Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post18 May 2012

Echo wrote:There's a lot of potentially interesting points on this thread, especially to do with the role of psychotherapy in helping exiting BKs, which is something very close to my heart

Yes, absolutely ... that is why I have little respect for this businessman despite what other good they might do in their own market. And I have never denied that they might.

On one hand they gave numerous free and covert adverts encouraging people to go to the Brahma Kumaris and, on the other, they offered no support to ex-BKs nor the friends and family of BK members here. They would not even show us the basic respect of explaining how or why they could recommend the BKs. Instead they threatened us with the Police and legal action, their clients dumping on us.

I am sorry but, to me, a statement such as "this forum has no integrity or conscience" just means "wouldn't bow to our intimidation". It really just appears to me as a last ditch attempt to do damage to the community here.

We have plenty of "integrity and conscience" ... but as ex-BKs, not BK supporters or apologists.
... it will take a little while if topics are removed or edited for search engines such as google or bing to "catch up".

That makes perfect sense. I just wanted to document what this was all about. Strange to leave blank pages though ... I wonder if they'll reappear at a later date?


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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post20 May 2012

ex-l wrote:"despite what good they might do in their own market" "and i have never denied that they might" allso' "i just wanted to document what this was all about"

The first quote kind of demonstrates that they do a lot of good, which I absolutely agree with, however, as for the second quote, I think there are two key words, 'what' and 'was'. You see, what you claim it was about no longer exists, and was, well, was is clearly past tense, gone, no longer present.

So you see, if what your concerns were, and you use the word "your concerns" because everyone has their own perceptions, no longer exist, which they don't, it now makes them an ethical organisation that does a huge amount of good ... and if that's the case, which it obviously is, then this particular thread is the only thing left that's actually damaging the potential of the most vulnerable and needy, whether they be ex-bks, family and friends of ex-bks, or the general public. There are many people from all walks of life, who have been damaged or hurt in some way. A lot has been said on this thread, but by keeping it alive, you're potentially prolonging the suffering of those who might have accessed help but instead walked away. The most important thing is what happens to them! This is not any longer about the Reach Approach. This particular thread is not even about the BKs. All it is now, is something that's going to plant the seeds of further mistrust in those who have already been violated, lied too or damaged in some way. So I ask you, for those people, could this thread now be removed? I am sure your forum helps a lot of people, but this particular thread, all it's doing is harm.

I wont be returning. I only posted this because it's important we all look out for and do what we can, to enable those who need help to move forward with their lives, lives that are free from pain, in whatever way we can, whoever we are ... for me, that's with love and where I finish.
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Mr Green


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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post22 May 2012

It is strange how everyone says they won't be returning but they all seem to return again! lol

It is good that Enigma realised he was wrong to allow others easy access to a cult. Really he should be thankful we helped him keep integrity in his business dealings. He can sleep easy now his customers will not be hurt by the BKs as a result of exposure via his own business promotion material.

Maybe he does have some humility, good on him.

... and Paula, how can this thread be doing harm? If Enigma has removed the BK links then this thread has done good in keeping with the ethos of this forum.
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post25 May 2012

Mr Green wrote:It is good that Enigma realised he was wrong to allow others easy access to a cult. Really he should be thankful we helped him keep integrity in his business dealings.

Thank you. I agree. It was worse because he was recommend their upmarket retreat centers without specifically stating they were Brahma Kumari retreat centers promoting Brahma Kumarism. In short, despite leaving the BK mainstream years ago, he was still 'playing the game' for whatever reason.
paula wrote:this particular thread is the only thing left that's actually damaging the potential of the most vulnerable and needy, whether they be ex-bks, family and friends of ex-bks, or the general public.

I have to agree with Mr Green too, you keep coming back here to tell us you are not coming back here. It is unstable.

Do I think I could or would recommend ex-BKs or the friends and family of BKs to whatever "Reach" is? No, I am sorry I don't.

BKs, BK supporters, BK promoters and BK apologists have to get the message that if the BKs want to join the rest of the society, they have to play by society's rules and, in my opinion, stop sneaking around the world operating deceptive fronts, gradually enculting people in order to rip off their money and free labour.

Of course, the problem is the BKs don't want to join society. Nor will they accept any of society's democratic standards. They just want it destroyed by nuclear bombs and everyone else except for them killed off so they can rule the world as entirely undemocratic "Emperors" and royal families. Surely "providing information" for people to make up their own minds about the BKWSU would have included a note of that too? If it did not ... then it was just a free advertisement.

Enigma, I am sorry but I find your private messages threatening and coercive and have stopped reading them ... even if they are now good. You won't rule by fear here. I am absolutely sure the police have better things to do than moderate cult websites.

If you want to start reasonable communication, start here with us on the forum ... tell us your experience of the Brahma Kumaris and BKWSU, what you took from it and why you chose to leave it.



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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post25 May 2012

I am sorry but I find your private messages threatening and coercive and have stopped reading them ... even if they are now good. You won't rule by fear here.

Could you please make them public on this site?
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Mr Green


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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post25 May 2012



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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post02 Jan 2014

I must say i have had counselling from easton for a number of years when i first met eston and he welcomed me in to his house i instantly knew i was at the right place throughout my years of counseling i never in anyway doubted his methods i had complete confidence and trust in him,this man has helped hundreds of people with their issues i have never met such a selfless person he is a 100 percent real and it hurts me to know that people want to discredit his works my experience has been wounderfull there is no hidden ajenda the world could do with a lot more people like esaton insted of people who want to put others down.
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post02 Jan 2014

vince2323 wrote:I must say i have had counselling from easton for a number of years when i first met eston ...

One thing the all singing, all dancing Easton does not seem to do, is teach grammar and punctuation. Perhaps if all of his followers clients are going to come and visit us after having therapy from him, he could add that string to his bow?

Either that ... or you need to learn to slow down and ... b - r - e - a - t - h ... from time to time, Vince. Are you all connected in some way? Do you know what we do here and why?

Last we heard of Easton he was putting in a complaint to the Police Complaints Commission because when he put in a complaint about us to his local police police station, they did nothing about it. We have no idea what the substance of his complaints might be about, because he never told us. It would be very interested to read. He himself did not tell us that he was putting in a complaint to the Police Complaints Commission, it came from a concerned third party.

Easton also refused to share his wisdom and experience of exiting the Brahma Kumaris with us ... his peers and equals; other ex- or exiting BKs ... which makes me see him as slightly less selfless than you.

Apparently he still provides/provided services to the Brahma Kumaris ... whether paid, unpaid or both. Presumably he wanted to 'stick in' with them instead of us which is a shame because he may have been able to offer valuable advice.

However, in private communication I always found him threatening, coercive and less than forthcoming ... and I questioned the professional ethics of a "therapist" using or threatening to use an ex/client who was a solicitor for legal actions against us. He was always giving us deadlines to do everything he wanted, and threatening police and legal action if we did not.

The facts remain, Easton was once a recruiter for the BKWSU, there were references to BKism on his website at the time when someone raised the issue, and he still provided services for them ... "them" defined loosely as BK souls ... and so he must have been trusted by them, or in *some* kind of contract. Some individuals with BK involvements and "karma" were also involved with his network, other exiting BKs found that unsettling. Apparently there was some kind of spat between himself and an eccentric BK contact soul that spilled onto these pages, perhaps someone upset and not being accept into his network or something ... I don't know the details but it was nothing to do with us. His karma ...

What he really thinks about it all now, who knows. He always refused to go into it.

Mostly, we're interested in the BKs, BK experiences and BK influences, Vince. Nothing to do with whatever his private business ... Except, perhaps, if it still contained elements of BKism.

At the point at which he is willing to speak out about what he experienced within the BKWSU (and we know it was not all good), his reasons and experiences in exiting the BKWSU, and how he sees them now, he will be welcome here.
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post03 Jan 2014

Short footnote to Reach Approach followers ...

If you stop coming here and interrupting our discussions, you will stop this topic from being raised time and time again when we have long forgotten it.

Before you write, you also want to ask yourselves how your conduct reflects back onto Easton and Reach.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post04 Jan 2014

... and read the whole thread through. Your comments may have already been made, and made better by someone else, and replied to. Hope everyone learns from each other and moves on, as I think most of us have.

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