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Re: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

PostPosted: 17 Feb 2009
by paulkershaw
And here I was hoping ... oh well, more changes on an ever constant alternating landscape ... I wish you well in your journey and hope you will reconsider your choice.

Best wishes /P/

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

PostPosted: 17 Feb 2009
by Terry
So just to clarify - without naming names - how many people are involved in the decision making? (I cannot see that revealing numbers might be a "security" risk) and what proportion are BK, ex- BK, PBK etc? Was it a unanimous decision?

The feedback here seems mainly against the decision, most seem for an open forum, not segregated.

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

PostPosted: 17 Feb 2009
by paulkershaw
Maybe an online poll would guide the process?

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

PostPosted: 17 Feb 2009
by frisbee
Another thought ... are the current arrangements broken? i.e. dysfunctional or not serving some peoples' needs?

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

PostPosted: 17 Feb 2009
by bansy
Who are the moderators in this forum ? Would you all like to know ?

I used to be one and admitted it openly. But I do not know who else was or now is moderating.

I opted out because moderators get bullied when things are not appreciated. Had to save the forum once when it almost got "overspill". Yeah, and this is what you get.

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

PostPosted: 17 Feb 2009
by john morgan
I ain't been here long though I know a little about the moderator input on this and the previous forum. If I know a little lots of other people know a lot more. In this Forum, I have been "standing on the shoulders of giants." My Bansy, how tall you are!

In Madhuban, I met Didi. She and Dadi Kumarka headed the Yagya. We sat facing each other and she gave me drishti. It was very gentle, so cool calm and clear. I appreciate the gift much more now.

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

PostPosted: 18 Feb 2009
by admin
There are currently 3/4 individuals directly involved in the financial and technical support of this website, not all of whom contribute to the ongoing discussion.

There are 3 more individuals that contribute to the ongoing policy management of the website and forum, their involvement determined by the committment to the project they have shown.

A number of the original core group have resigned their positions either out of a wish to move on, to avoid the criticism labeled at moderators, to which Bansy refers, or due to personal differences.

The real costs of running this website, legal action excluded, reach is many thousands of dollars every year as must have cost, the founders of which we are most grateful for having inspired and built up this community in the first place.

The copyediting of posts (correcting formatting and typographic errors) and complex softwares used to create this site and forum require consistent attention on a part-time basis and, at times due to security breaches or upgrade cycles, a full-time commitment. The greater work of suporting individual's exit the BKWSU, assisting non-BK individuals whose families are threatened by the Brahma Kumaris, handling requests, lobbying and outreach work could easily create full-time work for one or more individuals.

As our time is limited, and moderators have been reduced in numbers, we have been forced to focus our attentions. As stated in our policy, BrahmaKumaris.Info has always been "publishing" not merely "discussion", individuals can best assist by keep 'on topic', formatting and presenting their ideas well. There is always more work to do than we can achieve and many projects outstanding.

A decision was made early on not to ask for or accept financial donations. To have done so would have been potentially to exploit individuals in the same manner as the BKWSU, lowering ourselves to their level and would have been "against Shrimat". That we did not seek to financially "profit" in anyway at all from this website - despite being falsely accused by the Brahma Kumaris - was one of our strong defences against the individuals in the BKWSO. Individuals who themselves do and have financially benefited from their involvement within the Brahma Kumari movement perhaps even in a dubious manner.

What "donations" we have sought are by way of a committment to;

    a) provide firm information on an ongoing basis to document the real nature of the Brahma Kumari experience and movement
    b) collate a full collection of English, Hindi and other language Murlis, preferably as original as possible. The purpose of which was to serve and empower those wish to follow the religion, decentralizing the control of information within it. It has proven very popular.
Amongst our critics are those that were asked to help in this activity but refused to do so.

The license under which BrahmaKumaris.Info is published is "Copyleft". This gives any individual the right to take a copy of all of this website, replicate it and develop it in their own prefered manner. If individuals are unhappy with the current direction, we will provide for them a copy of all parts and, within reason, assist or collaborate with their ISP to establishing a new forum etc as we have done recently with BK-PBK.Info.

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

PostPosted: 18 Feb 2009
by ex-l
bansy wrote:I opted out because moderators get bullied when things are not appreciated. Had to save the forum once when it almost got "overspill". Yeah, and this is what you get.

bansy, do you mean the 'John' versus 'BK Sweetchill' episode where general chit chat posts were moved and Sweetchill freaked, accusing us of deleting his posts?

john morgan ... yes, joining the is not as easy as going to your Didi's house but Baba will always have you back they say. Sex, drugs, rock'n'roll ... anything as long as you have not become a PBK that is.

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

PostPosted: 18 Feb 2009
by Terry
Thanks Admin for an informative reply.

Of the 6 individuals who either administrate or contribute to policy - I don't see any need to identify them - but can you confirm that at least one is an active BK, at least one is ex-BK, at least one is PBK so there is a sense of "community" despite belief systems? I ask this based on the advice that this forum is to be segregated between the groups. Is this definitely going ahead Admin?

I offer Sukhi's recent new topic and posting, "I am a new comer and want help with my relationship" - a current BK posting on to the ex-BK forum, as proof of the value of the open forum.

I would also suggest that, although formatting and correcting typos is great and makes for a much more pleasant experience, it is not primary. You could save more time with less precise standards. Most forums I have looked at mostly leave things as they are - the onus is on the contributor to make themselves understood. (Of course, where English is not a first language - which can be indicated upon registration - such editing would be of service)
by frisbee ยป Another thought ... are the current arrangements broken? i.e. dysfunctional or not serving some peoples' needs?

What is the reply to this?

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

PostPosted: 18 Feb 2009
by ex-l
terry wrote:I offer Sukhi's recent new topic and posting, "I am a new comer and want help with my relationship" - a current BK posting on to the ex-BK forum, as proof of the value of the open forum.

I am sorry, I cannot help ejaculating at this point. By which, of course, I mean the grammatical form of "an utterance expressed outside of the normal linguistic structure". I hardly think someone who enjoys loving masturbating and being masturbated by her husband counts as a "current BK" unless the BKWSU has change an awful lot since I left ... and more power to her elbow I say!

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

PostPosted: 18 Feb 2009
by Terry
So you think BKs abstain from self-congratulating? In Oz when I came back here in 85, if you wanted to go to Madhuban, you filled in a form. One question asked was, "have you masturbated in the last x amount of time?" !!!

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

PostPosted: 18 Feb 2009
by admin
terry wrote:I ask this based on the advice that this forum is to be segregated between the groups. Is this definitely going ahead Admin?

Are the current arrangements broken? i.e. dysfunctional or not serving some peoples' needs?

The split has already occurred and a dedicated BK-PBK forum has been independently established by and for followers at BK-PBK.Info.

The ownership, administration and direction of BK-PBK.Info is now entirely separate from BrahmaKumaris.Info.

Although, in theory, we support the value of the initial experiment of an entirely ecumenical forum in practice, without sufficient annual funding to provide an annual living allowance for one person, it cannot happen. Whereas healing the differences and managing all parties involved might be possible, the burden of sustaining it is too great for our current resources.

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

PostPosted: 18 Feb 2009
by Terry
OK, that's clear to me - keep up the good work.

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

PostPosted: 18 Feb 2009
by john morgan
Thanks ex-I for your encouragement, but is open debate allowed in a yogic kingdom? Surely it's the comb or brush rather than the mirror that keeps one well groomed. ;)

Reducing daily spamming by the creation of the new forums was a smart move.

Re: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

PostPosted: 21 Feb 2009
by bansy
I am always grateful for this forum as it has definitely made me come to terms with many things I would have grappled over in and out of BK life. Despite all the flurries between members, including mine, it is just a blip and goes on. You are probably aware by now, I am not one who goes into things as deep and let things be.

Though I think it should be clearly documented (a special post) of how this forum has evolved, because some older posts and polls in this forum were inclusive of BKs, PBKs, Splinters and ex-BKs alike, but now that representation is not there. I think terry's idea of BK, PBK, ex-BK moderator is a bit like "proportional representation"?

But the recent split is welcome because previously BKs (love or hate it) would interject into discussions between ex-BKs or Family of BKs and newcomers, youths etc. Whilst they would obviously try to convince these folks into the BK way, it is usually not the reason these newcomers came into the forum for.

I use the "new" button at the top of the page to view the latest posts, and when ex-BK, BK and PBK posts get intermingled, it is frustrating at times (more so especially for the newer joiners) to have to wade through irrelevant posts. Although this is still largely a forum open for "all".

So, now I am able to choose to post in the red and the blue forum (sounds like those Matrix pills again :D), it actually gives a greater balance.

There have been some really good members of late (you know who, and sorry if I sound like a oldie but forum age has no relevance), and although I am by means any judge on their views, it has given new insights. I hope more passing members will come in, and broaden the opinions. It has taken several years for this forum to reach where it is, so well done everyone for keeping it healthy.