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PostPosted: 27 Jul 2007
by andrey
Now we are not purity, peace and love, we used to be this yesterday and today we are once again becoming this. If we were already perfect, then we would not experience sorrow. We are not one and the same all the time, sometimes we are up, sometimes down. We means i. That's why first we come to know of our condition, what we used to be and what we are now. Some can see it as insulting, that why do you call me impure and down. Some don't call the purifier to come and make us pure.

We are not powerless over sin, we have become powerless, and with our own power we could not succeed. That's why it is said that the Supreme Soul comes to give us power to fight this fight with the vices. Please, don't see it as insulting, but it is essential that we know our condition and know what to do. If we are down we can also rise. Like some don't see problems at all, i mean for them the world is like it is, it has always been like this, there never used to be a perfect place. we are like we are, we know we have defects, so what. No, this Supreme Soul now teaches us to never accept defeat. If we have defects we don't like them and make effort to remove them. we don't accept them as our true nature, but we also know we have defects. We don't close eyes.

It is said Maya beats like a mouse. We don't even realise. We even don't feel pain just blood starts flowing. Also that Maya catches by the nose and some feel and some don't even feel.

Like also it is said, in the topic of meditation, that meditation is an old word, we don't sit to meditate. what we do is to remember like mother remembers her child. will she do better when alone or whilst in company. Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit gives this example that if a mother is to remember her child who has gone abroad then will she sit specially in special position, will she put music, special ligthing and ignite an essence stick to do. It is artificial remembrance and other is original, whild moving, walking, talking, working. Hands to the work and the heart remembers the beloved. It is said we remember the one we love naturally and constantly it is difficult to forget and it is not difficult to remember. And we remember the one where we think our benefit lies, but we also remember where we invest our money, time, energy, body etc.

So for the remembrance it is said in the Murli that we should prepare a chart that for how long we had remembered, and some give the account of the body, for how much they have sit through the body and they cannot give the account of the intellect. Some say he is our Father, we remember naturally, but it is said no, there is definitely effort in this and Maya comes in between. She comes in remembrance, whilst we remember one we start remembering someone else. We i.e. I. Some say i remember for 12 hours and Baba says that they don't understand the meaning of remembrance.

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2007
by ex-l
andrey wrote:Now we are not ... zzzzz

So, what is your "experience of mediting when in a group versus being alone".

We only listen to Murlis from one, andrey, but we welcome reports of your own personal experience.

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2007
by andrey
I don't know what is this that you call "meditating". It is said we should sit with one thought. If in the gathering all have one and the same thought in one sec, then powerful transformation could happen. It is good to be in a gathering because it is said that it is the easiest service, to create the atmospehere. To create an atmosphere of unity in the gathering is very good service. When one is alone there is not so powerful atmosphere and enthusiasm is not so much.

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2007
by ex-l
Sure ... but you are "giving class", going off talking theory.

The question is, "what is your experience?"; your personal experience and the comparision of the two activities?

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2007
by andrey
It depends on the group.

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2007
by ex-l
So what are/were your personal experiences, if any, of being in a group versus being alone?

Its seems to be that the PBKs do not have any, or suspect them, and instead they just feel the same but "remember" Virendra Dev Dixit like anyone else remembers their partner or children (in theory).

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007
by andrey
When did these collective meditations originate. Were they there at the time of Brahma Baba. I believe people were just sitting together, waiting for Baba to come or sitting in front of him, and their attention used to be drawn to one thing. It is said that whilst even sitting in silence, before the Murli starts the soul understands that it is ShivBaba who is sitting in the body, nomatter ones’ intellect could run elsewhere, but the collective point of the concentration used to be clear. It is said that I personally tell you to remember me through the body, where is the matter to be confused (when one asks what is Yoga). Then it is said that after class one should sit in solitude and contemplate or walk in silence. Then also at Amrit Vela they used to sit together with Mama and Baba.

Now it is the same but with Dadi, Senior Sister or a photograph. Externally it is the same but is it the same indeed.

It is said that one can be far away with the body, but close with the mind. It is said that we should never feel alone, we have to always maintain a combined form, and we also know there is a whole family, it is like meditating in a group all the time, keeping in the mind the awareness. Otherwise it is artificial to sit deliberately and people can sit together physically, but if we had the opportunity to read their minds, then what would we see, where are minds of everyone going.

There is still a lot of debate about remembrance, whom to remember, whom to not remember, where to remember, how to remember. This whole debate makes the whole thing hollow, because it should be natural. Now Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit says that now it is not even said that “Remember me”, because children know for themselves if they recognize and naturally remember their Father.

It is said that we should not develop the practice of sitting with particular BK Sister to conduct meditation, because at the end we’ll remember her.

It depends on the group. When a group gathers for Murli class for instance and before class they sit in meditation. But it is said in the Murli that what is the difference to this gathering and other gathering, it is not a sage or holy man who is sitting and explaining to you, it is the Supreme Soul who is narrating the Murli. This is the only group where there is benefit to sit in. Otherwise it is said that the conferences, where people just meet amongst themselves, where there is not the company of truth, then these conferences become instrumental for downfall, because in these gatherings there is not the ever-pure one, the purifier, and we know that we are all numberwise pure/impure.

It is said that to have remembrance one first has to have knowledge. There are many practices of collective meditations in many paths, but what do they do when they sit. Some think of chakras, energies, angels, ascended teachers, some sleep, some listen to music, some control their breathing, some try to empty the mind. It is said that we are not physical guides, but spiritual we give the spiritual knowledge where the soul mind/intellect receives destination.

It is good the collective class where people gather with the purpose to listen to the Murli. then it is first class, second class, third class Murli. It is better because there is the atmosphere. We are students. but some can come at class due to some other reason, - to see particular Brother, Sister or enjoy some commodity

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007
by ex-l
That is very interesting andrey but, as per the question; what is your own personal experience and what differences have you noted between being alone and being in groups of BKs or with PBKs?

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007
by Mr Green
He, like most BKs, probably cannot meditate at all believeing themselves to be practiicing a higher discipline they pretend is Yoga, or a conscious connection with a supreme bean.

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007
by arjun
"Tumko toh uthtey-baithtey ek baap ko Yaad karnaa hai. Yah bhi buddhi may bithaya jaataa hai kyonki saarey din may Yaad nahee kartey hain toh sangathan may bithaya jaataa hai. Sabka ikathha force hota hai.."

"You have to remember one Father while standing and sitting. This is also fitted into the intellect because (children) do not remember throughout the day. So, they are made to sit in a gathering. Everybody’s collective force exists (in a gathering)." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 18.06.07, pg.4, published by the BKs in Hindi and narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; translated by a PBK)

personal experiences

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007
by alladin
Dear ex L, u read my thought! I often wish- and have good wishes for them- that some souls could share more from their personal experiences. What prevents them from doing so and contributing to the Forum in that way, rather than "playing scholars"?

Re: personal experiences

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007
by joel
alladin wrote:I often wish- and have good wishes for them- that some souls could share more from their personal experiences. What prevents them from doing so and contributing to the Forum in that way, rather than "playing scholars"?

Actually, they are doing their level best to share all of themselves that they know of. They don't know how to be more real in their intensely cerebral self-created and self-censored version of themself (speaking from my own experience.)

Not unlike my mother's habit of pouncing on any problems her son mentions to propose a helpful suggestion. She does this compulsively filling in for more personal ways of relating. Actually she is smart, and right about many things, but the compulsion to push her solutions onto others becomes a wall to relating in other ways.

meaning well

PostPosted: 29 Jul 2007
by alladin
True. The main thing is "meaning well".

Re: meaning well

PostPosted: 29 Jul 2007
by joel
alladin wrote:True. The main thing is "meaning well".

What about that famous saying: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" ?

Okay, mainly a popular saying.

PostPosted: 29 Jul 2007
by andrey
I don't have a lot of experience of meditating in a group.