BKWSO lose legal action against BrahmaKumaris.Info

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Feeling good

Post27 Sep 2007

Hi all,

If I had known that the forum being a bit quiet was being felt as a lack of spirit or as down hearted feelings, then I would have posted more often.

Thanks, alladin, for flagging this up.

I am not worried at all by the attack. It is just a detail for us. For the BKWSwhatevers though it could be the biggest mistake they ever made (so far). The fallout of bad publicity they get from this will be phenomenal. As soon as the case is over, and that part of business is out of the way, I intend to block them everywhere they go. I have lists of contact details of the VIPs they suck up to and of the venues they use for programmes. They will all be hearing from me the true story of what the BKWSU/O is and does. I will be writing to local newspapers and asking local communities if they really want BK centres in their area. They will become pariahs.

Meanwhile, it would be good if those of us who still have BK contacts were to inform them by word of mouth about what is happening in their name. I have tried this with the one BK Sister in charge of a centre that I still know personally, but she seems to be pretty well brainwashed into believing we are just odd people with a few insignificant complaints. I have published her emails to me on my own web site, so you can see there how some BK centres-in-charge's minds work.

In a chat over lunch with a good friend of mine who happens to be a PBK we both remembered a Murli (or several) saying that all religions will be destroyed INCLUDING THE Brahmin RELIGION.

Does anyone have that Murli to hand? Arjunbhai maybe please? If that is to be part of the drama I am happy to act my role. :D

Like I said much earlier in this thread. Don't worry. Bring it on.
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spreading the news

Post27 Sep 2007

Since Hansa Ravel is an oncologist, she surely knows that even an ordinary biopsy on a tumor can have the side effect of spreading around cancerous cells. So, in alternative medicine, such practise is not advised as it causes metastases. Proliferation is what they will trigger by trying to harm the Forum.

Well, in the world infamous on many levels USA, especially for breast cancer, they suggest radical surgical intervention; mastectomy. So the lady can at least have plastic surgery and get herself some Pamela Anderson size boobs. This chopping and replacing business, however, does not convince everybody and doesn't take care of the root causes of the problem. BK establishment, for sure, sees the Forum as a cancer but in our case even a machete or napalm will not have the effect they desire.
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Post27 Sep 2007

Since Hansa Ravel is an oncologist, she surely knows that even an ordinary biopsy on a tumor can have the side effect of spreading around cancerous cells.

Yes, but my guess is the whole thing started because someone quoted her expressed and reported faith that BK Raja Yoga can cure cancer ... and so by extension, I suppose they think that BK Raja Yoga will also cure us!

Well, BK Raja Yoga and a bit of nuke and pave psychic-chemotherapy ...
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Post27 Sep 2007

Proy wrote:In a chat over lunch with a good friend of mine who happens to be a PBK we both remembered a Murli (or several) saying that all religions will be destroyed INCLUDING THE Brahmin RELIGION.

Does anyone have that Murli to hand? Arjunbhai maybe please? If that is to be part of the drama I am happy to act my role.

Brother, I have not heard about such Murli point, but we know that ShivBaba establishes three religions in the Confluence Age - Brahmin, Deity and Kshatriya. Now we are Brahmins. Once the Golden Age starts we all would be deities and hence, the Brahmin religion would automatically be non-functional. But I don't think it is correct in BK/PBK terminology to say that the Brahmin religion would also get destroyed. If your PBK friend has read any such Murli, it would be interesting to read it before coming to any conclusion.

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Post27 Sep 2007

arjun wrote: If your PBK friend has read any such Murli, it would be interesting to read it before coming to any conclusion.

Thanks. I will ask him next time we meet.
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3 days to dateline 10/10 and beyond

Post06 Oct 2007

May the force be with Site Admin.
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Post07 Oct 2007

If the decision goes in favour of the disputers, how long after will the site have to be closed, do we have a date?

Because there is going to be a party, right? Whatever the decision.
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Post07 Oct 2007

... and we should exchange emails to keep in touch or there will be another site w/ different name ? :?
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victims and perpetrators on front page, pls!

Post07 Oct 2007

Good idea, parties and holidays, a real sabbath to strenghten our bonds!!

I also think if all the energy and time we spent so far, in harmlessy exchanging opinions with each other, was for some time re-directed towards informing targetted ears? Just for a change ... is not such a change what those attackers want to inspire us to have, so we all will have visibility, like the Burmese Buddhist monks as well as the army are both having throughout the world?
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Signs of life engender Hope. Yes? Yes!

Post08 Oct 2007

Been thinking along same lines to freedom. Will we do that? Any ideas on how to do it simply? Could a poll question, asking if members would lke their address distributed to members trigger an entry in a group mailing list that could eventually mailed to us?

Picking up something from one of ex-l's posts, I was also trying to use the Website: field on my profile to see if it allowed a link to a website address (will have to check the forum guidelines because i havent cracked it yet). Networking via Email addresses is certainly fine, but if some of us have the time and resources to setup a blog (many sites offer free blogging facilities) or other forums, then there can be the potential for the work on, and of, http://www.BrahmaKumaris.Info to spread even further afield.

If we each copied over all or some of our own posts we would have increased the number of sources of "independent discussions" about the BKWSU, PBKs, etc etc available on the www.

I too am wondering lots of things about the potential aftermath of this case but my concerns are balanced out by the vibrancy of the forum - more vibrant than the local BK centre i am sure - and the new facilities being added to it. So i am thinking positively. Where there are signs of life there ought to be hope. Yes? Yes.

Anyway, i am sure that we will work something out and we will be in touch. We are a tribe, as one forum buddy often says.

Om Shanti
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Post08 Oct 2007

freedom wrote:... and we should exchange emails to keep in touch or there will be another site w/ different name ? :?

May we request Admin to put us on a mailing list just in case a new site is to created?
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Unrestricted response called for

Post08 Oct 2007

tinydot wrote:May we request Admin to put us in his mailing list just in case a new site is to created?

Good idea tinydot. That would ensure that if the site migrates under a different name we can all know where to find it. It would also put the onus on us posters to find our own methods to exchange "off-forum" contact details. The site Admin will therefore be free to focus on more compelling issues.

Let us not forget that one of the things we learnt from this forum is that while Seniors like Sister Jayanti do not mind us chatting amongst ourselves via email or mailing lists; this sort of independent discussion of our own lives and experiences of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University on the www sticks in the craw of the collective BK establishment.

To put it another way, if our freedom on this site is not seen as being to the sort of mutual benefit that they WANT, then i would be playing into their hands if i restricted my response to exchanging email addresses between one or two people. In combat is it not said that advantage can be gained by doing that which the enemy either least expects or dismisses as beyond one's capability?

The ideal scenario would see the DND thrown out as being without foundation and/or conceived as an act of malice towards people the world over who choose to express themselves freely. This sort of action on their part can be seen as a threat even to people who are not yet BKs. Heaven forbid that they would get away with that.

oh, and did the BKWSO use the word "perpetuity" in describing the precise nature of their ownership rights? What perpetuity? I thought that destruction was going to come and that The Cycle will start again from the Golden Age blah blah blah. Can someone explain how perpetuity fits in with the BK concepts regarding World History and The Cycle?

Maybe this Domain Name Dispute is seen by certain elements inside the BKWSU as a way to 'future proof' the organisation? But future proof from what? The truth that whole thing might be exposed as an elaborate charade or that there has been more 'revisionism' than we could ever imagine?
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Post08 Oct 2007

Or are they trying to build a Kingdom, in waiting for the present day governments to hand over the rule of the world to them.
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"This forum is not directly run by the BKWSO"

Post08 Oct 2007

First, my apologies to BKVijay, Mitra and the others. I only offer this posting as evidence that the Brahmakumaris World Spiritual Organisation always knew as did their members that this site was not run by them. They also were aware that certain individuals came here to create trouble, and that this was not supported by "all" BKs.

Secondly, this shows that not all BKs support the SUPPRESSION OF FREE SPEECH
Mitra wrote:"I personally believe that everyone has got the right to speak and express their thoughts. ".

I would hope that this might serve as evidence to those that make the decisions, that this is about an individuals right to FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION and FREEDOM OF FREE ASSOCIATION. To hand this site over to BK Hansa (and like minded individuals) would be to declare MARSHALL LAW not only AMERICA but on the WORLD WIDE WEB. It would also serve to intimidate non-military individuals with military threat, otherwise why throw in the "Colonel" bit connection with the US ARMY and in a similar fashion as the threat made on journalist Chin using the Pentagon and the US Embassy in order to silence him (which was posted on this very forum).

This case clearly has higher implications and if others on the WWW don't see it, they may see it when it is too late. A 'dot info' site is to serve as an information service, which we know that the BKs simply do not provide to their members or potential recruits and God forbid their families and friends. Imagine where the Protestants would be if the Holy Bible was still kept only by the Catholic Church, or if the Jewish Faith had claimed the "Old Testament" as their copy right material. The Om Mandali, Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Visha Vidyalaya, Raja Yoga, Brahma Kumaris Word Spiritual Organization, or what ever they are calling themselves these days need to know they cannot stop someone's right to worship as they see fit. It is simply wrong.

Their obsession with the suppression of the PBKs and the other break away groups only shows they are motivated by fear, and desperation to control other human beings right to access information which is the mission of this site(BrahmaKumaris.info is a wholly independent, not-for-profit, information service documenting the work, beliefs and lifestyle of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization (BKWSU), organizers of BK Raja Yoga Centers.). This site has shown a tolerance for other's religious views, as have other sites that acknowledge their existence such as http://www.wikipedia.org. Is this Golden Age, really the OPPRESSION AGE?

If they are successful in silencing this site via legal action, I will make it my mission in life to let every congregation, denomination and belief system see that this act was as violent an act as if they had beaten us physically. Mentally we bare the wounds. What kind of women's organisation would seek to oppress and silence people in the open discussion of religious beliefs.

One of the greatest possessions a person has is their voice, their God given right to speak their mind, no matter what their economic position. That is why throughout time, a person's "word" held such value and honor. The BKs seek to take that from us, as surely as robbing us of our right to exist. If one can not have ones voice, that most vital life force of expression, which defines us, says who we are, states our needs, wants and desires for happiness; we are being silently murdered out of existence.

How can they present themselves as "interfaith" participants to the world, to the United Nations when they commit such acts. Their filing claims that there are no members, yet other materials state they have members? Which is it? To the United Nations, they present themselves as participants on issues of human rights, religious rights and peace yet seek to silence these very principles here. Oppressive governments always seek to divide, to break the group consciousness and to take away the means of communication to gain control. There is no difference in what is being done here. They seek to break us apart, they seek to silence us and take our basic human rights away.

Yes, http://www.BKUN.org is seeking to silence free people world wide on the world wide web. Perhaps we should send a letter to the United Nations. Oh, my is that BKUN, but why doesn't the United Nations complain to ICCAN as they are using UN, leading people to believe they are part of the United Nations, perhaps even a country, or say a University. No, they wouldn't claim to be a University when they are not! Yes, they do this and the only place you would have access to this information is on a .info site that actually provides information. This site offers information that they don't want known, information on the Child Abuse Report, information about incidents which they would rather keep hidden, information about fellow BKs that feeling tete found suicide a solution because there was no http://www.brahmakumaris.info site that provided resources, fellowship and other services (true seva).

The legal action only serves to keep vital information and services from those in need which goes against all humanitarian efforts the United Nations stands for and to which the BKs cling to for PR value. When an organisation looses sight of pain and suffering and places a higher value on polishing their image. The truth eventually comes home, closer than one would like and harder to hide.

If you don't protest when your rights are being taken away, other's rights soon will be at peril and soon no one's voice will be heard and there will only be silence.

We have the right to have open discussions on issues that are vital to our mental and spiritual health. We have the most basic human rights to free speech, freedom of association and the right to practice our religious beliefs without fear of oppression. I am a human being and I reserve the right to not have my most basic human rights taken away from me. I am a free human being, I am a human being and will not give these rights up without protest.

tete but knowing I am a human being with human rights.

Posted by: BKVijay Nov 29 2006, 03:33 AM

Om Shanti.

I have been observing the events on the forum called brahmakumaris.info and it is now suspended. The problem, however, it seems was that a BK was causing a lot of trouble and was making accusations without proof, the posts were later deleted or moved, yet this BK was reposting and reposting and refusing to stop posting until his demands were met.

It seems bad because that BK has tarnished the image of us BKs on a public forum even though the opposite was his intention. Now any BKs who were actively involved in the forum would now be under the spotlight.

What can we do in such a situation ?

Today's dharna was to not be greedy for anything, and to decorate yourself with knowledge and Yoga and not with physical decoration. Maybe this BK Brother needs to study more, imbibe more dharna points, and be detached observer. I was disappointed that such a result is the consequence from one of us BKs, and I hope Baba will have mercy and compassion. We should also give mercy and compassion to our fellow Brother.

As this is also a forum, we need to be careful too.

OK. Om Shanti.
Posted by: Mitra Nov 29 2006, 05:23 AM

:huh: I also heard the news . It is sad that we haven't [not all] reached the stage of an Observer.

I personally believe that everyone has got the right to speak and express their thoughts. But there should be a balance to some extent.

MITRA :ph34r: Posted by: Mitra Dec 7 2006, 04:58 AM

:) Om Shanti
They have re started the forum . You can access it from

(URL: http://www.brahmakumaris.info/indexbb.html)

This forum is not directly run by the Brahmakumaris World Spiritual Organisation.

But it do contains a department for BK's.

I request all of you to follow the rules of the respective forums including this forum.

We should always remember that we should keep the respect and dignity of each and every soul regardless of their stand .

MITRA :rolleyes: end
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Post08 Oct 2007

Domain Dispute Update
National Arbitration Forum wrote:The Respondent requested that Respondent be allowed additional time to respond to the Complaint and submitted information in support of this request. Complainant consented to Respondent’s request.

The National Arbitration Forum finds that extenuating circumstances exist warranting an extension and hereby grants Respondent an extension until 10/30/2007 to submit the response.

In short, we have requested and been granted an extension until the 30th of October in order to put in our defence. After the 30th, the forum will still be active for, perhaps, another month.

We have sought, and received, professional legal advice from specialists in the fields of trademarks and domain disputes, and have been told that we have a strong case to defend. Therefore, we are continuing to do so. Further more, if successful we have been told that under US Law we can seek damages for "reverse domain name hijacking".

All members will be informed in time of any necessary changes but at present we are quite confident of the outcome. We have also been advised that if the Colonel Hansa Raval's attempt fails, it is possible in the USA to sue for damages in cases of "reverse domain hijacking".

The basis of the Colonel Hansa Raval's attempt is being made on the grounds that;
    • the BKWSU is a business with no members
    • that such words as "Brahma Kumaris" or "BKWSU" are trademarks owned by the US branch of the BKWSO
    • that we have no connection with the BKWSU
    • that this site is for commercial gain by sending individuals to their "business competitors" such as the PBKs
    • that we display numerous weblinks unrelated to the BKWSO's "products and services"
    • and are attempting to disrupte their charitable work.
We will shortly be sending out an email to all members requesting support in the form of email outlining your spiritual identification as a BK and noting any benefit you have recieved or support that you feel you want to give.

We have been advised that they can be presented "anonymously" in the first place, with note of your names or local centers blanked out, unless you are not afraid of reprecussions and wish to be open. More details to follow.

Over the next day we will be uploading the complete complaint for members to comment upon and assist with answering it;Thank you.

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