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PostPosted: 21 Nov 2006
by ex-l
pbktrinityshiva wrote:Who are the christians in the PBK model.. how do you mean?

I am just trying to understand the PBK concept of the seeds of different religions.

What I have picked up from conversation is that the so-called "Islamic" ones are having a big influence right now, references to "traffic control" being Salaah etc. By comparison, I wondered what were the Christian elements within the BK family, e.g. not the Westerners from Christian countries but the Christian seed souls with the BK family and how they were acting?

PostPosted: 21 Nov 2006
by arjun
ex-l wrote:Just out of interest, the PBKs talk a lot about the seeds of the different religions in Gyan, pointing a finger at those within the BKWSU as being the seed of the Islamic faith; but who,what or where is the seed of the Buddhist faith?

For a world religion that came number two, Shiva has been awfully quiet about it.

Omshanti. For your kind information I am quoting an extract from the Advance Course related to the Kalpa Tree which also deals with Buddhism.
"After this, the fourth religion is ----Buddhism. The special feature of Mahatma Buddha has been ‘non-violence in a limited sense’. When Buddha came to India, the tradition of violent yagyas (sacrificial altars) was prevalent vigorously in India. Not only animals, but also human beings and the children were cut into pieces & baked in the sacrificial altar (Yagya). Their flesh used to be baked in fire and consumed as an auspicious offering (prasad). It was called Narmedh Yagya (a sacrificial altar where human beings were sacrificed). At that time Mahatma Buddha arrived and opposed these violent yagyas. Those who followed him, i.e., the Buddhists renounced this violent tradition. Initially the path of household was accorded special importance in Buddhism. They were the ones who used to give special importance to Brahmacharya (celibacy). But later on, after sometime, when, due to their innocence, men & women started living together in the Buddhist Vihars, then vyabhichar (adultery) became widespread in them. And when the disclosure of this fact took place, then the male Buddhists started getting a feeling of deep renunciation and they started becoming Sanyasis of the path of isolation. That is why Baba has said in a Vani, “When did Sanyasis (Indian monks) come? (They come) a little before the Christians”.(mu.25.4.73,pg.4) Actually, the Sanyasis (Hindu monks) who were initiated into monkshood by Shankaracharya came later on, but before them the souls of Buddhism only had started becoming Sanyasis. So ‘the renunciation of home and background in limited sense and the non-violence in limited sense’ has been the special feature of Buddhists. The non-violence of Buddhists is a cowardly non-violence. That is why they did not at all face the foreign mercenaries. They handed over their wives & children very easily to the tormentors and became subordinates forever. This is the reason why Buddhism could not remain in existence for a long period in the world and this is the reason why today atheism i.e. the communism of Russia is popular in all the lands under Buddhism."

As regards the root-like soul of Buddhism within the BK family I would write in my next post.
with regards,

Re: Heaven and Hell

PostPosted: 10 Jan 2012
by raghav_am
I like one god, one world family concept of Brahmakumaris. There are many paths who give spiritual knowledge. Brahmakumaris knowledge very scientific and unique. Such an accurate knowledge can only be given by supreme GOD himself. They are giving very good value based education.

Re: Heaven and Hell

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2012
by Mr Green
the BKs don't believe in one world family, they believe in death to most, they are completely non scientific, and don't provide value based education!