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PostPosted: 28 Nov 2007
by ex-l
Terrorism is a stupidly over used and a corrupted word that is now being joyously used for political and capital (the service of money) ends, e.g. animal rights activists in the USA have now been official branded as 'terrorists' and their acts punishable as terrorism, no longer a mere civil or criminal act. How long before ALL dissent is branded so? No doubt if the civil rights movement was active today, all blacks would similarly be branded as terrorists ... we should not underestimate the erosion of civil rights that is going on at this time. Many civil, environmental and 'single issue' campaigns ARE being treated with suspicion and targeted by the State for their comrades in Industry and Finance as we write.

But for a serious discussion of the psychological implication of the use of complete annihilation such as "Destruction", see the written work of academic Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi. Possibly ... there is a serious discussion to be had in this corner. I wonder how the BK "Destruction Pornography" affects the minds of children brought up under it, or indeed, the relationship between mother and children? I wonder how different it is to say, children brought up in the Gaza Strip where a limited destruction is much more likely from a neighbouring terrorist state, such as Israel, is much more likely?

Bro Neo...:-)

PostPosted: 28 Nov 2007
by tete
Kricki ... where is the Admin when you need 'em! 'p***s! Wow!

Could legal action be used as violence? Actually, I think it can be and was violence. 'The explosion of speech and expression over the Internet has led to a resurgence of censorship directed at this new means of expression. We now consider Cyber Liberties a priority ... (1998)

The legal attack sure left us all shook up looking for ... What big teeth ...

'The Colonel declines the lunch invitation with the Green Brahma Kumaris'!

'I tell ya he was pink, all fuzzy, even cuddly looking when we spotted 'em with the lunch invitation'. 'He even spoke Hindi!'

Why did the bunny give 'em an invitation? Because they complained about a 'potato' in legal briefs.

Yes, a 'potato' ... given me a break ... I say.:x

Note: Definition of Satire:Satire (from Latin, "medley, dish of colourful fruits") is a technique used in drama, fiction, journalism, and occasionally in poetry, the graphic arts, the performing arts and other media. ...
    1 : a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn
    2 : trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly

PostPosted: 04 Dec 2007
by bro neo
Terrorists means terrorists. They front and lie to people for money and power and fund fear, murder, government corruption, harassment. The SS is not alone. They are connected to many different organizations and funding.

They have people and influence enough to make people disappear who try and reveal what they are doing behind the scene.

What they don't understand is some of us are untouchable. So now they have to be shut down and some one else has to take over, duh :roll:

PostPosted: 04 Dec 2007
by john
bro neo wrote:Terrorists means terrorists. They front and lie to people for money and power and fund fear, murder, government corruption, harassment. The SS is not alone. They are connected to many different organizations and funding.

They have people and influence enough to make people disappear who try and reveal what they are doing behind the scene.

What they don't understand is some of us are untouchable. So now they have to be shut down and some one else has to take over, duh :roll:

Just a hunch, but do you spend a lot of time playing computer games?

Are you seriously suggesting BKSWU is part of some terrorist organisation?

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2007
by bro neo
john wrote:Just a hunch, but do you spend a lot of time playing computer games? Are you seriously suggesting BKSWU is part of some terrorist organisation?

No, everything I suggest is serious and what matters is not what I or anyone else suggest. I think you're an adult. right? So think for your self, believe in what is true to yourself and don't eat to much toli.

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2007
by trinity
It must be so clear to all that the BKWSU is a fraud ... Holding you all up to do things for them and even abuse God for their own good ... that is evil to me!!! Just read what a cult leader is up to and think!!!!

Are you a person that wants to be involved?? You should be ashamed!!!

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2007
by john
bro neo wrote: So think for your self, believe in what is true to yourself and don't eat to much toli.

I am thinking for myself, and what I am thinking is that you have seriously lost the plot and become delusional. If you have any proof of BKSWU being or connected to terrorist organisations, maybe now is the time to let us know.
It must be so clear to all that the BKWSU is a fraud....

Just because something is faulty doesn't mean it is a fraud.
Just read what a cult leader is up to and think!!!!

So who is this cult leader and what is he/she up to?
You should be ashamed!!!

If people genuinely think it is God's work, why should they be ashamed, who are you to make such assertions anyway?

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2007
by bro neo
john wrote:I am thinking for myself, and what I am thinking is that you have seriously lost the plot and become delusional.

8) I am glad you're thinking for yourself, and by all means do think of me as you like, I respect that. I mean after all, I think you're probably a 40 year old virgin who still lives with his mom, because girls don't like you or you might just be some freak who worships the picture of BB because you like his mustache and the Sisters at your center let you clean up after them.

Regardless, if you want proof just look in the mirror. Don't forget to smile.

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2007
by adikarisoul
Please stop this way of expressing yourselves ... :( :(. It doesn't help any of us nor does it help the forum itself.

If we are here it's because we're all "in the same boat" but we do have the right to have different opinions and ideas about the BKWSU policy and deeds. If we behave among us in this "cruel" way, what's the difference between the BKs and us here??

Kind regards.

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2007
by sparkal
I have heard it all now, toli terrorists? :lol: Let's be honest, few of us actually know what is going on at ground level here and now. This web site is trying to uncover the past history, and obviously there are those who don't want it to be uncovered.

Perhaps we need to be clear about what we mean by "terrorist". Consider that it was the Bush administration or "Illuminati" who pull their strings who did the twin towers, and copious amounts of other acts of vile atrocity in recent times, and who may also masquerade in places like Iraq as Al Qaeda. So, who are BKWSU connected to or working for if they are terrorists? I have no doubts that there are secret society connections lurking in the closet. How far it extends is anyones guess.

There appears to be a small inner circle. Is this to keep something in or keep something out? Hopefully after certain events everything will become more transparent and the story told proper.

At the moment, there is far too much owning of knowledge going on.