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PostPosted: 11 Jan 2007
by amaranthine
John wrote:I am now a lot more incognito about my beliefs :D

As am i - with my BK family!

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2007
by Mr Green
David Goodman is indeed a dentist, but he has suffered serious illness of late and this is the reason he's given up work, he must be 50ish

He is a decent bloke, I got on well with him, given a lot of status and he doesn't really lord it over others ... Maureen is also nice, but not right.

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by ex-l
Mr Green wrote:He is a decent bloke, I got on well with him, given a lot of status and he doesn't really lord it over others ... Maureen is also nice, but not right.

Sure, but do you think he has been keeping up a pension plan, savings account, healthcare insurance? Or has he given it all away and is now just living on social security benefits? Its a separate topic but just how are the BKs going to deal with their old, sick and weary if Destruction does not come to eat them up?
sparkal wrote:BKs hurling things at each other is one thing, journalists interfering from the outside is another, though perhaps it has been coming, this is a family matter, and it should remain that way.

Spoken like a true abused child ...

The Daddies has been abusing the Mothers; the kids sit, watch and learn. It is not what the Daddies say, it is what the Daddies do that matters. The older ones copy. Some learn to abuse and some learn to be abused. Which party says that it is a "family matter, and it should remain that way". I am not accusing you, I am just pointing out the programming. How much access did you say you got to Dadi Janki?

Speaking personally, why I think the outside world has a right to know up front about, a) what and how the BKWSU teaches and, b) what its internal practises are; is that the BKWSU is, in essence, preying on the "outside world" for the money, status and human batteries it requires to run. For me, it, exhibit much more the tendences of Asuras or even "hungry ghosts" (two separate metaphors) than it does an angelic saviours.

To begin with, I used to look at the Shiva soul as the source of this. Now, from considering what the PBKs are suggesting, I am thinking, "well, it may not be the Shiva soul. It may be other "devillish" souls, entities or thoughtforms that are using the airwaves created by BK family". Asuras are the jealous gods. As a quick reference point, see this link chosen at random.

One thing for sure, is that the practise of BK Raja Yoga (it is NOT Raja Yoga) opens up the individual psychically to other forces than just pure benign ones. This is something you yourself comment on and, I believe, are confused by and coming to terms with. Whether these psychic influences are from actual spooks flying about the BK airwaves, or whether these psychic influences are from individuals within the BK airwaves, individuals or collective thought forms, it does not really matter.

If I was a BK with integrity and intelligence, at this moment in time, I would shut down all external outreach programmes, stop and make the organization and leaders look within to address the issues that are arising here. Ethically, it is wrong to continue to go out capturing human souls to suck the life and money out of them knowing that something is actually quite wrong about what you are doing ... never mind re-writing the faith to fit failing circumstances.

I think it is the unchallenged madness of the current leadership to continue whipping individuals on in the way that they do and to this end, society very much has a right to know what is going on and discuss it. Especially if society is being lied to, used and expected to pay for its members support.
    I don't even think 90% of the BK Brahmin family know the full extent of what is going on.

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by abrahma kumar
Thank you Ex-I.

Aspects of your post reveal where I am at now in terms of my spirirtual development. No more meditation courses for me - absolutely none. I too am beginning to question whether BK Raja Yoga is really Raja Yoga at all - and I think is is not.

Looking at your comments regarding Shiva soul, PBKs etc my basic instinct now is that I have accepted all of these things without question for 14 years. How could I? I never researched the phenomena - as if I became an expert on all of that stuff! - it is really ridiculous.

And I too feel that society has a right to know - not in a vengeful way - though I can guess that any such 'sharing' with the public at large will be frowned upon. But in an informative eay. The BKWSU reach is very far. Can you imagine the attacks? But it will be written.

I will share something with you that I was told comes from the so-called BK folklore and I am beginning to wonder if it is fanciful or indeed true. I have been told in Gyani chit chat that a day will come when the government in India will handover governance of Bharat to the BK's. The reason I was given for this is that one day Bharat will become ungovernable and the profile of BKs as being pure etc etc would make then ideal candidates - I kid you not and this I was told long before the BK's got so close to any of India's ruling classes.
Now President Kalam's picture can be seen adorning many BK periodicals these days meeting with the Dadis and other BK dignataries. blah blah blah. What is all about? And then there is all that money! What for?

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by ex-l
Abrahma Kumar wrote:I have been told in Gyani chit chat that a day will come when the government in India will handover governance of Bharat to the BK's. The reason I was given for this is that one day Bharat will become ungovernable and the profile of BKs as being pure etc etc would make then ideal candidates - I kid you not

I can confirm that. The source might have even been the Murlis although it will take John or Arjun to prove that. One of the many sub-gyani truths circulated to create mystique.

On one hand it sounds fairly nuts. A carrot to dangle to the politically ambitious within the BKs. But it does tie in BK-ism with Indian nationalism, a relationship that is unspoken but very prevalent. Would you welcome the opportunity ... and how long for before Destruction comes?
    What will become of the Double Foriegner centers? The New Indian Embassies!?!
But, on the other, if God Shiva can create an army of corruption free monkeys to free Sita through hypnotism and re-programming, then all fair and good.

I have long thought that the game plan was the end result rather than "The Truth" and if the BKWSU can sort itself out, then may be it is a better option than the world we have at present. I don't know ... it is still very experimental. But, for sure, BK-ism is washing into politics.

I would still like to see accountable structures, duty of care and transparency. In fact, make that even moreso. This is your chance to define the future world government. Are there are other unwritten rumours circulating?

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by Mr Green
The same has been said about downing street, maybe not in Murlis but definitely Dadis. they believe world power will be handed over to them when the world descends into chaos and the BKs will be the only ones in the know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think those in the highest inner circles will be 'looked after' out of the monies you and I donated to the Brahma Kumaris, they won't be left to starve and when it becomes obvious that destruction doesn't exist there will be many wanting a hand out

I think David has money of his own, I don't like to discuss people in public unless they have something to answer to in terms of administration of the insanity that the BKs have become, and seeing as he is a mere 'man' or Brother....(god how I used to hate people calling me that) he has played a very small role in the running of things

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by arjun
ex-l wrote:I can confirm that. The source might have even been the Murlis

I have a point from an Avyakt Vani that speaks about the Indian Parliament coming into the hands of ShivBaba's children. It is as follows:

"The inspiration of service should be received from Delhi. Just as the Central Govt. (is in Delhi), so all the stations receive directions form the centre. Similarly, these should be a Parliament to bring novelty in the plans of service or the service ... Special plans should come out every mouth from Delhi. Then the end will come near and the hails of victory will be heard in the same Parliament house." [Avyakt Vani dated 26/12/78]


PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by arjun
ex-l wrote:I would still like to see accountable structures, duty of care and transparency. In fact, make that even moreso. This is your chance to define the future world government. Are there are other unwritten rumours circulating?

BapDada (through Gulzar Dadiji) has also spoken about the gathering of Brahmins becoming a glass house where everybody's character would be clearly visible. ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) has also talked about the gathering of Brahmins becoming like a fortress where no sinful person would be able to enter.

And the Murli point of the Court of Indra (Indrasabha) where no sinful human being could enter is very common in the Sakar Murlis. It is also mentioned how an Apsara (dancing girl of the heaven) brought a human being into the heaven stealthily and he got transformed into stone. It is only an example. Baba says that the in the end the gathering of Brahmins would become so pure and strong that no sinful person would be able to enter. You all might remember that many years ago BKs had spent a whole year trying to control anger because BapDada had declared that he would meet only those who had gained victory over anger. But many years have passed by since then and he continues to meet everyone (including some outsiders, i.e. VIPs) that too in thousands. So where is BapDada fulfilling or would fulfil that promise of meeting only those children who have gained victory over anger?

And when we talk about transparency, then it would also include questions related to everybody's past, i.e. whatever sins everyone has performed in the past, whether collectively or individually. How can we just forget the sins that we have committed in the past????? But one of our friends who has joined recently says that we must all forget the past of BKs, PBKs, and other groups. How will then the transparency come about????????


PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by amaranthine
i've never connected those those two facts before

Baba stating that 'impure' souls should not be brought into the gather and that 'vip' souls meet him.


PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by arjun
ex-l wrote:What will become of the Double Foriegner centers? The New Indian Embassies!?!

ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) has said that the heretics within the Brahmin family who have brought about disrepute to the Brahmin family would be forced to go to the foreign lands to transform themselves and the souls of the religion which they would get converted from Copper Age onwards.

It is but natural that the souls of the Brahmin family presently living in the foreign countries, but following the Shrimat fully would come to India and live with ShivBaba and the gathering of Gold-like souls.

Those heretic Brahmin souls who would be forced to go to the foreign countries would have to stay there till the destruction and would return to India after undertaking a painful and arduous journey after destruction. You can imagine their plight when there would not be any of the modern transport facilities.

Anyone of us could be in either of the two groups - emigrants or immigrants.


PostPosted: 13 Jan 2007
by sparkal
In last years Murli's point came up telling BKs that they should make them belong to you or to give then the experience of belonging. We now see Seniors hanging out with pop stars and politicians, which may be what they are being asked to do now. It does not mean that they are like minded, it may however suggest some sort of change, like, trying to break out of the bubble and affect the world for real. It is not realistic to say that Seniors should only be seen with pure souls, I mean, where are they going to find pure souls?
Most of the souls who pass through the door of the centre in a week may not be celibate. If laity was introduced, there would still be an inner circle of celibates. There will be souls who go to morning class at the moment who are not celibate. It is up to the individual to decide on what is right for them, the teachings are designed to teach us how to think and not what to think. I don't think that none celibate souls should be enforcing their views on others within the BKs, it is no better.
And of course, any publicity is good publicity for publicity seekers. The only publicity a spiritual group will get from the media Will be derogatory I suspect. So the world has noticed the BKs exist, they will dissect it in a negative way, then realise that there is substance of a sort. In the meantime, the inner circle may change with it, we are all changing whether we notice or not.
Also, I feel that this site would not be here if it was not part of the overall agenda, at a time when the BKs need a kick up the backside to prepare them for what is coming.

news paper

PostPosted: 21 Jan 2007
by proy
I got he Scottish Mail on Sunday again today.
There is nothing in it about the BKs, just a lot of stuff about Cherie Blair getting discount prices on designer dresses.

PostPosted: 22 Jan 2007
by abrahma kumar
Om Shanti proy, The news article in the Mail has been mentioned in GCH on Sunday.

PostPosted: 22 Jan 2007
by proy
Abrahma Kumar wrote:Om Shanti proy, The news article in the Mail has been mentioned in GCH on Sunday.

Om Shanti Abrahma Kumar,
Do you mean the Mail article was mentioned in Global Co-operation House, the headquarters of the BKWSU administration in London?
Is this "mentioning" in print or was it verbal?
Did you hear or see it mentioned?
What was said and how was the feeling of what was said?
Can you give us some more information please?

PostPosted: 22 Jan 2007
by abrahma kumar
Yes proy reference to a newspaper article in a Sunday edition of a National Newspaper in which aspects as referred to in my post were mentioned in GCH on Sunday. given what was said my initial response was that it was 'news' to me so to speak because of the prior discussion on this site. However kindly note that my post was focussing on the public awakening to the BKWSU as a consequence of the organisation's association with certain public figures. I really want to stress that impulse behind my posting because I do not want to pander to any - and excuse this phrase - "misguided glee" that might be felt at an organisation's discomfiture at having the 'looking glass' placed up close and personal to it.

Am not accusing anyone but this is cyberspace and one never know's who is picking up on what is being said and what twist will be put on it. I value this forum because it provides an opportiunity to discuss aspects of our spiritual life that may not be addressed in our respective institutions, thus I hope that we all find it an invaluable resource and keep our intentions clean so that even if someone does not agree with all that is being said then at least a spirit of fairness will serve to convey the honorable nature of our intent. Otherwise we wil all be discredited by association with it.

Even as i re-read that post i note the word 'our' is used. For me it is indicative of the fact that irregardless of the anonymity of the www a feeling of 'community' does arise from one's participation in it. Personally I see one of the my roles as that of a 'guardian' of this resource. However at the same time i do not feel compelled to rebut opinions that I disagree with or to slavishly assert my agreement with others.

In peace
Abrahma Kumar