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PostPosted: 03 Oct 2007
by button slammer
ex-l wrote:This is not the right thread for me to make this suggestion or ask for others' responses. This is a rough idea and not yet worked out. But I am wondering if "The Subtle Regions" are really only an expansion of Lekhraj Kirpalani's aura.

I agree, via connection of the intellect/buddhiyog, the trance messenger is able to read/percieve thought forms in the subtle body/aura of Dada Lekraj. Dada Lekraj plays the part of Mother. Mother is under the control of the Father, who is in 100% rememberance. Because the trance messengers and their controllers have attachment to the corporeal form/mother they are unable to recognize the Father.

Baba has said in the Murli that there is no benefit in trance/visions etc. Why is this? Because there is no direct connection to the Father. Sins etc are not burnt away. Sins are burnt away through the direct connection of the intellect with the Purifier Father.

PostPosted: 03 Oct 2007
by bro neo
Some theories similar to String and Super String Theory speak of the possibility of many, many alternate dimensions. I see no reason why ex-l’s theory could not be a possibility, but to look at it from a different perspective, perhaps humans are capable of creating their own dimensions with the power of consciousness. A dimension which is real in an abstract form, and could be overlaid on physical reality or be the size of an atom. A real dimension noneth the less, at least in an abstract way which could be called someone’s aura, a part or an extension of it.

I had an experience at Madubhan at a morning Bhog offering where I was doing my little fly up to the Subtle Regions while the trance messenger on stage did as well. I got my experience-message and when the lights went on and the trance messenger gave the message I was very moved to hear her speak of things that I had also just experienced in my Subtle Region tour. The details elude my memory, it was the astonishment of what happen which I vividly remember as tears welled up in my eyes from the impact of the experience. It could very well be that we all collectively created the experience and thus experience it in the abstract form or that the dimension really exist and thrives by the faith and mental activity of others. Many other possible explanations as well of course.

I sometimes think all the different concepts of the astral plane, Subtle Region included, are part of one big abstract dimension which is only as real as thoughts are real. A dimension where people can go and make their own little house, temple, safe place, dimension or experience a dimension already created by someone else. Something like a dimension which consists of mental and emotional energy, but of course there could be many and not just one.

akashik records

PostPosted: 03 Oct 2007
by alladin
Hi. I and other BKs also more than once "caught", picked up, the images or feelings of Bhog messages. Similarily, it happens that topics that come up in Murli or classes, connect with talks and questions going on in the BK community, as if there were trends or waves. Some kind of synchronicity. Well, if these beautiful phenomena became a means to tie us up to an organization of mad, dishonest exploiters, I prefer not to receive such "gifts"!

Has anybody read about the "akashik records"? When I first heard something about it, it just confirmed that there's a cycle, a pre-ordained Drama that goes on repeating in a circular motion like a wheel.

PostPosted: 05 Oct 2007
by arjun
Omshanti. Here is a Q&A received from ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) regarding Dadi Prakashmani's demise:

Prashna: Baba nay Dadiji kay sharir chodney ke baarey may kya kaha hai?
Uttar: Vah kisi beejroop aatma may pravesh kar teevra gati say seva karegi.

Question: What has Baba said about Dadiji leaving the body?
Ans: She will enter into seed soul and do service in fast pace.

PostPosted: 05 Oct 2007
by john
arjun wrote:Question: What has Baba said about Dadiji leaving the body?
Ans: She will enter into seed soul and do service in fast pace.

Is this as well as taking rebirth, or is this entering of seed soul the rebirth?

Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 05 Oct 2007
by abrahma kumar
arjun wrote:Omshanti. Here is a Q&A received from ShivBaba (through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) regarding Dadi Prakashmani's demise:

Prashna: Baba nay Dadiji kay sharir chodney ke baarey may kya kaha hai?
Uttar: Vah kisi beejroop aatma may pravesh kar teevra gati say seva karegi.

Question: What has Baba said about Dadiji leaving the body?
Ans: She will enter into seed soul and do service in fast pace.

Sorry to be a party pooper but why are we using the word "demise" in conection with the death of a human being. Why do not we say in quite a straightforward manner that she has died? Or in keeping with typical BK oblox why do not we say: the soul has left the body? Is the word demise a new plaything that has entered the BK-lexicon?

PostPosted: 05 Oct 2007
by ex-l
How can a soul enter a soul?

Does that mean "possession" or "overshadowing" ... a soul entering some other soul's subtle or physical body? Is it going to stay there or come and go at will?

PostPosted: 05 Oct 2007
by bro neo

PostPosted: 05 Oct 2007
by ex-l
bro neo wrote:Mutants.

You may be more right that you think ...

I was thinking of other alternatives like "walk-ins" where a soul "allegedly" walks into the body of another soul and takes that body over ... the original soul leaving.

Alternatively, 'group soul' or 'group souls' sharing one body. It sounds kinky to me but it is feasible and referred to in non-BK literature on the subject. I knew of one individual that was told by a number of unconnected psychics/channelers that there were two souls in him (and for a good reason, he had a "DOA" experience. He was dead on arrival at a hospital but came back to life again with a mission).

Delights in da bodily form(s)

PostPosted: 05 Oct 2007
by abrahma kumar
Re: 'group souls' sharing one body; and there i was thinking that the post i just made on Why nobody wants to discuss this biggest test? was a bit too kinky (read risque) even for one of my very own 'nappyhead' appearance :!: Ah well, group souls walk-in and the body gets exposed to all sort of alternative delights - allegedly.

PostPosted: 05 Oct 2007
by arjun
John wrote:Is this as well as taking rebirth, or is this entering of seed soul the rebirth?

It means that the soul of Dadi Prakashmani would enter into the body of a seed-like soul (i.e. a PBK) and do Godly service through that body. It does not mean taking rebirth. It is same as the soul of Dada Lekhraj (Brahma Baba) entering into Shankar (Baba Virendra Dev Dixit).
ex-l wrote:How can a soul enter a soul?

As explained above, Baba's above mentioned answer means that Dadi Kumarka's soul would enter into the body of another soul and not into another soul. Actually, it is a shortcut in Hindi which is understood by most PBKs, but for non-PBKs it sounds a little strange. Actually the phenomenon of a soul entering into another soul's body is so frequently discussed in the Advanced Knowledge that whenever one says that a particular soul enters into a particular soul, it is understood that it means entering of a soul into the body of another soul and not into that soul.

Anyways, in view of the confusion that this phrase has created I would suggest the nimit Sisters to use such expressions in English translations carefully.

With regards,

Has G-O-D really not heard abbeykay's tom tom?

PostPosted: 05 Oct 2007
by abrahma kumar
Arjun Bhai, it strikes me that this is a very, very lofty claim indeed to make. Can this be proven or is it it PBK folklore?

To be honest with you, all I am sure that no average human being would find it 'natural' to begin to get their head around this stuff. Arjun, do not you feel that these descriptions take organisations like the BKs, PBKs, Vishnu Party etc etc further and further away from the realms of rationality? And further into the backwaters of superstition and unsubstantiated mumbo-jumbo?

Please, for a minute can you all stop and think about how this fits into the world that children see and HAVE to live with? Can you not see that as times goes by you all are really turning belief in G-O-D into some weirdos pastime! Am i mad or just the spirit of Ravana incarnate on the www?!

I suppose that we will be told that souls entering the bodies of other souls is NOT a form of assault ... because the objective is the benefit of the Human World Tree?! Why on earth do we get coerced into performing these mind-blowing mental gyrations and gymnastics? What is it that we are really upholding with such unswerving 'blindness'?!

And how do we cap it all?! Oh, we are special. The few of the few that can understand this knowledge. Dear God Shiva, if there was ever a reason for the Murli to be liberated for the whole world to study without having to buy into beliefs that seem irrational - or to be kinder - very poorly explained - then this business of the death of prakashmanaji surely should serve as a spur for YOU to do whatever is necessary to separate the mystic from the yogi. G-O-D, do help us!

Father, do you hear the lunacy in these words that i have typed? Do i appear unhinged (lunatic) enough for you to hear me? Or do my cries get drowned out by the cacophony of lucid-madness uttered in the name of 'murli-clarifications' all for YOUR greater glory and our understanding?

To be honest, this whole concept of "exclusivity of understanding" seems like the most dangerous form of delusion I ever did hear in my life. I live at ... somebody please send the men in white coats to come take me away. In the meantime, I think i will go and get myself stoned! Oh,and please ensure that the men are wearing coats AND NOT white kurta pyjamas otherwise i will have to be sedated.

Om Shanti

PostPosted: 05 Oct 2007
by arjun
abk wrote:Arjun Bhai, it strikes me that this is a very, very lofty claim indeed to make. Can this be proven or is it it PBK folklore?

I cannot prove the entry of a Silver Age soul into the body of another soul, but the TV news channels in India keep supplying more and more such cases in the non-BK world.
Dear God Shiva, if there was ever a reason for the Murli to be liberated for the whole world to study without having to buy into beliefs that seem irrational - or to be kinder - very poorly explained - then this business of the death of prakashmanaji surely should serve as a spur for YOU to do all we can to separate the mystic from the yogi.

PBKs have done and are still doing their level best to supply Murlis/Avyakt Vanis to this site. It is up to you to interpret these Murlis/Avyakt Vanis.


PostPosted: 05 Oct 2007
by john
John wrote:Is this as well as taking rebirth, or is this entering of seed soul the rebirth?
arjun wrote:It means that the soul of Dadi Prakashmani would enter into the body of a seed-like soul (i.e. a PBK) and do Godly service through that body. It does not mean taking rebirth. It is same as the soul of Dada Lekhraj (Brahma Baba) entering into Shankar (Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit).

My point was in connection with the news from BapDada that Dadi Prakashmani was taking birth to a middle aged couple who weren't expecting a child etc etc, like what we have been discussing on here. Has Virendra Dev Dixit not seen the information from BapDada, if so, how can the two things go together?
Madhuban 06/09/07 – 6.30pm. Dadiji’s coming here and Dadiji’s elevated versions and BapDada’s divine message via Dadi Gulzar.

Dadi said: I am going just for name's sake. Baba said: Dadi will go in the form of a son, but where she is going, they haven't even dreamt that they could have a child. They are devotees, and have already passed half their life. They are a little older than the child-bearing age. This is why they don't even have it in their dreams that they could have a child, but their will be a little movement when Dadi enters. When this movement takes place, she (the new mother) will feel that something is happening.

Now, Dadi was in the Subtle Region, but when that movement takes place, the mother will wonder what it is. Baba showed that that mother and Brother (new parents) were great devotees, very devoted. Even if they drink water, first they will offer it to God and then drink it. Such is their intense devotion. When Dadi takes birth, they will feel that God has sent them some incarnation, not a son, but an incarnation. Something is to happen and so Dadi will go in this form.

Re: Has G-O-D really not heard abbeykay's tom tom?

PostPosted: 05 Oct 2007
by john
abrahma Kumar wrote:To be honest this whole concept of "exclusivity of understanding" seems like the most dangerous form of delusion I ever did hear in my life.

I fully agree with this and it is usually used by someone who cannot explain their irrational logic clearly. I am not suggesting ArjunBhai is like that, but others definitely can be.