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Re: The Tao of the Traveller

PostPosted: 30 May 2008
by tom
bkti-pit wrote:I do not know about the cost for a DVD but I am told by my friend who is still producing meditation commentaries CDs that the cost is around $1 a piece, all included. So God tell me why we sell them $15 - $20 if our aim is to make it available to the largest number of people! Or is it really our aim?

Years long we were using the studio in Gyan Sarovar free for making one master CD of our meditation commentaries. I heard the news last year, that the Brother in charge there was telling newcomers, if they want to make one master CD, they had to buy 200 CDs!!!


Re: The Tao of the Traveller

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2008
by bkti-pit
Although it doesn't resolve all the issue, we must remember that all the money from the sales of the Tao of the Traveler DVD will be donated to the Village Outreach Program of the Global Hospital in Abu.

Re: The Tao of the Traveller

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2008
by ex-l
Well ... at least we are assured NOW that some is. Until we have someone from 'Ramsay, Inc' come on and speak to us in a deeply honest and mature fashion ... who know what is and what went on in the background. It was not clear to me whether it is "gross sales", "net profit" or what "costs" were involved and would be extracted and I see nothing on the website that might make that legally binding. Robin is a previous donor to the Hospital project.

I am not sure about the Global Hospital. For me, despite any good work it might do, that was a bit of a scam by the BKs to get someone else to pay for a hospital for itself. I am left with the feeling that any charitable work ... however gratefully it is received ... was a bit of window dressing.

The Village Outreach Programme, we have discussed, strikes me as more sincere (even if it equally benefits the organization defraying local criticism) because at least the progenitor Dr Vinay Laxm had, by all accounts, to face the obstruction or lack of enthusiasm of the leadership. You can pretty much be assured that something is good IF you face the obstruction or lack of enthusiasm of the leadership ;).

Fortunately, charitable donations are useful for businesses and individuals tax wise.

Re: The Tao of the Traveller

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2008
by john morgan
Light cannot be imprisoned in a cage.

Re: The Tao of the Traveller

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2008
by bansy
Maybe one should ask ... aren't the Murlis good enough by themselves to distribute Gyan to all of mankind, without having to make this book or that manual or this music or that DVD etc ?

Are these "second tier forms of Gyan" aimed for folks who cannot access Murlis ?

Re: The Tao of the Traveller

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2008
by john morgan
"A picture can be better than a thousand words" is an old chinese saying. Most people would discard a Murli if they picked it up and tried to read it. Other grosser forms of service are necessary. There could be an enormous BK population explosion from this DVD. Hope the BK are ready for it.

Re: The Tao of the Traveller

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2008
by jim freidman
ex-l wrote:Well ... at least we are assured NOW that some is. Until we have someone from 'Ramsay, Inc' come on and speak to us in a deeply honest and mature fashion ... who know what is and what went on in the background. It was not clear to me whether it is "gross sales", "net profit" or what "costs" were involved and would be extracted and I see nothing on the website that might make that legally binding. Robin is a previous donor to the Hospital project.

ex-l, I saw your post above and remembered seeing messages from Robin two or three times in the past, so I checked back. In fact, he did offer an email address for questions about the film and said that he would be happy to respond. It seems from your many posts that you never availed yourself of the offer, so I searched around and found the email address three times back on page seven. I think you must have missed it so here it is; Use the email address and ask your questions. That seems sensible to me. Peace, jim

Re: The Tao of the Traveller

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2008
by ex-l
It is tiresome to go over the same ground time and time again but I have the patience. "The producers were contacted" on the 6th of March before any controversy arose and never came back. I took Tamasin's intervention to be the official response. and am grateful for all it illustrated. I found it ridiculous that the leading star and daughter of the producer, who all share the same address as the production company, could not answer straight questions either on or 'off forum'.
Robin Ramsay wrote:Brahmakumaris info is promoted as a discussion site, which I applaud, but last time I visited, it was largely a sandpit for a few people's 'Electronic Bravery': persons being abusive while hiding behind pseudonyms, which is not my favoured means of communication. Any enquiries or comments about the film 'Tao of the Traveller' are welcomed at, and the producers are very happy to respond.

I composed a poetic response referring to the "DISPUTATION OF DOCTOR MARTIN LUTHER ON THE POWER AND EFFICACY OF INDULGENCES" and my imagined response of the Holy Roman Empire or Catholic Noble man to the start of the Protestant Reformation when Martin Luther nailed his "95 Theses" to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. Many Christians were troubled by what they saw as false doctrines and malpractices within their Church, particularly involving the teaching and sale of "indulgences", the practice of buying and selling positions (simony) and what was seen at the time as considerable corruption within the Church's hierarchy.

This corruption was seen as systemic, even reaching the position of the Pope. For "Pope" today and in our context, read "Dadi". The Reformation effectively ended the Pope's pan-European political power (but they did manage to keep their hands on considerable wealth and real estate and continue to exist until this day). Fully aware of the loss, Pope Innocent X declared the protesters "null, void, invalid, iniquitous, unjust, damnable, reprobate, inane, empty of meaning and effect for all times." Most people ignored him.

I can just imagine the loyal Bishops referring to "the Paper Bravery" of the Protestants. What does Robin (click image below - no visible Om Shanti badge to be seen) expect us to do? Lay seige to Mount Abu ... roll our trebuchets up to the doors of Gyan Sarovar media editing suite?

BK follower Robin Ramsay

What made the Reformation possible, and the consequent shaking up of Europe was Guttenberg's printing press which for the first time made copying and transmitting ideas cheaply and widely possible and took the centralised control of "the message" out of the hands of the centralised Vatican and royalist political elite. Both the Reformation and printing press essentially made possible the industrial revolution, the Enlightenment, a new social order that finally led to socialism and democracy developing and so on.

For us today, the "electronic" internet is playing, and has played, the same role ... I mean, how "Taoist" has yours, theirs, the BKWSU's response been? Anyone else had any luck getting a straight answer out of them?

Re: The Tao of the Traveller

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2008
by jim freidman
ex-l Oh for heavens sake, why don't you stop waffling on and just write to the email address and ask a straight question. Also as far as I know no one lives at a production company address, and Tamasin is not the producer. If you really want to know the answer to something, why not ask instead of rabbitting on about no one responding some time in the past. Who knows why, or if he even got it, and what difference does it make now. This is now and that was then. Just email the man for heavens sake, unless you really don't want the answers. Good Lord!!!!! Jim

Re: The Tao of the Traveller

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2008
by ex-l
Jim. I did write. I got no response. Has anyone else managed? Does it matter any more?

The Tao of the Traveller is just another Brahma Kumari service scheme, hiding under the guise of being independent, exhibiting an entirely gray area of privileges and financial and professional interests being mixed up with Gyan, all quite contrary to the Shrimat that they BKs claim to be the raison d'etre ("reason for being") of BK life.

Not quite "20 words or less" ... but there you have it in a nutshell.

Re: The Tao of the Traveller

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2008
by ex-l wrote:Tao of the Traveller by Tinaka Niven

Produced by Australian actor, director, producer and one-time winner of the Australian Arts Award, Robin Ramsay, Tao of the Traveller is a magical journey to magical destinations. Perhaps best known for his role in Australia’s first successful soap opera – Bellbird – Robin Ramsay has taken a book and script written by Barbara Bossert, once a writer for the popular Australian series, Prisoner, and made it into a visual delight.

Tao of the Traveller follows a young woman on her journey of self-discovery, this film brings us the Seven Keys of Enlightenment. Taking us from the deserts of Australia to the mountains of New Zealand and also to India, the scenery is breathtaking and not only magical, but real ... Meditation is the key to many peoples inner peace and whether it is your way or not, Tao of the Traveller is truly a visual delight and if you don’t understand the concept of meditation, it provides the desire to learn about it.

Taken from Robin and Barbara’s own experiences of Brahma Kumaris, a university that teaches meditation and helps people understand their inner strength, they faced the biggest challenge of putting this concept into film.

The BKWSU itself presents Robin as being from "Inner Space" rather than Brahma Kumari, BKWSU ... or "independent". wrote:Dear Friends,

Greetings from Inner Space. Well half a year has almost been and gone I am sure it continues to be very special for you all.

We are very happy to let you know we have a wonderful event coming up next month, especially if you like a good movie. On the 21st of June we will be screening the Australian premier of ‘Tao of the Traveller'.

Filmed on location in the rainforests of Australia, the snowcapped mountains of New Zealand and the villages and mango woods of India, Tao of the Traveller is a young woman's adventure into a world which we thought only belonged to a handful of poets and the occasional mystic. Staring Tamasin Ramsay as the Traveller, the film also features Clarke Peters from HBO'S 'The Wire" and Lucinda Drayton of "Bliss".

Robin Ramsay, who many will remember from Inner Space, produces and directs the Traveller and will join us for the evening.

Re: The Tao of the Traveller

PostPosted: 07 Jun 2008
by Mr Green
john morgan wrote:Light cannot be imprisoned in a cage.

Nor can darkness.

Re: The Tao of the Traveller

PostPosted: 07 Jun 2008
by john morgan
Mr Green, how about a box? :D

Re: The Tao of the Traveller

PostPosted: 07 Jun 2008
by Mr Green
john morgan wrote:Mr Green, how about a box? :D

The same is true of light.

Re: The Tao of the Traveller

PostPosted: 20 Jun 2008
by chai bhai
Hello :|

just registered. I did not read everything but this thread looked a bit spicey from just scrolling down (just like any good cup of chai)! Definitely more spicey than the film which was quite gentle and heartwarming. I just saw it. It was so good actually. Really told a good story that's relevant for anyone interested in spiritual matters i thought. Not New Agey at all. More like a spiritual low budget version of Lord of the Rings! I really liked it. Has anyone else on here seen it yet? The writing is so nice too.