, you'll have your own evidence.

PostPosted: 23 Jun 2007
by john
Around the 1 hour mark I believe the real purpose of the film is revealed.
    The fear that the Hindus will take over the Christian world.
New Age antics are being used as a front to the agenda of telling viewers Hinduism is evil.

The Plot:
    New Age cults are bad and evil.
    All New Age cults are based on Yoga and Hinduism.
    Therefore Hinduism is bad and evil.

PostPosted: 23 Jun 2007
by ex-l
Funnily enough, I think the opposite could also be equally truth. I remember the fashion for cult bashing that became a cult, and media power, status and commodity, within Christianity its self.
    Hinduism is bad and evil.
    New Age cults are based on Yoga and Hinduism.
    Therefore all New Age cults are bad and evil.
We can all blame the Beatles for going to India amd John Lennon once said they were bigger than Jesus ... so that proves it!!! Ithink it all dates back to the mixture of shock, awe and attraction the first Victorians experienced when they went to India.

Can you imaging how the corks of those men popped when being confronted with the rich, dirty, sexy, smelly, sensual, technicolor, freakshow that India is? The hot, half-naked women in diaphenous garments, the spice, perfume and incense. The rythmic, psychedelic music, elephants and tigers, the bhang ...

Imagine leaving a cold, wet, grey, uptight, tripled-buttoned England of the Industrial Revolution, where even the husband of the Queen and Emperess had to wear a chain attacthed to a ring through his penis to stop him embarrassing himself by getting an erection in public ... and waking up in Benares during a Mela. The size and scale of it all. Big enough to swallow the whole of Christendom and still leave room for second helpings.

PostPosted: 23 Jun 2007
by in the night
Anyways ... Great jobs guys (ex-sssssss), got the "spoke" away!!

And I sincerely hope that you will insist in the "cult thing".


PostPosted: 24 Jun 2007
by ex-l
Spoke? For the record, this BK Sister left Gyan. She got married, does anyone know to whom?

She was an artist, wasn't she?

Looked upon in that light, it is an interesting documentation of someone logging in to BK consciousness who then later logs out ... and how "BK" speaks through people.

Anyone care to transcribe her speaking into text for this forum?

PostPosted: 25 Jun 2007
by pbktrinityshiva
I guess the religons that are so transfixed with blaming the devil for their problems and finding the devil in others differnt from them ... tend to become the creature they focus on.


I found the documentary both offensive, racist and sneaky (their not so subtle 'snake' inferences ...). Its typically Christian point of view though. So, its not like they don't beleive the ideas they are selling.

I am personaly sick of people BK bashing and cult bashing in general. Like they have something better to offer ...

That being said, I know how much damage these groups can cause. So I am sympathetic. In the end though, we all must take responsibility for ourselves and our state of mind. The ultimate indulgence is to give responsibility for our problems to someone or something else.

PostPosted: 25 Jun 2007
by di
Interesting ... Most PBKs, BKs and ex-BKs that have commented found it highly racist and insulting.

As none of the above, I found it to be very critical and extreme in some aspects but it basically upheld what I have learnt here. I do not know about racist from my view, probably because I know nothing about the caste system, but it makes more sense about the detachment and void in the poverty stricken and it certainly explained the reincarnation aspect ... A total reversal of my view of reincarnation which is why I could never understand what the hassle was.

I always thought the more lives you lived, the wiser and more spiritual you got from your 'lessons'. Many people's understanding when they say someone is an "old soul", or they have been here before ... they are wise. After the damage that the New Religious Movements have caused, I support something that may raise alarm bells and cause an individual to investigate what they are following. I am for it.

If it prevented one, just one family, from suffering the way mine has, good. I am for shock therapy that will make people think and question. Which is exactly what I got out of the documentary. I love the ability to watch/read something and to take what I think applicable and discard the rest ... in other words to analyse and question what is said, then make an informed decision. Everybody has that right.

The "mindlessness" said it all to me.

I do disagree with the idea that all meditation and relaxation therapies are linked to the occult and I also disagreed strongly about calling it Hindu. These sects are not true Hindu religions. The priest caste Hindus I know are beyond horrified at what has been done to their religion by BKs etc. I agree, i think this is a major mistake in not clarifying this point.

Is not that what the BKs aim for? World domination?