The Brahma Kumaris: Spiritualism and Channeling

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Post16 Apr 2007

celticgyan wrote:Are the PBKs saying that the evil souls have to enter BKs themselves and be controlled by BKs? That's a new one on me - an evil Soul wouldn't go near a BK or PBK - it would be like a football hooligan going on holiday to a monastery!

I think that we would have to define "evil souls". I don't think that is exactly what the PBKs say/think. But if you consider for a moment, say, the Roman Catholic Church, I think that you would get a feel of the kind of corruption that is possible within a monastic BKWSU system.

Such "evil" appeared to feel right at home with life, death and mass corruption [sister in charge] within such power structures. You are thinking of simple low level spookery. I, and I think they although I do not speak for them nor int heir language, are thinking of very high level "Luciferic" influences. They call it the 'Islamicist Influence' but that word has a highly specific metaphorical meaning to them.

However, that apart, we do have report incidents of minor possessions at centers, in group mediation and even whilst BapDada is present in Abu. My interpretation of this being that those lost souls have come forward for "rescue work" type healing via the psychically opened and psychically unprotected BKs or PBKs within the healing atmosphere created. A skeptic point of view would be that they are having a psychotic episode.

I am not 100% sure of the first theory though. It may equally be true, that the BK environment/spirit guide is very powerful but subtly corrupt, like a large predator attracting psychic 'bottom feeders' or parasites in its trail; it may be very benign and attracting psychic opposition. I do not have a final conclusion other than they do not know and avoid conversation on this level.
And of course, we're not even mentioning the current concepts of the Soul, the Higher Soul and the conscious self and subconcious self here. Much debate about ... much!

Yup, we have never started to consider that the rest of the world has continued to evolve and develop outside of our tiny little, inward looking, millenarianist, BK bubble.
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Post19 Apr 2007

ex-l wrote:I think it is more of a question of Shiva AND hypnosis. That is to say that a large part of the practice is not just identical to hypnosis but it actually is hypnosis.

On one of Dick Sutphens (who has been called "America's foremost psychic researcher" by Simon & Schuster Pocket Books ) CDs, he talks about how when we go into an altered state of mind, when our brain waves reach a certain frequency it is the same with hypnosis, meditation or whatever. All altered state, whether relaxation or hypnosis or meditation, are the same thing; and the mind is susceptible all the same.

In my early days of Raja Yoga, I was somehow able to hypnotize myself out of drug cravings using creative suggestions coupled with Raja Yoga meditations. I stopped going to 12 Step meetings and had 0 cravings while in Gyan.

With regards to psychic phenomenon in the BKWSU, I had a nice experience. One time in Madubhan, I think it was Bhog Thursday, I was in the same auditorium as a trance messenger and we were doing the whole meditation thing. I don't remember who it was, she was a big foreign (not Double Foreigner) Sister. Anyways, we do the meditation and I don't care what who says, I use to go to the Subtle Regions in my meditations for my own trance messages when ever I wanted.

So I go into Yoga, go to the Subtle Regions, and have the whole meeting with BapDada and see what imagery it was I saw that time. I don't really remember now. Then music comes on, then lights. The trance messenger then tells us the trance message. She started to talk about the experience and, at least in part, that was also what I had just had in the Subtle Regions. My eyes started to water, and to say the least, I started to have a lot more faith in my own Yoga.

There can be a lot of different explanations for how I also tapped into that trance message. I could've just some how seen the future. Time some how overlapped while I was meditating. But what I think happened was in the region of the astral plane, where we call the Subtle Regions, that was what happened there and at that moment I tuned into it with my mind. It happened, maybe because it was connected to the collective unconscious of the BKs or what ever.

Dick Sutphen and Jose Silva also say, everyone is psychic. They're born that way. They just need to learn how to develop the skills.
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Post02 May 2007

Maybe if you kill out of order as a complete instrument of the one who has given the order, maybe the account goes to him, maybe you share to the extent you take it over to yourself

Maybe this is not correct.

I have not heard about the "locked souls". Where and who has mentioned? It may be just a saying. There are many made up things. I don't know Baba (via Lekhraj Kirpalani, via Virendra Dev Dixit) to have mentioned. I know from the Murli that it has been said that occult power is considered as dirty business.


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Post15 May 2007

Well, it gets stranger and stranger ... this piece ties up with the 'shadow person' on page 8 of this thread. I had not discussed with my mother these events. I, myself, have not been sleeping well lately, and had very intrusive feelings both day and night.

My mother tells me this morning that she now has to sleep with the light on, because of the 'nightmares' she has been having, and she had a 'feeling' it had to do with my partner. (He had just spend a few days up there finishing some work he had to do). I asked her to describe these.

My mum, who is psychic, described exactly the dark, menacing, invasive, cloaked shadow being observing her in the early hours. I DID NOT tell her my experiences as I have told earlier on this thread, (and she doesnt have access to the internet), until she told me her experiences and described the entity. Her description, the feelings associated with this 'visit' and the sense of being observed and the 'darkness' of this figure matched mine exactly. As well as matching others experiences that has been described on this forum.

Obviously, whatever my partner (ex I should say) has allowed to be attached to him through his so-called purifying process is with him at all times and is very invasive to those around him. It is staying (or returning) to the places and the people he has (had) connections with and being very disturbing. This is not God, I assure you. This is nasty.

In recent times through the day, I have had the cold shivers down my back, in the past these are nice and feel good, these particular ones are not. How do I describe it? Just plain bad and intrusive and very unwelcome. Please do not think I am mad, I am not, but it was like something was trying to get inside my head, I had to really focus my thoughts on other things but found my mind kept getting drawn back to my ex, the BKs, this forum and what my plans were. It was not until I managed to control and redirect my thoughts fully that the experienced stopped.

Anyone else having more experiences again?
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Post15 May 2007

di wrote:My mum, who is psychic, described exactly the dark, menacing, invasive, cloaked shadow being observing her in the early hours. *********** until she told me her experiences and described the entity. Her description, the feelings associated with this 'visit' and the sense of being observed and the 'darkness' of this figure matched mine exactly.

Hey Di,

Thanx for sharing these experiences. As a consulting psychic myself, I thought I'd write and tell you about my perceptions of what is happening and hope to describe something that can be removed and changed by yourself as you certainly don't need these experiences on top of what is going on in your life!

I've sent by pm to you info on how to cut the psychic cords as well as some info on space clearing which I feel will be neccessary for you to be able to move away from this dark experience, and hope it all makes sense to you, but never fear to ask for help if needed. I am sure that this info will help you clear the decks so to speak and may even perhaps allow some clearer processing of your own.

For others reading this I wish to share that I have often experienced that when a person/family is emotionally and mentally under strain then we are in what is termed a 'low vibration' which in turn can attract low-level entities. However, our sole (soul!?) goal is to remain connected to the higher level spirit beings who/which raise our vibration and subsequently our happiness and our inner sense of self increases too.

Di, it is not for me to say whether a low level entity has been sent to you from whatever source or if you and your mother have just attracted them into your space via your (ex) partner or not, the answer is clear. You need to get rid of it. You are quite lucky because you are obviously totally aware of how this is all making you feel and think, most people with an 'attached' entity just go into downward spiral so to my mind, you are well on the way to ridding yourself of it. You wrote "It was not until I managed to control and redirect my thoughts fully that the experienced stopped." so you already are working on limiting its power over you. Well Done.

Know though, as you follow the processes of the info I've sent to you (if of course you choose to do so), that if someone has sent this 'black energy' to you then it will be returned in no uncertain fashion to its origin. You may need to involve your mother in the process but as I am not too sure of your relationship with her, take care and know that this could be a major turning point for you. Also some of the info will pont to using certian methods whihc may be difficult to carry out with a full household so, maybe a day out for them whilst you do it would stop any judgements coming your way.

Hope this all makes sense, let me know by pm or on the forum if I can help in any way.

Loads of light
xx P xx
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Post15 May 2007


You sound like you have some good experience. Are you able to post more about things you say on this forum for the benefit of others?
I've sent by pm to you info on how to cut the psychic cords as well as some info on space clearing which I feel will be neccessary for you to be able to move away from this dark experience, and hope it all makes sense to you, but never fear to ask for help if needed. I am sure that this info will help you clear the decks so to speak and may even perhaps allow some clearer processing of your own.

From time to time I have similar experiences. I started with the BKs 22 years ago and it is only recently, say the last 5 years (long time after leaving BKs) that these experiences have started. So for me there is no real correlation with this happening and the BKs.
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good vibes

Post16 May 2007

Thanks for sharing, and to Di, and everybody, including myself :wink:, a lot of light and good wishes, sure they work. Let the physical and subtle sun of the Great Spirit shine on you and enter your house.

I also heard from a special friend that taking baths in salt water cleanses us from bad energy. Paulkershaw, or anybody, heard about it? So, Di, if you have a chance, say hi to the Ocean too!! Enjoy some music and dance in your place, and don't eat food cooked by people you don't trust or maybe disturbed (including of course your husband or anything coming from the center). In all countries, where there's black magic going on, people are conscious about that. Its not just a BK paranoia!
Love+peace+good vibes
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Post16 May 2007

di wrote:In recent times through the day, I have had the cold shivers down my back, in the past these are nice and feel good, these particular ones are not.

Gave me the big shivers just reading about it. Adding logic to the illogical,

    it could be something bad to do with the BKs,
    it could be something good from the BK which you are interpreting as bad ... because you are the impure, evil one ( ... cough),
    it could be something negative to do with his days of abuse left lurking.
I do not have any insight, I'd be interested to know what your mother's was. Honestly though, it did give me the shivers and that is rare. Where is the Vishnu Party when you need them ... ;-)

Compassionately, I try to separate anything 'divine' that might be present in the BKs from anything which might just be a sideshow. But, I think one thread that is coming out of all this discussion is that there is a spooky element at play. Although the spirits within the BKWSU are all 'love and light' if you feed them, I personally am waiting for some kind of turn and 'the them' to around and strike back when things start to become wobbly. A bit like a Senior Sister, really.

No, you are not alone, as one that reported such an incidents I have heard of similar comments from others in other continents. One has to add all those into the greater equation of what is going on. Although the Vishnu Party were just too much, and have their own agenda, I am wondering if what they say has elements of truth, that the BKs are manipulating and manipulated from the psychic level.

That necromancy is practised, not discussed, and conversation steered away from it is enough to raise eyebrows.

I had a little snigger at the "non-eating the food of" suggestion. Yes, we should start a set of non-BKMaryadas ('principles' ... see link);

    never eat the the food or toli (sweets) cooked by BKs,
    never sleep with a BK,
    if you are touched by a BK, immediately wash in salted water and change all your clothing,
    when in the company of the BK, always be rememberance of the the best sex you have ever had (but not with the BK),
    everytime the BKs perform some sin, immediately write to the General Secretaty of the United Nations in order to half the karmic account of that sin.
Being a little bit headstrong and wicked is the best defence against these people. Don't be cowed by anything inducing fear. Love truth.
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Post16 May 2007

Hi everyone,

Thanx for all your subtle support and energy connection with this particular case. I've sent information privately to Di as I feel it to be a very personal time for her and did not feel it OK to post it on this forum. Some of the info I have sent her was to 'teach' her how to cut the cords of psychic energy and also info on how to clear one's space from low level energies, stale and stagnant negativity etc. I also have told her about some specific crystals which she could use to aid protection against the darker energies. These are all things I work with from time to time.

I feel it all too much to post on here but if anyone feels they'd like to have a look at it then please pm me and I'll reply with relevant attached info, bearing in mind that its of a general nature but which I have basically used in many instances to space & energy clear homes and businesses with great success, but I personalise it for specific needs when dealing with low level stuff, such as we've got in this particular situation. Its really not fun at all.

I can say though that Di really needs OUR help so if anyone feels that they can surround her and her family with spiritual LOVE it would benefit them a great deal, as we're dealing with some dark stuff at this time. We need to purge it would be how I would say things at this time. A kind of on-line spiritual healing circle would perhaps be beneficial?

In light and Love
xx P xx
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good idea

Post16 May 2007

Suggestion sounds very good a white magic circle, with the White Great magician.

Love and good vibes. Don't forget its a challenge, though!


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Post16 May 2007

OK, Mum being my mum did not tell me the whole story.

The visits happened 3 times. The last time at 4:45 am. All of these for her and I are between 4am and that time. We are not scared or worried.

The first 2 times, she was terrified. The last time she had enough of this 'nonsense'. Her words. When it happened the third time she went to turn on the touch lamp but the base felt 'strange' so she stood up and turned on the main light. The touch lamp could not work because the metal screw at the top was dislodged. It was intact when she went to sleep. She wasnt scared, just cranky at this stage. So, she went and fixed the lamp, and as soon as she touched it to see if it would work, the globe in the main light shattered. So she said some prayers, like i told her and slept well.
No more problems for her.

The next night I was woken up at 4:45 am. The BKs are playing tricks. Let them. We are safe. There is lots more stuff, but it is of no consequence at the moment. Let us just say there are many aspects to the BK doctrine that the majority of BKs are not aware of. It is not all good spirituality and light.

Paul is helping me get rid of this particular problem, and its fine. I and my mother (and one of my sons) are sleeping well now.
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Post17 May 2007

Admin: Please move this posting to the relevant thread, I've no idea how this got posted here! Thanx lots xx P
celtiggyan wrote:My question was - who are the 'others' channeling ie non BKs? If there are no Souls around other than viscious Souls (according to the BKs) then what is left? Of course if the 'ether' is swimming with Souls then the BKs must be wrong. We cannot have it both ways. I saw a channeler on TV once and (assuming it wasn't a trick) he was convincing and could even channel animal Souls! There are also those who claim to channel 'Ascended Masters' - what are they? It seems either a lot of people are mistaken or teh BK knowledge is at best un-complete!

My favourite subject! IN the next few days I will be posting some info for us ex-BK wallahs to ponder over regarding the various subtle realms (dimensions) and the various beings who inhabit them on a spiritual basis.

Over the last few years I've discovered that the BK knowledge taught to us (and which we inter-alia taught to others ...) is totally incomplete and one-sided. BK Gyani knowledge only offers a small part of the whole story and will appeal to a small minority of the worlds population only. Truth has to keep pace with the modern world I reckon ...

Whilst I certainly do not profess to know it all (and doubt if I ever will!) my experiences of the Ascended Masters and other spiritual beings (AM's are people who lived mortal lives and then through self realisation ascended into the spirit realms as they then moved away from the need to experience the physical body but they still use a mediums - or channelers - body to connect with us on the physical realm ... they are also able to do this through telepathic means too ...) have been amplified in such a way that I can nowadays say that BK knowledge as taught today is in fact only 'a memory' of something and is mostly not relevant to what is being projected and worked with in todays REAL world. (sorry if I am offending any BK here but this is a free thinking independent forum.)

But its very difficult to convince anyone of this 'stuff' until they become one's own individual experience through the reality of having the experience ... so I wanted to share this with those who may wish to look at 'spiritual life' in a different way, be we a BK or not and lets see what comes out of our ensuing discussion shall we?

I am working it! - and will post as soon as I am satisfied with it ...
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Post14 Jun 2007

Regarding the questions that have been brought up regarding the channeling aspect within the BKSWU and even whether or not it truly is G-D that is coming through, is anyone aware that it seems to be universal spiritual law, honoured by every 'entity' in the spiritual dimensions that they HAVE to introduce themselves at the beginning of their transmission.

And if they don't introduce themselves at the BEGINNING of their 'message', and if asked who they are, they must answer accurately. A low-level entity will try and squirm out of the answer but after being asked no-more than three times must give the truth ...

All spiritually channeled messages begin with a greeting and an introduction of self. i.e "Good morning/Evening, I come to you to share with you blah blah blah. etc etc. I am (Name of entity) and I am here because of ..." etc etc.

Why would the BK system be any different? A trance channel is only a trance channel and the only difference is in their abilities to be a channel. I do understand that the argument here could be that G-d is highest of the high and therefore these laws don't count, but I would reckon that they do as we are part of the 'universal system'.

So if any brave soul still has their old 'white's' - head off to India and sneak into a live Murli, stand up and ask the big question when you get walkabout time ... . Then run. Very, very Fast.
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Post23 Jun 2007

You say that spirits introduce themselves and i just liked to point that in the Murli also the spirit introduces itself. i have no experience with other spirits.

You ask, "is this true?" but it is not clear what do you ask about. If you ask if the Murli is true, and you like my opinion, then i think it is true. I think this is the one point where Baba (via Lekhraj Kirpalani and via Virendra Dev Dixit) says that everyone can judge himself. My impression is that Brother John also thinks Murli is true.
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Post08 Jul 2007

I am totally an over analytical person. That's why I left the BKs in the first place, I saw to many inconsistencies. This is a problem I have with New Age spirituality as well. But if it works for you, then work it.

I tend to look at more generalized reasons for psychic happenings. Emotions cascade and then snowball, then our mind interprets them based on our cultural conditioning. Then again emotions have a direct effect on matter as well.

Anyways, I get attacked by demons in dreams sometimes. It's quite devastating. I become overpowered and surrounded by attack and am enveloped by fear and dread. Perhaps my Boot Camp days as a BK has put Yoga into my motor memory, (more like subconscious motor memory) so when things just get to dreadful I always turn to connect with the Energy Consciousness I associate with Divinity and Benevolence. This is what frees me from the clutch of dread time and again.

On one of my trips to Madubhan, a BK from Africa told me about how BKs there would go to haunted houses and just have powerful remembrance while angry spirits would shake the house around them all night. Eventually the spirits would leave.

Looking at the way archetypes effect the mind, what ever we associate with God, wether it be a point of light or a cuddle fish, if our intention be true and our heart also the link should be established. After all, images are just another form of language.

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