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Re: BK Gazing (drishti) practice in relation to self

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2009
by rayoflight

Here is a big hug for you too. Cry if you must. It's human and it's real.

I will cry with you because that's what people with a heart do. They cry, especially when it breaks.

Re: BK Gazing (drishti) practice in relation to self

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2009
by ex-l
What someone needs to do is a drishti experiment with non-BKs with no "spiritual" or spiritualist background ... have a load of non-BKs stare at each other between the eyes and see what happens.

Of course, *some* science has been done. Earlier I posted an article about scientist's studing "how to make someone fall in love (approx)" and their discovery that staring in the eyes helps. We cannot exclude that component. We cannot exclude the simple component most will have experienced of a mother or Father staring into the eyes of the baby, arguably part of the infantilization - pedomorphosis ... or whatever you might call it - of the BK experience where adults are encouraged to stay children to their leaders.

We cannot exclude there being hypnotic element and, I would argue, we cannot exclude that some other "psychic" or "yogic" effect on some psychic or "energetic" level ... all of which "science" would have a fit at the idea of.

One theme that is arising on this forum recently is that there are two things going on in Brahma Kumari-ism. One on a natural, personal level that produces spiritual experiences and highs ... and another behind that which is using or taking advantage of those natural highs.

Whether one looks at this in a metaphysical manner ... which the skeptics would instantly dismiss and use to discredit one ... or on a psychological manner ... for example, as sociological undercurrents within the movement ... it does not really matter to me.

Like "the language of dreams" ... which the very same skeptics would also dismiss ... the poetic, metaphorical language is, to my mind, really the best and only language we have to discuss these things.

Either way, they - and other critics within the religion such as the PBKs, both point to the same thing. There is more going on that meets the eyes ... and one should keep one's feet on the ground (... and wallet in one's pocket).

Re: BK Gazing (drishti) practice in relation to self

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2009
by jann
The trick is to stare and not be the first one to look another way. Very simple physical method.

That is how you make someone fall in love with you. Easy is it not?

Re: BK Gazing (drishti) practice in relation to self

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2009
by ex-l
Here is a non-scientific experiment in staring ... mainly for the boys on forum to "check their stage".

How does Jessice Alba's drishti compare to, say, Big Mohinis? (I don't want to give the BKs ideas ... but thank God they have not targeted Jessica for VIP services yet).

It makes me a bit sad really (not Jessica Alba but all this BK stuff) ... something so natural and beautiful as two human being staring into each others eyes becomes a psychic warzone.

Re: BK Gazing (drishti) practice in relation to self

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2009
by jann
jannisder wrote:The trick is to stare and not be the first one to look another way. Very simple physical method. That is how you make someone fall in love with you. Easy is it not?

I meant psychological of course.

games of seduction

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2009
by alladin
Hi. Excuse my ignorance, who's Jessica Alba ... a pornostar who took the 7 days course at the BKs?

Once a male friend who liked dating expensive escorts, and watching blue movies too, told me that one of the most powerful ways for a woman (and a man I suppose) to attract a man, is through glancing/staring, and also drew my attention to the power of the voice. Apparently there are methods much more efficient and refined than blunt beauty, revealing clothes etc. Winking, making eyes, ogling, alluding, are some of the skills one need for raising money through the oldest profession - and also to trap a rich man.

Haven't you noticed enough of this, in the BKs, and dismissed it as exceptions, or personal paranoias , if not projections of our own lecherous unreformed nature ( guilty feeling surfacing over and over again :sad: : ).

Other BK Brothers told me that often they felt that , especially young Kumaris, not the old ugly bearded BK female seals :D !, had the role of luring new students and inciting them through their sweetness or carrot/stick game, to remain within the sect ( is this spiritual support or penis support?). I noticed that all the time, but I considered them as cases of ordinary attraction between 2 individuals, not part of some agenda of the Shiv Shakti Army who tries to limit desertions. Crafty Sisters, like in witchcraft!! If you help in service, I may give you ... promises ... a bowl of soup late at night,when nobody is there, transgression ...

The Murli speaks about the world being now a brothel , and being turned into the temple, Shivalaya. And these women, with see through clothes, playing soft music, burning incense, distributing sweets around, turning on soft red lights, what are they up to? Money for Baba's box, the spiritual maitresse or pimp? Getting regular customers?

In how many centers does one breath air of true spirituality and cleanliness, and can relax into soul consciousness without the perception of some hidden agenda, and the anxiety of "what are they going to ask me to do next or correct me about?" Aren't most centers, arenas for political battles, power struggles, love affairs and so on?

Anyway, sorry about this impure digression, back to the drishti, this matter, I think depends on one's state of mind, level of purity, and intentions. And here I am talking about awareness and choices one makes about what to do with one's spiritual power and organs (eyes). Sending good healing positive vibes with altruistic motives, first of all helping others to become more free, or wanting to control, possess and bewitch others?

The nastier scenario and subsequent question: do other disencarnated souls temporarily possess the person guiding meditation in order to hypnotize them, mesmerize them or influence them? The BK themselves seem to answer "yes " to this question. By defining this practise as "Baba (God) giving experiences and speaking through a teacher". Of course, it is not just harmless, but beneficial, and one should try to perfect it.

Step aside, surrender your intellect, lend your body and in this case eyes to Baba and let him do his job, give touchings ... crazy inspirations!

Re: games of seduction

PostPosted: 21 Aug 2009
by ex-l
alladin wrote:Hi. Excuse my ignorance, who's Jessica Alba ... a pornostar who took the 7 days course at the BKs?

Good heavens. Talk about "looking in the mirror" ...

Jessica Alba is one of America's most talented and brightest young actress, all the more respect worthy for being mixed race (Mexicans are treated as second class citizens in the US and Hollywood) and an avid charity worker too. She is a wife and mother, and has no connection with the BKWSU.

Its funny but all that stuff you speak of going on in BK centers is the very stuff of Hindu mythology; jealous, hatred, seduction, deception etc.

Dristhi, on the other hand, is very much mediumship in my book. There may well be the "experience of the self" and the passing on of the experience of the self (transmission). Perhaps that is the true element of dristhi. But I have no doubt that there is also the mediumship of other, or unknown, spiritual influences going on as well.

I, personally, know that I am not able to do unto others some of the experiences that they received during meditation courses. How did they happen?

As you write, this is the BKs aim and object ... not to get in the way on an individual level and allow the spooks to work through them. One might argue that the spooks are benign enough and that it is only the human element that corrupts it ... but at this late date, I think that is too much to hope for.