Janki Foundation is not a front organisation

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Re: Janki Foundation is not a front organisation

Post10 Apr 2008

ex-l wrote:No, its not a front ... it is a court for BK royalty!

Baba says those who enjoy kingship in the Confluence Age do not become kings in the broad drama (i.e. rest of the 5000 years old drama). During the Confluence Age, when the Father declares Himself to be an obedient servant how can we become/act like kings, even if it for the satisfaction of the subjects?

If the BKs want to glorify their Confluence-Aged self-appointed kings against the directions given in the Murlis, they can do it within the confines of their centers, but giving publicity to their royalty will only create a doubt in the minds of outsiders whether BKWSU is any different from the path of worship?



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Re: Janki Foundation is not a front organisation

Post10 Apr 2008

C'mon folks, there's no need to be so serious here. You know they are just plastic tiaras. We had a bunch of them at a Xmas party at the kindergarden.

Anyway, such crowns don't fit on my head, it is not that big, it's just that my halo gets in the way : :biggrin:
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parade of Miss Madhuban

Post10 Apr 2008

Thank you ex-l for such an eloquent photo which describes in short what the BKWSO is all about and what you can expect from them. When I showed it to my lokiks, they commented " It's like Miss Universe!" :wink:

Joel, I enjoyed reading your post and especially these lines:
Joel wrote:The Dadis wearing crowns, briefly, ceremonially, an act of love by the members of her spiritual family, with milennariast view of destruction and rebirth. The beliefs of imminent world destruction and eternal reward create a sense of anxiety that can be hijacked to manipulate financial decisions, or to disconnect a person's feelings from their actions, justifying the unjustifiable.
I am still, sometimes amazed. For new comers like JeanRoss, let me explain that the kindergarden play, Carnival costumes, are very common in this organization, and members have to attend celebrations where such masquerades occur. Many of us expect such occasions to be more "meditation oriented, " but often they turn into what some of us consider a "tacky nonsense" that is just embarassing :oops: and a distraction from the Yoga practise. In reality, there's a good percentage of BKs who feel very bored an uneasy, when at the end of the live meeting with the official Spook B/D, channelled exclusively at the official premises Madhuban, the SS and appointed BKs climb on the previously heavily decorated stage for personal meetings and darshan of the Spook that has also been spoonfed by the top, top ranks.

These scenes often cause, as I said, a lot of discomfort, stirring and doubts in westerners especially and they are in total contradiction with the core teachings of Raja Yoga themselves, such as; no pictures or worship of human gurus, no frills, no privileges and introversion rather than extroversion, silence, no ostentation, simplicity, no more Bhakti rituals. Witnessing what goes on and not allowing our trust to shake is a big test, rather than an empowering experience. If you survive that ...

Better for me to forget and re-emerge instead experiences of absolute opposite nature, such as blissful silence enjoyed in some meditation room. Maybe my understanding of the aims and systems of the corporate world, including a those of multinational company like the BKWSO, is very limited. But really I do not' know how they can conciliate so many different façades. I think it must be difficult to advertise a product (which could be an illusion, BTW!) with many volunteers as salesmen but to a very varied market. One needs to be a skillful and ruthless juggler, in order to succeed.

Who are the target clients? These aspects and events possibly want to appeal to the Indian Bhakti customers, with the risk of scaring away loads of other potential customers and it is not always and totally possible to cover up and hide this kind of offer. Meanwhile totally different products are being shown elsewhere to different audiences. It's like a mixture, a big shopping mall, where you can find hamburger and sprouts, junk food and organic products side by side, sold by the same owner!!

It sounds schizophrenic to me, not holy, not wholesome and with no integrity or consistence. :roll: It's like political transformism. Maybe I am judgemental and not flexible enough and this is why I cannot appreciate it, and unfortunately I do not even find it funny. :cry:
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Re: parade of Miss Madhuban

Post11 Apr 2008

alladin wrote: For new comers like JeanRoss, let me explain that the kindergarden play, Carnival costumes, are very common in this organization, and members have to attend celebrations where such masquerades occur. Many of us expect such occasions to be more "meditation oriented, " but often they turn into what some of us consider a "tacky nonsense" that is just embarassing :oops: and a distraction from the Yoga practise....These scenes often cause, as I said, a lot of discomfort, stirring and doubts, in westerners especially, and they are in total contradiction with the core teachings of Raja Yoga themselves, such as : no pictures or worship of human gurus, no frills, no privileges, introversion, rather than extroversion, silence, no ostentation, simplicity, no more Bhakti rituals.

Hi Alladin,

Good description. The usual explanation is that God has to satisfy all his children, including those who enjoy costume play. This is family, they say, where there is fun for all members, not just silence and introspection for the renunciates. Speaking personally, I felt like an outsider in those games, not adoring the Dadis. Indian Sisters joked about those who disliked this kind of play as hatha-yogis, not able to handle being in the gathering.

The hospital itself is a real concern, treating people in the community. Some BKs saw the hospital as a way to boost the organization's reputation. For those on the ground, the doctors, nurses, etc., the hospital is a place for genuine social service. I don't have a problem with that co-existing with a renunciate religious group that believes in forthcoming world destruction. A hospital in an undeveloped area certainly needs assistance from abroad to offer a high level of care. There needs to be tax breaks, etc. to be able to ship over equipment so that having a Janki Foundation serve for that is not surprising. Neither is it surprising that the BKs would want to show the speakers at their events having other affiliations than with an esoteric religious group.
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Re: Janki Foundation is not a front organisation

Post20 Aug 2008

Janki Foundation moves to outright paid for seminars at the number million pound BKWSU Retreat Center in Worthing, Sussex, England.
Compassionate Care - The Janki Foundation for Global Health Care

13th September, the Worthing Postgraduate Centre, 9.30am - 4pm. This study day for healthcare professionals is run mainly as a facilitated workshop based on a module used in the training programme 'Values in healthcare - a spiritual approach'. The aim is to give an insight into the skills needed to become more compassionate while avoiding compassion fatigue.

The day will be led by Dr Craig Brown, and other experienced facilitators. It is open to all clinical staff working at Worthing Hospital or in primary care, and community health locally.

Cost: £25. For more information or to book a place contact Craig Brown - Tel: 01903 774 735 or e-mail: cbrown9811@aol.com

Elsewhere, the BKWSU continues to list itself as partners to ... well, itself really.
BKWSU wrote:Janki Foundation Partners:

Global Hospital and Research Centre, Mt Abu, India
Point of Life Foundation (POL), USA
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University
Dr. Craig Brown, MB. ChB, MRCGP wrote:We are moving into an environment of increasing spiritual awareness. Spirituality and values need to be integrated into the healthcare system

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