Sex, Sexuality and Relationships within the BKWSU or PBKs

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Re: Sex, Sexuality and Relationships within the BKWSU or PBKs

Post27 Feb 2009

Anyway ... look at this, from the Avyakt Murli about relationships.

Avyakt Murli 2009/02/22
... When both come, they are one another's companions and so there are no obstacles and they are united. Otherwise, when there are two opinions, there is conflict. However, when both become united, then the half-kumars can go ahead in service a great deal. You can then make time for this.

Youth also make time, but half-kumars do double the work. What double work do you do? Firstly, you can give more time to world service. Secondly, you can use your wealth in a worthwhile way as much as you want because both of you are willing to do this.

Half-kumars can accumulate as much as they want, you can use way as much as you want in a worthwhile. Why? What is the reason for this? There are no obstacles. Obstacles of your own mind are a different matter, but you don't have any obstacles in relationships. This is why you have a special part in the Yagya.

When people see the half-kumars and Kumaris, expansion takes place very quickly. Others see in a practical way that people from all professions come here, that they are living with their family, they are doing everything and are able to create their fortune. Previously, there was the atmosphere that we make them renounce their home and family, and they were afraid, whereas now they understand that they can do double work and that they receive help. Do you understand? Achcha.

So now relationships with people are OK??
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Re: Sex, Sexuality and Relationships within the BKWSU or PBKs

Post28 Feb 2009

jannisder wrote:So now relationsships with people are OK??

Ah, there is a 'small print' clause in the contract that says ... "Only if you started the relationship BEFORE you joined the BKWSU. The BKWSU must come first."

You cant be in the BKWSU and have eyes that are looking outwards to find a nice young Kumari to move in with, otherwise the BKWSU centers would be full of Indian men looking for submissive young Indian girls to cook and clean for them. (Well, of course, some are ... one notable Madhuban niwassi made a proposal to a notable and now unavailable Western Sister).

The message is simple, the dominant, celibate "lesbians" of the BKWSU 'own' their young, virgin girls 100% so hands off ... but if you bring in your own, and have some money, then you can join too. Perhaps the idea of dominant/submissive celibate lesbians is a bit too strong ... but the only other metaphor would be to see it as another form of slave ownership or lionesses and their prides.

Either way, the submissive females are being exploited.


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Re: Sex, Sexuality and Relationships within the BKWSU or PBKs

Post28 Feb 2009

Well, somehow I knew it was to good to be true ...


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Re: Sex, Sexuality and Relationships within the BKWSU or PBKs

Post10 Apr 2009

A spiritual partner, (pure-household path) that seems to be OK by the BKWSU, even in marriage.

Any comments ...?

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