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Re: I am Prajapita Brahma

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2008
by sachkhand
Aum Shanti,
arjun wrote:I have heard of one ex-PBK Yeduirappa (he has probably left his body too), ex-PBK Veerbhadrappa (about a decade ago) and another recent one in Bangalore (who asks all his followers to live royally to imbibe the sanskars of royalty of Golden Age) who also claimed to be Prajapita Brahmas.
sachkhand wrote:I hope Supreme Soul Shiv will not make a joke of me like them. If at all it happens to be a joke, I will not run away from my mistake or try to convince others. I will ask apology for my False Statement. But it will be a tragic incident for me because I will lose faith in my understanding. I will also continue with my Purusharth.

As I had written that I will ask apology for making a false statement that "I am Prajapita Brahma", if Prajapita will not be an important point in this Avyakt Vanis season. In Avyakt Vani season I think only one milan is remaining, and because till now nothing has been said about Prajapita Brahma in this season Avyakt Vanis, I take back my statement that "I am Prajapita Brahma". I APOLOGIZE TO YOU ALL for making FALSE STATEMENT. Sorry for disturbing you. :cry:


Re: I am Prajapita Brahma

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2008
by arjun
Sanjeev wrote:As I had written that I will ask apology for making a false statement that "I am Prajapita Brahma", if Prajapita will not be an important point in this Avyakt Vanis season. In Avyakt Vani season I think only one milan is remaining, and because till now nothing has been said about Prajapita Brahma in this season Avyakt Vanis, I take back my statement that "I am Prajapita Brahma". I APOLOGIZE TO YOU ALL for making FALSE STATEMENT. Sorry for disturbing you.

Dear Sanjeev Bhai,
Omshanti. I appreciate your sincerity and humbleness in making a public apology. Everyone cannot do that.
With good wishes,

Re: I am Prajapita Brahma

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2008
by bansy
Yes I also take good heart in others who make apologies, it always is stronger than to stay silent.

Re: I am Prajapita Brahma

PostPosted: 25 Apr 2008
by sachkhand
sachkhand wrote: I take back my statement that "I am Prajapita Brahma". I APOLOGIZE TO YOU ALL for making FALSE STATEMENT. Sorry for disturbing you. :cry:

Aum shanti.
But I think I know who I am. :)

Re: I am Prajapita Brahma

PostPosted: 25 Apr 2008
by arjun
sanjeev wrote:But I think I know who I am.

Could you please share your joy with us by letting us know who you are. :D