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PostPosted: 03 May 2007
by freedom
I love you guys !!! I love this forum ... such a support, really ... yeah ... let's party !!! 8).

Tribal connections+love

PostPosted: 03 May 2007
by alladin

I suspected from the very start that this Forum would conceal some dating facility quality or intention!! :wink: But that is welcome because love, sharing and having fun together and spontaneity is what we missed throughout our BK involvement. F*** the KKK!

Apart from drinking, long legs and $, what about a spiritual, yet well fit Brother who would climb a palm tree to get me a green coconut to drink on one of the beaches you were listing? Actually the Brother already showed up and in one of our private talks he was asking me why I am so concerned about old BK friends, where they are at, whether they are still under the Haji spell and so on (he's getting jealous, that's why he's asking!).

So I tried to convey to him this idea I have, that bro Neo clearly described, of the Tribe. There are people in this family that I always felt close to, no matter the repression and the prohibition to get together + sinful familiarity on the basis of old sanskars. Of course there are souls we are in tune with, it is natural. So I am genuinely concerned about members of that subtle tribe and would like to get them all on the forum but this is a sensitive issue (and I have to deal with my that could be the chance to invite some cool friends, BKs or ex.)

Any volunteer DJ?

Good vibes to all

Re: ..

PostPosted: 03 May 2007
by adikarisoul
freedom wrote:Hey, Bansy, I am an old fashioned Sister :? and the Cinderella sanskars still lingers!! :lol:. Seriously now, I miss a sense of belonging, I am not married, no kids and now no boyfriend, and no ex-BKs around here. Sometimes is not easy to fit in with "society" ... does anyone feel the same?

Hi freedom,

I certainly do in fact most of the time I feel like "a fish out of water" within society. It's an horrible feeling when you cannot fit properly in this world any more and at the same time the BK world seems more and more distant.

I especially miss friends, even though the forum does help a lot in that sense, but belonging to a warm Mediterranean country ... I need to be physically close to people. I would love to live near to at least some of you and have the possibility to go for a walk together, go swimming or invite you home for a nice meal (I am an excellent cook). Unfortunately (or should I say luckily for them) in my country there very, very few BKs and I am the only "dissident" at the moment. How sad!

Love, Adikari

PostPosted: 03 May 2007
by Mr Green
Hey freedom, always good to see you around. I thought you'd show up at the whiff of a party :lol: :lol:.

I know you like dancing, and anythings that's Brazilian is fine by me ... heheheh.


PostPosted: 05 May 2007
by freedom
Hi, Mr. Green,

I am still around ... always ready to dance ... 8) (I find dancing as a way of letting all the stuck or unfocussed energy go out of your body, like stretch).

I also wish we could meet. Let's exchange physical addresses. Maybe we are closer than we think !! :roll: .. you can google me, I am in Bridgehampton, Long Island, NY, USA.

Re: ..

PostPosted: 05 May 2007
by ex-l
freedom wrote:I find dancing as a way of letting all the stuck or unfocussed energy go out of your body, like stretch.

They say dancing is a great way to remove psychic blockages too, along with sex which is another reason why it is attractive to us, even though it comes with its own attachments. I suppose the same must be true of physical yogas and some healing bodywork but spontaneous dance has its own effect on our spirit.

PostPosted: 07 May 2007
by paulkershaw
They say dancing is a great way to remove psychic blockages too

Anyone ever try Gabrielle Roths Five Rythm Moving Meditation which takes the form of dancing to certain music in different structured ways.

1st there's Flowing, then Staccato, then Chaos, then Lyrical, then Stillness. Its a great release mechanism for many things and great exercise too ...

PostPosted: 07 May 2007
by joel
paulkershaw wrote:Anyone ever try Gabrielle Roths Five Rythm Moving Meditation which takes the form of dancing to certain music in different structured ways.

Yes, just a couple months ago. I loved it. Called "The Wave". Percussion and flute with narration.

PostPosted: 26 May 2007
by bro neo
I used to love getting to a good rave and just totally losing the plot on the dance floor. The longer I walk down the road of the ex-BK, and with my increasing wisdom and understanding of reality and relationships, the less enjoyable and blissful doing it is. It might be just because I am always sober though.

PostPosted: 26 May 2007
by zhuk
I've always been terribly uncordinated ... absolutely no ability to move my limbs in any coherent way ... with or without music :P. No wonder the only type of dancing i could ever do was a type of weirdly spastic pogo ... and let's face it, that means nothing more than jumping up & down :lol:.

If only i was in your hemisphere neo! /sigh ... I am sure you could give us some mad pointers :wink:.

Re: ..

PostPosted: 29 May 2007
by abrahma kumar
adikarisoul wrote:I especially miss friends, even though the forum does help a lot in that sense, but belonging to a warm Mediterranean country ... I need to be physically close to people. I would love to live near to at least some of you and have the possibility to go for a walk together, go swimming or invite you home for a nice meal (I am an excellent cook). Unfortunately (or should I say luckily for them) in my country there very, very few BKs and I am the only "dissident" at the moment. How sad!
Love, Adikari

Thanks adikarisoul. Maybe it is not such a crazy thing if there will be an ex-BK retreat sometime. Maybe someone gets inspired to start something. OS

PostPosted: 29 May 2007
by bro neo
Thanks zhuk, but my hemisphere is not a pretty one at the moment.

Now, the dance lesson (can add this to the retreat activities). Dance your way out of the BKWSU!

I never studied any kind of dance, just got loaded all the time and then one night a friend just said lets go boogie. I copied him, and what others were doing. After a few hundred nights of copying what I thought was cool, it just became muscle memory and I would move to beats and sounds in ways that really amped my emotional state. Emotional states state were continuously ampted by music that I loved and moving in a way that felt good I would eventually ‘loose the plot’; I would reach a zone state.

My old definition of cool was what I admired.

Once I was able to get out of my head and get a life my definition changed. Cool to me now is more like somewhere in between the cultural personified classic appearance and mannerism and the super star.

Of course this never got me very many hunies but when I was really loaded I didn’t really mind so long as I (my state) was gone. In my days of sobriety it’s a different story. Being aware of the people around me and valuing impressing the ladies more then zoning out has got me to change my style.

I have had to turn down the notch a few 1000 hertz. This best way to dance, IMO to impress the ladies is like what Hitch said in the movie Hitch. Just that step move with the arms at the sides looking strong with good body language and posture. Of course depends on what kinda of music though.

So folks you can either do your own thing and not get any, or be cool.

some fun, and informal times, pls!

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2007
by alladin
So, regardless of different continents, holiday times, money, etc ... shall we at least start having a powerful thought of spending one day some leisure time together?? :wink:

Love to all, to start with!

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2007
by button slammer
paulkershaw wrote:Anyone ever try Gabrielle Roths Five Rythm Moving Meditation which takes the form of dancing to certain music in different structured ways. 1st there's Flowing, then Staccato, then Chaos, then Lyrical, then Stillness. Its a great release mechanism for many things and great exercise too ...

Sure, after leaving the BK world I danced for years. Dancing the 'Wave' was a fabulous time for several years (met plenty of kindred spirits, and learnt plenty about life).

PostPosted: 10 Jun 2007
by in the night
SO, what about that party.. missed it?? :P How about we meet in Abu Road and then go on from there ... will we be needing body guards?? ... I don't think so!! :wink:.